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== Glass Chains, Glass World ==
There is a certain amount of sheer balls that comes with being Sidereal. Courage, or at least ignoring danger, comes with the territory. For in Heaven, for the powerful, danger only exists should they deign to allow it. Gennadi thinks about this principle not at all as he slips through the hospital, peering through the door as he hunts a particular red flower for decoration.
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti bends over the man she is seeing too, ignorant for the moment of Gennadi's presence, tending to the wounds on his unconcious form, one of the victims of the purge of the fungus creatures, her red and black body encased in the spotless white of the Eir society's uniforms, carefully weaving a little bit of her essence into his cuts, as a ward against both infection and fungal growth.
'''Gennadi: ''' Pretty. And the uniform isn't bad either. His fingers trail along her spine as he walks up to stand beside her, hand resting idly on her shoulder, though he really wants to trace that black. "How is he? I only heard about the fight after it was over."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shivers just slightly as the fingers trail up her spine, turning to face her vistor
"My pri-...Gennadi!" She exclaims
"He ... he will be well, once he has a chance to heal. The windians ... they don't cope so well in the tunnels, though."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Mrm, I'm sure they have a plan... otherwise they wouldn't be down there. It is lucky we have such fine healers to take care of the accidents, though." He smiles at her. "Speaking of your prince, when does your shift end?"
'''Kanti: ''' "And why do you want to know that, Gennadi?" she says, evidently unhappy about something or someone.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Is there a problem? I was going to have a bit of a talk with him before I left... It was sort of unfair to keep him on probation without giving him an explanation of what I'm looking for, after all. I thought you'd appreciate the chance to help us both out."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shakes her head, and busies herself with the man's bandages, paying especial attention to the ones on his wing.
"Well, I suppose I'll be finishing in about an hour."
'''Gennadi: ''' "An hour? Good, that'll be enough time to prepare the meal... Is there anything you'd like when I return from Yu-shan?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti murmurs something about "Is that something like that last one?" as she continues to work on her patient.
"I'll be sure to let you know if I think of anything." she says, and if it were anyone other than Kanti, Gennadi would surely say it was 'sharply' but that couldn't be right...
'''Gennadi: ''' His other hand joins the first, almost mimicing her motions as he begins to massage her shoulders, "Something is wrong... and you aren't telling me. Interesting. Did something happen with you and Alexander?"
'''Kanti: ''' "There is nothing wrong between myself and Alexander."
Kanti very deliberately finishes her work on this side of the man, ducking away from Gennadi as she starts to check the other bandages.
* Gennadi looks at his fingers dubiously. Well now... This is unexpected. Rare, but perhaps to be expected given the symbols that now adorn her body. "I somehow doubt you are upset with this poor fellow, so it can only be me. But that can't be possible at all, right?" He attempts something of a half-strength charming grin, watching the corner of her mouth for her reaction.
'''Kanti: ''' "Whyever would I be uspet at you, Gennadi?" she asks as she carefully folds a bandage.
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm not certain. If I fully understood you as you are today, we wouldn't need to be having this conversation? Why don't you tell me, and perhaps vent a little? I don't mind."
'''Kanti: ''' "You just vanished!"
"You didn't even say good bye!"
"Or write!"
"Or anything ... even Shaliya couldn't tell me where you'd gone!"
"And then! You come back here, and don't even aplogise! Just assume I'm going to do whatever you ask!"
"...Starchosen Gennadi."
'''Gennadi: ''' "... you didn't get my letter?" He blinks. THAT, more than her being upset, surprises him. "I admit, it was only the one, but I thought it was a nice enough letter." He hrms, sitting down and trying to figure out where things went wrong.
"Perhaps you kept your windows closed... Did you see a dove of paradise? Shimmering feathers, rainbow of colors, small scroll tied to it's neck?"
'''Kanti: ''' "...I...didn't, no!" She says, still almost indignant
"And ... my windows were always open!"
