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"So. How in hell are we supposed to top THAT?"
"I don't know about you, but I was holding back."

--Joshi and Smoldering Embers, at Gethemane

"I have...difficulty...being subtle."

--Embers, with the understatement of the year

"I am self-aware, you know."
"No, you are self-absorbed."

--Embers and Asaimizu

"You'll be all mystique-ious."


"It feels like we'll be walking on broken glass."

--Windsong, after discovering they were to perform in a ruined Shadowland neighborhood of Chiaroscuro

"Okay, I really need to drink something that's not blood."


"All right. Smoldering Members will be here...what? What did I say?"

--Embers' player putting on his Freudian slippers after accidentally watching Asaimizu doing the Husband-Seducing Demon's Dance

"Pimp My Coffin"

--Windsong's player

"You don't want to eat me. I'm thin...and gristly."


"Windsong, is there something on your mind?"
"...not often."

--Asaimizu and Windsong

"Guys! The audience wants to eat our brains. Run!"


"All we need are two things: water, and sexual references."


Embers: (singing) "We can pick up whores in bars..."
Joshi: "Hey yeah! Oh, you mean in the song."

"Is it LEE-feld or LIE-feld?"
"It's 'that mother fucker'"

--Joshi's player & Windsong's player, an OOC comment early on that was too good not to share

"Ow. My trachea."

--Topher, as a pirate.

"This is the prettiest man I've seen since I last looked in the mirror."


"Don't. Possibly annoy. The squid."

--Embers on Scary Joshi

"I always say look on the bright side. Or at least not the side with the magma on it."


"Is he drunk again right now?"
"No. He's sober. And evil."

--Mr. Later and Asaimisu on Scary Joshi

"You know, I'd be more than willing to bind your wounds if your crewmate would just stop trying to attack me."

--Windsong, said to one pirate while parrying another's saber, not even looking in the direction of said saber.

Topher: The fourth hostage you saved, the one that's glowing, is VERY handsome. Appearance Five, actually.
Jason: Asaimizu gets this look on his face of envy and lust at the same time...
Isaac: Ah, something like, "You bitch! Do me!"
Jason: Pretty much, yeah.

Pirate: Ahoy, flying ship!
Windsong: That's not the name of our ship!
Pirate: ...Well, what IS the name, then?
Windsong: Oh, I don't think the ship has a name, actually.
Pirate: WHAT?
Asaimizu: It's the Airship of Love.
Pirate: Ahoy Airship of Love, then! SHEESH!

"They're not dead... they're experienced."

--Asaimizu on the merits of ghost lovers.