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  • BerserkSeraph/AbilityLunars
  • BerserkSeraph

Moonsilver Lion Mane

 Cost: 3 motes per dot, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Presence: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: None

The character's hair unravels and flows gently on quiet wind, taking on the color and majesty of moonsilver. While active, the character's every action seems more graceful, his every word more reasonable - his very being is cloaked in a radiance that draws others to him. This Charm allows the Lunar to boost his Charisma at the cost of 3 motes per dot, to a maximum of his Essence or Presence, whichever is less. The increased Attribute counts as natural for the dice-adder limits of Lunar charms.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Alpha Totem.

Boastful General's Bellow

 Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Presence: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: None

The Lunar tenses his lungs and throat with Essence, gaining such a powerful voice that others cannot help to hear it, even over the din of battle or the call of a storm. The Lunar's voice is audible to anyone within a number of yards equal to the Lunar's (Essence x 100). This does not mean the subject will understand the Lunar across a language barrier, but no amount of 'interference noise' short of complete, Charm-or-sorcery-induced silence will prevent the Lunar from being heard. The Lunar has no control over this bellowing - it is not selective, and as such the character will have difficulties in social settings, stealth situations, and with his opponents overhearing the orders he relays (Unless he devises some sort of Linguistics Charm to 'encrypt' his communication.)
This is a Transformation Charm of the Alpha Totem.

Roar of the God-Lion

 Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Boastful General's Bellow

The Lunar shouts at a nearby foe with the force of a hurricane, the roar of noise sweeping over them with all the impact of a physical blow. The Lunar selects a target within 10 yards, who must roll Stamina + Endurance against a difficulty of his own Perception. If the target fails, he suffers dice of bashing damage equal to the Lunar's Charisma(which cannot be soaked by armor), and temporarily (until the damage is healed, either by mundane or mystical means) loses a point of Perception. Multiple hits cannot decrease Perception by more than the Lunar's Essence. If used alongside Boastful General's Bellow, this affects all beings (save the Lunar himself) within a 10-yard radius of the Lunar, and deals lethal damage.

Addressing the Unbreakable Pack

 Cost: 6 motes + 1 per additional 50 people, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One Battle
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Boastful General's Bellow

The Lunar makes a speech full of bravado, vigor, and outright persuasiveness, addressing his troops (or, as it may be, 'his ragtag horde of woeful beastmen mutants') and infusing in them a spirit of duty, honor, and bravery that will transform the meekest into the bravest, and turn equivocators into martyrs. By default this speech affects 50 people, but it may affect additional people at additional cost.
The Lunar's speech must last at least five minutes, at the end of which he rolls Charisma + Presence against a difficulty of 3 (2 if he is in a command position over the group or has earned their trust before the speech). For every success gained, the Lunar may boost the addressed group's Conviction or Valor (or some mix) by a single point for the duration of the battle. A failed roll is a reasonably good speech that fails to inspire, while a botch may in fact hurt troop resolve.
If the Lunar can find a way to address the men safely and audibly, he may use this Charm during a battle, but the difficulty is a base of 5 (4 is he's a commander or in a trusted position).

Herd-Scattering Predator's Grin

 Cost: 6 motes + 1 per additional 50 people, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One Battle
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Boastful General's Bellow

The Lunar taunts and threatens enemy lines, shouting cryptic threats and gruesome descriptions of their likely fates. By default this speech affects 50 people, but it may affect additional people at additional cost.
The Lunar's speech must last at least five turns (It's easier to make a credible threat-speech, and the Lunar generally has less time to do it in), at the end of which he rolls Charisma + Presence against a difficulty of 3 (2 if he is in a position of actual or presumed military superiority). For every success gained, the Lunar may lower the addressed group's Conviction or Valor (or some mix) by a single point for the duration of the battle. A failed roll results in ineffective threats, while a botch may in fact bolster the troops - ('He said WHAT about my grandmother?'). Targets reduced to 1 Valor or Conviction in this fashion are likely to break in the face of a charge if not bolstered by a good commander or unit leader.
If the Lunar can find a way to address the foe safely and audibly, he may use this Charm during a battle, but the difficulty is a base of 5 (4 is he's in a position of military superiority, or reduced to 2 if he's actively and clearly winning the battle).

Furious Wasp Hive Method

 Cost: 4 motes + 1 per additional 20 people, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Boastful General's Bellow

The Lunar unfurls a line of reason before a crowd of people, calling on their baser instincts and addressing their misgivings - all to the end of leading them to furious action. By default this speech affects 20 people, but it may affect additional people at additional cost.
The Lunar's speech must last at least one minute, at the end of which he rolls Charisma + Presence against a difficulty of 3 (2 if the crowd is easily incitable - already angry over some recent slight, or just mean by nature). For every success gained, the Lunar may lower the addressed group's Compassion or Temperance (or some mix) by a single point in regards to considering the Lunar's suggestions and acting out their consequences. A failed roll results in ineffective motivation, while a botch may in fact defuse the group - ('It's not worth getting that riled up about').
Targets reduced to 1 Temperance or Compassion in this fashion are likely to riot or turn a blind eye to the suffering of others, forming city-spanning lynch mobs to 'punish' perceived offenders, or to just wreck stuff.
If the Lunar can find a way to address his audience safely and audibly, he may use this Charm during a battle, but the difficulty is a base of 5 (4 if the target audience is easily incitable ). This permutation is generally used by Lunar war-leaders who wish to drive reluctant troops to acts of savagery or remove their inhibitions against killing.

