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[00:02] <onine> *** Chapter Five :: Warcry, Axioms of Volition ***
[00:03] <onine> Game Session 53

[00:06] <onine> The wind coiled and snaked invisibly about the spires of the Imperial City in the icy winter air. The month of Water was fast approaching the Blessed Isle, and by the bite in the air the cold this year would bring the temperatures far lower than they had been in decades. Snow would come to the Imperial City, a rarity indeed.
[00:06] <onine> Would this year, the final true year in the written history of the great Scarlet Dynasty lock the world in an icy grip that would never be shaken?
[00:07] <onine> No one who knew truly cared. A time of change was coming, and thinking about the season was hardly something a being wise to the world would contemplate.
[00:09] <onine> With a definitive howl the winds picked up another notch, whipping up the deep red and black silk that the man chose to entomb his failing physical body in. Eyes of pure flame peered out from behind a silver mask, and they regarded the Imperial City below him with equal portions of interest, hunger and resignation.
[00:12] <onine> His wrapped fingers held the Monarch, the final piece that one could lose in a game of Gateway, an impotent piece, one that represented power but could not draw upon it. With an effortless gesture of the arm he tossed the black opal piece into the abyss of buildings below, offering it to the city as its final piece.
[00:13] <onine> "The end-game approaches." He murmers, his husky voice muffled slightly by the featureless mask. "I pity the pieces..."

[00:13] <onine> Two days previously...
[00:16] <onine> The Peleps sloop Janari was a fine ship, she had served the Imperial Navy with distinguishment and pride, though in her long life had never once seen open warfare. Perhaps it was fortune, or perhaps shame that the vessel now grew old and decrepit without the honour of slaying a foe. She had never tasted battle, but had never tasted defeat.
[00:18] <onine> She was a swift old ship, now she lived out her final days ferrying important Dynasts to-and-fro if they could pay Peleps the jade to buy Janari's services. The small ship groaned as she coasted slowly into the Imperial Docks that night. There was no fanfare, no wives or children to welcome her crew home, just a lone dragonblood waiting on the docks.
[00:18] <onine> The messenger had come alone to Epheri's quarters that night, bearing the simple words 'She has returned.'
[00:19] <onine> The Earth Aspect watched as the crew worked by torchlight to secure the Janari against the stone pier and lower the gangplank for her passengers...
[00:21] * Anona stands on deck, looking out on the bay... eyes scanning, she find Epheri, and rushes off the ship.
[00:22] <Anona> "Epheri! Just you?"
[00:24] <onine> Epheri smiles weakly, her marble pale skin glowing amber in the dockside torches, many things seem to be weighing on her at present. "Just me... may we speak. Alone?" She glances at Six and Kess as they follow down the gangplank.
[00:26] <Anona> "Certainly." Anona calls out to Six and Kess, letting them know.
[00:27] <onine> Kess and Six dont seem to react either way to the request, choosing to sit and converse quietly, seating themselves on a small stack of crates and other luggage left by workers that have left for home long ago.
[00:28] <onine> Epheri leads you on a slow walk along the quiet night-time docks. A few workers pass here and there on the night-shifts, but they leave the
[00:28] <onine> Princes of the Earth well enough alone.
[00:28] <onine> "I barely even know where to start... so much has happened since we thought we lost you." Epheri speaks quietly, staring straight ahead.
[00:30] <Anona> "The rumors of my death have been exaggerated."
[00:31] <onine> "Thankfully so." Epheri says, almost sighing. The Earth aspect was not one to sleep, preferring a specialized regimin of meditation to revitalize her each night, but she looks exhausted.
[00:32] <Anona> "That said, I've found much that will be useful."
[00:33] <onine> "I can hardly say the same." Epheri replies wearily. "Before you start, I need to tell you some things."
[00:34] <Anona> "Such as?"
[00:35] <onine> Epheri scratches the back of her head and screws her eyes shut a moment. "Yengo and Tara have left. The Doctor did not say why...something about 'running out of time' for something. Other concerns or whatnot."