* Gennadi sighs heavily. "I suppose I should have gone for a larger bird, but I thought you'd like the dove. Hopefully nobody else got the letter, but I can't imagine there would be someone quite like you it would get diverted by..." He looks up and smiles. "My apologies! I should have spent more time making sure it got there. I could try again if you like... since I'm already here it wouldn't have far to go."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shakes her head and once more focuses on her patient.
'''Gennadi: ''' "You don't accept my apology, or is it that you'd prefer a different bird?"
'''Kanti: ''' "One letter ... after...!" she shakes her head.
'''Gennadi: ''' "After... what? I AM starchosen. One out of a hundred people remembers me. I am not in the habit of letters, nor am I in the habit of being easy to find, both with obvious reasons." He eyes her, eyebrow slowly raised. "Did you really expect me to stay? Further complicate your situation? I did what I thought was best at the time. That you are able to be upset at me over this is, if anything, a sign it worked out well."
'''Kanti: ''' "...You promised me a present." she bites her lip, petulantly
'''Gennadi: ''' "... I did, didn't I?"
* Gennadi hrms. "I will have to make that up to you." He shakes his head. "I am sorry about that. I still haven't gotten used to the new you, and after I sent the letter I mostly just hoped you were doing well. You understand how busy things can get around here."
'''Kanti: ''' "...New me?" Kanti looks puzzled now.
'''Gennadi: ''' "New you. It must be you that's changed, because it can't have been me." He winks at her as he stands. "I'll meet you when your shift ends, and we can talk about making up for that lost present. You can decide whether or not to help then, alright?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti blinks again.
"...Okay, Gennadi."
* Gennadi leans across the wounded man and kisses her on the cheek, a quick thumbs up as he walks off again. He's out the door and vanished without a word... before he leans back inside the doorframe and grins. "Oh, goodybye, too."
'''Gennadi: ''' Sunset. He is reminded of another bearing that name as he sits on his chair, looking across what he has wrought. It is nothing much, of course. One Blooded, pre-broken and hopefully house-trained asked to perform a simple task for no more than two hours. Some fine food, scattered across her body in a logical order. She's bent backwards, muscles tense as she tries to remain level while keeping her palms and feet in contact with the floor. Glass chains and manacles are there to support her if needs be, her collar decorated with an intricate lock. The long-handled key spins between Gennadi's fingers as he waits, allowing a moment of satisfaction. Sometimes, it's not what you do, but how well you do it. But only sometimes.
'''Alexander: ''' The Prince walks in, calmly, completely relaxed... and he has to thank his dignity that he was not drinking anything as he walked in, or he would have spilled it all over his clothes. And that would not look well at all for him. Not at all. "Gennadi... ''what in the seven iron forests of Malfeas is that?!? ''"
'''Gennadi: '''The door clicks closed. "A light dinner, Alex. Sit." He waves to the small pile of lush silk cushions. "I suppose it is also a centerpiece for our talk, but really, business comes after the drinks and the entrees."
'''Alexander: ''' "... that is my servant. ''What did you do to Kanti?!? ''" He flares in anger, walking towards Gennadi, grabbing him up from the pillows by the collar. "I told her not to let anyone lay with her that was not me, if you used some trick to subvert her will, so help me, I'll..."
* Gennadi wags a finger at him. "Kanti? Did I do anything but ask? I like that attitude, though. Already so possessive, like her being a full Exalted like the rest of the circle doesn't count." It's hard to tell whether or not he's serious, and he gazes into Alexander's eyes, the blue of his own placid and barely stirring. "You see, that is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti doesn't speak as the prince enters the room, though her eyes to flick briefly to him, her face colouring slightly as she wonders what he thinks of her, arranged as she is with food, muscles straining a little but not too much.
