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Session Notes/Synopsies

Session 1

  • Working on passeger ship
  • Attacked by Pirates
  • Solars kill Pirates easily
  • Solars steal ship and sail back to Pirate base
  • Trick some Pirates into going and getting Third Dawn
  • Take over Pirate Base and remaining Pirates
  • Take a trip to Island of the Kame to visit Pirate Port.

Session 2

  • Arrive at Island of Kame
  • Jan Vutch goes to have fun
  • Other two try to recruit pirates
  • Jan gets back
  • Recruit entire pirate crew
  • Jan beats captain in fight
  • go to steal Lemon Trees
  • Found and looted Solar Grave
  • Crey angered a ghost
  • Found new map
  • Accidentally activated a giant statue of the UCS
  • Ran away
  • Pirates brought Third Dawn in.
  • he gave up info about sage that was on boat.
  • Agreed to work for them
  • Eclipse Sworn to be loyal to them and tell them the truth
  • Sage got off at Asure Spire
  • Sent Pirates to find out more about him
  • Kutsuragi recognised new map as the Isle of Shadows
  • the PCs set off to sail to it

Session 3

  • Jan builds fishing pole
  • Accidentally catches a giant sea serpent
  • Convince Sea serpent that they are...Men...OF THE SEA!
  • Sea Serpent goes away
  • Stop at town to get supplies
  • Crey invents Extereme Potion beverage
  • Crey gets lots of money
  • A Land Boat of Shark Fae arrive to kidnap townspeople
  • The PCs kill them all and sink their boat.
  • Arrive at Isle of Shadows
  • Discover Deathlord's tower
  • Leave quickly (after taking a few things)
  • Get pack to Secret Pirate Base
  • Find that minions have been beaten by Sea Sage
  • Go after him
  • Find him in a solar tomb protected by demon spiders
  • Defeat demon spiders with some difficulty
  • Find Sea Sage trussed up in spider webs
  • Grin evilly and take him back to the Secret Pirate Base

Session 4

  • Find a Relaxed Dolphin Ship on way back
  • Pirate it under flag of The Red Noble
  • Jan Vutch gets attacked by seagulls
  • Engage in fight scene
  • end up getting three new Solar Crew members and the safe
  • arrive back at the Island
  • Interrogate Sea Sage
  • Discover how map works
  • Go to isle of Invinceable Willow
  • Discover information about island (People are dissapearing)
  • Travel to secret base
  • get attacked by unknown things on way
  • get into secret base
  • Disable robot guards
  • explore
  • discover secret entrance

Session 5

  • Explore secret entrance
  • Find recording left by First Age Solar saying something about having left 4 hearthstones to unlock a First Age Naval Base
  • Discover sea doors
  • Fool around in the water trying to open them
  • Sail the ship back and open doors
  • Decide to end threat on island and liberate from House Cynis
  • Convince Satrap to walk into ambush
  • Kill Satrap
  • Fake that a Solar Anathama was attacking them
  • Save them from evil anathama
  • Hunt down and kill Wood Spiders
  • Fake up a Corpse for DB Satrap (using a Pig and Monkeys. You don't want to know.)
  • Return to hero's welcome
  • Spend few days researching and relaxing
  • Leave Tatske in charge
  • Sail to next hideout
  • Attack yaht
  • Get into fight with Pissed Off Abyssal
  • Abyssal almost kills Rena
  • Jan Vutch sends her off into stratesphere
  • Loot her ship
  • Burn it

Session 6

  • Travel further
  • See village burnt and airship getting away
  • Traumatize the two remaining survivors
  • Follow airship
  • Find bizzare storm
  • Discover flying mountain in the heart of the storm
  • Turn ship into a giant ballista to fire Jan Vutch at flying mountain
  • Use rope to climb up to mountain
  • Defeat Guards
  • Jan Vutch tied up, manages to accidentally attack self and get a new girlfriend
  • Jawahir convinces guards that she has eyebeams
  • Move further onto island
  • Discover a manse and possible signs of battle
  • Discover three Solar Pirates attempting to leave in Manta-class transport
  • Epic Solar Battle
  • PCs manage to defeat other Solars
  • Take Manta Ship
  • Arrive at next Island. Appears to be mostly rock.

