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(* A) "I love you with all my heart." B) "Your beauty enchants me." C))
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* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Mirrors of the Soul
* <b>Prerequisite Charms: </b> Mirrors of the Soul
The Gothic Lolita reveals her best fake sweet smile, so beautiful it’s impossible not to be fooled by it. The Gothic Lolita using this Charm momentarily doubles her [[PresenceTheKawaiiEdition/LolitaSocialize/Socialize]] score (as appropriate), only for the purpose of seducing the Charm’s target. The increase granted by this Charm cannot be higher than five, which means characters with Socialize 6 who use this Charm only increase their score to 11, not 12.
The Gothic Lolita reveals her best fake sweet smile, so beautiful it’s impossible not to be fooled by it. The Gothic Lolita using this Charm momentarily doubles her Presence/Socialize score (as appropriate), only for the purpose of seducing the Charm’s target. The increase granted by this Charm cannot be higher than five, which means characters with Socialize 6 who use this Charm only increase their score to 11, not 12.
Ren'ai Game Interaction Style
Ren'ai Game Interaction Style
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===== Comments =====
===== Comments =====
  *Laughs and Laughs at Ren'ai Game Interaction Style* -- [[JohnBiles]]
  *Laughs and Laughs at Ren'ai Game Interaction Style*

Revision as of 21:41, 22 May 2006

Gothic Lolita Socialize Tree

  • Socialize Insight of the Lolita (1/1)
    • Confusing Lolita Socialize (2/2)
      • Absolute Gothic Lolita Socialize (3/3)
        • Persistent Loli Socialize Augmentation (4/4)
    • All-Purpose Multi-Cultural Gothic Lolita: Manners (2/1)
      • Curse of Shameful Rudeness (3/2)
      • The Devil’s Whispers (3/2)
        • Rhapsody of Depravity (4/2)
          • Meditation on the Seven Capital Sins (5/2)
  • Mirrors of the Soul (3/2)
    • Fake Sweetness Seduction Technique (3/2)
      • Ren’ai Game Interaction Style (4/3, also requires All-Purpose Multi-Cultural Gothic Lolita: Manners)
        • Reality Revision: Ren’ai Game Secret Character (5/6)
    • Illusion of Mortality (3/2)
    • Insinuation of Enmity (3/2)

All-Purpose Multi-Cultural Gothic Lolita: Manners

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Socialize: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Socialize Insight of the Lolita

Gothic Lolitas are the mistresses of elegance and decorum. Characters under the effect of this Charm become faultlessly –but not officiously – polite. They instinctively know the appropriate customs or manners for their situation never run the risk of making an unintentional faux pas. This Charm is particularly effective when dealing with the spirits of the long dead, whose customs have long since been forgotten to history.

Curse of Shameful Rudeness

  • Cost: 1 mote per die
  • Duration: One turn
  • Type: Re-Useless
  • Minimum Socialize: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: All-Purpose Multi-Cultural Gothic Lolita: Manners

The Gothic Lolita swiftly attacks the subconscious of a target within her line of sight, stirring his most hidden negative emotions. For the rest of the turn, the target loses one die to all Socialize rolls for every mote spent, in the form of poor manners and uncomfortable slips of the tongue. It is impossible to determine that the Charm’s target is under the effect of a curse, although astute targets (Perception + Awareness equal to or higher than 4) may suspect that something is amiss (Perception + Awareness, difficulty equals the Lolita’s Moe). However, even this does not reveal the source of the effect.

The Devil's Whispers

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Varies; see text
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: All-Purpose Multi-Cultural Gothic Lolita: Manners

Caressing a victim’s mind with the corrupting taint of angst, a Gothic Lolita with this Charm can plant seeds of doubt and erode trust in favor of treachery. The character need only spend at least a minute talking with her target; her player then rolls Manipulation + Socialize against a difficulty chosen by the Storyteller. This difficulty reflects the overall devotion of the target to the selected individual or cause. If she rolls enough successes, the target becomes suspicious and hostile toward whomever or whatever the Gothic Lolita desires. This treacherous dislike lasts a number of hours equal to the Gothic Lolita’s permanent Moe. If the Exalt receives more successes than necessary, this duration is measured in days rather than hours. This Charm has no effect on beings with a higher permanent Moe rating than the Gothic Lolita.