[00:37] <Anona> "Well, with the Magistrate dead... I suppose nothing really kept them here." Anona sounds disappointed, regardless.
[00:38] <onine> "Magpie seems to be taking it well." Epheri replies. "She's putting up a brave front, but I fear she is very fragile right now."
[00:39] <Anona> "Ah, so they leave, but keep the brat they were transporting." Again, Anona's tone doesn't match the words; there's relief there.
[00:42] <onine> "So it seems." Epheri chuckles quietly. "She's been acting a little funny lately, running off before dawn. I managed to catch her sneaking in one morning wearing immaculate robes."
[00:43] * Anona raises an eyebrow at that.
[00:43] <onine> "Keep an eye on her, okay?" Epheri asks, with a pleading edge in her voice.
[00:44] <Anona> "I'll do what I can."
[00:45] <onine> "Thank you. I dont want anything to happen to her." Epheri pulls a message tube from her cloth belt and holds it out to Anona.
[00:46] * Anona accepts it, and reads.
[00:48] <onine> The letter is from Juno, it explains the situation in his mansion in full, and what he needs from you. Just you apparently. You're the only one the letter adresses.
[00:53] <Anona> "This... is a really dumb plan."
[00:54] <onine> "Tell me about it. I just hope you can make it work." You?
[00:54] <Anona> "Me?"
[00:55] <onine> "Yes. We've left you with your hand in the cookie jar. Try to look surprised." Epheri replies, looking everywhere but at you.
[00:56] <Anona> "I *am* surprised."
[00:56] <onine> "Good, that'll make it easy." Epheri says.
[00:57] <Anona> "I *knew* not to trust Juno... on the other hand... I can't really think of a better idea, either."
[00:59] <onine> "Good luck." Epheri replies. "Through a meandering maze of contacts so that it cannot be traced to him, Juno has arranged for the mortals and yourself to stay for the duration of the assignment in the Tepet Family Lodgings on the east of the City. It's no manse, but its comfortable."
[01:03] <Anona> "All I know if this turns from a plot to reveal the real traitor to a framejob, Juno better remember his stuff burns, too."
[01:04] <onine> "Be that as it may, I hope it burns well, cousin." Epheri smiles.
[01:07] <Anona> "So... is that it?"
[01:07] <onine> "No..." Epheri says, seemingly unsure as to how to approach the subject she has been tip-toeing around since you arrived.
[01:12] <Anona> "Then what IS it?"
[01:12] <onine> "I have some good news for you." Epheri answers. "You've been freed of your responsibility as my mentor - you may now do as you wish, without me here to slow you down."
[01:15] <Anona> "Oh. That's... nice. So what do you intend to do with yourself now?"
[01:16] <onine> "I'll be departing in three day's time." Epheri says solemnly. "To ride with the Wyld Hunt."
[01:17] <Anona> "You certainly have the experience needed."
[01:17] <onine> "I hope you're right." Epheri sighs. "I've been stationed with a group in the East as a support sorcerer."
[01:19] <Anona> "At this rate, we'll all be dead this time next year, you know that, right?"
[01:20] <onine> "You're certainly not helping the situation with comments like that." Epheri remarks, but there is no hint of scolding in her voice - she likely agrees.
[01:21] <Anona> "Ah well... the way things are going, we might be the lucky ones, if so. I pray it will be otherwise."
[01:23] <onine> "As do I." Epheri replies. An icy wind begins to pick up across the docks from far out to sea, slicing effortlessly through clothing and whipping hair around. Epheri walks swiftly back towards the more piblic area of the docks. "We should probably get going... I'll summon a carriage."
[01:24] <onine> When the Earth Aspect is out of earshot a voice purrs in Anona's ear.
[01:24] <onine> =Misssstressss...= It seems both satisfied and ladden with tension.
[01:24] <Anona> "Yes...?"
