Difference between revisions of "BurgerSlave/EssenceControl"

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Cost:  10 motes, 1 Willpower<br>
Cost:  10 motes, 1 Willpower<br>
Duration:  One day<br>
Duration:  One day<br>
Type:  (Essence) days<br>
Type:  Simple<br>
Minimum Occult:  5<br>
Minimum Occult:  5<br>
Minimum Essence:  4<br>
Minimum Essence:  4<br>

Latest revision as of 10:11, 14 February 2005

Essence Control

This is a series of Charms developed to grant a Solar Exalt control over Essence flows. While not as refined as the science of geomancy, this level of supernatural skill allows the Solar to control very localized areas of Essence by dint of his spiritual superiority among the Exalted. In all cases, these Charms are effective against any target, regardless of the target's permenant Essence, unless the target is also a Solar--in this case, the Charms are effective only if the target's Essence is equal to or lower than the character's. Even the eldest Sidereals and the most powerful of the Lunars must acknowledge the divine right and rank wielded by the Solars armed with these Charms.

Stem the Ethereal Flow
Cost: 3+ motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Occult: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

By expending his own Essence, the Solar is able to create a buffer zone around another Essence user, reducing the motes available to that being for a time. The character spends 3 motes. Then, he may reduce his target's Essence pool by spending his own motes on a one-for-one basis. The target's motes are not spent, but simply suppressed. Peripheral motes are lost first, then Personal, for those targets with the distinction. Committed motes are not affected by this Charm. A Solar may not have this Charm active on more targets than his permenant Essence per scene.

Charm-Shattering Bolt
Cost: 8 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Occult: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Stem the Ethereal Flow

With an imperious gesture, the Solar creates a searing beam of golden light. This beam does not strike the target's flesh, but rather his Essence, damaging the delicate structure of his spiritual being. This trauma injures the target's Essence, preventing him from using certain Charms until the spiritual damage heals.
When Charm-Shattering Bolt is activated, the Solar chooses a single target and rolls Dexterity + Archery or Thrown. The beam of light cannot be parried without a perfect defense, but may be dodged normally. If the target fails to defend against the beam, the character rolls his Occult + Essence resisted by the target's Willpower. Each net success allows the Solar to disable one of the target's Charms, provided each Charm does not have an Essence minimum that exceeds the total number of net successes rolled.
Once the Charm's duration ends, all suppressed Charms return at the end of the scene.

Orichalcum Seal of Reproach
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One day
Type: Simple
Minimum Occult: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Charm-Shattering Bolt

By means of this Charm, the Solar is able to affix a golden seal of reproach upon the Essence of his target. Creation itself recognizes this seal, and the Essence of the world refuses to flow for one who has earned such a grave rebuke.
When this Charm is activated, the character rolls his Willpower + Essence. This roll has varying effects, based upon the target. Against heroic mortals, Mountain Folk, God-Blooded, Infernal Exalted, ghosts and demons, a single success is enough to completely and perfectly prevent the target from spending or regaining Essence in any way, regardless of the target's Essence; Solar Half-Caste, by means of their nobler heritage, require two successes to be affected. Mortals, be they alive, dead, or half-god, are cowed by the Solar's Exalted might, while the prisoners of Malfeas and their Chosen are made to observe the terms of their contracts of incarceration, as enforced by the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun. The Jadeborn are also easily cowed, in recognition of the Great Geas and their subservience to the Exalted.
Against Dragon-Blooded, raksha, and elementals, the Solar gains three bonus successes. Against Sidereal Exalted, Dragon Kings, and Celestial gods between Essence 1 and 5, the Solar gains two bonus successes. Against Lunar Exalted, Alchemical Exalted, and Celestial gods between Essence 6 and 8, the Solar gains one bonus success. Against Solar Exalted and Abyssal Exalted, the Solar gains no bonus successes. The character must exceed the target's Essence to stop his Essence flow. If successful, the target loses all access to his Essence completely. Exalts retain the basic benefits of their Exalted nature--faster healing, resistance to lethal damage, the ability to stunt, and so forth--but cannot activate Charms, flare their anima, or activate any of their anima abilities. Sorcery, necromancy, Sidereal astrology, and Lunar shapeshifting are all likewise stymied. For all intents and purposes, Exalts affected by this Charm should be considered heroic mortals.
Raksha may only be affected by this Charm if they are in Creation under an Assumption-type Charm. This Charm does not work in Rakshastan or a Freehold, nor does it have any effect on a raksha's ability to use shaping actions or spend gossamer (including to power those Charms that have only a gossamer or mutation point cost). Spirits of any kind may be affected normally, but the Solar requires some means of perceiving unmanifested spirits to affect them in that state. Use of this Charm in Yu Shan without demonstrable cause is a Severity 2 offense (or possibly higher for more powerful and influential divinities).
The seal affixed by this Charm is visible to all spirits and to any effect that allows the detection of Essence, such as All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight. Anyone who sees the seal will instinctively recognize it and its purpose. Orichalcum Seal of Reproach lasts for a number of days equal to the Solar's permenant Essence, and cannot be undone by any effect less potent than Adamant Countermagic. The motes remain committed for the Charm's duration to maintain the seal, unless the Solar chooses to end the Charm early.

