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The Unconquered Sun's face shines down upon a new day, and the mighty undertakings of three of his Chosen.
Callidora, Verdant Waves, and Zeleny have resolved to liberate a fourth Solar, Irisa daughter of Kenami, from her spirit-uncle.
Unoau, a powerful god of mist and fogs, resides in a Demesne on the edges of a Wyld Zone far to the north.
Before they depart on their noble quest, however, they must tie up loose ends here, on the former island of Lao the Gilded, and on Hoark, major shipping center for the Guild in the Seaspray Region.
Zeleny's liberated slaves must be tended to. The Starlit Waters, Irisa's floating business establishment, is due into Hoark any day now, with its full load of unintelligible ex-captives. And something must be done about Lao's property, before the local authorities investigate rumors of a violent insurrection on Lao's island.
Zeleny meets representatives from the slaves in his stateroom. There are three; an old woman, a weary-looking middle-aged man, and a young firebrand who has difficulty keeping still in his chair.
Firebrand: "These chairs are really uncomfortable, sir."
<Zeleny> "I inherited them. You are welcome to sit on the table, or stand, if you wish." He would sit rather than do anything so undignified, but everyone was different, after all.
<Zeleny> "Now. What do you wish from me?"
The young man speaks first. "I represent those of us who desire to return to our homes, Captain, sir. We can't expect you to ferry us all over Seaspray, but we fear that the authorities of Hoark and the Guild will be hunting us."
Zeleny nods. "A reasonable fear." He drums his fingers on the table absently in thought. "How many of you are there?"
Young man: "About 70, sir. Any help you could offer us would be greatly appreciated. You can understand, none of us wish to be recaptured. I myself have a beautiful girl waiting for me at home, and nothing's going to stop me from meeting up with her again."
Zeleny smiles slightly. "Of course. We captured four ships. One of them is yours. Do any of you have sailing experience?"
The youth looks sheepish, running his hands through his slightly green-tinged dark hair. "Umm..."
Youth: "Well, I dunno about that. We've got people who've done plenty of rowing, but not many captains end up slaves..."
<Zeleny> "Not unless they are extremely unlucky," Zeleny agrees. "Some provision will be made. How scattered, geographically-speaking, are your people?"
Youth: "We've done some work, with the help of your map... helper... guy." He is presumably referring to Monk. "It would be a long trip, to go 'round to all the islands. Many months."
Zeleny nods thoughtfully. "I will consider how best to help you."
<Zeleny> "But I will provide you with the means to get yourselves home."
The youth bows gratefully, a wide smile plastered across his face.
<Zeleny> He turns to the middle-aged man. "And what do you require, sir?"
The tired man speaks next. "Sir, almost 70 of us cannot return home, or have no homes to return to. We are the victims of pirate raids that destroyed our villages, or have been carried too far from home to ever reasonably hope to see them again. We believe, however, that we have enough skilled men to start a new village."
Man: "Everything else, however, we are lacking."
<Zeleny> "It would be wisest not to build nearby." Zeleny closes his eyes, considering..."I can give you a ship. What other supplies do you need?"
The man looks less than hopeful. "Well, begging your pardon, but land would be the biggest priority. If you or yours could help us find an island to settle, we believe we could handle most of the rest of the undertaking."
Man: "We could scavenge the ship to build the initial homes..." He trails off, a little lost in thought.
Of course, the more resources the colonists could be provided, the fewer would die in the difficult first few years.
Zeleny has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Callidora Meanwhile, elsewhere....
<Callidora> (how old is Shore, btw?)
<Callidora> (roughly)
(Between 17 and 19.)
<Callidora> (oh, shit, I thought she was like 10. OK, that's cool, change of strategy.)
<Callidora> (for the record, Callidora's probably not much older than that.)
Callidora two door to the cabin flies open, and two young women march in.
Callidora The two are about as different as imaginative. One is dark and pretty, her bronzed skin accented gloriously by her silver hair - not an unusual combination in these parts.
Callidora Her dress is old and tattered, but quite modest. She moves slowly, as though she expected to be attack by tigers at any minute.
Callidora the other woman's skin has also seen the sun - as well as the wind and rain. Worry lines sketch her face.
Callidora But she is young, and her eyes dance. She wears a confident smile - and a dripping wet robe, too large, and draped over her like a blanket.
Callidora after the two enter, the solar locks the door and tosses her cloak to the side. She rummages around for some clothes, motioning her companion to sit down in a chair.
Shore daintily takes a seat.
Callidora the room is surprisingly well appointed, given the appearance of its occupants. It has a small bed, a table, a chest, and a place to hang a few hamocks.
Callidora pulling on some pants. "This your first time out of your village?"
Sura (~f0d11636@ has joined #exalted1220
Shore nods. "Most people in Hemlock thought it was an adventure to go the other side of the island to see Noar."
<Sura> (AARGH)
Sura is now known as Zeleny
<Callidora> "Were you married?"
Shore blushes. "Oh... no. There was lots of talk of engagement, but..."
<Callidora> "hmm...well, let me give you some advice."
<Callidora> "Stay away from men."
<Callidora> "They're liars and they'll hurt you."
Shore puts on a sympathetic face. "Boy trouble?"
Callidora snicker.
<Callidora> "Not at the moment, no."
<Callidora> (actually, take back that snicker)
<Callidora> (just take back t he last two lines. Sorry.)
Callidora smiles "This is more of a general point, but I'll be sure to come to you if I ever need any advice."
Shore: "Oh no. You're one of... you're... I wouldn't feel right giving -you- advice."
Callidora "Who gave you your advice?"
<Callidora> "I thought you would be totally naive about these things."
Shore gives Callidora a quizzical look. "How old do you think I am?"
<Callidora> "About my age, but you said you had never been married?"
Shore: "Well, yes, but that doesn't mean I... don't know anything about boys..."
