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Latest revision as of 03:54, 3 October 2004

<ST_Mod> The sun rises, the second day of that dark time of the year, Calibration. The worst Calibration this land has ever seen, tensions are running high over what has happened. Almost was the foe caught, but he has slipped from your grasp and knows what you are.

<ST_Mod> The bell was repaired physically wise, though not mysticaly.

<ST_Mod> You hear a stirring from outside. People muttering and as you go to the window you see a tall woman with red hair walking down the street. In a suit of Superheavy plate armor she is clearly an outsider. It looks like the people are not sure wether to try to stone this woman or not, and so they mutter and throw dark looks her way.

<ST_Mod> As Orchid looks the woman turns her head to look up that way. Orchid's eyes widens as she thinks she sees something golden glinting on the woman's forehead.

  • Amber`Flower is wearing a suit of superheavy plate, a finely carved six petaled flower motif on the breastplate, leather straps wrapped about her forearms and about her right fist. She walks easily despite the massive weight of the armour, looking for an inn.
  • Orchid arches an eyebrow, the slides gracefully down a drainpipe on the side of the building and slips in a window to the others.
  • Orchid pokes Grace on the bed, teasing her awake with a lock of her hair tickling her, ready to leap back from the inevitable flailing of arms grace always makes.

<Grace> "AAAAA!" Grace bolts upright in bed, hitting her head on Orchid's hand. She rubs her eyes and shoots the girl a sleepy, sullen look. "Thanks for that."

<Orchid> "You're welcome."

<Orchid> "There's a stranger in the street. She looks interesting."

  • Grace stretches and moves slowly to the window. "You mean there's someone in town you haven't bedded yet? My, that certainly IS news."
  • Orchid rolls eyes. "maybe just a matter of time. But I thought you'd like to see her first. maybe she is more to your taste - seeing as there is never a man in here."
  • Grace shoots her a dirty look. "Who has time for romance?" She glances out the window.

<Orchid> "Romance?"

  • Orchid rolls to word on her tongue, as if trying its pronounciation, like a whole new word in an unknown language.

<Orchid> "I don't think you can miss the armored one down there. Just follow the eyes of every local."

  • Orchid steps up behind Grace, and gently begins fixing her hair with comb and clasps. The woman on the street already seemingly forgotten.
  • Amber`Flower is walking past the house, still looking for an inn, apparently not bother by the weight of armour on her.

<Grace> "Hm." Grace squints, trying to make out the glitter of gold on the woman's brow. "Well, it's not polite to stay shut up in here when there's a stranger in need of welcoming, hm?"

<Orchid> "So she is to your taste! I knew it!"

  • Orchid grins, letting fingers run through Grace's hair.
  • Grace simply rolls her eyes. "My sexual preference is.. not you. Or her, for that matter." She makes a humorous face at the changeling. "Wake up, Haraka. You may be needed outside." She tugs petulantly on Orchid's arm. "Let's see if the gold on that woman's brow is jewelry, or something else."

<Orchid> "Okay."

  • Orchid lithely climbs out hte window and slips into the alley below, waiting there for the others to come out the house.
  • Haraka hmmrs as he wakes up, blinking a few times and looking about, "Huh? Alright."

<ST_Mod> And out you go to follow her just as the strange woman walks into one of the local inns.

  • Grace opens the door to the inn. "After you, Orchid."
  • Haraka hmms as he walks behind the others, "Erm, so what do you folks think I should do? Wait out here? Go inside, what?" He stretches a bit as he walks along, "Could use some tea or coffee when I htink of it."
  • Amber`Flower ducks into the inn, moving with care to avoid knocking or crushing any of the tables, approaching the bar, speaking to the barkeep "Greetings to you. Do you have any rooms free?"

<ST_Mod> He looks at you, eyes moving up and down the armored frame before nodding once silently.

  • Orchid nods, entering like a queen, relishing the stares of mixed hatred and panting lust she creates in the patrons inside as she walks to the bar, hips swaying seductively, and tunic tugged down to show form clearly through the sheer silk, while her eyes look at nobody, giving not a single man or woman the satisfaction of her attention.
  • Grace enters unassumingly.
  • Haraka blinks as the others simply walk in. He tucks through the front door and tries to not get too much attention at the emoment, seeing what the two who have a plan have in mind, all the while keeping his hand on the knives strapped to the belt on his waist.

<ST_Mod> Innkeeper "So...what makes you travel during Calibration miss?"

