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Latest revision as of 02:10, 29 September 2004

<ST_Mod> The three of you skip off as it were down to see a few particular seamstresses and designers that Maya knows. Maya seems fairly well conected in knowing who is who in Nexus. You stop in a place called Madame Petal's first, a place which while not a speciality shop is good for those with money to spend, but not money to blow.

  • Orchid takes her time, choosing carefully. Moving with a ease between the wares, asking Myay about them. She clearly goes for a mix of very reaveling, tantalizing, and frustatingly covering outfits.
  • Orchid has only one thing in common to all the styles and colors she chooses - a hefty price tag.
  • Haraka idly sifts throught he clothing and fabric selection of the store as the group enters, looking through outfits that fit his personal taste to simple, but clean-looking. As he does so, he tries to get a feel of the overall connection between these clothes and the prices, trying ot percieve the Essence of the market.

<ST_Mod> Maya helps to pick out items for Haraka as well, and for Orchid though she doesnt choose anything for herself, claiming to have all the dresses she needs. The conversation with the tailors is pleasent, and for Haraka the female company much more then just pleasent.

  • Haraka hmmms, and while enjoying the company, gets a tugging of a bit of sneakiness about. Something he knows well. He looks over a particuler shirt, thinking on it's price for a moment, "I dunno. Bit on the high side don't you think?"

<Orchid> "It's perfect. Try it on."

  • Orchid drags Haraka into a changing room and begins unbuttoning his shirt.

<ST_Mod> Maya rolls her eyes softly and hums to herself as she looks around for other things.

  • Haraka acks as he's dragged off by Orchid without being able to start his protest, "You know, I'm supposed to be masquerading as being with someone else. And I have a dangerous sstalker. This isn't the safest of routes." Of course, he doesnt' resist her taking the shirt off, just noting a few facts.

<Orchid> "Hush now, I know all that."

  • Orchid only stands a little too close and touches a little too much with her hands as she slips the new shirt on him, then drags him outside again to hear Maya's opinion.
  • Haraka leans foward to whisper into Orchid's ear as she pulls him outside, "You know this shirt is overcharged a few dinar, right?"

<Orchid> "Everything worth anything is overcharged a few dinars. Looked up my prices yet?" She whispers back.

  • Haraka gives Orchid a bit of a quizical look at that comment, "Not really on my agenda, but maybe after a few business transactions." He grins and looks down over himself, getting a feel of the outfit, "Not bad."
  • Orchid looks to Maya for her opinion.

<ST_Mod> "He needs cuffs, its the style with important Guild types lately."

<Orchid> "Good. Lets get some of those too."

  • Orchid drags Haraka back inside to change him back.
  • Haraka smiles to Maya, "Cuffs? I'm not a Guildsman, I'm a scavenger. We got our own fashions to stand up to." He starts to do a new snarky remark but is pulled away by Orchid once more with an "Ack!"

<ST_Mod> Maya calls in lightly. "And tighter pants!"

  • Orchid stands on her toes, pressing her body lightly against his back as she does and whispers in his ear. "Any business transaction you desire, Haraka."

<Orchid> "Always tighter pants!"

  • Orchid giggles in glee.

<ST_Mod> Maya hands Orchid a pair through the curtain.

  • Orchid takes then and look gleefully up on Haraka with a glint in her eyes.
  • Haraka look sover his shoulder down at Orchid with a bit of a smirk, "I prefer looser clothing personally. BIt more comfortable." He pulls her own shirt on and raises an eyebrow to the pants, "As far as transactions, I'll wear 'em as my end of any deals."

<Haraka> "The risks involved require warranty and all that."

<Orchid> "I prefer the quick grab for profits, but as long as the market is firm there is time."

  • Orchid gives him the pants, then exits the room, asking Maya for some more tips on clothes and , this time, underwear. Then goes with her into a room to try out those deals.
  • Haraka look sover the pants he's been given and lets out a sigh, "She's going to kill me." With that he changes into the offered trousers, moving about after they are doned with a bit of ackwardness. Clothes this tight are not his general thing.
  • Orchid comes out, wearing something that is most certainly overpriced a lot for the amount of fabric used.

<Orchid> "How do I look?" She asks Haraka.

<ST_Mod> Maya has vanished into some other depth of the store to find things, talking quietly with the owner over a few choise things.

  • Haraka hmmms as he looks over Orchid, "Very nice." He looks for a price, then raises an eyebrow, "Do they charge for the fabric not used in that?"

<Orchid> "There is a thing called 'paying for style'."

  • Orchid glances down Haraka at the tight pants. "Oh, and more than 'nice' I would think.
  • Haraka once again gives Orchid the raised-eyebrow look, "I note once again to why I prefer the baggy stuff. These are a tad harder to move about in I'm noticing."

<Orchid> "Oh, and you shouldn't stare like that. It's embarressing."

  • Orchid goes back inside to try out more outfits. Every time coming back out to ask Maya's and Haraka's opinion.
  • Haraka takes the periods between Orchid's changing and Maya's talking to choose out clothes a bit more to what he's used to, such as slightly looser clothing, and shirts. As he and Orchid meet again and again for outfits, simaller exchanges of dialog likely occur.

<ST_Mod> Maya seems to have decided on the few she likes the most, and are within her budget for Orchid. Haraka has to buy whatever he needs on his own though.

  • Haraka chooses a few pairs of pants, including the one the girls selected for their sake, and soem fresh shirts, quite content with the choices overall.

<ST_Mod> "Are we all done then? Is there anything more either of you want?"