<Callidora> "huh. I thought up here, you wern't allowed to find out about boys until you got married."
Shore blushes a little.
Shore: "Well, like I said, I wasn't really... marriage material..."
Callidora Thinks to herself "I thought people were saner up here.
<Callidora> "You're beautiful. That's about what marriage material is for a woman, either above or below."
Shore seems reluctant to make eye contact with Callidora.
Callidora rolls her eyes. "Marriage material or not, you've been turning a lot of heads on this ship."
Callidora "If you don't want to be spend the next month being harassed by men of various degrees of cleanliness"
Shore laughs a little.
Callidora "Then you need to learn to defend yourself, and you need to get some power."
Shore seems to come to a decision. "Don't worry. I know a few tricks of my own."
Callidora "If you go with the young mr. lech to become a cabin girl, you're going to end up in bed with, oh I don't know, Zeleny or something."
<Zeleny> ("I suggest demons!")
Callidora "So what will you do?"
With a quick hand gesture and a frown of concentration, a small fire, like that of a candle flame, hovers over Shore's open palm.
Shore grunts a bit as she struggles to maintain the fire. "This... this is why none of the village boys wanted to marry me."
The fire disappears, leaving a faint afterimage in the vision of the two young women.
Callidora ponders for a moment.
Shore beams. "And don't worry about Dell. He's... he's trustworthy."
Callidora "How did you come by it? The fire."
Shore goes back to looking embarassed. "A... a wandering thaumaturge came to our village. He said I had a gift for it, and taught me a few things."
Shore: "I loved it so much, I would sneak into Noar whenever I could to learn from thaumaturges there."
Callidora practically minded: "Show me what else you can do, and I'll see if I can't give you some more training."
Shore gives a little smile. "There was a small school. The boys were happy to show me whatever they could. To impress me, you know how they are."
Shore: "Most of the other things I can do would take more time, or the proper ingredients. I don't actually know a whole lot, but it was enough for the village matchmakers to decide I was trouble."
Callidora 's head was swimming, thinking: Powerful and exotic repelled men? Sun, what must people think of me!
<Callidora> "Do you want to learn more?"
Shore demurely answers, "Oh, I could never ask one so mighty to bother with teaching one so meager."
Shore: "It wouldn't be fitting."
Callidora was not fooled. She was proud of her abilities, or she wouldn't be answering a Solar with so much confidence.
Callidora "I'll take as a yes, hon."
Shore: "Oh no, please, don't - I would be much too embarassed if you were to ask Master Verdant Waves to take me on as a pupil."
Shore: "That's why I chose to help Dell, instead."
Callidora "Don't worry hon, the embarassment will fade."
<Callidora> "It always does"
Callidora muses "But you'll need some decent clothes if you're going to talk to Verdant...."
Callidora "as will I...."
Callidora eyes light up. "And I know just the place!"
<Callidora> (scene)
(Scene! Back to Zeleny's stateroom.)
The haggard man, still pondering, mumbles something about "stores of food..."
<Callidora> (Shore has been drafted as Callidora's 'mortal fashion' adviser, and will be accompanying Calli on her raid of Lao's many wardrobes.)
(Ha ha ha! Duly noted.)
<Zeleny> "Stores of food? That's all?"
(Although you two might end up dressed like hussies.)
The man leaves his reverie. "Well, the ship, the land, tools, food... those are the essentials.
<Callidora> (Shore's a bright girl, she'll think of something.)
"Anything else you can spare will help us immensely."
Zeleny nods. "It will be found. I also advise you to begin stripping Lao's estate of lumber, and loading your ship with it."
Zeleny thinks, Monk becomes more invaluable every day. Poor man.
The man grins a wan smile. "Aye aye, sir."
<Zeleny> He turns at last to the canny old woman. "And what can I do for you?"
The old woman speaks last, stating simply, "We wish to come with you."
Zeleny looks surprised. "Do you? Why?"
The stooped, matronly figure fixes a hawklike gaze on the young captain. "We owe you everything. We all do. I, and sixty-three others, wish to help you liberate others like ourselves."
Zeleny is silent for a moment. "Then be welcome. I am honored by your support."
She struggles to her feet, with the aid of short walking stick. She offers her hand to Zeleny in a ritual of agreement and solidarity - most unusual for a woman, in these parts.
<Zeleny> And Zeleny takes it - which would be an unusual gesture from a man, in these parts.
<Zeleny> (Plus, I figure the First Rule applies to old women too in the Exalted universe.)
<Zeleny> (scene?)
The old woman's eyes shine, and a crooked grin splits her face. "Falling Leaf. Pleasure to be with you, Captain."
(First Rule?)
<Zeleny> (If you see a old man, bent by age, and smiling at the bandits- Do Not Attack!)
Inside Lao's Compound:
Monk shakes his head. If he had hair, it would be frazzled and a little unwashed.
He turns to Verdant, tablet in hand. "I've never seen such a gaudy home, and I used to live in the Realm."
<Callidora> (meanwhile, Callidora and Shore gave up the search for decent women's clothes, and took two guard uniforms:)
<Verdant> "Sweet Sun above, all kinds of wealth and this man bought...scented pillows?!?"
Verdant sighs.
Monk: "It's not even a nice scent. What is that, Great Sea Elk musk?"
<Callidora> (dark pants, a white shirt, leather boots, and swords. On Shore's suggestion, the two augmented the outfits with silk scarves: gold for Calli, green for Shore.)
<Verdant> "No accounting for taste, I suppose. Which is good, otherwise Lao would have been provably bankrupt."
<Callidora> (They're pretty sure the silk scarves were orginally worn as some kind of shirt)
Monk laughs, a loud and barking laughter that seems out of place on his small and humble face.
Salas pokes his head into the harem chamber from out in the hallway. "Back to work, you dogs! This palace is endless!"