[01:26] <onine> =Her continued existance is a risk to you.= The tomescu hisses. =Her continued inaction and apathy during your absence distressed me greatly. Allow me to kill her.=
[01:27] <Anona> "No."
[01:28] <Anona> There is no argument behind it, but a simple command.
[01:29] <onine> The tomescu hisses with displeasure. =She endangers you. This is not acceptable.=
[01:30] <Anona> "You spoke of inaction. A dead person commits no action at all, so how would you be helping?"
[01:32] <onine> The dematerialized tomescu pauses, and if it had a face you can almost imagine it considering the words and rubbing its chin. =Intriguing concept. I will give this much thought. I will bow to your will...for now, as it pleases me to do so.=
[01:39] <onine> The demon falls silent, and the wind picks up more, howling between buildings and slashing through the near-deserted streets of the Imperial City. The wind seemed to signal something on the horizon. Something that did not sit well in the back of Anona's mind.

[01:41] <onine> Medium sized compounds owned by the Houses in nearly every cities exist to provide a roof for all but the blackest of a family's black sheep. Any non-outcaste dragonblood may stay for free in comfortable if lower-than-average privacy accomidation. Outcastes and mortals may also stay if they are valuable to the House, or otherwise may live for an indetirminate ammount of time...
[01:41] <onine> ...as a Dragonbloods assitant or with the endorsement of an elder of the House.
[01:41] <onine> Juno has arrange just such a situation for you.
[01:42] <onine> The House Lodging is well built, well maintained with a full staff of servents, gardeners, groundsmen and workers to aid the guests. This one in particular is a two story complex built around a large well-manicured central courtyard. A criss cross of raised walkways span and meet in the heart where a small pagoda and gateway gaming area rests.
[01:42] <onine> Though this building does not use the gaudy coloured glass or sheet glass windows, the standing company of soldiers and the dragonblooded occupents discourage thieves from tresspassing through its fine paper-screens.
[01:43] <onine> It does at least have the benefit of essence crystal lamps, globes of glassen crystal that are maintained through a small hearthstone in a sealed room. The stone itself draws upon power from one of the weak nearby Tepet Manses and ultimately is useless for anything but powering lights - but the House still would not like it stolen.
[01:44] <onine> You have been graciously allowed three rooms with an attatched kitchen and bathroom, and exclusive use of a sitting room that faces one of the four square courtyards.
[01:44] <onine> Anona and Epheri are given the two smaller rooms, and you, Kess and Six share the largest.
[01:45] <onine> Your morning training was dull, but the fun and excitement of your raid on the nearby stone building has left you with an over-abundance of energy...
[01:45] <onine> [I don't want to do that again.] Six complains as you make your clean getaway.
[01:46] <Magpie> [But we learned �lots�] Magpie chortles. [Wasn't it fun? You were �really� good, hitting that guy just right...] she makes a fist and punches the air, "Kapow!"
[01:47] <onine> Six fidgets and hopes that the soldier he put out does not remember anything that may implicate the duo in their tomfoolery.
[01:47] <onine> Epheri was right, this girl was 'bad news'
[01:47] <onine> Though she didn't say so in those words...
[01:49] <Magpie> [Lots better than fletching arrows!] Magpie continues brightly. [And we know Alphaeios is leaving, so we can relax...] Clear on the other side of the compound. Elation hasn't dampened Magpie's finely honed (though eratically operated) survival instincts.
[01:49] <onine> [I will at least savour the fact that he is leaving..]
[01:51] * Magpie twirls about the room. [I can't wait to tell them. Do you know what they're up to? ] She looks thoughtful. [Do you think they're summoning demons?]
[01:52] <onine> [Why would I know?!] Six asks in abject horror at the concept of spying on Princes of the Earth.
[01:53] <onine> Speaking of... Anona and Epheri's malevolent Dragonblooded dealings involve tea, crackers and hushed conversation in Anona's room. There is some concern on Epheri's face as she speaks.
[01:54] <onine> "I think you should watch that new one - Kess is it? - watch him very carefully." Epheri says. "I don't want him staying in the same room as Magpie."
