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Five_Pillars finishes a set of katas, as the sun sets, blazing, on the horizon.

Five_Pillars is stripped down to only a sinple set of pants, barechested and old, though he moves effortlessly through the katas as if he were a man of a third his age.

Diamond watches silently, from out of sight. He identifies Five's style with relative ease, and casually picks out the holes in the older man's defenses--not all of which within the reach of mortal man.

Diamond steps out into the courtyard in that shadow of a moment between when Five finishes one kata and moves to the next. The younger man doesn't say anything, but he knows he probably doesn't have to do so.

Five_Pillars finshes the last kata just as the last rays of the blood red sun set, and he turns, smoothly as it finishes to greet Diamond. "Golden Bull." He inclines his head, slightly.

Diamond smiles sadly, the faded memories of dreams from many nights ago flitting through his mind. "So they called me." His face then takes on the edge of severity, the smile not disappearing, but becoming more tight and angular. "I told you we would talk, and now we will. I'm not here for judgement--I don't expect you to make excuse or atone. I'm merely here to tell you how I am going to act. You may change your own habits as you will.

Five_Pillars says "I appreciate your intentions, noble as they are. But I fear you are too impulsive, too intemperate."

Diamond actively scowls, now, and responds, "Too impulsive? I have never washed MY hands in blood, that much I can assure you. I do not care for the 'situation' or even the skill of your opponents--slaughtering mortals is as slaying children, and I won't stand for it. Should I see you attempt a killing blow against a mortal, you may count me among your opponents, that day."--

Diamond clenches a fist, "They are /weak/, Five Pillars, without option but to fight lethally to their own, all too easy deaths. We, however, have the strength for mercy--and with that strength comes a /mandate/, one that I will not allow you to violate in my presence. I will not attempt any sort of censure against you, this time, but know full well my intentions. I will defend a mortal enemy against an ally of our own people."

Five_Pillars says "You and I are mortal too. Are you swift in your hubris, and so sure in your power?"

Five_Pillars says "And how many lives will you lose, when the one you saved is a traitor? You cannot be in all places. You must act as a /warrior/ of the unconquered sun. Does your heart quake in your chest? Have you forgotten that we are made for war, in His name?"

Five_Pillars says "Examine your faith, Priest."

Diamond responds with an eery calm, "I have spent no small amount of time 'examining' my faith, Five Pillars, and I do not claim that it is a perfect philosophy. Will I be betrayed? Will I be wounded if not killed, for the sake of my ideals? Perhaps. And perhaps I will drag down my comrades with me. Let me tell you this, though. Mercy is the only effective weapon we have, and we /cannot/ abandon it."--

<Diamond> "What are your goals, Five Pillars? Have you thought on reclaiming the world which was once ours? It has become a mean, bloody place, one of cutthroat politics and constant strife. If we are to remake Creation as we were intended to do, then we must do more than slay our opponents--we must win them, and everyone else, over to our banner. We must show them a better way to live in this harsh, dark world."

Diamond says, coldly, "Your razor claws might kill a soldier, they might kill a thousand. They won't win the true war--the /true/ war is in the hearts and souls of those we fight, and those who fight for us."

Five_Pillars says "Would you succor the fey, then? Parlay with Deathlords? Will you spare the Yozi?"

Five_Pillars says "There is righteousness. And it involves sacrifice. Some of it sacrificing of yourself. And martyrdom is easy. But what when you must sacrifice others? "

Diamond says, arching an eyebrow, "How quickly you change the subject, to flee a losing battle! They are not mortals, they are threats to all of us, this you know. And you /know/ that mortals are nowhere near their level of danger. You know that mortals are redeemable, no matter their sin or allegiance. But these facts are hard on you, so you run from them."

Five_Pillars says "Beware your vainglorious pride. The smallest child, with but a dagger, may slay the greatest."

Diamond shakes his head, "I will sacrifice no one that does not wish to sacrifice themselves. We are more than warriors--we are leaders and exemplars. WHen the masses see /our/ sacrifice, they will be more than willing to follow through with their own. I will not run an unwilling man to his death."

Five_Pillars says "We are whleps. Newborn into the Age of Sorrow, and not yet grown into our full strength."

Five_Pillars says "If you spare a man who can identify you as anathema, you will risk all, for which you have fought."

Diamond says, in the same tone of cold determination. "Do not think I mean to overthrow Creation and usher in some new age. To do so is a mission of centuries, one I cannot even fathom starting--but here, we have a chance to revolutionize the lives of those few people around us. Our reach is yet short, this is true, but our sway is mighty. I agree that this is dangerous. It will not be easy, and it may not even be possible but such is true for all things worth doing.

Five_Pillars says "Every man, woman and child, I take seriously and credibly. For in their infinite variety, there are souls as twisted as the Akuma, and the Deathlords, and those who can sit at the tables of Incarna."