Verdant chuckles along with Monk. "Right, right, we are on a clock..."
<Callidora> (meanwhile, too shadows flit by....)
Salas looks momentarily confused at himself, having just jokingly berated a Solar god-king.
<Callidora> (ambush plans are hurridly whispered. Giggles occur. aim is taken....)
Unable to decide the best course of action, he ducks back into the next harem room.
Callidora Two silken pillows fly from around the corner, smacking Monk and Verdant square in the face.
<Verdant> "Well, this room will only fetch a price from someone with either no taste or a disturbing love of Great Sea Ellph!"
Monk, being naturally high-strung, leaps into the air with a yelp.
Slipping on a silken pillow, he lands in a heavy and uncomfortable heap.
Callidora Shore's footsteps are herd as she runs away away giggling. Calli doesn't make noise, but its a good bet she had something to do with this.
Verdant slides his foot under his staff on the floor, kicking it up into his hands. He tenses before hearing Shore's voice retreating.
Verdant murmurs, "Too bad Pyhrra isn't with us. She'd have made a better role model."
<Callidora> (Callidora represents that remark.)
Monk shakes his head as he climbs to his feet.
Verdant helps Monk up.
Monk: "Thanks."
Monk: "Women..."
<Verdant> "No problem. One would have hoped they would find something productive to occupy their time."
Monk seems to catch himself, shoots a sidelong glance at the Solar. The smile of comradere disappears, and he hurriedly excuses himself to continue taking inventory.
<Verdant> "I'll have to have a chat with Callidora later. In the meantime, what's our prospects for the cloth in here."
Verdant finds himself standing alone in Lao's silent palace.
Verdant notes Monk's departure and sighs.
<Verdant> "Great, even they consider me as something apart now. How long will it be...gah! That way lies madness, and I will not entertain it."
Verdant moves onward through Lao's palace, mentally noting the contents...
Zeleny sends people on various errands, and soon enough, there's not a man or woman on the island not scurrying with some chore or another.
<Zeleny> Niehan returns from his own task...a group of sailors, and a couple officers, in tow.
<Zeleny> They'd been hired for the promise of supplies, and a ship, at the end of a few month's labor.
Callidora has left Shore to practice her thaumaturgy for a while, and is now searching the palace for alters, sacrificial material, or any other clue to Lao's religion.
<Zeleny> He interrogates them ruthlessly under Judge's Ear Technique; evaluates their character; and at last decides they are trustworthy to trust with the homebound freedmen. "Honest men" was Niehan's sour appraisal. The pirate apparently didn't approve.
<Zeleny> The four ships are stripped of their slaving gear; the chains abandoned on the shore. The cowed prisoners are herded to a small, rough enclosure to await rescue, and the slave compound is torched.
The captain of the hired men looks like a strong man with a heavy burden. He is, indeed, trustworthy, but it is a mighty task set before him and his crew.
Fortunately, he is also a desparate man, and the promise of a sturdy ship and the resources to run it - combined with a strong sense of honor - should be sufficient to ensure the slaves' safety in his hands.
Zeleny sees .each of the wounded slaves individually who wish to come with him. He speaks seriously with the wounded, in the hopes they realize there were no miracle cures at the end of the voyage.
<Zeleny> To the handful who insist, he assigns them roles they can fulfill.
<Zeleny> At last, he corners Salas Toad in a slow moment.
Salas wipes his flushed forehead. "Aye, Cap'n?"
Zeleny looks very serious. "We are acquiring another vessel. I will stay with the Brilliance, but... I have relied upon your for countless things. Without you, the Brilliance would have been sunk a dozen times over. And my question is, do you wish the captainacy?"
Salas looks like he had been anticipating this question for some time.
Zeleny waits patiently for his response.
His face is grim. "I'd be honored to captain any vessel under your flag, Cap'n. I think ye underestimate your own sailing abilities."
<Zeleny> He nods. "What will you name her?"
Salas smiles. "The good ship 'Emancipation,' sir."
Salas Toad salutes, then grasps Zeleny's forearm in a gesture of friendship. "Captain Salas Toad, reporting for duty... Admiral."
Zeleny clapss the man's shoulder. "May she treats you well. Choose half of your crew from the Brilliance, and half from the new freedmen." He glances at the busy stripping still on-going. "And a share of provisions, to be sure."
Zeleny blinks.
<Zeleny> "Ah...just...captain for now. Captain he could just about handle."
<Zeleny> (oh, and that should have just been *clasps the man's shoulder)
Salas smiles wide. "Aye aye, sir."
Salas turns smartly on his heel and heads to confer with Niehan and a small, stooped figure, who appear to be arguing loudly.
Zeleny drifts after Salas to listen in on the argument.
Monk trots up, looking a little the worse for wear.
Monk: "Sir."
<Zeleny> "Yes?"
Monk clutches a few papers in his left hand, seemingly forgotten. "I haven't had a chance to confer with you on our proposed destination, yet."
Monk: "It seems, from what First Hand Toad has relayed to me, that the Wyld zone you seek is very close to the islands of the slaves from the Burning Rain."
<Zeleny> "Really!" He considers this for a moment. "How...convenient. And it's Captain Toad, now" he adds absently. "Of the 'Emancipation.' "
Monk nods, not really hearing. "I wanted to make sure that Sir was aware of this, since Sir wanted to personally escort those slaves back to their home."
<Zeleny> "I will collect them from the Waters, and ferry them myself."
Monk bows low. "Very good, sir."
<Zeleny> "Which reminds me. Officer's meeting, at the Brilliance's stateroom."
<Zeleny> "Alert the others, would you? Verdant and Callidora may wish to attend as well," he adds as an afterthought.
Monk: "Aye aye."
Falling Leaf is conferring with Salas and Niehan, the tiny old woman seemingly holding her own against the grizzled sea-captain and the ex-pirate.