  • Amber`Flower turns to regard Orchid as she walks up next to her, then glances away again, before looking back suprise and some distrust in her tawny eyes, golden flecks sparkling within, before looking back to the innkeep again "No reason, no reason to stop either..."

<ST_Mod> "Well..we don't get much travellers during this part of the year so we have a room if you want it."

  • Orchid turns to smile at the newcomer, even as she appropriates a drink from the bar, anothers drink, and nobody seems able to protest. Her eyes glimmer golden in the weak lightning. "maybe I can give you a few reasons to pause and rest your weary bones a while, stranger?"

<Amber`Flower> "I am sure it will be fine" turning back to Orchid, raising an eyebrow "I would welcome someone to converse with while I eat, though I shall not trouble you more.."

<Orchid> "Well, a girl gotta do with what she is offered. let me find us a table."

  • Orchid for a second seems deeply dissapointed, then the smile and glimmer is back. Must have been a trick of the light.
  • Grace watches silently from a nearby table, not wanting to step in unless Orchid inadvertantly offends the woman.
  • Orchid gets up and finds a table with room for the two others as well.
  • Amber`Flower turns back to the innkeep "I'd like some breakfast please, if you could send it over to the table, and could I have the key for the room, so that I might divest myself of this?" gestures down her armour
  • Haraka scans the room quietly, seeing who's here, who's doing what, and making sure he's near the door, just in case. He glances over at Grace, seeing what she's keeping her attention to at the moment before glancin back.

<ST_Mod> The inkeeper slides you a key and walks into the back to talk to the cook.

<Amber`Flower> "My thanks" goes to room, getting out of her armour, changing into some casual cloths, making sure that her forearms are covered, then walks back into the main room, after locking the door behind her. She walks over to Orchid, taking a seat across from her.

  • Orchid rises to meet the servant carrying the food, bringing it to the stranger. Somehow making the somple rising and turning into a artful presentation of the curvature of her body, while hiding painfully much, from her entire audience.

<ST_Mod> The innkeeper comes back out, writing some stuff out in a book.

  • Orchid slips down right next to Flower as she puts down the food. "You from far away?"
  • Amber`Flower smiles at orchid as she puts the food down "my thanks, and yes, I've travelled quite a ways"

<Grace> Glowing amber eyes look up briefly from where she sits next to Orchid. "I can see. It certainly looks as though you get plenty of sun," Grace murmurs, with the subtlest emphasis on the last word.

  • Amber`Flower smiles softly, sampling some of the breakfast before she answers "Yes, I have seen a lot of sun"

<ST_Mod> A small boy runs in, rushing over to the innkeeper. Looks like his son. In exited tones he tells him that there was a murder done last night! Apparently some old woman had her head crushed. Must be demons they boy thinks!

  • Orchid steals a few morsels of food from the plate for herself to savor. "Good. Plenty of sun here. Enough to get baked by."
  • Haraka blinks as he hears the kid, and stands up, brushing of his clohting and walking over to the front bar.
  • Amber`Flower looks up at that "...does this happen often around here?" curiousity and some suprise

<Orchid> "It's a pretty... recent thing. You investigate this sort of things?"

  • Orchid asks with curious, inviting eyes.

<ST_Mod> The innkeeper frowns and shakes his head, telling the kid to go up to his room and stay there.

  • Haraka take sa seat at the bar and knocks on the top a bit, "Might i have a cup of tea please sir? Bad news there isn't it?"
  • Amber`Flower laughs "Hardly, though it always pays to find out whats happening where you travel through"
  • Orchid looks adoringly at Flower. "You must be like some sort of legendary hero! You certainly have the looks and the armor."

<ST_Mod> The innkeeper gets you your tea and nods. "Yeah...just horrible whats going on. All because of those damn god worshiping bastards. I tell you, bet you it was them that wrecked the bell."

  • Orchid slides her arm unobtrusively around the other woman's waist. "Would you adventure here, in this town? I could show you adventure."
  • Grace rolls her eyes.
  • Haraka hmmms, taking a sip of his tea and shrugging, "I don't know. Generally, you'd think god-worshippers would of done this before now don't you think?" He takes another sip, "Can't always get scapegoats."
  • Amber`Flower tenses slightly at the mention of lengendary hero, raising an eyebrow "My thanks, but no thank you, no 'adventures'"

<ST_Mod> Innkeeper "Eh, they have always been crazy. Maybe they felt like they could get away with it this time. Mark my words though, they wont."

