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== Golden and Dark ==
Sometimes, one remembered the Windians are not a ''perfect'' creation. Far from it.
Success on its field? Certainly. Perfect? Far from it.
The frailty. The need to preen. And sometimes...<br>
...sometimes, when they are lost, a few of them just feel like ''birds. ''
That was the case of Alexander Holysword.
He spent most of the day sparring with the Pale Angel. He spent the time afterwards training until his hands bled.
And then he took flight. In this dark, cloudy day. Watching Spire. Flying between arcs and towers.
Seeing the destruction, seeing the... unsettling new structures.
He flew until he was tired, and then perched.
He perched over a nearly-broken bridge, watching the destruction.... and thinking. And thinking of all they have done. All they have suffered. And swearing to himself.
''Never again... ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The dark wings advance upon him, silently, almost as if she were an owl and not a raven or a falcon. Selina perches on the bridge next to him, turquoise eyes gauging, bright. Greatcoat not there, her weapons naked to the world. And the rest of her shape as well.
"Thinking about something?" She asks.
'''Alexander: ''' He looks at his hand, scrapped, but the bleeding was gone. He healed fast...
"Yes. On the people who died. On the city hurt. On the meeting that nearly became a disaster. In all the times I almost died." He turns his head then, more avian than usual, no smiles for her this time, his wings flexing a little. "Thinking about my sister on the Great Forks, thinking about Anne and Cedric there, thinking about you spending days away with Milady on Amber Post. Thinking..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You'll be fine." Selina says, crouching down as if she's waiting for someone she's hunting to show itself. Or simply minimalizing her outline. Her black-feathered wings fold behind her, but her deft balance is not threatened.
''What a wonderful charm, that. ''
"I'll make sure 'Milady' isn't damaged. She is my lady too, after all." Selina says with a sly bent to her voice. "Things are going well...for now. You shouldn't be so depressed about it."
'''Alexander: ''' "She is, is she not?" He says, his voice a little muted, somber. "You have any idea how... insecure that makes me? It makes me feel cold... you have always been together. It feels like you will spirit her away at any moment, as soon as I am not needed in Red Ice... even though you seem to not want me to go there sometimes, even as you told me so at first..." He shakes his head. "It is confusing, too."
"I felt good until I almost saw my dream breaking under my feet..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina chuckles, almost malevolently, then shakes her head. "Silly." She shakes it again, then sighs. "Don't you see what you have? She is cute and innocent around you. Around me...there is more of a wall. She goes to you first."
The Windian sighs again, then chuckles again, without the malevolence. "Silly." She repeats.
'''Alexander: ''' He looks down then. He feels.... somehow...
"I just got you to feel the same cold? Don't you tell me..."
"You feel the same I do?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "More like hurt." She shrugs. "But, that's how things go. It still hurts, and I still kind of hate both of you in a way. But I also love both of you. So, do not worry."
Her eyes seem to glitter a bit more brightly than they should. Not as much catching the light as producing it.
"Some of it is my fault, too. I am so dirty."
'''Alexander: ''' He is still perched, but he is... at the same time more relaxed, and more tense. Not even he understood it, but she was... she was surprising him. He was very, very surprised... "I... did not mean to... I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you... I..." He looks down. He thinks on it, very carefully... "I... told the Pale Angel I would leave her away, if she wished... I ... do not want to hurt you either. Is there any way we can be with her... and both of us be happ..."
He stops.
Looking at her wide eyed.
"You what?!?"
''Love me? ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Care for, whatever. Call it what you want." Selina says without hesitation, shrugging, her wings shrugging with her. "Oh, I am in love with the Pale Angel in the way you were probably thinking about, but I do feel protective of you, to be sure. It snuck in somewhere along the line, I guess."
"Do you think I tainted my name for the power to destroy, only to destroy?" The Windian shakes her head, smirking. "No." She brings up one black gloved hand, clenches it tightly, the leather making a sound as she stands back to her feet. "I will guard what I love with the threat of sure and terrible annihilation to any who threaten it."
'''Alexander: ''' "You did it for power? To destroy those who wronged you, to trample them underfoot, to take your revenge?"