Rhapsody of Depravity

  • Cost: 6 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: The Devil's Whispers

The Gothic Lolita infects the target’s soul with angst, scouring a heart of righteousness and cuteness. The Gothic Lolita must spend several minutes talking to the target, casting doubt on the importance of a particular Virtue (insert dramatic scene with lots of flashbacks and fiendish laughter here). Her player then rolls Manipulation + Socialize, with a difficulty equal to the targeted Virtue. The victim temporarily loses one dot of the appropriate Virtue for every success in excess of its rating. If the number of successes exceeds the target’s Willpower score, the target also loses a permanent dot of the Virtue. Whether temporary or permanent, this Charm cannot reduce a Virtue below a rating of one. Virtues that are temporarily diminished return at the rate of one dot per hour. The Gothic Lolita can even use this Charm on herself (gasp!). While this is particularly useful in situations where scruples are a problem, she risks permanent Virtue loss, too.

Unlike the Presence Charm Morals Lost, whose Virtue loss is mostly a mechanical effect, the Virtue loss caused by this Charm is immediately reflected by the victim’s behavior.

Meditation on the Seven Capital Sins

  • Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Rhapsody of Depravity

The cynical Gothic Lolitas are well aware that everything has a price, even they. They quickly forget those last two figures and focus on the first part of the sentence. That price might not be in jade or jewels but regardless, there’s always something a person cannot resist or refuse. To have the object of her desire, an individual will betray her closest friends or worse. Unlike Bishonen, who have to rely on their skills and their quickness of thought to discover a person’s price, Gothic Lolitas, upon activating this Charm, know precisely what that object is for the target. She may not have the means to satisfy the desire in question, particularly if it’s nigh impossible to acquire, but at least, she knows (and that might be just as useful). The Storyteller should decide the nature of a target’s weakness, keeping in mind her personality and Temperance score. Low Temperance characters are less disciplined and, thus, have easier wants to satisfy. It is always possible that some beatific saint exists on whom this Charm would have no effect, but Gothic Lolitas have yet to meet such a person.

Mirrors of the Soul

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: None

With this Charm, a Gothic Lolita perceives the flickering aura of emotion and passion overlaying her target. The Lolita’s player rolls Perception + Socialize. This roll is made at standard difficulty if the target is not trying to conceal or misrepresent his feelings. Otherwise, the character’s player reflexively rolls Manipulation + Performance to resist. The amount of information the Gothic Lolita gleans depends on the number of successes rolled beyond any the target may have garnered. Simple success reveals the target’s most dominant surface emotion. With three successes, the Gothic Lolita may sense all of a target’s surface feelings and gauge their strong proportion to one another. Five or more successes allow the Lolita to sense all emotions her target currently feels, as well as giving her a rough sense of the target’s permanent Willpower and Virtue allocation. Regardless of the successes rolled, this Charm does not provide context. Even if a Lolita notices hatred in a target’s aura, she doesn’t automatically know who he hates or why he hates them.

Fake Sweetness Seduction Technique

  • Cost: 3 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Mirrors of the Soul

The Gothic Lolita reveals her best fake sweet smile, so beautiful it’s impossible not to be fooled by it. The Gothic Lolita using this Charm momentarily doubles her Presence/Socialize score (as appropriate), only for the purpose of seducing the Charm’s target. The increase granted by this Charm cannot be higher than five, which means characters with Socialize 6 who use this Charm only increase their score to 11, not 12.

Ren'ai Game Interaction Style

  • Cost: 6 motes
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: All-Purpose Multi-Cultural Gothic Lolita: Manners, False Sweetness Seduction Technique

With this Charm, normally socially unskilled Gothic Lolitas have an easier time making the appropriate choices in every situation to accomplish their objectives. For the remainder of the scene, the Storyteller actively aids the Gothic Lolita’s player. Every time the Lolita faces a Social situation (literally, every time she interacts with someone else), the Storyteller must offer the player three choices for her next action. One of the choices must be obviously inappropriate (“KILL HIM!!!!”), while at least one of the other two must greatly help the Gothic Lolita accomplish her most immediate objectives (the choice doesn’t have to be obvious, though).