They are ensuring that new crew members are assigned so that each ship has a mix of old and new hands.
Soon after, at the "officer's" meeting...
Callidora is attending, wearing her new pirate garb.
<Zeleny> "An...allly of mine, Irisa of the Starlit Waters, is apparently held captive by her uncle in a Wyld zone. I have agreed to rescue her," he glances wrly at the rest of his circle.
Niehan, Salas, and Monk are all arrayed behind Zeleny. Falling Leaf apparently insisted on attending, as well.
<Zeleny> He glances again when he realizes Callidora is....Well. At least she looked the part. More or less.
(Scratch that. They're arrayed against the far wall, opposite Zeleny's desk.)
<Zeleny> "I'm fool enough to venture into a Wyld zone, but not fool enough to drag my crew in with me. So we'll seperate briefly near the barbarian's island. Niehan, you're First Mate now, and are in command of the Brilliance in my absence. But Toad is in overall command of the...fleet. Clear?"
<Zeleny> He's only somewhat more comfortable with fleet than captain.
Verdant attends, wearing his usual attire.
Niehan casts an appraising look at Salas, whose chest is puffed out even further than usual.
The pirate nods to Zeleny.
<Callidora> (What doe V's usual attrie look like, anyway.)
<Callidora> (other than being a robe.)
Callidora "We'll need to stop by the Court of [something] to pick up supplies. Its also near the area."
<Zeleny> "Fine. That little yaht of Lao's - that can be run with a minimal crew, so it'll come along with us to the island, and Verdant and I will use it to sail into the Wyld. Anyone have any other questions or problems to raise?"
<Verdant> (It's shirt, pants, and then a robe over that. Look at the PG page 110, that's the image of Verdant I have in my mind)
<Callidora> (That's one of the Thaumaturge pictures?)
<Verdant> (Yup.)
<Callidora> ah. Ok.
Callidora "So, if that's all settled...."
<Zeleny> "We'll leave soon. How has the stripping of Lao's' palace come?"
Salas answers. "Nearly done. Everything we can take, of course. We've got all the useful things, and the rest of the holds are being filled with whatever valuables we can take."
<Zeleny> "Then we'll set sail in two hours. We'll want to escape retribution." He smiles slightly.
<Zeleny> He stands. "See to it."
The crewmen respond with "aye, aye!" and leave to finish their assigned tasks.
<Zeleny> (scene)
Callidora shortly afterwards, Callidora approaches Zeleny.
Callidora "Do you think we have any need for that last ship?"
<Zeleny> "Why?" Zeleny asks warily.
Callidora "I would like to sacrifice it as a gift to the Gods"
<Zeleny> "Which gods?"
Callidora "Well, you know I have friends among the Gods. Some of them may be in a postion to help us later."
Callidora shrugs "People I know from home."
<Zeleny> "Are these gods of strength?"
<Zeleny> (by which Z means 'strong gods')
Callidora "They are mighty, and have always been loyal to me."
<Callidora> (channeling willpower on a roll to lie....)
<Callidora> !ex 10
<Zeleny> "You're lying. But as much as I disdain the idea...it is not a terrible idea, to accompany the scuttling of the ship with a prayer." He doesn't sound enthusiastic, but if storms were to halt his freedmen on their journey home...
<Zeleny> And a sunken ship in the harbor would mean that it would be difficult to ever use this cove as a slave harbor again.
(*sigh* Ruin a perfectly good natural harbor... those aren't easy to come by, you know...)
<Zeleny> (well, I can't use it. So no one can! Nyah nyah!)
(We'll see how you feel when you guys get your own island kingdom, and someone else sinks boats in YOUR harbor.)
<Zeleny> "May as well go to the top...." he sighs.
Callidora smile. "you may be surprised captain, I know some important people."
Zeleny shrugs. "So do I." And with that he leaves her.
Callidora goes to the middle of the empty ship with some incense and a lot of kindling.
(Ha ha ha!)
Callidora Meditates, sings, praises - prays. I scribe the name in the center of the ship, throw some incense in the fire, and leaves.
<Verdant> The sound of Verdant's voice reaches Callidora's ears.
<Callidora> (where does this occur?)
Callidora Callidora is striding off the ship, feeling very happy, when....
Verdant intones words of the Old Realm, chanting.
Callidora spins on her heels, her face impassive, assesing the situation
Verdant is standing many yards away, his arm outstretched, pointing at Callidora. Mystic runes swirl about his outstretched arm as he finishes his incantation...
Callidora smiles, figuring hey, this is Verdant after all. But she's got a hand on her sword just in case....
<Verdant> Vines appear on Callidora, wrapping and restraining, pinning arms and legs as Verdant calmly walks forward.
Callidora struggles to whip her sword out and slice through the vines as they grow
Verdant walks past the vine-bound Callidora, not breaking stride even as he withdraws a pillow from beneath his robe and throws it into Callidora's face.
Callidora Calli fails to slice through the vines. She gives Verdant an alarmed look.
Verdant then walks onward, stopping several paces away to turn and snap his fingers. The vines vanish in a flash of green light. Verdant then smirks and walks away.
<Callidora> (thinking....)
Callidora Callidora says nothing, just smiles at Verdant as he walks off.
<Callidora> (next?)
<Zeleny> The ship burns, and Zeleny watches it from the deck of the Brilliance. Callidora sending power to her friends, he guessed. But it was possible another purpose might be served...he closes his eyes, and does what he rarely does- he whispers a prayer. "Lord, guard them, all the Free, on their seperate ways home...."
<Zeleny> And with his power and passion behind it, those simple words because melody and music to the ears of the Gods.
Zeleny couldn't be sure, but he thought he felt the warmth of sunlight on the back of his neck, despite the day's late hour.
<Zeleny> "Thank you." Words as soft and low as a breath.
<Zeleny> And he turns back to his ship, roaring orders as four ships leave the burning isle of Lao the Guilded...