'''Alexander: ''' It is hard to get angry at him, so he sits down, watching Kanti... finding hard not to be aroused even as jealously seems to hang about him like an anima. "I did not give you permission to go around stripping my servants, Gennadi... and... and why is she being a dinner table?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Alexander, you never barred me from it either... and she can undress herself." He shrugs. "Is she not a good dinner table? All sorts of interesting places to put the food, pleasing to the eye, and it's rare that a table adds it's own spice to the meal."
'''Alexander: ''' "It... is..." Gennadi's words pick ''him'' by the collar, making his eyes wander, loving the sight... and then he tries to wrestle it down, taking far too long to turn around and point at Gennadi. "She will tell me if you touched in any way I did not want you to! She is ''mine'', Gennadi! You do well to remember that!"
A moment os silence.
"... but she does look nice like that..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Doesn't she?" He picks a small steel skewer out of a cup on the floor, deftly spiking a small bit of lobster tail and flicking the bottom across a small pool of rich sauce, "She, dear Alex, is a shining example of the art of Kings." He raises the skewer and the key, making the morsel on the former vanish before the latter does entirely. "And you can have the key when you can tell me why."
'''Alexander: ''' He looks at Gennadi... at the food... loses himself in how good she looks, for a moment.... and then directly to his servant, eyes slightly narrowed... "Kanti... he did not do anything but undress you for this dinner, did he?"
He asks, and while he waits for a reply, he turns around, a grin to Gennadi. "That is easy, Gennadi. She is a servant, knows each and every motion and etiquette for a court, and feels comfortable in serving me as long as I protect her. She has class, and knows where she stands, where she wants to stand, and what to be under our wing." He nods, opening his hand and waiting for the key to fall on it.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Wrong. You're thinking too hard about her, and not hard enough about me." He winks. "But that's the trick of it."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti speaks, very softly so as not to disturb the feast upon her, though it does flex slightly as she lets the words come out.
"No, my prince, he did nothing but ask me to undress."
'''Gennadi: ''' "She's leaving out the part where I added the decorations and the food, but sometimes servants are to be seen and not heard."
'''Alexander: ''' "... good. Very very good. And they are, yes. And she is beautiful to see. But I should decide who does!" He looks at Gennadi with a '''I'm onto you! ''' look, angry that the key went away from his hand... and crossing his arms, sullen. "What is it, then? Or do I have to guess?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "You're not hungry? It'd be a shame to have all this go to waste..."
'''Alexander: ''' He keeps his arms crossed, eyes narrowed at Gennadi for a little while... then relaxes. "Oh, what the hell..." he sighs, picking a toast, picking a little bit of the caviar on her bellybuttom and applying over it, eating it... "Hmmm... she keeps it warm."
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm certain she's keeping you warm as well." He passes over a skewer or two, idly tracing patterns in the small pools of warmed sauce, just barely scraping the skin. "While I could certainly demand more of a performance, I'm not really worried about it... it's all a metaphor and a pleasing diversion anyway.
* Gennadi spikes another piece of food, swirls it in a couple of sauces, and taps Kanti's lips with it. "Besides, if your stomach growls I might miss the answer to my riddle."
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti opens her lips to accept the morsel, flicking it off the squewer with her tongue, carefully chewing and swallowing it.
'''Alexander: ''' He picks some more of the caviar, eating the little toasts, relaxing... the little bit he can. "More of a performance? And how would ''that'' be, Gennadi?" He asks, watching Kanti eat... "You know, in retrospect, this is nice... you just need to ask me, next time. Alright?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Well, she could have been wholly silent. Do tables talk? Still, this is meant to be relaxing, and oyu'd probably have strangled me if I'd asked her to remain silent." He nods at the question. "A hint: Why is Kanti a better table than any of the others I could have convinced or enthralled?"
'''Alexander: ''' "Because I know her?" He thinks.. "Because she is warm? Because she would not object?" He picks a little bit of the sauce and the pieces of fish in her bosom, placing it on little toastes again, and eating more as he thinks of other reasons....
