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(*Lunar Endurance - how fast can YOU cross Creation?)
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Revision as of 00:07, 29 March 2005

  • BerserkSeraph/AbilityLunars
  • BerserkSeraph

Tireless Migration Meditation

 Cost: 7 motes
 Duration: One Week
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Bureaucracy: 2
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

A Lunar using this Charm is bolstered by his Essence. It cuts the pangs in his stomach, it eases the aches of travel, and it gives him the energy to forge on in the face of fatigue. While under the effects of this Charm, the Lunar negates the first two dice of penalties from fatigue and continued hard labor, and need eat and sleep only half as often to retain his optimal functioning.

Ox Heart Brave

 Cost: 3 motes per dot, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Endurance: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Tireless Migration Meditation

The character's sinews flex with energy, his legs pump like bellows, his chest broadens, and his very bones seem to calcify - he becomes like a resilient titan. This Charm allows the Lunar to boost his Stamina at the cost of 3 motes per dot, to a maximum of his Essence or Endurance, whichever is less. The increased Attribute counts as natural for the dice-adder limits of Lunar charms.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Strength Totem.

Buoyant Carapace Method

 Cost: 3 or 2 motes per point
 Duration: One day
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Endurance: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Tireless Migration Meditation

This Charm allows the Lunar to reform and lighten his armor, overcoming its restraints and shifting its weight to make it easier to bear. This Charm allows the Lunar to negate, at the cost of 3 motes per dot, the fatigue value and mobility penalty of any armor the Lunar is wearing for the duration of the Charm. If the Lunar wishes, he may negate only one of these traits, for a lessened cost. This cannot negate more points of penalty than the Lunar's Endurance, and cannot reduce either trait below 0. Armor modified by this Charm is clearly under some mystical effect - it flows and curves in ways that mortal armor simply cannot.

Beloved Chitin Style

 Cost: 12 motes
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Endurance: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Buoyant Carapace Method

The Lunar using this Charm makes a suit of armor a part of himself, the plates and studs of the protection sinking to become flush up against his flesh, his sinews threading into straps, and his bones reconfiguring to allow for a perfect fit. While this Charm is active, the Lunar ignores the mobility penalty and fatigue value of his armor, and may sleep and move in the armor as if it were his own skin. It still functions as armor for the effects of Charms, and cannot be removed, though by expending a single mote of Essence the Lunar may, as a reflexive action, make it 'dormant'. In such a case, the armor flows and coalesces as a moonsilver band or gauntlet at one point on the Lunar's person. 'Donning' the armor again is a simple action requiring the expenditure of another mote of Essence.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Strength Totem.

Broad Lungs Mantra

 Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Endurance: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Tireless Migration Meditation

The Lunar broadens and strengthens his lungs, greatly enhancing their capacity. While this Charm is active, the Lunar can hold his breath for Stamina x 10 minutes (instead of the standard Stamina x 30 seconds) without ill effect. This allows the Lunar to function at great length underwater, or in places with no air at all. However, it does not protect him from suffocation should he run out of air - it merely makes it harder for him to do so.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Strength Totem.

Plague-Surmounting Purity Shintai

 Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Endurance: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Tireless Migration Meditation

The Lunar floods his immune system with adaptive Essence, his body becoming nearly impervious to disease, toxins, narcotics, and other baleful effects. While this Charm is active, the Lunar converts his Stamina dice to automatic successes on all rolls to resist disease, toxins, intoxicants, and similar objects. This Charm offers lessened protection against large-scale diseases such as the Contagion - it merely adds bonus dice equal to the Lunar's Stamina in these cases.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Strength Totem.

Implacable Auroch Stride

 Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Endurance: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Broad Lungs Mantra, Plague-Surmounting Purity Shintai

A Lunar using this Charm is the very essence of driven. His stride is powerful and rhythmic, his heart beat slows, his breath nearly halts - he crosses Creation with all the certainty of the Sun itself. While this Charm is active, the Lunar does not tire. He need only sleep moments and eat the barest of crumbs to survive. He may go (Stamina) hours between breaths. His Essence sustains him - no amount of labor will stop him, no amount of distance will disuade him. However, this Stamina does come with a drawback - it is an insular, patient thing. A Lunar under the effects of this Charm barely recognizes external forces, and offers only terse, one or two word statements in conversations. His pain response is similarly dulled - it takes him about a minute to realize he's been injured, though he may defend himself as normal. Lunars under the effects of this Charm are driven to move - they must roll Willpower (against a difficulty of their own Stamina) to remain in any one place for more than an hour, and will pace nervously if confined.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Strength Totem.