As the four vessels slowly pull out of port, a low and menacing shape cuts through the water around the southern edge of Hoar.
Two more identical shapes follow close behind.
Niehan turns to his captain. "We're leaving just in time, Zeleny. Guild vessels inbound."
He immediately begins haranging the crew to speed their undertaking.
Zeleny locates Verdant.
Verdant is found in his cabin, his hand outstretched towards a block of wood. He turns as Zeleny enters. "What is it, Captain?"
<Zeleny> "Guild ships giving chase. I want you on deck- ready to shred their sails, if they come near enough."
Verdant nods and hurries to the deck, his face set in determination.
The dark shapes of the enemy ships hurl through the equally dark waters, all set against the backdrop of Hoar island, dimly lit from behind by the setting sun.
The Emancipation and the two slave-carrying ships follow close behind the Brilliance.
The captains of the other two ships are eager to split off for open water, but if the Guild ships give chase, they'll be overtaken in no time.
(Executive decision?)
Zeleny holds them together. "Let the Brilliance slide a little in speed," he instructs in Niehan.
<Zeleny> "So that the others get ahead."
The Brilliance hangs back, Guild ships closing fast.
Zeleny makes his crew nervous, as the Brilliance continues the come closer to the Guild ships.... "Prepare your spells!" he shouts to Verdant as the nearest comes into range of the enemy.
Once they are within a few hundred feet, a booming voice, full of righteous authority, echoes across the waves, cutting through even the sound of the wind and seaspray.
<Callidora> (nice!)
"Surrender or be destroyed, pirates!"
"By the joint authority of the Realm and the Guild, we order you to stow your sails and drop anchor!"
<Zeleny> "We will not. ABANDON YOUR ATTACK!" Zeleny shouts back.
<Zeleny> His aura ignites into a golden glow.
(Unless Z has a voice-boosting thingy, no go.)
(...though they see the aura.)
<Zeleny> (Shouting real loud won't do it? Pooh.)
<Zeleny> (hm...can respect commanding attitude do it?)
(Well, I'd give you the benefit of the doubt, but they're still pretty far off.)
<Callidora> (Hey, what's Z's anima look like?)
(You can wait 'til they're closer.)
<Zeleny> (Just looked at the charm. Nope)
<Zeleny> (A golden storm.)
<Callidora> (a quick flash might be a good 'fuck you')
<Zeleny> (/me waits until they're closer)
(I don't think you can go iconic at will.)
<Callidora> (guess not)
<Zeleny> "Destroy them as soon as they are in range. Try to hit the deck and sails," Zeleny says to Verdant, body thrumming with tension.
The lead Guild ship slides closer, gliding through the water like a steel-toothed shark. The figures visible on her deck are armed and armored.
(Fire away, V.)
"Anathema! Submit to the glory of the Realm, and your deaths will be both swift, and in accordance with the Heavenly Order!"
<Zeleny> "Callidora!" Zeleny roars. "How good are you at swimming?"
Callidora Callidora is already busy affixing a rope to the deck of the ship. "Good, you?"
Verdant nods. "Earth below me, submit to the will of the Exalted, the Chosen, the rulers of Creation. Essence, come at my call..." a white ring forms at his feet. Verdant's face turns sharper, angrier as he hears the latest epithet shouted across the waters.
<Zeleny> "Not so good. But a hole in the bottom of their ship will slow them down."
<Zeleny> "Can you do it?"
Callidora "I can get there, but how do I make the whole?"
<Callidora> (would a sword do it?)
(Eh. Got a crowbar?)
Zeleny tosses her an axe.
<Zeleny> "If you can use a sword, you can use a hatchet, I'm sure."
(That'll work.)
<Callidora> "you'll have to come back for me, I'm not fast enough to keep up with a ship."
<Zeleny> "Will do. Send these ships to a watery grave, and it won't be a problem."
Verdant chants, "strike at those parasites who would leech the wealth and very Essence out of Creation, who would see it crumble to fatten their bellies and gild their halls. Bring to these self-important tyrants the Death of Obsidian Butterflies!"
Callidora tosses the rope into the water, grabs the ax, and dives into the water.
The magically-amplified voice has time for "Oh sh-" before the spell rips the deck of the Guild vessel to all 101 hells.
<Callidora> (spirit detecing glance, just in case.)
<Callidora> (shoulda left the guy with the big voice at home and brought a sorceror...)
Armored figures cry out and collapse, sails are holed beyond repair, and rigging snaps with a cacophany of horrible noises.
<Zeleny> (Realm-types don't like sorcerers. *snicker*)
Hal1999 (~MeiRen@ip68-4-106-49.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #exalted1220
The crippled Guild vessel immediately drops behind its two sister ships.
Callidora darts forward like a racing minnow, in her hand the implement of death for 100 sailors.
Beneath the water's turbulent surface, Callidora swims powerfully towards the next ship.
As the ship's prow hurtles towards her, Callidora realizes that catching the ship won't be so difficult as catching hold...
Callidora as the ship pulls by, callidora pushes her sword in.
<Callidora> (no, sword. She brought both.)
(She's swimming with two weapons in hand?)
<Callidora> (she's wearing the sword in her belt or some such.)
<Callidora> (and what if she is =P)
Callidora bracing herself with the sword, Callidora swings the ax into the hull.
The water rushes past her head in a virtual torrent. Grimly, Callidora sets to work.
<Callidora> (should I roll something, or is Z up again?)
(This would be a good time for an Athletics roll, yeah.)
<Callidora> !ex 7
<Hal1999> Callidora (7), 6, 4, 4, 2, 6, 7, 2, Successes : 1
Callidora Callidora manages to hold on to the sword or ax,
Callidora but t he water is moving too fast for her to really accomplish much.
(We'll come back to Callidora.)