'''Gennadi: ''' "Getting there. But those are not essential qualities, those can be replicated. Given the right moment, even the Pale Angel can be convinced. Though perhaps she is a poor choice, as she'd be quite good at this, don't you think?"
'''Alexander: ''' A little more fish. Some sauce mixing with caviar. All placed on a lobster piece. Yum. "She would certainly look... too great." More color touches his cheeks. Kanti was already breathtaking, the Pale Angel would be.... "... but she would never agree to it, Gennadi. And... well, Kanti is a better servant? I am really not sure at what you are getting..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "The bodies are different. Look how the marks supplement the pattern of the food, the contrast of fire and sea-creatures, the contrast and reminder of the bowl of iced cream at her thighs. Her flexibility, her strength... all these are vital for this one task."
'''Alexander: ''' He moves to the ice cream... doing the most uncharacteristic thing of picking it with the tip of his fingers, and passing it over her scars... "Yes... I think you are right on that, at least... her scars, her warmth, her flexibility... all work well here, don't they?" He smiles at Gennadi, the tips of his fingers coming to Kanti's lips to be cleaned. "But is that the answer? Her characteristics make her a good dinner table? That is what I said before, with different characteristics, is all."
'''Gennadi: ''' "You are thinking of her too much still. The art is not in the end result, but in how you get there. I employed it, and at the same time I am an example of it's use."
'''Alexander: ''' "... you lost me. What is so great about the art I am not getting? About the choosing her?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Mrm, perhaps she is a little distracting for the thought at hand. The art, Alex, is in not thinking about her at all. You must learn to divide the person from their qualities, to make the efficient decisions, to see people not for who they are, what they are, but how you can use them. It is what seperates leaders from monarchs, mortals from Exalts, and occaisionally it seperates beautiful women from their clothing."
'''Alexander: ''' "... I cannot not think of her! She is there, naked and arousing! She is beautiful and ''there''! I cannot think of her as just a table. That is just not done, Gennadi! My father, my mother, they cared about their subjects and their servants, you know! A monarch does not have to think people are furniture!"
'''Gennadi: ''' "How many soldiers have you sent to their death, Alexander? Were they not individual people with lives of their own? What made them so different?"
"Abstraction. They weren't Tomas and Aule and Grigori, they were soldiers, blades that wield themselves. Sometimes you have to make those choices, and that is how you do it."
'''Alexander: ''' Alex listens.
And there is a long silence there.
The prince did not know the answer.<br>
The prince had never even considered the question.<br>
The sound of the toast breaking in his mouth, and he thinks...
"... that is not how it is at all." He shakes his head. "They made their choice. They wanted it. I honored their memory. The day before our big meeting? I was thinking of the Windians who died to shut Spire down! I honored their memory! It is not like that at all, Genn... I care! I do!" He had no idea which of them he was trying to convince by then.
'''Gennadi: ''' "They made their choice. Who gave the orders? Who picked which men would stay in the safer zones, and who picked which men would march into death and pain? You care after, and this is wise. It is not good to be soulless in your perfection of rule. But while you are making that decision, things like daughters, loving rainstorms, and wishing you'd become a painter instead of a soldier are left in the cold."
"Honestly tell me that you were thinking of each individual person. Do you even know all their names?"
'''Alexander: ''' "O... of course not! How can anyone think of each individual person? They were with me, it was their choice, it made me glad, I do not.... nobody should need to think of each and every one of them! But it is not the same as treating them as furniture!"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti pouts, just slightly, as they talk over her, minutely adjusting herself to hold the food better.
'''Gennadi: ''' "Furniture, a weapon, what is the difference?" Gennadi's eyes gleam in blue and silver. "You are EXALTED, Alexander. At times, you will need to think of each and every one of them, to know their names, their dreams and nightmares and send them into the maw of death anyway. There will be times when regardless of who you love, who you're making love to, any number of reasons not to do something, you're going to need them to do something. You're going to use them, Alexander, because that is what being a leader is. Having someone else accomplish what you need to be done, for your own dream. Using them in service of the world. It is a fine tradition, and one that predates even the Incarna, current masters of the art. Do you think Sol chooses his children for the fun of it?"
