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Theorick was born twenty-five years ago in the city-state Ravishna. His hometown was small, as the Varangian city-states went, but it was located on the banks of a sacred river, and was considered a most auspicious place to live. When he was born, his family's astrologer declared that he was favored by the powers that enforce the law, and that he was destined to become a constable of the city. This pleased Theorick's family well, for they were descended from a long line of crusaders and saint-warriors.

Theorick's childhood was a happy and uneventful one. His parents loved him very much, and he did his best to please them. He also became good friends with Rose Sky, his family's astrologer, who had drawn up his horoscope on the day of his birth. From Sky, he learned how to observe the movement of the heavens, and what the conjunctions of certain stars might mean. When he was old enough, he began learning how to fight both the sword and the club, and he amused Sky by showing off what he had learned at his daily weapons drill.

As soon as he was old enough, Theorick began to be instructed in the Wheel of the Law, the ancient codes and strictures that provide order for the people of Ravishna. He learned how to identify a law-breaker, and the proper and appropriate ways in which the guilty were to be punished. The day he was invested as an officer of the law was the proudest day of his life, and he made his parents giddy with joy. As he was commenced with the other officers of his class, Theorick thought he could see Rose Sky towards the rear, smiling at him.

Theorick made an able constable, doing his part to keep the streets free from crime and the people of his city safe. He became well-known to the people on his beat, and he became popular with the folk he protected. There was always a mug of wine waiting for him at the tavern, and when he got home, his mother would have a well-cooked meal ready. It was a good life, one that Theorick could have enjoyed for the rest of his days. But Heaven's plan was only just beginning to unfold around him.

It was only a few months ago that the creature calling itself 'The Lord of Iron and Shadow' rode into town in the company of a hundred walking dead men. The people of Ravishna were informed, in no uncertain terms, that their city-state belonged to the First and Forsaken Lion, and that a shadowland would be raised around their city to make passage between Creation and the Underworld more accessible.

The mayor of Ravishna tried to protest, and tried to negotiate with the Iron Lord. For his trouble, he was decapitated on the spot, and his ghost bound into a small amulet of crystal and nacre. The constables could only watch as the Iron Lord glutted himself on the mayor's blood, and Theorick burned with righteous anger at this outrage.

It was at that moment that, for a split second, the noonday sun shone down in the middle of the night. "Your duty calls you," said the voice of the Sun in Theorick's mind. "Banish the unclean one." Trusting wholly within the Unconquered Sun, Theorick strode into the square and demanded that the Iron Lord leave Ravishna, never to return. The Iron Lord mocked Theorick's bravery, but his laughter died when Theorick's skin turned aside his daiklave as though it were bamboo.

Then, Theorick's Caste Mark blazed into being, destroying the dead and blinding the Iron Lord with its magnificence. As the Iron Lord cowered, Theorick freed the ghost of his mayor, sending him on to his next life. He declared that Ravishna was free, now and forever, and that the First and Forsaken Lion could come himself if he wished to have it. The Iron Lord swore vengeance, even as turned and fled for his life.

The people of Ravishna cheered, and Theorick was celebrated as a hero. When the revelries had died down, he was approached by Rose Sky. Sky told him that he had been waiting for this moment, that it had been ordained the night Theorick was born. Sky revealed that he was one of Jupiter's Chosen, one of the long-lost Sidereal Exalted, and he had been sent to nurture Theorick until his destined time had arrived. Sky gave Theorick the treasures he had held in trust: the orichalcum daiklave known as Sunfire, and the orichalcum-embossed breastplate, which bore the name Goldguard.

With these items, Sky said, came a great duty. The Sun had Chosen Theorick to be one of His priests. The Sun admonished Theorick to seek out the unhallowed dead, and to deliver unto them the Sun's final judgement. This was his true duty, under Heaven. And so, Theorick took his leave of his beloved hometown, and rose to his true calling. Rose Sky pointed him in the direction of an ancient Manse, built around a lost oasis, deep in the South. There, Theorick was able to set up a permenant base of operations. Now, he travels throughout the South, offering his services as an itinerant ghost-hunter. Though he tries to keep his Exalted nature secret, already the stories of the ghost-hunting Anathema have reached the ears of the Wyld Hunt. It will not be long before he must contend with the Immaculate Order. But Theorick's faith in the Sun is unshakeable, and this thing, too, shall pass in its time.

Image: Theorick is a well-built man in his prime. His short, curly hair is bleached blonde, and he wears a neatly-trimmed fringe beard around his square jaw. His skin is dark mocha-brown, and his eyes are a soft gray-blue, reflecting his Varangian heritage. He dresses in simplistic clothing, tending to eschew things of luxury. He keeps his orichalcum equipment under a heavy cloak, trying to maintain a low profile. But when it comes time for him to act as the Sun's sacred saint-warrior, he is able to throw off his cloak to strike fear into the hearts of the Sun's enemies. Theorick is zealous and eager, but he does try to comport himself as befits one of the Sun's priests. He tends to eschew intoxicants, and eats no meat, preferring simple repast.


Name: Theorick
Nature: Paragon
Caste: Zenith
Anima: A golden, winged lion with a mane of brilliant golden fire and wings of silvered bronze.

Strength 4 (Burly), Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 (Enduring)
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Favored Abilities: Melee 5, Endurance 4, Presence 2, Resistance 3, Survival 1, Investigation 2, Medicine 1, Athletics 2, Dodge 3
Abilities: Brawl 1, Occult 1, Awareness 1, Linguistics 1 (Flametongue, Riverspeak), Ride 1

Backgrounds: Artifact 3 (orichalcum daiklave, orichalcum breastplate), Manse 2 (Fountain-Summoning Gem), Resources 1, Allies 1 (Rose Sky, Secrets Caste Sidereal)

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 1, Valor 3
Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion
Advantages: Willpower 6, Essence 3 (Personal 15, Peripheral 37)

Charms: Retrieve the Fallen Weapon, Iron Raptor Technique, Edge of Morning Sunlight, Corona of Radience, Ox-Body Technique (+1 -1 HL, +2 -2 HL), Empty Stomach Fasting Meditation, Essence Gathering Temper, Willpower Enhancing Spirit, Body Mending Meditation, Reed In The Wind, Shadow Over Water

Merits: Priest +6, Destiny +2, Lucky +2
Flaws: Known Anathema -3, Vice -3 (-6 Compassion dice when dealing with lawbreakers), Unbidden Oracle -1, Rival -3 (Iron Lord, Midnight Caste Abyssal)