[01:55] <Anona> "I don't know, he doesn't seem that bad to me."
[01:56] <onine> "You haven't noticed anything...strange about him?" Epheri asks.
[01:56] <Anona> "Well, there was the woman he was travelling with when we met him, but other than that?"
[01:57] <onine> "Yes...about her... Has he mentioned her to you? How they met, why they travelled together?" Epheri inquires.
[02:00] <Anona> "No, not really."
[02:01] <Magpie> /me , listening crouched at the doorway, decides this conversation consists of boring speculation. Though clearly she needed to interrogate Kess more closely. She takes a few steps back, for vermisilitudes sake, and to build up speed, and proceeds at a charge, bursting into the room with a top-of-her-lungs shout: "ANONA! EPHERI! Guess what we found out!"
[02:01] <onine> "No? Well... when we escaped the ruins, Quintus ordered Lao arrested...I was interrogating her when *Epheri speaks lower, too low to hear.*" Then Magpie bursts in.
[02:01] <Anona> "Wha-?"
[02:02] <Magpie> The small, elegantly carved table holding the tea and cracker tray rocks slightly as Magpie bounces off it. She grins. "Me and Six! We �investigated�."
[02:02] <Magpie> She says the word with relish.
[02:02] <onine> "Magpie!" Epheri scolds
[02:02] <onine> Six waves a little awkwardly from the open door, unsure whether to enter or flee to hide under a bed for his part in the crime.
[02:02] <Magpie> "We didn't even get caught!" she says triumphantly. "We were totally stealthy except for that one soldier who Six KARATE CHOPPED!"
[02:03] <Magpie> Magpie demonstrates with a convenient bust of some distinguished patrician of the past. The wooden head topples from the sideboard and rolls across the floor under Anona's feet.
[02:03] <onine> "What's Ka-ra-te?" Epheri murmers.
[02:04] * Anona shrugs.
[02:05] <onine> [I'm sorry, I don't understand whats going on-] Six says awkwardly. [Should I leave?]
[02:05] <Magpie> "It's like an Immaculate Art, but �better,�" Magpie insists. "These weird creatures called..um..ninja use it..and they're in all the streetplays..."
[02:05] <Anona> [Magpie was reporting on your exploits.]
[02:06] <Magpie> [Guess what they were!] She doesn't even seem to notice switching languages.
[02:06] <Anona> "You do realize if a monk heard you talk like that, they'd be more than happy to prove you wrong with a hands-on demonstation.
[02:06] * Magpie waves this away, saying with dignity, "Maybe I know something too."
[02:07] <onine> "Magpie, Anona and I were having a very serious discussion..." Epheri interjects.
[02:08] <Magpie> "This is serious too," Magpie replies. "Much more serious than some stupid woman who isn't even here anymore. Guess what I found out! Guess!"
[02:08] * Anona represses a sigh. "What, Magpie?"
[02:09] <Magpie> "Alphaeios is staying here at the compound." She waits for the reaction.
[02:09] <onine> "Yes. And?" Epheri clearly already knew.
[02:09] <Anona> "Oh, wonderful."
[02:09] * Magpie scowls at her. "You knew and didn't �tell me�? What if I'd...I'd...bumped into him? He'd have eaten me!"
[02:10] <onine> "Oh he would NOT have eaten you, you're imagination! Really!" Epheri sighs in exasperation.
[02:10] <onine> (*your*)
[02:11] * Magpie shudders him. "I know him better than you do," she points out. "He's just like an Anathema and �Anathema� eat children."
[02:11] <onine> Epheri wonders if there is a point to this.
[02:12] <Anona> "And what's you rpoint, Magpie?"
[02:12] * Magpie , seeing she is losing the attention of her audience, continues hurriedly, "So me and Six snuck into the Anathemahunter building...and Six hit that guy, he's really good at being sneaky...Oh, and we tricked a footman too, and Six pretended to be in love with Oke!"