Session 7

  • Arrived at rocky island. Landed on water, sailed up in boat.
  • Met by a bunch of odd rocky creatures
  • These beings are apparently created by a primordial behemoth and served theold Solars
  • Upon asking about Lucius, they were told that they needed to pass a test
  • After out fighting the test of wits, they were led though a museum of impressiveness, to the next hideout.
  • Another Solar has arrived! He appears to be a Hot-Blooded Shonen Anime Hero!
  • The hideout is full of Noth Hounds which are defeated by a Hot-Blooded Shonen Anime Hero's Song of Justice!
  • The path to the next hideout is discovered and orichalcum loot is found.
  • It is also discovered that pirates are attacking the Vutch isles for the first time ever. Something odd is going on.
  • Travel to Vutch Isles
  • Discover that the pirates, while nominally under the leadership of a Dragon-Blood, are apparently working with an Anathema Ninja.
  • Meet the Head Man.
  • Discover that the Silver Prince has sent one of his servants to dispatch the pirates in exchange for an oath of fealty. Suspect that this is a protection racket.
  • Start hatching plans.

Session 8

  • Sent Jan and Jawahir to interrogate the Abyssal who is supposed to save the isle
  • They ended up fighting and running the abyssal off
  • Jan took over his ship
  • Wao Du and Clive went back to check their ship and discovered that any message containers trying to leave the isle got destroyed by ninja stars
  • Naturally they tried to leave the isle and were attacked by an anathama ninja
  • Clive convinced him to do an honorable Shonen Hero Martial Arts Battle!
  • He lost, but a bevy of hot ninja chicks appeared from nowhere and carried him off. One was captured.
  • Kutsurugi investigated the Manse, looking for odd essence flows. He found little info but managed to get in some water tubing time.
  • In passing he left word that he was here in letters of fire on the Abyssal's ship.
  • Later interrogation of the ninja chick revealed that the pirate ship had been docked off shore on a nearby reef, but the abyssal and the ninjas had already made there escape before they could be pursued.
  • After a week to repair their new flying craft, they departed, leaving Jawahir as the new priest.
  • A cut scene revealed that the Silver Prince now knows that Kutsurugi is still alive.

Session 9

  • Upon receiving a message, Kutsuragi took the group to the town of Ten Trees.
  • Ten Trees is a forest of large trees sitting in the middle of a freshwater lake in the ocean. Some of the trees approach the size of Haltan redwoods and the village has been built in and around these trees.
  • Immediately after arriving, Kutsuragi arranged a meeting with the king and his adviser, then left the rest of the group to talk to them.
  • Kutsuragi took the boat out and did some repairs on the wards on the local Wyld Zone.
  • The group left leaderless, the king and his adviser offer them a job investigating some disappearances that have been happening lately. The adviser, who is actually an Eclipse, is assigned as their liaison.
  • They do some investigating and find out that the people have been vanishing when they are alone.
  • Clive sees a kid by himself, assumes he will get taken, and runs off after him. The kid starts running away, through the red light district.
  • After the kid is finally caught by Koval, the group and the kid compare notes and figure out that the kid is a Lunar who has come here to stop a chimera...
  • and Wao Du who was standing off a bit from the others gets grabbed by an amoebalike creature and pulled underwater.
  • several people jump in and manage to rescue Wao Du and drive it off.
  • The Lunar is invited into the group and made Clive's second crew member
  • Downtime is had. Lunch is served and Clive trades a Daiklave to the adviser, Koval, for a fishing boat (the Ziggy Stardust III)
  • Plans are hatched for dealing with the creature
  • Several sentries are set while the remaining population is taken to the highest level of the village
  • The Solars and Lunar go to the lowest level and start shining to attract the creature (since it likes eating essence users)
  • The creature explodes out of the water behind them appearing as a Hydra-like Chimera combination made of black protoplasm.
  • Kutsuragi arrives in time to see this thing attack.
  • Koval gets eaten on purpose.
  • Clive uses his wires to tie the three heads to the trees and each other
  • Jan readies his big attack: Cut Your Ass In Half Method on the main body.
  • All three strike as one. Clive activates the deadly solar energy in his wires, Jan cuts the creature's body in half, while Koval strikes it with his Soulsteel Orb.
  • meanwhile Kutsuragi has managed to cut anti-wyld charms on a number of trees and posts around the creature. He then uses the Ziggy Stardust's mast dropping technique to collapse these anti-wyld things onto the Chimera.
  • The chimera in the face of these holy energies implodes and is sucked into the Orb of Soulsteel.
  • And the village is saved! However, all the pyrotechnics are assumed to have attracted the attention of..certain forces who will come after our heroes, who decide to make their stand here.