  • Haraka takes off his glasses and uses his breath to wipe them off with his shirt, before replacing them, "Well, could always be other things you know. One has to weigh their options. These are tough times. Remember that even the Realm has its problems of late."

<ST_Mod> "Maybe the Empress is gone for good...maybe she isn't. Hope she is though."

  • Haraka takes a few more sips of tea, and shrugs, "Would be interesting, to say the least." He finishe shis tea, and looks about, "Until then though, I can probably atleast help out abouts. With all the trouble this last day has had, I might go and ask my father if this inn might need a few wards. I think we can get a deal worked out."
  • Amber`Flower finishes off the breakfast, passing no comment on the food that Orchid took.

<Orchid> "So, you want to look into this murder? That's what heroes do, right?"

<ST_Mod> The innkeeper nods. "Yeah, that would be good. I will talk to your father about that later."

<Amber`Flower> "I'm no hero, nor an investigator..but demons should not be allowed to walk around killing people."

  • Haraka nods, "Want htis place to be as safe as possible and all that. Lots of folks will be coming through here, and want atleast the patrons to be safe." He takes a coun form his pocket and lays it ont he bartop, "And well, a good ward should be nice for business."

<ST_Mod> The innkeeper slides the money back to you. "Don't worry about it Haraka, its only tea."

  • Orchid smiles to Flower. "So? Can you even defeat demons? They're real strong, I've heard."
  • Orchid looks at Flower like she believes Flower could challenge the yozis themselves and win.
  • Haraka nods, and takes the coin back a bit reluctently, "Thanks." He glances from the courner of his eye, and tries to see what the others are doing.

<Amber`Flower> "I've never fought demons before" smiles "It would be an interesting fight, I'm sure"

<Orchid> "Would you help me.. and Grace here.. find the culprits?"

  • Grace stays silent and vaguely amused.
  • Amber`Flower looks over at the silent Grace "I could, it wouldnt do to have demons wandering about"
  • Grace nods in agreement.

<Orchid> "Are you a mercenary fighting for pay? I think we could find some way of rewarding you."

  • Amber`Flower raises an eyebrow "I am quite sure you can, though while you have introduced yoru companion, I dont believe you introduced yourself..."

<Orchid> "I'm Hidden Orchid. Grace's a whitesmith, I'm ... whatever you want me to be."

<ST_Mod> Haraka, your father enters the inn.

  • Haraka blinks and waves over to his dad, "Hey! Pap! Morning!" He sits up a bit in his seat, and decides the girls have this under control for the moment being.

<Amber`Flower> "well met then Orchid, Grace. I am Amber Flower"

  • Grace smiles faintly. "A pleasure to meet you."

<ST_Mod> He comes over and pulls you aside.

  • Haraka nods and follows his father, folding his arms behind his back and listening to what he hasta say.

<ST_Mod> Haraka and his father talk in low tones, though his father clearly seems concerned over something.

  • Amber`Flower pays them little heed, most of her attention on the girl next to her.

<Orchid> "So, where you from, originally? You must have travelled far. But you speak a language we understand."

<Amber`Flower> "Great Forks was my home, before I started to travel the wider world"

<Orchid> "Uhm.. That the so-called City of Temples, right? Or was that Whitehaven?"

<ST_Mod> Haraka's dad gives Haraka a hug and then leaves.

  • Amber`Flower nods "I have never travelled as far North as whitehaven, but great forks is a city of temples, yes"

<Orchid> "Hah, I knew it. They have lots of spirits, right? What's it like, living with spirits?"

  • Orchid visible hand begins running its fingers softly up and down Flower's forearm, and she, as if not even noticing the change of subject, asks; "What music do you like? I play many instruments. How about dancing?"

<Amber`Flower> "It-..." blinks and stares at Orchid's forehead briefly "...very different to the other palces I have visited, though the gods only really interact on festivals days..."

<Orchid> "Do I have something on my brow?" Wipes forehead briefly. "Hmm.. must make interesting parties."

  • Haraka goes outside to wait on the others, leaning on the front of the inn as he looks to see what's about this morning.

<Amber`Flower> "Some of them, yes and err..nothing wrong with your forehead.." snukes "Music...I havent heard music in quite a while, except for that I've made myself"

<ST_Mod> The streets are quiet, its Calibration, people don't like to do much if they can avoid it. Bad luck and demons and all that.

<Orchid> "I'll play for you later, then. Now, lets go check on that house. Best look at fresh clues, right?"

