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== Bedroom Diplomacy ==
<b>Iria</b>: Iria didn't know what time it was. Time had stopped mattering the moment Selina's lips had sought caressed her. It had to have been late, because the sounds of the party outside had all but completely faded. No music. No raucous laugher. Just a murmur of conversation and the occasional shuffle of movement. But it didn't matter. She'd never been interested in the party anyway, not for anything beyond the woman who still lay tangled in her arms beside her.
Her husband snored softly on the bed near by, naked body still flushed and sweaty, his limbs tangled in the sheets. Tiomen had put on a good show tonight. Oh yes he had... Iria had inched out of the way more than once to watch the exhilarating spectacle of her lover pleasing another woman. There had been something so frightening and yet so arousing about it, that when she came back to rejoin them it only renewed the frenzied lust inside her.
But those desires had been sated. <i>Mostly</i>.
Laying together on their sides, bodies pressed together, the Captain worked to slowly coax the last embers of passion smoldering inside her to a blaze. Somehow she knew she'd never feel truly content with the night until she'd cleansed it all from her system. They were both still certainly warm. Iria herself was radiant in her afterglow, eyes barely open and strands of hair plastered to her face. But Selina was no less spectacular. It made wanting one last moment of pleasure so very much easier.
Iria's hands moved freely over Selina's sweat slicked skin, familiar now with every inch of her. "Mmm..." Iria purred, gently kissing a trio of red marks on Selina's shoulders. Places where she'd scratched just a little too deep in her excitement. "It was never like that before..." she confessed, speaking softly to avoid disturbing her husband. "Never."
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: Selina can believe that, lying up against the other woman, wings spread tiredly behind her. Her husband was certainly...ardent. Not quite as ardent as Moon, though. But it was certainly worth her while to be a part of.
Then again, she's not so sure. Iria is more than a handful.
<i>I just whipped them to a frenzy.</i>
"He was certainly impressive." Selina replies in a low tone, satisfied, almost anyway. She'd had Tiomen enough times...while Iria watched, or participated. Now that he is asleep... "And you as well." She moves up against the other woman, cuddling a bit, drawing Iria to herself, turning toward her.
<i>Ah, but I should endevor to keep my word with <b>my</b> mate.</i>
No scratches on Iria. Selina doesn't scratch, usually. She prefers to merely cling tightly. "But it seems you have some heat left."
<i>He would love that scratching, I'm sure.</i>
Turquoise eyes throw a knowing, wicked look at the other woman. One hand reaches out, to caress the curve of a sweat-slicked hip. "I am surprised it was not drawn out completely."
<b>Iria</b>: Iria chuckled softly. It was perhaps the most girlish sound that had ever come out of the Captain, yet in that moment hardly felt out of place. "My husband says I'm insatiable when the mood strikes me."
She returned that wicked smile with her own evil little grin, the tip of her tongue lapping at the little scratches she'd made. The mood had certainly struck her tonight. It tickled her to realized that it was <i>still</i> on her. She was breathing in deeply simply to press herself against Selina, not even aware she was going it at first and then barely holding back a snicker at her own expense when she realized that she was. But not stopping just the same.
Damn addictive woman.
"Maybe you should even be proud of how close you came to satisfying me completely." Iria teased, upping the ante just a little as her hand slid past Selina's hip and cupped her bottom, finger tips playing with the sweat soaked undergarments that had never quiet managed to come off completely. Of course, Selina had hardly done it alone. But Tiomen wouldn't be up for hours yet, so there was no need to praise him.
And Iria wanted her satisfaction a little sooner than that.
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: "Mmmm...I came that close?" Selina purrs, sliding her hand down to the middle of Iria's hips, fingers probing spaces she is now more familiar with. "The second person I know, then, who is that insatiable." She licks her lips, then flickers her tongue over Iria's chest, entirely tempted to simply sate the woman here and now instead of tempt her into more wickedness.