Five_Pillars says "I do not disrepest mortals enough to treat them as children, to be spanked and sent home. Beware your arrogance and pride. Or you will repeat the mistakes you once did."

Five_Pillars says "We /are/ human. We /are/ mortal. To make yourself alien, is to make yourself like the enmies of the gods."

Diamond says, now letting frustration leak into his voice, "By all means, do so! Respect them as threats--also respect them as possible allies, and as living things under the Sun. I do not extend mercy out of some sense of innate superiority--I extend mercy out of a sense of brotherhood that is only made possible /because/ of the gifts the Sun has given me. Because I /am/ a man, I care for man--to slaughter without second thought...

Five_Pillars says "BEware your tongue, Boy!"

<Diamond> ... that is to make yourself alien to humanity. That is to make yourself as the fey and the hungry ghosts, and the things beyond hope of redemption.

Five_Pillars says "You /do/ presume to judge me, your pretty words set aside."

Five_Pillars says "If it would be the righteous path, I would lay down my life, without resisting."

Five_Pillars says "And I relive every stroke of my weapons."

Five_Pillars says "But we live in an age of war, and conflict. As we did in the beginning, when we were new things upon this earth."

Diamond nods, "As you say--and take that as your solace, if you must. Your excuse. I will take it as /my/ challenge." He pauses for a moment, then turns from you and says, "I think great things of you, Five Pillars, and from you great things will come. Whether they come for good or for ill, is entirely up to you. You know the past all too well--I adivse you not to dwell in it." With that, Diamond makes for the inn once more.

Five_Pillars says "And you should remeber it, lest you repeat it's mistakes, boy."

Five_Pillars turns, and ins the darkness, assumes the Hungry Ghost position, katas lashing across the courtyard.

Syla raises an eyebrow from the top of the wall where she sits, fading into sight as she watches. "That was... an interesting discussion."

Five_Pillars finishes the kata, his fingers tearing at the air, as he resets. "Indeed." He walks over to the wall. "Overconfident, Egotistical, Arrogant. Reminds me of me, when I was his age."

Five_Pillars laughs. "Heh. His heart's in the right place though. I just hope he can keep somebodyy from removing it for him."

She raises an eyebrow, pushing herself off the wall and landing next to Five Pillars, grinning slightly. "He's like you, old man?"

<Five_Pillars> "Like I used to be." He shakes his head. "I used to be a puritan, when I was a young immaculate."

She raises an eyebrow. "Hm. Lucky for me we didn't meet then, I guess."

He says "Yes. Our relationship is a bit illegal." He grins. "But you're a good godess. A credit to your element, and to your bureau."

She giggles a bit, grinning. "So you say. You haven't seen some of the headaches I've caused doing favors for Soran."

He says "That's his fault. He shouldn't use you for every little thing. You're an important god, and liable to get ... creative, when you're bored."

She shrugs. "He doesn't use me for every little thing. I'd kick his ass out into the street if he did." She grins. "I'm fine with what he has me do though. I owe him, anyways."

Five_Pillars says "Oh? How's that?"

She glances up at the sky. "Let's just say he rendered a very invaluable service for me in the past and leave it at that, mm? Allow a nice young woman her own secrets."

Five_Pillars says "Of course. You can't be more than three hundred years old." He grins. "And I won't pry. If you want to tell me you will, if you won't, then I won;t be able to convince me. You'll tell me if it's important, or you need my help."

She eyes you with a slight grin. "If you say so, old man." She shifts a bit so she's looking right at you. "How are your wounds?"

Five_Pillars shrugs. "Been better. Been worse." He rolls his shoulder around. "I'll be alright in a week or so."

She nods, moving a bit closer as she reaches out to touch one of the wounds. "You should be more careful, old man." She grins. "You're not young and durable like the others."

Five_Pillars says "I'm plenty durable. I have a few thousand years left in me, at least."

Five_Pillars says "My bones don't ache anymore, when it rains." He looks down at a hand, as he flexes it. "Back in my prime. But a sword's a sword."

She raps your chest with a knuckle, raising an eyebrow. "Try not to go solo against a bunch of guards like that next time then at least, mm?"

Five_Pillars shrugs. "I wasn't planning on it." He says "I should have noticed there were beds unaccounted for."

She giggles a bit. "Sign of old age, that." She hms as she walks around you, glancing at the healing wounds and experimentally poking one or two of them.

Five_Pillars winces. "Hey there." He turns. "Or I might start poking back."

She raises an eyebrow. "Poke the wind? That'd be quite the feat."

Five_Pillars says "I do one hand clapping too." with a perfectly straight face.

She flicks your nose. "A sense of humor too. You're a dangerous one, alright. I'm gonna have to keep my eye on you. For now, however..." She bows, before flickering out of sight as the wind blows.

Five_Pillars opens his eyes to the flows of essence.

She's gone, boyo.

Five_Pillars relaxes, as his sight fades. "Heh."

Five_Pillars begins the katas once again ...