Session 10

  • The session starts with "Our Heroes" preparing for the expected attack on Ten Trees.
  • After a fair amount of planning and getting ready, a large ship arrives!
  • ...but it only turns out to be the expected trading vessel of Great Trader, Dirk SteelMantis, Father of Clive SteelMantis, and all around bad-ass Dragon Blooded.
  • Clive immediately hides on his new boat.
  • Dirk comes into town to trade for the local large pearls, arranges to have the cargo loaded while his passengers get off, interacts with a few people, and notices Clive's ship.
  • We discover that Dirk SteelMantis joined the Vutch Clan a couple years ago, via the ancient Vutch Ritual of "Three Days of Doing Whatever Crazy Stuff We Can Think Of."
  • He goes aboard and starts reminiscing about old times with Clive, who doesn't like his father.
  • Clive starts an elaborate plan to steal Dirk's ship, involving having his Ninja switch the names on them and pretending to steal Clive's ship.
  • Kutsuragi comes back from his ambushing spot and starts spinning a line to convince Dirk to be their fence when all of a sudden Clive notices.... HIS SHIP IS GONE!
  • Dirk immediately sends his marines to find it while Clive goes to the top of Dirk's Ship's mast to see if he can see it.
  • Clive quickly convinces the crew that they should throw off the shackles for Dirk's leadership and declare him captain.
  • Clive then uses the mast trick to rocket the boat away from the dock, while yelling out that he finally beat his old man.
  • The "old man", having none of this quickly chases off after his boat and manages to leap onto it.
  • He starts to explain to his son the difference between entrepreneurial spirit and stupidity, but his son, knowing that his Profit means more to him an anything else, distracts him by throwing the pearls off the boat.
  • Dirk, sadly, must agree and dives off after the crates
  • The scene comically escalates with Clive throwing more and more stuff off the boat and Dirk throwing it back on, until Kuturugi uses the flying ship to attack Dirk, tells him where they are going, and then uses the Vutch cannon to toss the ship several miles away, before flying off.
  • Dirk, impressed by this, decides to let them have the ship, while an unnoticed tourist quietly reports back to someone...
  • While sailing back to their pirate island, the PCs discover that the SteelMantises have a distillery on board.
  • Wau Du starts preaching that beer is superior to moonshine.
  • A drinking contest is held.
  • Everyone except Kutsurugi gets drunk off their asses
  • Kusturugi is called up on deck and is attacked by a Bronze Faction Sidereal Assassin.
  • Verbal Banter Ensues!
  • Quick thinking and the mast trick enables Kutsurugi to crush the Sidereal, who shatters into a million pieces of obsidian glass.
  • A fading reflection in a piece of glass assures him that he will be seeing her again...