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Zeleny and Verdant are pretty certain which ship Callidora is working on, although between the darkness and the rushing waters, she's impossible to see.
The third ship, however, is hanging back, seemingly uncertain now that the lead ship has been knocked out of commission.
<Zeleny> "Hold your Butterflies in reserve for a moment. If Callidora can cripple the second ship, the third will likely abandon pursuit."
Niehan: "We could try and start fires, sir, but we're a bit short on archers."
Zeleny glances at him. "How many skilled archers do we have?"
Niehan makes a cursory glance at the visible crew. "Two? Maybe?"
<Zeleny> "Not enough to do serious damage in a short span of time. We'll have to work on that."
Niehan nods. "Ay, sir."
<Callidora> (now what?)
Niehan: "We're just lucky they're not shooting at us. Judging by that, and the ships they're in, these guys must have been dispatched pretty quickly."
(Back to Call.)
Callidora Callidora feels the whole thing is somewhat pointless, which puts her on edge. Failure adds frustration. The Result is anger,
Callidora And callidora swings the ax at the ship with a furious abandon.
Callidora cursing at the hull as she goes.
(Add a stunt die.)
<Callidora> (thank you, good sir.)
<Callidora> !ex 8
<Callidora> (gah_
Callidora succeds in knocking off a few splinters. One of them nicks her cheeck as it flies off.
<Zeleny> The ship doesn't slow. "Verdant. The deck and the rigging."
Without warning, a tremendous splash erupts directly above Callidora.
<Zeleny> uh oh
<Zeleny> (Er. Uh oh)
Hanging onto a rope, being dragged along through the water, a faintly blue-skinned young man in light jade armor grins down at the enterprising Solar.
He grins a malicious little grin. "Hard at work, it seems, demon."
"Not today, I think!"
<Callidora> (Should I act?)
The cocky youth swings an wicked-looking spear effortlessly through the water.
<Zeleny> (You should defend yourself at least)
<Callidora> redirects her anger from her work on the ship to the Dynast's blow, putting all her anger into a strike to avert the spear
(Yeah, roll to defend.)
<Callidora> (4)
Abovedecks, as the two working ships pass the crippled one, a small figure leaps the prodigious distance from the stilled one to the third ship.
Immaculate has quit IRC (Quit:)
Verdant watches the figure's leap. "Would that be my cue, captain?"
<Zeleny> "Yes."
Callidora's ax blow bats aside the casual spear-thrust. "Well-played, demon, but how long can you fight me like this?"
"Not too long, I think. I suppose we'll see."
<Verdant> Moments later, another wave of deadly butterflies streaks across the waters, through the sails, rigging...and crew of the third ship.
The third ship slows, the curses of the officers and crew faintly drifting over the mist-filled air.
Verdant tsks.
The second ship turns sharply, swinging close by the now-crippled third, and the tiny figure again leaps from one deck to the other.
<Verdant> "Persistent, isn't he?"
<Callidora> (what does V look like right now, btw?)
<Zeleny> He pulls his khatars on. "So it seems. At least he is expending his essence."
Below the waves, Callidora and the Dynast are pulled violently by the ship's sudden course change.
Callidora as the ship lurches, Callidora seizes the moment.
Verdant stands, blazing like a second sun on the deck of the Brilliance, equations swirling about him as he turns to Zeleny. "Unfortunately, I don't have the Essence to power a third wave."
Callidora She lets go of the ax and flies off into the water.
The Water-Aspected Dragonblood laughs casually at the jarring movement, breaking off in mid-chuckle as his quarry disappears into the darkness of the water.
Callidora she gives the Dynast a little wave before she turns to dart away.
As a second unusually-shaped silhouette pulls itself out of the water along the ship's prow, the first figure can be seen bending down to lend it a hand.
The final Guild ship is close to the Brilliance, now; close enough to make out figures on deck.
<Zeleny> "That is unfortunate. Niehan. Fire arrows at that ship's sails."
Verdant frowns. "Two of them, at least. I hope Callidora is all right."
Niehan and one other ex-pirate draw string back to their ears before loosing their salvo.
Zeleny and Verdant can make out the shape of a heavily-armored figure casually batting aside one of the projectiles.
<Callidora> oh dear...
<Callidora> (err, I didn't say that)
There is no warning before a bolt of flaming destruction leaps from the enemy deck to the Brilliance, narrowly missing Zeleny and Verdant.
...but dead-on for a collision with the Brilliance's vulnerable sails!
Verdant starts at the flaming projectile streaking past him. He turns to regard its path, a look half of inspiration and half concern on his face.
Unless someone acts, AND FAST!
<Zeleny> Zeleny leaps backward, turning, kicking into the air. Essence curls around his fist, he streaks forward, catching up with the fiery bolt to run alongside it. He kicks it at the bottom of its length, and it spins in the air, at last deflected harmlessly out to sea.
Verdant shouts back across the waves, "Terrestrial Bigot!"
Callidora swims over to the wreckage of the two ships, seeking to make sure no one still alive on them can go to aid their fellows
There is a confused pause, then another bolt of fire leaps between the two vessels.
Zeleny (~f0d11636@ has left #exalted1220
Zeleny (~f0d11636@ has joined #exalted1220
<Zeleny> (I missed everything after the bolt of fire)
(So, nothing at all.)
Verdant shouts "Captain, another one!" as he desperately tries to bat the bolt away with his staff...
Zeleny leaps into the air and kicks this one aside as well. "Verdant. Can you take over defense of the ship for a moment? Something needs to be done about this last vessel."
Verdant ducks out of the way of the captains kick. "Agreed. Any ideas?" Verdant takes one look at his staff, drops it on the deck, and grabs a sword from one of the nearby crewmembers. "Grab another one!" he says to the surprised man.
(Ha ha ha!)
Crewman: "Sir, yes sir!"