<Orchid> "Or is there something else you want first?"

  • Orchid draws a noticable breath.
  • Amber`Flower raises an eyebrow "No, thank you" with a smile, standing slowly "I will just get some things from m room though"

<Orchid> "We'll wait out front."

  • Orchid seemingly reluctantly lets go of Flower and steps outside, waving to Haraka.

<Orchid> "Slept well?"

  • Haraka hmmms, "Yep. You seemed to of been having some fun in there."
  • Amber`Flower goes to her room, slipping on her bracers and her smashfist, making sure the bracers are below her sleaves, and the smashfist is covered in leather straps, then leaves the in, locking the door

<Orchid> "We'll see. Maybe you're more her style."

  • Orchid smiles to him and bats her eyelashes.
  • Haraka shrugs, "Well, you had the plan. I was sleepin'. Buuuut, we got a homicide to look into." He grins to his Circlemate and jumps up, "SO let's get going."
  • Amber`Flower walks out of the inn, smiling at the sunshine again "Hello again, Orchid and...?"
  • Haraka bows a bit, pushing the glasses on his nose, "Haraka ibn-Malidadi. Nice to meet you ma'am."

<Orchid> "This is Haraka. He's nice. Just don't listen when he offers to "secure your bedroom against demon peepers." It's never quite what the service seems."

<Haraka> "hey, it works when its demons, honest!"

<Haraka> "We just had an unexpected anomoly. Happens to the best in the gig."

<Amber`Flower> "I am Amber Flower" smiling faintly at Orchid's comment "I'm sure it does, Hakura"

  • Haraka lets out a bit of a discourages sigh and folds his arms, "No appreciation to the students of the Art eh? Ah well. As I was noting to Orchid here, we have something to look into, correct?"

<Orchid> "Indeed."

  • Amber`Flower nods

<ST_Mod> You ask around, and its easy to find out who was killed. Old Lady Smiling Petal. Nice old lady, liked her garden. Gaurds are around the place, checking for clues and the like.

  • Orchid eyes the guards. "Bugger. They're not going to let me have a look..."
  • Haraka nods, "I doubt really any of us are going to get in. This calls for more covert stuff." He looks about,
  • Amber`Flower looks about herself "Perhaps...you know the people about here.."

<Orchid> "I do. That is why i know I won't be let in."

<Amber`Flower> "Considering the looks I got when I arrived.....I have doubts about myself too"

  • Haraka hmmms, straigtening out his shirt and deciding to give things a shot at least, "Well, won't kill me."
  • Haraka walks over to one of the guards, nodding his head, "I heard the bad news about. Any clues on what might of happened."
  • Orchid observes from cover if Haraka's entrance makes the guards make openings through which she can slip in.

<ST_Mod> The gaurd turns your way. "It happened last night...no one saw it. Her head was completely crushed, must have been increadible power behind the hit. We are guessing demon."

<ST_Mod> "Only thing that makes sense. Its not like she had any enemies."

  • Haraka nods, "Very likely. I wonder what htey were after." He looks over his hsoulder and thinks a bit, "Mind if I have a look inside? I've looked into some medical things. I might have osmething ot add."

<ST_Mod> "Its not a pretty picture...you sure you want to see it?"

  • Haraka folds his arms a bit and nods, "Of course. its for the better of the people of our town. And wlel, other things."

<ST_Mod> "Sure then." He leads you inside, through the broken down door, to the main hallway where you see poor Old Lady Smiling Petal covered in a sheet.

  • Haraka swallows a bit, and walks towards the sheet, crouching down and looking about some.
  • Haraka hmms, and looks about, seeing what the guards are up to.

<ST_Mod> They are checking the rest of the house, seeing if anything looks like it was stolen or rifled through.

  • Orchid slips adroitly up on a roof a few streets down, and masking herself in the cloak of her caste, leaps above the guards to the roof of the house and in a window to look around. She checks especially if anything in particular seems to be missing, household items which should have been there, spots with no dust where things have been removed, trying to figure out some sort of motive. Later Orchid tries to discern by footprints in the blood how many attackers there were.
  • Amber`Flower looks up at orchid in suprise as she flips up onto the roof, leaping after her easily, though not following her back down to the house, not rusting her ability to sneak as well as Orchid.

<ST_Mod> Correction, you learn that it was the man with the hammer who was here lately after you all return to Grace's house to discuss your findings.

<ST_Mod> You sit down to discuss things and there is a sudden knocking at the door!