[02:14] <Magpie> She coughs. "Alphaeios is really cranky because the Immaculate Order won't let him go anywhere and he can't find the Anathema, it always escapes."
[02:15] <Magpie> "The other one- the other Dragonblooded who's not Oke- uh, T-something..he thinks the Anathema has help. And then Alphaeios was mad at the Immaculate Order again, and at his soldiers for always dying."
[02:15] <Anona> "He's finally met his match, it looks like."
[02:16] <Magpie> "And then another soldier came in with a tube with a red seal, and he was happy because he's going to the Scavenger Lands is going to ransack a caravan."
[02:16] <Magpie> Magpie sets back up on her heels, looking pleased with herself. "So you see? I found out �lots�.
[02:17] <onine> Epheri spares a glance at Anona, but says nothing.
[02:19] <Anona> "How interesting. And all I did with my time was discover a rogue god, find another piece of the Dragonwrath, and find some very interesting documents."
[02:19] <Magpie> "You did good too," Magpie concedes graciously.
[02:20] <onine> "Yes, well done Anona." Epheri agrees with a humourous edge in her voice.
[02:21] <Anona> "With that said... do you mind if we resume our conversation?"
[02:23] * Magpie sighs. She plops down onto a sofa cushion. Some people have no appreciation for Risks and Daringness.
[02:26] <onine> "In private." Epheri adds with a final edge in her voice.
[02:26] * Magpie looks around. "Six won't tell secrets," she objects. She thinks about it for a moment. "Anyway, he can't."
[02:27] <Magpie> "He can't talk right."
[02:27] <onine> "We're not worried about Six."
[02:28] <Magpie> "Then who...Oh. OH!" She gets really red in the face, and then very pale. "Well...well...fine! Who cares about your stupid conversation anyway?" She stomps from the room, knocking into things.
[02:29] <onine> Epheri sighs. "Such are the costs of peace and quiet."
[02:30] <Anona> As Magpie leaves, Anona murmurs, "You know she'll just try to listen in anyway, right?"
[02:30] <Magpie> As soon as Six follows her out, shutting the door behind her, she crouches down and puts her ear back against the wood.
[02:31] <onine> "There are limits to mortal perceptions in any case." Epheri replies, then talks in a frustratingly quite voice. "Now then...where were we?"

[02:31] <onine> One day later...
[02:32] <onine> Dusk. The last throes of the day as it is finally choked off by the strangling dark fingers of the night. The evening winds that have grown all too common whip across the docks, stirring the water and causing the workers to rub their ungloved hands together with increased frequency.
[02:34] <onine> The Stormcrow, an Imperial Battleship glides easily away, down the Scarlet River and towards the open sea. Anona can still see the white-clad Epheri standing against the railings of the battleship as it sails away. She waves one last time before disappearing below decks.
[02:35] <onine> =Partings. Such sweet sorrow, Mistress.= The tomescu purrs in Anona's ear, unable to hide the satisfaction in its voice as one of the perceived threats to his Mistress' safety sails away.
[02:35] * Anona looks... then turns. (I will not get emotional, I will not get...)

[02:38] * Anona returns to the housing compound.
[02:38] <onine> You remember the hearthstone still waiting for you...
[02:40] <Anona> Oh, yes. Anona changes course to the House office it is kept at.
[02:41] <onine> The evening sees the streets in this sector of the Imperial City somewhat deserted. There are a few out walking, a beggar or two, but few that are willing to brave the cold and take to the streets in the recent and uncharacteristic drop in temperature. Infuriatingly, there are also no carriages. Likely all being used by patricians who likewise are too weak to brave the cold.
[02:42] <onine> You are crossing one of the walkways when the tomescu speaks, its voice carries an edge of anticipation. =Someone approaches.=
[02:42] <onine> You hear and see nothing. So far...
[02:42] <Anona> "Where?"