<Zeleny> Essence begins to collect in his hand. He seems to hold a golden ball of crackling power in his palm. "Tear a hole in their bow."
Callidora on the deck of the first ship to suffer the wrath of the butterflies, a sopping wet, extremly pissed of demigod comes flying onto the deck of the ship.
Callidora She promptly grabs a sword out of the scabbard of one of the surprised crewmen.
Verdant looks at Zeleny, then smiles. "You know, I like that idea."
Without their Dragonblooded assistance, the Guild's flunkies cower from the Solar suddenly in their midst.
Callidora knows a bit about how sailors speak on a military boat. That much, the water court could teach her....
(Ha ha ha!)
The soldiers reflexively shy away from their commanding officer, who clearly is not afraid to die.
Verdant taps the sword twice against the deck, holding it like a baseball player would hold a bat. He looks at the oncoming ship, waiting.
<Zeleny> (aww. Cute little brave mortal! Just maim him Callidora!)
Callidora "You're a brave man, sir."
Callidora "I hate brave men."
A bead of sweat rolls down beneath the man's helmet, despite the evening's cool breeze.
Callidora runs screaming forward, cuts off the man's arm.
Callidora lifts her blade, and slashes it downward, cutting off his other arm.
Callidora with one last stroke, Callidora unburdens the man of his head.
"AIIIIII-" The maimed torso falls to the deck with an outpouring of vital fluids.
Callidora "Now, anyone else wanna be a brave man?"
Counter to her intentions, the death of their officer hasn't cowed the soldiers. Rather than die afraid, they seem resolved to go down fighting.
They grip their swords and axes with white knuckles, teeth bared in unconscious grimaces.
<Zeleny> Essence shrieks in Zeleny's hand, and streaks forward...a trail of essence burning across the water. With a roar, he dives of the ship after it, running on air along its golden trail. Talons of essence shaping around his hand, creating an unstoppable juaggernaut of destruction as the Solar Exalt impacts the Dragonblood's hull, in a spectacular display of essence.
Callidora "I'm not a nice person, and so I give you a choice. If you help me and my comrades win this fight, we will make you our elite companions, and reward you with the harem we liberated from Lao's pleasure palace."
<Callidora> (err, that first 'and' should be 'but')
(Eh, either works.)
Callidora "If you do not, you will all die here. Even if the Dynasts cared to recue you" and at this, she gives a little sneer "you will all be dead before they have a chance."
Callidora "What say you? Will it be death, or glory?"
The men look uncertainly from one to another. Off in the distance, an explosion turns their heads as one.
Callidora "I suggest you make your choice now. As you can see, my comrades are not as forgiving."
Behind the fleeing Brilliance, the Guild's third and final ship is raining down upon the water in a shower of planks and armored figures.
The front quarter of the ship has been smashed to splinters amidst a slowly-dissipating cloud of golden Essence.
Screams echo faintly across the water.
The blazing figure of Zeleny rejoins the tower of light that represents Verdant Waves astride the stern of the Brilliance.
Verdant stands there, blinking in awe. Slowly he turns to Zeleny, and applauds.
A few half-hearted bolts of fire lance from the ruined ship towards the Solars, but the Brilliance quickly escapes to outside the Dragonblooded's range.
<Zeleny> "It seems to have worked." Zeleny notes. He glances at the dwindling shape of Lao's isle in the distance. "I hope the sailors don't drown."
All three ships are becalmed, and the third (with two Dragonbloods aboard) will most likely sink in short order.
Back aboard Callidora's vessel, the soldiers turn to face the short, fierce woman in their midst.
"Um..." one of them says.
Callidora "Wrong answer"
Callidora cuts the man cleanly into two peices
Callidora "The harem is gone - but you all still have your lives."
Callidora "Do you want to keep them?"
Now they merely stand agape.
When Callidora moves threateningly toward another, he cringes, nearly weeping, "Okay! Okay! Please!"
Callidora "You see? Now here is a man who wants to live to see tommorow."
Callidora "You see how easy it is? There is only one ship left!
Callidora "Destroy it, and you can sail back, claiming defeat."
Callidora "Who will know what you did? You will grow old, making love to your wife and raising sons."
Callidora "While those who delay will go down to the bottoms for the sharks to eat."
Callidora "go now, man your guns, fire upon the new enemy!"
A apprehensive mumur ripples around the crew.
None dare speak, however.
Callidora "Very well"
Callidora I sheath my sword and descend into the belly of the ship.
<Callidora> (I'm guessing no one argues with her.)
(You guess correctly.)
(Where does a Essence 5 gorilla sleep? ANYWHERE IT WANTS TO.)
Callidora I find an ax....
Apparently thinking better of allowing an erratic Exalt to wander around below deck, a few soldiers trickle down behind Callidora.
Callidora I return to the surface of the ship, hefting the ax.
Callidora on my way up, I mumble in old realm, and seem to listen to a reply. Sort of like someone talking on a cell phone
Callidora continues the conversation for a few moments after she returns to deck.
Callidora "Very well. I have consulted with my comrade, Zeleny. He has asked me to have mercy on you."
Callidora "I will do so, but on one condition."
Callidora "You must pray."
Callidora "Pray to Zeleny the merciful, who spared your life."
Callidora "No doubt you know some suitable prayers. You may begin now."
The soldiers, ever pragmatic, utter a standard Western prayer of thanksgiving for deities of unspecified station for life-sparing in the season of Spring.
Prayer concluded, they look expectantly, and with defiance in their eyes, at Callidora.
Callidora "you may continue."
(Continue with what?)
<Callidora> (the prayer)
The soldiers look confused.
A few proceed to say the prayer over again.
Callidora "Yes, like that, continue!"
The rest join in.
Callidora "Good. I will return shortly. Continue - I am a true God, and unlike those wretched dragon blooded, I can hear prayers."
Callidora leaps over the side of the ship
Callidora swims back
Callidora leaps on board the Brilliance.