Incandescence of Daylight Radiance
Cost: 12 motes, 2 Willpower, 1 health level
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Occult: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Orichalcum Seal of Reproach

By means of this Charm, the Solar is able to flood the space around him with powerful Solar Essence, preventing all other forms of Essence from operating within the Charm's area of effect. All must bow to the Solar, who is first among the Exalted, and utilize their own magical blessings only at his sufferance.
Once the Charm is activated, the Solar's anima roars to its full iconic splendor and remains that way for the Charm's duration. Within a 30' circle centered on the Solar, no Essence of any kind may be spent. Similarly, effects generated by Essence fail as soon as they come within the warded circle. If he chooses, the Solar may permit certain others to use Essence by naming them when the Charm is activated. He may freely permit or deny any Essence use by any number of targets at any time as a reflexive action. Similarly, artifacts have their attunement suppressed when brought within the circle, making them nonfunctional. Hearthstones are also rendered inert (although Hearthstones from a Solar-aspected Manse function normally). However, in order to summon enough Solar Essence to create the effect, the character must be standing within full sunlight.
It is possible to activate Incandesence of Daylight Radiance at night, indoors, or any other place where there is no direct sunlight. The Solar provides the required Essence from his own reserves. However, doing so costs 10 motes per turn, and shrinks the ward down to a 10' circle. Otherwise, this use of the Charm functions as above.

Boundless Font of the Sunwell
Cost: 3 Willpower, 3 experience points
Duration: (Essence) turns
Type: Simple
Minimum Occult: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Incandecense of Daylight Radiance

This powerful Charm represents a true pinnacle of Essence control. With a brief burst of intense concentration, the Solar forges a short-lived connection between his own Essence and the Unconquered Sun. While only the merest trickle of the Sun's spiritual energy can be tapped through this Charm, the energy produced can be tremendous.
While Boundless Font of the Sunwell is activated, the Solar has access to unlimited motes as he channels his god directly. His anima goes fully iconic, and his Caste Mark becomes bright enough to blind anyone looking at it for (Stamina - Essence) turns. The Solar may freely spend as many motes as he wishes in a turn. However, even the mighty flesh of the Exalted is a poor conduit for the unbounded power of the Sun. Like a Yozi trying to squeeze its immeasurable consciousness into the body of a First Circle demon, the Solar must contend with containing even the barest fraction of the most powerful Celestine's Essence. Each time the Solar spends Essence with this Charm active, divide the number of motes spent by his permenant Essence (round up). This is the number of unsoakable bashing levels that the Solar takes as a result of the Sun's Essence burning through him. If the Solar loses consciousness, the Charm ends prematurely.