'''Alexander: ''' ".... you, you... I am not going to use them. It is not just my dream! It is theirs' too! They will see it! It is meant to make them happy, Gennadi! Happy! Not to use and spend them! I will take good care of my people!" He tries to raise his voice above Gennadi's to fight against his words somehow...
'''Gennadi: ''' "Nobody said it would not make them happy. Nobody said that the means were the end. I am merely pointing out the logical way to handle this conflict. To be a leader is to direct the blades, to surround yourself with the right tools to accomplish your dream for them. The tools cannot do the work themselves, they need a guiding hand. Is that so wrong?"
'''Alexander: ''' Now, this was more... familiar territory. "No, that is right. People need a leader. A strong, guiding hand. Someone to hold them and keep them safe." He says like a good boy, words he knew by heart. "This does not mean they stop being people. To be in such a position is to hold in your shoulders the responsability that they are!"
* Gennadi quietly offers Kanti a bit of wine. "They never stop being people, Alex. You just don't pay attention to that part. Just like you look at people's faces and not down their dress when you talk to them."
'''Alexander: ''' He looks at Gennadi... and thinks...
And sighs.
"... I guess." He says a little half-heartedly. "So, what was the short answer? That Kanti makes good furniture?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "The art of kings, Alex, is finding someone to dress kanti up as furniture for you." He grins and winks, passing the key over. "It's sort of a hard concept to grasp, but it's wholly unfair to put you on probation and simply expect you to figure out what I'm looking for with no help."
'''Alexander: ''' "So, wait... what you are telling me is that I should not ask people to perform those tasks, I should ask other people to ask them to?" He looks wary. "And let me guess... you are offering yourself as the middleman?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Actually, I just thought it was amusing. You'll have to decide on your own who should do what. Having decisions made for you is not particularly part of the art of kings."
'''Alexander: ''' "I was trying her to feel more ladylike, with more sense of property, you know. Now look at that..." He runs his hands on her glass chains... "... shameless. I will keep it in mind, however. I do believe you worked for me before. When you speak like that, I can barely remember it... walking with you on cities, setting up happyness, discussing the best for an empire... I do not think you were so irritating then." He lets out, not really himself as he says it, then catches himself, "Er, oh, sorry, did not mean to insult you, Gennadi..."
'''Gennadi: ''' "The times have changed. The people have changed. I think it is high time people accept that." He smiles placidly. "Pain and irritation are the body's ways of telling you something is wrong. It is if anything a compliment."
'''Alexander: ''' "Then, I think what is wrong is how we are dealing with one another, Blessings." His voice slips between different people once again, bringing memories of flying castles to Gennadi, of walking around with a terrible golden-winged angel and executing his orders, dictating how people might best live, who they might best love, what they should accept for him. "We worked together once. We should work together again... tell me, why are you around here? How can you help me?"
'''Gennadi: ''' "I'm here to save the North, and I'm here to watch over your circle, and I'm here to make a fat profit doing it." His voice has a slight bit of a shift in it, more accent than before, dropping a bit lower. His words are throaty, almost sibilant now and his eyes swirl in a hundred shades of blue. "I have money, power, and the will to use them. How I can help you is as an amplifier for your own talents, your own dreams, spreading it farther and weaving it into the cloth of fate." The eyes crystallize, and there is a small steel skewer at Alexander's throat. "But make no mistakes, Alexander. Blessings is dead. The Golden Age is dead, and you will be too if you cannot forge a new and greater path." He flicks the piece of metal idly into the sky, and the faint chunk of it spearing through the ice cream to hit the bowl breaks the silence as his words end.
"Nothing personal."
'''Alexander: ''' His hand was beggining to flare with the motes that would summon Ainerach before the skewer went away.
That did not help. Not at all.