"And make sure they do not touch those you love?" His face hardens. There is purpose there.
"Is that it?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Indeed." She replies, eyes dimming, remembering. "And, because I knew I would have to do some terrible things. So I wished to be damned, for what I had done, and what I would need to do. So that the cries of hate would not reach me. I would deserve them."
'''Alexander: ''' He looks away. Far away. At the valley on the other side of the country where they first met.
Then, at the other way around, at Winlandia.
Where he had been, with them...
"Those are the very same thoughts I had from the day we met to the day we first met Cael... no, I lie. To the day we beat the Celebrant." He admits, his voice filled with... pain. "Why do you think I wanted to go to Red Ice? Still do?"
"My sister took that route already..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Do you think that route is worth the price?" Selina asks seriously, moving over to him, one black wing moving around him, covering him in shadow. She looks down at him, eyes faintly glowing their natural color still. "I still ask myself that. If I do, a renegade who lost much to become one, perhaps it is not worth it."
'''Alexander: ''' "I... sometimes. Depends on the day, the hour, the minute you ask me." He is covered in shadows now, and somehow, he feels at home. "Also... I feel bad about taking the Pale Angel from you. I feel bad about laying with her at all. I feel bad about what I do with Kanti. I feel bad I do Kanti at all. I feel bad I do not tell the Pale Angel. I feel bad about what I think of you."
"Maybe, if I let the shadows take me, I will stop feeling bad."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You will not." Selina says, shaking her head in a negative at him, blinking, the light of her eyes cut off then back again. "I never do. Stay with your light, it is better for you. We have all the darkness we need in this circle anyway."
She looks about, wanting a more enclosed, protected place to discuss it. Someone could come along. And think they were doing improper things. At least, not the Pale Angel.
'''Alexander: ''' The world was her shadow and the light of her eyes. He was muted - the light of his shimmering hair did not go past itself in her shadows. He let it be comforting, and imagine if that is what it would be to become part of them. "You seem to want both words, however... I want to drown in it. To drown in it and not look back.... if that is possible..."
''Would I really have the courage to go on? ''<br>
''To le dow everyone, all my family, because I am so... weak? ''
Not too far from where they stand, there is a large towering building, very solid, most of its lower loors collapsed, its upper floors free for them...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You will not drown, Alex." Selina says, patting his head. "You will awaken. To a cold, terrible reality. All that you wished to leave behind will still torment you, and that which you gained will add to the pain."
"There are many evils in the world. Many dark fates. They will come at you in your moment of weakness, in your moment of hesitation, and your moment of despair. They will come at you, and offer sweet relief, a salve, a balm to your pain. They will offer you their power."
"You must refuse their offers."
"This is why the dead gods suffer, and why the demon princes hate, Alex." Her voice is grave. "Because there is nothing else left to them, except memories of what they once were, memories that make their existence even more horrible."
'''Alexander: ''' Few times in his young life Alexander Holysword heard something of such importance, who touched him, who opened his eyes in this way. What she said is what he believed in. What he should believe in. But in ways he did not understand. He knows already where that leads - but he never knew so much.... that is why they hate. The memories. "So, then, I will suffer. The good path... is never an easy path, is there? It just... it just feels so hard."
Alex smiles as she pats him, taking flight to think better, to clear his mind...
"Is Kanti one of those offers?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Harder? I would not say that." Selina says, leaping up into the air, flying toward that place she spotted earlier. She spirals upward, toward the upper floors of that tower. "Kanti...she is one who is broken by that path. She is the mark of one who has trod it, and an example why that one will never be happy."
'''Alexander: ''' He follows her there, his arrival echoing in its vacant walls, a little bit of dust moving upward... it is an abandoned bedroom. "But I would not walk that path like she did... I would be... like you. Or the Pale Angel. And either way... I would keep her sage. I would keep her loved. Protect her..."
"I just wish I did not feel so bad for it."
"I wish it would not feel worse to let her go..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sniffs, then blows a whisp of pale blonde hair out of her eyes, amidst the rising dust. What a fitting place for the discussion of Kanti!
