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There will come a time when your players will conquer other nations, rising up to unite the world under their glorius banner or possibly subjegating the mortals around the world and making them all your playthings. Either way, when you conquer a nation you must consider how the people will react to you.

To make things simple we make it into a roll with a couple modifiers.

After conquering a land or people make an opposed Charisma + Presence roll between your 'leader' and the once ruler of this land. Charms and stunts are perfectly acceptable. Though should the ruler of the land you have conquered was killed in the process they can't use any charms to aid them in this roll.

There are a few modifiers to be considered. Depending on the reputation of your land and you there is a bonus or penalty of up to three dice. The same applies to the once-ruler. The final modifier is a basic difficulty based on how the people view their ruler. Some horrible places to live still love their rulers. Invading a place where the people hate their ruler makes things easier.

-3 You are known throughout as a cruel dictator, the economy stunted, freedoms and entertainment limited to nill and only your willingness to destroy all who oppose you stops the people from revolt. The strong rule and things are almost to a point where killing your neighbour is the only way to keep yourself from getting killed.

-2 Though your kingdom is a dark place to live it has a redeeming quality. Though you might be oppressive and people must answer your every whim, no one starves do to your firm control of things. Or they never must fear a rampaging barbarian horde killing them all.

-1 Yours is the land your neighbours look to in slight pity, but then move on with their lives. Still, best not stay out too late.

0 Average kingdom.

+1 Yours is the kingdom where the grass is greener.

+2 A rising star of a kingdom. Food is plentiful, people can walk the streets safely at night and crime is low.

+3 A shining jewel of the world. You are a generous ruler, the land is prosperous, people educated and learned. People everywhere marval at the high arts of your land and people are constantly seeking to move to your land.

Then consider the general state of country you are invading. This is the difficulty you must beat after the roll is made.

Diff 1 - The people were on the verge of revolt allready.

Diff 3 - Your average kingdom.

Diff 5 - There isn't a person in the land who didn't love their ruler. What possible reason would you attack them for? Take note that some magical beings can creat this effect while being horrible tyrants. Their charm and magic is so strong that even though people are starving on the streets, or dragged from their homes and executed you are loved.

Lets try an example. Darus Sorn is a Zenith and invades the land held the dragon blood Isev Toveth. Darus has a Charisma of 5 and a Presence of 5. His specialty is Inspiring which the ST says applies. Isev Toveth has a Charisma of 3 and a Presence of 4 being less twinking out then the Zenith.

Darus is a generous ruler and under his rule the lives of the people have been improving. But due to some setbacks he has experienced the ST decides he only gets a +1 modifier. Isev takes a more iron handed approach to things and the ruling class here has many advantages, -1 penalty for him.

The people neither love or hate him, so the Diff afterwards is 3.

Darus rolls and uses Harmonius Presence Meditation to pump up his roll. Isev uses Phantom Fire-Warrior Horde and adds 4 dice. Darus rolls 15 dice and Isev rolls 10. Both spend a WP on the roll.

Darus gets 10 on his roll while Isev gets 5. After the difficulty is considered Darus has made a challanging success.

Botch - The entire land rises up against you. Expect years of guerrila warfare against you, everyone and their neighbour hating you and what you did. Anyone killed or jailed by you is a martyr for the cause.

Fail - There is some guerrila activity, and if you aren't careful there will be rebellions if times get tough or you remove your military strength from the area.

Standard - The people accept you as their ruler, one ruler is much like any other and they try to get on with their lives. Though there are some malcontents you need not worry about rebellion unless you let their leader or some other important figures go without dealing with them in some way.

Challenging - Good times are ahead for them, under your rule the people are sure to prosper they feel. You need not worry about the previous ruler gathering any support from the people if he still lives.

Legendary - You enter the lands and are hailed as a saviour! There are celebrations for days afterwards as the entire land gladly gives you treasure, offers of marriage or beautiful women. This day will long be remembered in the stories of the land.

This system is just a rough and quick way to handle how a populaces response to an invasion. Morality doesn't come into this. If you have a good reputation, that is good as in your land is prosperous and people walk the streets safely at night not the are morally good, then that helps because people think maybe they might get some of that now. If people are starving on the streets in your land, and crime is a major problem even if you are really this nice guy and are trying to make things better people will still be leery of you taking over their kingdom. This is also reputation based instead of factual. You might be secretly buying slaves off the guild to perform experiments upon deep in your dungeon that no one ever sees or hears about, but that doesn't affect your roll because no one knows about it. You might not do it at all but the rumors and belief is there so then it does.

This system is also not designed to handle the long term effects of your rulership. They might love you for that first week after you take over, then the reality of what life under you will be like sets in.