"What do you have against the golden age? All was right then. We made a better world. We worked together!"
"''I trusted you! ''"
'''Gennadi: ''' "Past tense. It ended, Alexander. If you remake it, it will end again, and what does that help? Nothing, no one." He smiles. "Is that the extent of your dream? To walk in another's foot steps?" The comment on trust goes untouched.
'''Alexander: ''' "I walk in the footsteps of my father and my mother and my teacher, now." He shrugs. "I want my home back. I want to keep the world safe. I want to go to the home of the enemies of Creation and burn them until they are no more."
"You tell me if I am trailing on another's footsteps or not."
"But I would like your help for it."
'''Gennadi: ''' "Oh, you'll have it. Trust me on that one." His smile is almost vicious. "There is very little I want more than to see those dreams accomplished." Suddenly, that moment of feral lust is gone, most likely feigned as Gennadi continues to keep Alexander off balanced. He stands. "I'll leave you alone with her for a while." He bends down to kiss Kanti's cheek before stepping over her. "I'm sure you'll think of an interesting way to clean her up."
'''Alexander: ''' "I will." He gets up, watching Gennadi leaves.
"Before you go. Promise me you are not touching Kanti without my permission."
Gennadi: "Of course I am. I touch her hand, stroke her cheek, and even sometimes massage an ache out of a muscle." He looks back over his shoulder at Alexander. "Don't ask me to make too many promises. It'll just hurt when I have to break them." Is he... sad? Whatever he is, the door is shut behind him, leaving the pair alone together.
Alexander: "Hey! come back her..." He is angry. He is jealous. He is confused. And Gennadi is gone.
"''Bastard! ''" The key in hand, Alex sits close to Kanti, caressing her face... "Are you alright?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti turns her head to look at the prince, her prince.
"Yes my prince, I am quite alright. Please, finish the meal."
'''Alexander: ''' He uses the key, slowly unlocking the glass chains... "... sorry." He says, picking a little bit of lobster, munching on it as he does the job... and picking the ice cream, letting it fall from its cup over her thighs... melting around her. "That bastard. He was playing with me. He used you." He turns around then, crawling above Kanti... "... but you only did it because you thought I would like, right?"
'''Kanti: ''' Kanti shivers with each ice cold droplet of icecream as it falls on her, finding it harder to keep in the fairly demanding pose gennadi had her in as she felt the cold creeping over her skin, especially without the chains to aid in her support.
"I ...ah... yes." she nods, her cheeks turning a deeper crimson especially when his hands stray.
"You ... did like it, yes my prince?" she asks, hesitantly.
'''Alexander: ''' "Yes. And I ''will'' have you do it again." He smiles. "But I will never think of you as furniture. You are my beloved Kanti, and I love you for it, and that makes it all the better." He says with a caress, touching her... "You know, my favorite dessert is named 'profiterole'... it is like this... hot and cold."
'''Kanti: ''' "You will .. make me pose like this again?" Her face a deep crimson as he continues to carress, to touch.
"I...I.." she looks up at him with a beautific smile as he tells her of his love for her, that she is his beloved kanti.
''She loved you too though.... ''<br>
''He did too.... ''<br>
''...do they still love me? ''<br>
''...after everything I did to them? ''
"''More, please. ''" she whispers, what he wants to hear and what she wants to distract her.
'''Alexander: ''' "Yes. I will. It is shameless. Absolutely ''shameless''." He says as he walks around her, his arm shifting, but never ceasing to play, to stuff some of the melting cream into her, coming between her legs... and loosing his own pants. "''Much'' more..." He says as he pushes into her, growling softly, eating the food off her chest... animalistic. Angry. Wanting not think of anything as he pushed into her, together with sauce and  ice cream, almost roaring... "''Hot''... and.... Cold! Like this, Kanti... ''HOT'' and ''COLD''!"
''Bastard. ''<br>
''Bastard. ''<br>
''Bastard bastard BASTARD! ''
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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