[02:44] <onine> =Indetirminate.= The demon concedes. =Numerous of the wretched mortals watched you with considerably more intent than I desired. I took the liberty of leaving your side and took alternate routes through alleys and sidestreets. There are men approaching, on them, poorly concealed swords.=
[02:44] <onine> =More allies they spoke of. I sense a net closing around us.=
[02:47] <onine> As if to add more weight to the demon's words, the yellow torchlight on the wall around the bend casts extra shadows, as does the path behind you. They are close.
[02:48] <Anona> "I guess it's time to see if this hearthstone works as advertised." Anona begins to "climb up" the air as she walks, as if ascending a flight of invisible stairs.
[02:48] <onine> It works like a dream. The air under your foot feels as solid as any stone, and it supports your weight easily.
[02:49] <onine> =They are no match for you mistress... may we fight them?= You can imagine the demon salivating profusely.
[02:50] * Anona climbs until she's about level with the rooftops... and waits.
[02:53] <onine> A crew of men, dressed in grey and brown mismatched cloaks approach from either end of the raised bridge-walkway. There are a fair few of them, and it seems that the Tomescu understated the threat that they posed. Even from here you can see a vast assortment of swords, spears and pitchforks of varying quality. They dont appear to have noticed where you've gone yet, and are mightilly confused
[02:53] <onine> by the situation.
[02:53] <onine> They stand up straighter and look about, some check over the railing of the bridge for where a ground-based exalt would likey go.
[02:54] <onine> "Where'd the dragonblood go?" One of them hisses.
[02:55] <onine> "Shuttup Korr." Another man, likely one of the ringleaders growls.
[02:55] <Anona> "Up here!" Anona exclaims, heralded by a fiery aura.
[02:56] <onine> "Don't tell me to shuttup Tembek, it was your scouts tailing her, how could they lose a bright red dragonblood?" The man growls back... then the large group looks up in surprise.
[02:56] <onine> None of them appear to have slings or short-bows, so you're perfectly safe.
[02:56] <Anona> "You have until ten to say what you are doing. 1....2....8...."
[02:56] <onine> "Yeddim shit!" The one named Korr yells. "Scatter!"
[02:57] <onine> The mortals do just that, knowing they've well and truly walked into it, self control gives into the common sense of survival instinct.
[02:57] <Anona> "Wrong answer!" Drawing on her Gem of Sorcery, Anona attempts to bind Tembek with sprouting shackles while she can.
[03:00] <onine> The vines break up out of the ground and snare the bulky man by the leg, tripping him up and dumping him bodilly on the stone. More shackles break up underneath him and wrap around his body, securing him easily.
[03:00] <Anona> Keeping her advantage of higher "ground" for the moment, Anona tries to track any random thugs that are a little too slow getting away to find out where they scatter to... and perhaps fling a bit of fire after them.
[03:01] <onine> "AAAAH!" Tembek screams as he is captured.
[03:01] <onine> Its hardly easy going, the group has scattered pretty well into the alleys and streets.
[03:02] <onine> =Splendid work Mistress! Now we may torture him!= the tomescu cackles with delight.
[03:02] * Anona shrugs. Ah well, she'll beat what she can otu of this one... and nimbly jumps down to the ground.
[03:02] <onine> The big man writhes about on the stone, trying futily to escape.
[03:03] <onine> "Get away! GET AWAY!" He cries as you land.
[03:04] <Anona> "Don't feel like it. Now, we can do this the easy way, or..." [Kindly materialize, will you?]
[03:05] <onine> =Yeeeeessssss= The tomescu pushes forth into the material world, growing from a semi-transparant flat image to a three-dimensional 'shape' as if pushing against a maleable membrane.
[03:06] <Anona> "Or this lovely fellow gets to do whatever it wants to you."
[03:06] <onine> "AAAAAAAAHH!" The man screams in horror and tries frantically to get himself free of the spell. He manages to get an arm partway free, but it is quickly lashed back down near his head, making his attempt useless and uncomfortable at best.
[03:07] <Anona> "Now... what, pray tell, did you have planned for little old me?"