Niehan looks impatient. The Emancipation, as well as the two other liberated ships, are far ahead. "May we rejoin the others, sir?"
Callidora finds Zeleny
<Zeleny> "Yes." He assures himself the sailors will find bits of planks to cling to soon enough...the tide would do the rest. "Rejoin the others, and signal the two other ships to split off."
Callidora "You like prayers, right?"
Zeleny sees Callidora. "I'm glad to see your are unharmed....Prayers?" he looks confused.
Callidora "And you like it when soldiers join us in our holy battle, right?"
Niehan: "Looks like Cap'n Toad beat us to the punch. The others are off, sir." And indeed, the two ships were peeling away from the Emancipation, to begin their long and arduous journeys.
Zeleny is starting to get a sinking feeling. "...what?"
Callidora "Well, I convinced some soldiers over there to join us. They're over there praying to you for the mercy they were showed, right now. You might want to go over there and thank them for the prayers - they help your recover Essence."
Zeleny looks at her in astonishment. "What?"
Callidora "Also, I think some of those other sailors are drowning, we might want to go pick them up."
<Zeleny> He sends a baffled look to Verdant.
Callidora "I'll be around."
Callidora leaps back into the water
Zeleny turns to the water, and sees a couple boats being lowered into the water. "No, the Guild's taking care of that...Callidora? We're setting sail."
<Zeleny> "Callidora!"
<Zeleny> "Did she just try to start a- a cult?"he asks Verdant.
<Zeleny> Verdant was the Callidora expert, as far as Zeleny is concerned.
Callidora is swimming to the bottom of the sea. If these Gods were going to be making messes, they could damn well clean them up.
Shore, along with one or two girls from the recently-liberated batch of slaves, laugh and clap at the ship's railings as they try to spot Callidora beneath the water.
Zeleny scowls at them all. "Verdant, could you get that...individual back aboard ship?"
Verdant sighs. "I'll see what I can do." And dives into the water.
Callidora Callidora sees him dive in. She swims up a little to meet him.
Callidora "Zel not taking it well, huh?"
<Verdant> "No he isn't. More importantly, we're going under sail. Back on the Brilliance so we can all get out of here."
<Callidora> "He needs to go talk to those soldiers. I figured he wouldn't as long as he could yell at me instead."
<Verdant> "Irrelevant. Let's go."
<Callidora> "No, its not irrelevant. You killed three dragon blooded and probably 100 soldiers. You need to take care of those that remain."
Zeleny suffers a coronary thrombosis and a brain hemorrhage at the same time.
Zeleny kicks the crap out of the disease. All better!
<Callidora> "You think they're going to make it back to port with no sails? You think the guild is going to come pick them up after they lost three dragon blooded?"
<Verdant> "I wonder exactly what you meant by the "mercy that they just received".
<Verdant> You think the Guild will just let us putter around here?
<Verdant> That was their hastily assembled force. They will send others.
<Verdant> "Now, come on."
Callidora "The guild has more than three Dynasts in its back pocket? I'm skeptical."
<Verdant> "We can argue this on deck. Come on."
<Callidora> "The reaming troops might not be a long for months. They certainly won't be here in the next hour."
Verdant begins swimming back to the Brilliance.
<Zeleny> (there's an island nearby, allow me to note)
<Callidora> "What, so Zel can 'talk' to me. I don't think so."
Verdant turns, seeing that Callidora hasn't followed. "Fine. You want to make this difficult? SO BE IT!"
Verdant stretches out his arm at Callidora, mystic runes swirling around it.
<Callidora> "Think about what you're doing, Verdant. You'll regret it later."
<Verdant> "Think about what you're doing. You're asking to endanger all the people we just saved, for the sake of those who would throw them in chains again, or worse!"
<Callidora> "They could help us! They're trained troops! You don't really think Zel's rag tag army is going to conquer an empire, do you?"
<Verdant> "Callidora, don't make me do this. We don't have the time to argue."
Callidora does not like being threatened.
<Callidora> "What are you going to do, Verdant? Vine me again?"
Verdant does not like being held up in a danger zone.
<Verdant> "What choice do you give me? You risk hundreds of lives for your crazed schemes because you are NOT willing to listen to reason!"
<Callidora> "I think its good to let Gods know they can't always get their way. Otherwise, they tend to go off on crazed schemes that destroy hundreds of lives. You know about that, don't you Verdant?"
<Verdant> "Indeed. It is."
Verdant lets the spell fly, the vines wrapping Callidora up tightly.
Verdant swims up, grabs the bundled Callidora and drags her back to the Brilliance.
Crewmen help pull the captive Solar aboard, then offer helping hands to Verdant Waves.
Shore and her friends hurry over to express concern about Callidora.
The vines fail to dematerialize.
Verdant walks to Zeleny. "I got her back on board, captain. Though I'll concede it was not done in an optimal fashion."
Callidora Callidora is giggling a bit at the absurdity of the thing.
<Zeleny> "..Thank you." He turns to his minions. "Niehan! Take the ship out as fast as you may."
Callidora "No no, this is the latest fashion!"
At her insistence, the girls help Callidora to her feet, hands still bound tightly by her sides.
Zeleny glances at Callidora. The woman, he decides, is insane. He was unsure how this impacted her usefulness, and he will think on it.
The Brilliance skims across the glassy surface of Noar's waters, underway once again on a mission of mercy.
Verdant turns to Callidora, whispering in her ear. "If I could always have my way...I wouldn't even be here."
Callidora stops for a second. "where would you be?"
Verdant walks to his cabin.
Callidora shakes her head.
The moon shines down on the wreckage of three vessels, and the escape of four more. A shining golden path lies before the Brilliance and the Emancipation, a course carved not by the Pattern, but by the indomitable wills of three mighty beings - a triumvirate of the Sun's divine will.