Evocation of Gentler Instincts

 Cost: 5 motes + 1 per additional 20 people, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Boastful General's Bellow

The Lunar unfurls a line of reason before a crowd of people, extolling them on the virtues of patience and forgiveness and driving them inevitably to gentle resolution of their conflicts. By default this speech affects 20 people, but it may affect additional people at additional cost.
The Lunar's speech must last at least five minutes, at the end of which he rolls Charisma + Presence against a difficulty of 3 (2 if the crowd isn't feeling particularly driven). For every success gained, the Lunar may increase the addressed group's Compassion or Temperance (or some mix) by a single point in regards to considering the Lunar's suggestions and acting out their consequences. A failed roll results in ineffective admonitions, while a botch may in fact rile the group - ('We don't have to forigve that damn murderer!').
If the Lunar can find a way to address his audience safely and audibly, he may use this Charm during a battle, but the difficulty is a base of 5 (4 if the target audience isn't devoted to the course of action). This permutation is generally used by Lunar war-leaders who wish to stop troops that have become too ferocious, or to enforce orders against taking attractive opportunities.

Prey-Freezing Glare

 Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Presence: 3
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

To turn tail and flee is an affront to the pride of a Lunar, and so a Lunar with a strong enough personality can prevent others from attempting the same sin - locking them in his gaze, his powerful presence is applied in force, rooting them in place. This Charm may be activated at any point where a subject attempts to 'bow out' of a situation - fleeing combat, using a hopping defense Charm, or changing the subject in a discussion. The target must roll Willpower against a difficulty of the Lunar's Charisma or be staggered by the force of his personality - this will freeze a fleeing enemy, prevent a foe from hopping away (this does not negate the dodge that preceded the hop, however), or derail their train of thought. The target is not bound to return to their original plans (that is, a foe stopped from fleeing doesn't have to turn and fight), but for one turn(or about 30 seconds of conversation in a social setting) the subject cannot attempt any action to break out of his predicament. He may still attack, defend himself, make counterpoints, and so on - but he cannot escape.

Imposing Presence Attitude

 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Prey-Freezing Flare

Otherwise as in Exalted: The Lunars.

Fearful Lunar Form

 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Imposing Presence Attitude

Otherwise as in Exalted: The Lunars.

Visage of Infinite Horror

 Cost: 6 motes
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Fearful Lunar Form

The Lunar fashions his features into a shape intended to terrify others - his eyes blaze with light, his teeth are jagged, his face stretched into an alien grimace, or so forth. Regardless, any creature with Valor lower than the Lunar's Essence who looks at him while this Charm is active must make a Valor roll (difficulty 2) or flee immediatey by the first available (and safe) route. If trapped, the victim cannot bring himself to attack the Lunar, and defends against his attacks at +2 difficulty. Even if they succeed on the check, they will be ill at ease, suffering a +1 difficulty to attack the Lunar and a +2 difficulty to defend against him. Characters with a higher Essence than the Lunar are immune to this trick, and characters whose Willpower exceeds the Lunar's Charisma may channel Valor to ignore the effects of the Charm.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Alpha Totem.

Lunacy-Inciting Perfection of Self

 Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Visage of Infinite Horror, Herd-Scattering Predator's Grin

The Lunar becomes a being of infinite terror to the eyes of mortals, such that to gaze upon him ensures madness, and to fight him is a futile struggle against the inevitable crushing weight of an uncaring, mind-shattering world. As long as this Charm remains active, mortals with a Willpower less than the Lunar's (Essence +2) are driven insane merely by observing him. Mortals of higher Willpower and God-Bloods (and similar quasi-mystical beings) must roll Willpower against a difficulty of the Lunar's Essence to avoid the same fate. Even if they succeed, they suffer a +2 difficulty increase to attacks against the Lunar, and defenses against his attack.
Even Exalts, normally stalwart against the fiercest horrors, must roll Valor against a difficulty of 1. If they fail, they suffer the same penalties as a God-Blood who succeeded on his check. Make this check only once for each scene of interaction.
Raksha find this form strangely alluring - it adds 4 bonus dice to all pools regarding social interaction with them. This does not work on targets whose Essence exceeds the Lunars, and should a target view, and resist, the form more than (Lunar's Essence) times, they become immune to the effects of that Lunar's maddening presence.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Mysteries Totem.

Manic Rictus of Warrior's Confidence

 Cost: 6 motes
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Fearful Lunar Form, Addressing the Unbreakable Pack

The Lunar fashions his features into a shape intended to represent his boundless confidence in the face of adversity - generally a wide grin and shining eyes. Regardless of the form taken, there are several bonuses. The Lunar himself gains bonus dice equal to his Essence to all rolls involving leadership.
Also, all characters within eyesight of the Lunar who are operating under his command (and whose Essence is less than his own) are greatly emboldened by this reassuring posture, automatically succeeding on all mundane Valor checks, gaining a 1-die bonus on all actions to complete the Lunars' orders, and becoming proof against social Charms that would stop their progress, unless the Charm's user successfully rolls Manipulation + (relevant ability, etc.) against a difficulty of the Lunar's Essence.
The rictus is demoralizing to foes that can see the Lunar - increase their difficulty to resist demoralization or intimidation by 1. This effect also does not function on higher-Essence subjects.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Alpha Totem.