[03:07] <onine> =SSSSSSSS!!!= The tomescu hisses with sinister laughter, and half formed insectoid shapes stirr within the vapourous mass of its 'body'
[03:08] <onine> "What do you think?!" The man cries, just barely mastering his own fear. He is a thug, and likely is very brave, but not many men face the fear that comes with a dragonblood AND a demon - and with the ability to flee robbed from them. He manages a brave "I'll never talk, dragonblood!"
[03:11] <Anona> "Oh, really? Now, I'm sure you're just putting up the brave front that the persona you hold yourself to requires, but I'll give you one last chance. Who sent you?"
[03:12] <onine> "Knowing wouldn't matter!" He shouts. "There are too many of us, you'll never get us all!"
[03:12] <onine> =Mistress!= The tomescu shouts and surges forward at the man, an insectoid limb spearing the arm Tembek managed to move and securing it against the ground.
[03:13] * Anona sighs. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you." [Don't go killing him, now.]
[03:13] <onine> Perculiarly, the man does not scream.
[03:14] <onine> =I have failed you...= The demon hisses, forlornly.
[03:15] * Anona check the man. Is he dead?
[03:15] *** Magpie is now known as MagpieAFK
[03:17] <onine> =Indeeeeed.= the tomescu growls. =His death however, was of his own volition.=
[03:18] <Anona> "How curious. That's disturbingly professional opposition right there."
[03:18] <onine> The demon moves back, and you see the man's eyes have gone milky white. A curious greenish foam dribbles from the corners of his mouth. Next to his head, is a broken crystal vial that he has bitten down on.
[03:19] <onine> You feel rather than see another presence, shadowed in the darkness of a towering building on the side of the bridge.
[03:20] <onine> A hunched form, clad in deep red and black cloth wrappings and volumous cloaks moves into the early evening moonlight, staying a respectful distance away.
[03:21] <onine> His hand goes up to the shadowed hood, and he lets out a hoarse cough. When he looks up again, all you can see under the hood are two points of orange.
[03:22] <onine> "Curious, do you not agree?" He rasps. "A most loyal and faithful hunting hound, willing to die for his cause. A rare gift, though you will find that it is not as rare as you once thought."
[03:22] <Anona> "Who are /you/?"
[03:23] <onine> He moves a little closer, one hand clasped behind his hunched back, the other at his side, though he frequently gestures as he speaks.
[03:24] <onine> "My name would mean so very little to you, Tepet scion. But know that I am a like-minded ally - a friend if I may be so bold." He croaks and coughs again hoarsly, his free hand darting up to his shadowed face to cover his mouth.
[03:25] <Anona> "That depends on exactly how 'like' our 'minds' are. What do you know about this?"
[03:26] <onine> "A *great many things*" He remarks, gesturing with every word.
[03:27] <Anona> "How about the abridged version?"
[03:27] <onine> "Of *course* I know that there are others like him, perhaps numbering in the thousands..." He coughs again. "Tell me, do you find something in this pattern of his attack *familiar*?"
[03:29] <Anona> "Lots of random thugs attacking me? Well... it has happened, once or twice.
[03:31] <onine> "No!" He rasps. "And that is why they are such a risk! Kadera root poison is very deadly, and is only found in the deep south naturally. It causes a siezure in the heart and there is no remedy once the poison's course starts. It is an agonizing way to die, but he has evaded capture, just as certain other groups do - where death is preferable."
[03:32] <onine> The hunched man hacks and coughs some more into his hand.
[03:33] <Anona> "Okay, so there's obviously someone well-funded out to get me, or someone through me."
[03:33] <onine> The man sees that relization has not yet dawned.
[03:34] <onine> "You are nothing special." He chides. "There is another group that uses similar methods - how odd, I would have expected this to be formost on your mind given recent events."
[03:37] <onine> He clasps both hands behind his back, and emphasises his words very clearly.
[03:37] <onine> "This, Tepet scion, is a Wyld Hunt."
[03:37] <onine> ----------