<b>Iria</b>: Iria let out a throaty moan. Her hips pushing forward into Selina's hand, her legs easing apart in welcome to her touch. "Yesssss... ?" she sighed, though it was truely neither question nor statement. Pleasured inquisition. Much as she intent on drawing Selina into another roll across the sheets, part of her was at least a little intrigued, if nothing else for the teasing value of it. "Perhaps you should bring them along next time. Maybe <i>they</i> can keep me entertained while you and Tiomen rest up."
She brought one of her hands up and stroked Selina's hair, gently wrapping her arm around the assassin's head and shifting herself upwards. Nestling the woman's face close to her chest, kissing the top of her head. The position cost her the hold she had on Selina's behind, so much the pity, but she made do with a handful of wing instead, massaging the roots the way she'd seen Tiomen do earlier. The Winlandian's toes had curled when he did and Iria couldn't resist peeking downwards to find out if it had been this or... the other thing he had been doing that brought that effect.
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: Selina keeps her fingers busy, but looks up at Iria, and shrugs just a bit, not tasting her for now. "Moon. I have never tired him...he has tired me." She relaxes, then trembles a bit at the attention directed at her wing roots, exhaling slowly. "Nearly every time. Though...not quite the most peaceful match I can imagine you to have."
<b>Iria</b>: "Hardly..." The mention of his name brought the smallest of frowns to her face, in spite of the soft moans Selina's touch brings out of her. She had hard the rumors that the two were lovers, but it had seemed difficult to imagine. There was no denying it now though. Her frown turned into a wry smile. "I doubt any encounter between us would end quite as pleasantly as it does for you." There was too much of a lull in the sensation, even for the fingers teasing heat into her. Easing a leg over, Iria caressed her foot against Selina's calf, soft sole stroking up and down.
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: "Perhaps so." Selina demures, tasting Iria again since she is at level with her bosom. Fingers dip a bit more naughtily, as Selina pauses higher up and adds, shortly. "Although there is the saying about old enemies." She giggles at the thought, wickedly, and then kisses Iria's chest.
<b>Iria</b>: "There certainly is..." Iria agreed and her mind turned, as it was helpless to do, towards the man sleeping behind them. If there was ever an example to be displayed of that saying, she and Tiomen would be it. She could still recall their own first night together...
Iria shivered in pleasure, the pleasure of Selina's touch in the present accentuated by the memory of pleasures past. "Mmm... perhaps if you think you could control him, you should bring him along if we ever do this again."
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: Keeping up her attentions, though not enough to get Iria too heated, Selina shrugs again. "That may be awhile, alas. But control? How so?" The Windian asks curiously, black-feathered wings perking up at the question.
<b>Iria</b>: Iria drew in a breath through her teeth, the rock of her hips against the Abyssals hand growing a little more insistent. Selina was holding back, she could feel it. And it was starting to become frustrating. But Iria would play along at least a little longer. "I don't typically enjoy bedfellows who are inclined to kill me." Given who she was trying to pleasure herself against at the moment, perhaps that statement wasn't entirely. She laughed softly. "Though there have been exceptions lately..."
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: "Ah yes, that day." Selina purrs, other hand drawing Iria closer to her. "I almost did snap, didn't I?" She sidles up the other woman a bit, kissing her neck, flickering her tongue against it. "But I am not a man...Moon is less mercurial and deadly." Then, she does get serious, mercilessly pleasuring Iria below, swabbing her neck with fierce kisses interrupted occasionally by words. "And quite a bit more... <b>powerfully intent.</b>" The last word, as she says it, is meant to conjure up just what it would feel like to be the focus of that intent power.
<b>Iria</b>: It struck her the moment before the pleasure did, a realization so vivid that she felt foolish not to have it before. Selina made the thought hard to express. Iria's neck arched towards her, exposing itself to her lips. It felt like the bed had fallen out from under her. She reached down and grabbed the other woman's wrist tightly for support. But the thought could not escape her.
"You… want me to bed him." she managed, through breaths that refused to catch. A smile kept trying to force itself onto her lips, blissful in ecstasy. But only for what the Winlandia did to her, not what she suggested… right?
More intent than this... insatiable... enemy... How hard would it be, truly, to imagine those fingers as something else? To imagine the body against her own as something harder? To picture that wild, violent intent turned on her...