<Orchid> "Plenty. But lets go with what we can carry for now."

<ST_Mod> Maya smiles and nods, and most of the garments get loaded onto Haraka as the three of you return towards the inn.

  • Orchid works some sort of magic and soon has Haraka moaning under a pile of boxes and bags while she and Maya leads, chatting about Nexus and business.
  • Haraka gruumbles to himself slightly as he is drafted to carry the shipment, but generlaly keeps his mouth shut on any comments as they go back.

<ST_Mod> "Now where should we go know...perfumes perhaps? Perhaps a hair stylist?"

  • Haraka looks up at his shaved head a bit at that comment, "I don't know if that'd be too productive."

<ST_Mod> "Not for you Haraka, for your beautiful friend here."

<Orchid> "That's me!"

<Orchid> "Hair stylist is just the thing for a busy performance artist."

<ST_Mod> "And I must ask due to my...curiousity...did you have trouble getting dressed Haraka? I noticed Orchid seemed to have to help you with everything."

  • Orchid effortlessly hides a smirk.
  • Haraka shifts a bit to make sure his muscles don't cramp as the he walks down the street, "No, I am perfectly fine. Orchid just likes to be helpful, is all."

<ST_Mod> "So how long have you two been together?"

  • Orchid waits for Haraka's answer, glancing smilingly over at him.
  • Haraka shifts a bit again, "We grew up together."

<ST_Mod> "Aww, thats very sweet."

<ST_Mod> "You two make a very cute couple I must say."

<Orchid> "Well, not exactly a couple. Haraka is most rude, you see."

<ST_Mod> "An on and off relationship?"

  • Haraka blinks a couple times at that, and glares at Orchid, "How am I rude? I will like you to know that I am one of the msot polite folks int he world." He looks about a bit, "Honest."

<Orchid> "You are. And that's why you are rude."

  • Orchid sticks out her tongue at Haraka.

<Orchid> "Well, I don't know about on and off... What do you say, Haraka?"

<Orchid> "We have shared many dances at the few feastdays I managed to sneak in to..."

  • Haraka hmms, "That's always true." He grins a bit, and shifts once again with all this stuff, "You were always good at that.

<Orchid> "Sneaking or dancing?"

<ST_Mod> You reach the perfumery, where many perfumes, scented candles, herbs, and the like can be bought.

  • Haraka grins, "Both. I hated playing hide and seek as it."

<Orchid> "I loved every minute."

  • Orchid begins checking out scents, looking at bottles and smelling little tests.

<Orchid> "Hmm... difficult. Maya, do you think this one matches me?"

  • Orchid hands Maya a tiny bottle.

<ST_Mod> She leans in to sniff it. "Hmm...a very nice scent, it captures your nature I think. It would smell lovely on you."

<Orchid> "Haraka, put all that down and take a break, then tell me what you think."

  • Orchid daubs her neck behind the ears and steps close to him.
  • Haraka puts down the bags and boxes, and takes a whif of the perfume that Orchid offers, but looks about not much unlike a caged rat.

<Orchid> "Awwww... That bad...?"

<ST_Mod> "You don't like it Haraka?"

<Orchid> "I really like it..."

  • Orchid looks hurt.

<Haraka> "No, it's very good....just, familiar...."

<Orchid> "Yay!"

  • Orchid looks happy again.

<Orchid> "Remind you of somebody you really like, I hope."

  • Orchid smiles cheerfully.
  • Haraka smiles at the response from Orchid, and idly begins to sift about at the store, "You might say that." He smiles to her, and looks at some pretty-looking bottles int he typical confused guy fashion.

<ST_Mod> Maya picks out a few otehr things. "Hmm...what about this Orchid? I think it would go well for Haraka."

  • Haraka looks up to Maya, "Huh?"
  • Orchid sniffs the scent Maya has pucked. "Oh yes. Definetely."

<Orchid> "It has that rougish, manly thing going."

<ST_Mod> "And Haraka does seem the dashing rogue type."

<Orchid> "Indeed. Quite the heartbreaker, I bet."

  • Orchid laughs.

<ST_Mod> "He should be careful, it isn't wise to risk a woman's anger."

<Orchid> "True, true. Especially the ones who get to like him dearly."

<ST_Mod> "Know any like that Orchid?" She smiles softly in your direction and then frowns softly, staring out the window for a moment. "Hmm...odd."

<Orchid> "I think I know one, yes."

  • Haraka decides to give the stuff the two suggested a bit of a scent, "Interesting." He nods to the notes of maya on the being careful, "I know, I understand what you mean exactly>"
  • Orchid leans her head softly on Haraka's arm. Yes, I know one who will be heartbroken if he leaves her behind for another."

<ST_Mod> She smiles again at you two. "You know...one of the better rooms at my inn is free..would you two like it?"

  • Orchid looks up at Haraka, eyes lightly wet with tears, a question in them.
  • Orchid glances down at a spot on his throat where there once was a large hickey.
  • Haraka looks into Orchid's eyes, and gently brushes her cheek, before giving her a soft hug, "I dunno. What do you think Orchid? I am for that."
  • Orchid lets herself be held, her arms hanging limply, hiding her face in his shirt.

<ST_Mod> "Perfect. Here, lets buy that fragrance for you Orchid, and that one for Haraka and return. You need to get ready for tonight anyways my dear. I will get your things moved up there. You two will love it." She smiles, pays for these as a gift to you both as she has a soft spot for young loves, and you all return to the Inn.

  • Haraka gathers all the bags and stuff up as the group heads out, a new bag containing fragrances in tow.