Session 11

  • Arriving at the Secret Pirate Base, the PCs show everyone around the manse
  • They quickly discover that everyone has vanished, leaving plates of food half finished and such.
  • While looking around for all the people, Kutsurgui discovers that the work he wanted done was completed
  • Searching outside the manse they discover a large number of pillars of mirrored obsidian.
  • While attempting to destroy one of the pillars, several characters get attacked by a lethal rain of razor sharp Obsidian Fragments, while the Sidereal assassin steps out of the reflection of one of the pillars.
  • The assassin seems bent on killing Kutsurugi and impossible to hit. All attacks against her seem to only hit a reflection of her in one of the mirrored pillars.
  • After she almost killed Kutsurugi he managed to blow up the entire obsidian forest, turning everything into a pit of molten glass. Clive heroically prevented the assassin from escaping by grabbing her chest.
  • After defeating the assassin, they continued their search for the missing pirates, while Wao Du fixed up Lightning Claw and Kutsurugi.
  • ...Until Morey Darktide's ship appeared at their dock.
  • While Kutsurugi put his plan into motion, Clive, Wao Du and Jan stalled Darktide by pretending to be complete idiots.
  • Lightning Claw was sent to warn the PCs at the dock while The Eclipse sent a giant Obsidian Ball rolling at Darktide from the top of the volcano.
  • ...Which Darktide cut in half.
  • After annoying Darktide almost to the point of leaving, Kutsurugi revealed that he was present by laughing through a far-speaking device to get Darktide to come after him.
  • Darktide has his men round up the people at the dock while he goes after Kutsurugi.
  • Quickly finding a blood trail from the infirmary, Darktide follows it into the treasure vault expecting to find Kutsurugi.
  • ...He instead finds an Orichalcum Smelting Furnace, and rather than be burned alive, commits seppuku.
  • Meanwhile, the activation of the trap also caused the docks to explode, dragging many of the troops down to the sea floor or the stomach of Lighning Claw's Shark form.
  • The rest of the troops were quickly dispatched or willing to join forces with the PCs.
  • After some modifications to the ships by combining them together, they continued their search for their missing henchmen by traveling to nearby islands.
  • On the way to the next island, they discovered that Hidden Shores, the Resort Isle, was nearby.
  • Deducing that a group of Pirates would love to visit this place, they decided to begin their search there.

Session 12

  • After arriving at Hidden Shores and buying tickets to get in, everyone scattered.
  • Kitsurugi went in search of his crew.
  • Jan Vutch went in search of Brothels
  • Wao Du went to practice his martial arts
  • Clive SteelMantis took Lightning Tail to the clothing optional beach to teach him how to pick up women.
  • Kitsurugi finally found one of his men tending bar and discovered that Crey had taken the pirates here as a reward but then left them and they had started working here to pay of their bills.
  • On his way out to settle their bill, Kitsurugi stole a drink from another pirate named Cresting Wave, who did not think highly of this.
  • Cresting Wave and his First Mate Qyrl decided to follow this person and demand payment for the stolen beverage.
  • The gripping nonchalant walk continued until Tail ran in being chased by a number of attractive, semi-naked women yelling something about shota being chased by Clive who is shouting advice to Tail.
  • In the mess that followed Kitsurugi managed to escape into the main office area, while Cresting Wave, Qyrl, Lightning Tail and Clive got acquainted.
  • Kutsurugi traded Jan Vutch and the Vutch cannon to Hidden Shores for his pirate crew.
  • Cresting Wave and Qyrl saved Tail from the women while Clive got them to go away and, once he found out what there problem was he negotiated a solution for the stolen drink
  • Kutsurugi collected his pirates and had them install the Vutch cannon (after he tweaked it to fire very far).
  • Cresting Wave and Qyrl decided to join up with Clive, who had also collected a number of adoring fans from amongst the Half-Naked Women
  • Kutsurugi then collected everyone to leave quickly before his deal fell through (Wao Du being left behind for no particular reason and Jan Vutch having been sold into slavery)
  • After leaving, they saw the Vutch cannon being tested and Jan Vutch being thrown way off into the opposite direction
  • Settling down to some serious piracy, they discovered a pirate ship poised to prey on purveyors of products to Skullstone.
  • Naturally said ship decided to attack them.
  • Naturally it failed miserably.
  • During the fight the opposing captain did manage to knock Kutsurugi into the water and he has yet to be seen again (although the Manta ship and the pirate crew turned up missing as well)
  • During the fight Qyrl demonstrated her skill at ship crushing and inadvertently freed a Dragon-Blood and his mercenary company from where they had been kept prisoner by the other pirates
  • After the fight, the opposing Captain, Veiled Serpent, managed to escape and led everyone on a wild chase until she was finally captured, interrogated, and tossed off the ship.
  • The Mercenary, Kendrim Rugali, having taken a contract to find and protect Clive, joined up with this group of ...interesting people...
  • The next night, Clive’s captured ninja assistant requested his help in freeing her clan from the imposter currently ruling the clan.
  • Clive promises to liberate them and sets course to their secret ninja island
  • Then they run into a big storm. Fortunately, Wave has a Seacalm Gemstone, so they quickly lash the ships together
  • Then they see another ship out there in the storm...