"Oh damn you," Iria hissed bitterly, rolling onto her back, rising onto toes and she pushed her hips upwards. She <i>squeezed</i> Selina's wrist tightly with one hand as the other clawed into the sheets, yanking them towards her. "Oh <i>damn</i> you..."
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: "I'm already quite damned." Selina replies wickedly, diddling the other woman with more intensity than before. All the more so because she imagines those hips thrusting up at Moon's. She does not doubt Iria has the same vision, or something similar at least. "But not quite the truth...tempted as I am, you want to try him more." Her voice is a sultry, insidious hiss of her own. But still soft.
"Tonight, even." Selina moves up against her, whispering into her ear, every bit a deadly temptress as she propells the other woman toward her moment. But not needing to lie. She answered questions, embellished a few things. Never once a request. Never once. The last line is the most intoxicating: "One more time an old enemy, before times change."
<b>Iria</b>: Her eyes pried open into gleaming lines, turned hatefully at the woman beside her. They were a venom potent enough to slay even the Abyssal dead, if looks could only kill. Hate for the words she spoke. Hate because she had made them true before she even spoke them. That man... <i>boy</i> never tempted her one whit until Selina slipped the image into her mind. And now she couldn't stop herself from trying to envision him above her, to thrust herself wantonly against the assassin in his place.
All she had to do was look back at her husband and the urge would break, just like it had any time another man tempted her. But she couldn't so much as twitch a muscle in her neck to bring her head around. Her body had become treacherous in it's disobedience… or maybe simply unwilling to betray what she truly wanted.
"You bitch..." Iria spat, breathing hard in rage as much as her mounting excitement, but there was defeat in the anger. Concession.
Iria <i>hated</i> to concede.
"No could know." She whispered tensely, the strings of guilt already wrapping themselves around her chest. But they couldn't hold her back now. "No one could ever know."
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: "None would know." She agrees. Part of her feels bad she's actually inspired someone like that to cheat. But the thought is there now, and this may as well be carried through. And part of her, another part...seethes with satisfaction inwardly. The nasty part. The Devourer, the Void-Maiden, She Who Consumes -- to which this woman is nothing more than another shell in a long line of discarded shells. Selina shies from that side, for now. But keeps the temptress.
Either way, there is little to be done but carry it through. "The mind learns to accept what it cannot have," She purrs, appreciation for the other woman's obstinence evident in her tone...wicked as it still is. She works the other woman further, letting her imagine what a pale shadow she is to Moon in that respect. "But deep inside, it never forgets."
<b>Iria</b>: <i>Be silent... be <b>silent!</b></i>
The thought churned through her mind as the other woman spoke, itched deep in her throat, longing to be spoken. But Iria couldn't speak anymore. To open her mouth only invited a moan and she held her arm down over it to stifle the throaty groans that tried to force themselves anyway. Beads of sweat trickled down her body as she twisted upon the sheets. Shoulders alone still on the bed, her whole body arched up with her hips. The pleasure poured down the slope of her body, swelling in her throat as those damning gasps, throbbing at the other end where it threatened to burst.
But there was a terrible, terrible truth to be faced - this touch would not truly satisfy. Iria shook her head back and forth, tossing her hair across the sheets, and bit down into her arm as a sharp gasp burst out of her.
Iria looked at Selina, but her anger in her eyes had been subverted by a plea.
<i>Finish it.</i>
Now even this wouldn't matter so much anymore. Her night had only begun. But that one small mercy, that one little relief... she was desperate for it. <i>Yearned</i> for it.
<i>Stop toying with me and finish it...!</i>
<b>Selina de Windia</b>: Selina's seen that look before...and she responds to it. Whatever else happens after, whether Iria goes off and indulges those thoughts with Moon, or just shoos Selina out of the room in a fury, she's got this moment. And she capitalizes on it, pressing against the other woman, kissing her deeply and swallowing her moans and whimpers as she brings her over the edge with a wicked skill that drove the Vestal into a mad desire to possess her.
<i>Sing for me, Captain.</i>
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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