Bishonen have a Charm with the same name that accomplishes pretty much the same thing, with two radical differences. First, the right choices almost always somehow end with the Bishonen getting a cute girl into his bed. Second, for some crazy reason, the third choice always happens to be “Put it in”, whatever that means……

Reality Revision: Ren'ai Game Secret Character

  • Cost: 20 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One day
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 6
  • Prerequisite Charms: Ren'ai Game Interaction Style

The Gothic Lolita becomes as the secret character of a dating sim: impossibly perfect, impossibly difficult to possess, and always present in the most critical moments to make the other characters look inferior to her. This terrifying Charm might the reason the most powerful Lolitas won’t fall under the sway of the hot Bishonen.

While this Charm is active the Gothic Lolita is completely immune to all seduction attempts. This is a perfect defense, so don’t even try. Other people perceive her as the greatest of all possessions and that to harm her or disappoint her is to risk losing their own hearts. For those actively hostile to her, it requires a Conviction roll to attack. For others, it requires a Temperance roll not to act as best as they can, short of suicide, to please her. This Charm adds the Lolita’s Moe in automatic successes to any seduction roll.

The final effect of this Charm is the most feared of them all. This effect can only be used once per invocation of the Charm. The Gothic Lolita chooses a female target, and curses her. The Gothic Lolita immediately hacks the Ultimate System, altering the records of the target character for 24 hours. The Ultimate System, at the Lolita’s direction, labels the victim as “NOT CUTE”. The target has an effective Charisma and Appearance of 1 for all non-magical effects. To invoke any form of supernatural appeal or to maintain it into a new scene, the target must spend a Willpower point, and her player must succeed at a Manipulation + Socialize against a difficulty of the Gothic Lolita’s Manipulation or Moe, whichever is lower. She makes this roll after paying for the Charm or Ability used. If anyone with permanent Moe less than the Lolita’s own has romantic feelings for the target, those feelings are instantly severed. They do not return when the Charm ends.

Illusion of Mortality

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: One day
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Mirrors of the Soul

A Gothic Lolita skilled at instilling negative emotions on others becomes a deadly weapon with this Charm. She must speaks with her target at least briefly (only a few sentences are needed), and the Lolita’s player then makes a Manipulation + Socialize roll with a difficulty of the target’s permanent Moe. If successful, the target becomes depressed and withdrawn, suffering a +2 difficulty to all Social rolls for the next 24 hours. If this Charm is continuously used on an unExalted character for more days than her Conviction rating, her depression blossoms into an actual derangement. If the mortal is reduced to 0 Willpower at any point while suffering the derangement, he will attempt to commit suicide.

Insinuation of Enmity

  • Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
  • Duration: One scene
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Socialize: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Mirrors of the Soul

People, especially women, and more particularly Exalted women, are known to be jealous and overly emotional. To a Gothic Lolita, it takes but a few words to set two people against each other. With the proper choice of words, Lolitas easily destroy childhood friendships and blood brotherhoods. To activate the Charm, both the target individual and the character she is to be set against must be present. The Exalt makes the necessary Moe expenditure and makes a simple comment to the individual about the other (“I hear he’s got plans that don’t include YOU” or “Haven’t you noticed the way he looks at your chick?”). That is sufficient to weaken the bonds of friendship or love between the two characters for the rest of the scene. The character’s reaction to the conflict is up to the Storyteller, of course; it may be both parties storming off to cool their heads or engage in a vicious argument or even (hopefully…heheh…) coming to blows.

Neither party immediately remembers the character who started the disagreement between them, though other parties present may notice the Lolita’s activity. When the scene is over, cooler heads prevail, and both characters remember the strength of their friendship (if it existed in the first place…). Unless something horrifically bad happened between the two (again, a matter for the Storyteller’s discretion), they will return to their previous relationship. When the Charm ends, the character who was the original target of the Charm may remember the Lolita’s well-timed turn of phrase (requires a successful Intelligence + Socialize roll with a difficulty equal to the Manipulation of the Exalt who used this Charm). This Charm does not work if either target character has a higher Moe than that of the Lolita using the Charm.

*Laughs and Laughs at Ren'ai Game Interaction Style*