''Serenity, you bitch. ''
''And that fool who serves you. ''
''Though neither can catch '''me''' with a net woven of stars! ''
"She asks you to do...things to her?" She asks curiously, looking about. Irony is a wicked thing sometimes. "Things that degrade her? Naughty vices? Those are mostly bad if you give into them -- let them rule you." She looks at the Prince.
'''Alexander: ''' "She..." He looks into her eyes. Now, it was all shadows. He lay in eternal, starless night in those shadows, those cast by the cursed wings of Windia, and only two turquioise moons shone in this darkness... "... she does. She asks me to hurt her. To bound her. To push into her. To let my agressivity, my frustration out in her... she asked me to let Shaliya feed on her, and then made out with her..."
"And all those felt so good. And she thanked me for them. She was so happy..."
"I... should not be telling you all this, right?" He says, with a guilty tone...
"I try my hardest to make her happy, you know. And to not do anything bad..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She shrugs. "Do not hurt her, is all...much of the rest is just...sex. If the rest makes her happy, I suppose there is nothing wrong with it...as long as your lady does not disapprove, yes?" Selina smirks, walking up to him, light filtering dimly into the room about her, from her back. Her voice is lower now.
"What is it you thought of me? You did not say."
'''Alexander: ''' "She told me hurt is not when a bondage tool strikes her body... hurt is when I do not care...." He looks away at her words. His lady... she did not know, and he could not tell... how could he tell it? How... how would he... "What I... thought of you? What do you mean?"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You said," Selina begins, raising an eyebrow at him, faint sunlight framing her as the dust in the room rises, drifts around. Falls slowly. Her turquoise eyes glow faintly. "That you felt bad about things you think of me."
She looks at him expectantly, waiting for her answer.
'''Alexander: '''"I... well..." His voice breaks, suddenly embarassed... he takes a step back, and his ankles touch the leg of bed. "You know.... you know, don't you? Do I really have to say it to you...?" He gulps, "You are just like the my lady... no, more... different..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "More different?" Selina asks, faintly confused. Then it comes to her.
''Ah. ''
"Well, you saw that bit of simple magic, unfortunately." She grins with a slight ironic bent. "It just makes the Pale Angel angry, I am afraid. Even if it gives her...other ideas."
'''Alexander: ''' "You are... lust. Beautiful. Dark. ''Sinful''..."
"My lady is not quite as... well, you said you are dirty... that is... you know..."
He gulps. That wasn't going well... it was so embarassing...
"That works for you.. and you and the Pale Angel, together....fighting with me, attacking me, keeping me down, all those weeks... you know..." He tries not to say it with a straight face. Was hard. To her... "... I was told it was natural to channel my agressivity in looking at you.. like that..." He sighs, trying a save, "Oh, and... there is a part of me. That feels very, very strongly about a part of you... it takes me over sometimes... it made me kiss you."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "What is the Pale Angel, then?" Selina asks curiously, looking oddly at Alex. "She is not as dark? As sinful?"
'''Alexander: ''' He sighs... equal parts of relief and disappointment at her reaction. "Our lady?"
"She is more dignified. Pure. Virgin. She is darkness without sin..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina smiles wickedly in the low light, though it is a bit difficult for most to see. The glowing eyes narrow a bit, in amusement, as she walks forward, slowly. Her hips sway, just a bit more than usual when she walks, as she approaches the Prince. "As I would have expected. Even that night at the party, she was. She makes a good queen, does she not?" The Windian asks, wings unfurling behind her, voice low, husky at the edges. "And I wager she sits the throne well when you two play court, yes?"
Selina is a foot or two from Alex then, leaning over him slightly, that wicked smile knowing.
'''Alexander: ''' His face flushed, but he stood his ground, and did not tremble as she came closer... aroused, but by now, he had a grip on himself. "... Yes. She does. And wonderfully so. She rules it... masterfully. Half the time. The other half, she can be pushed down. The queen lies on her royal bed just as well... at times, she wishes to be a princess. But I love my queen. She looks too regal on her throne.." Her says with a hint of confidence.
And boasting, as well.
Nobody is perfect.
"And she whimpers her demands..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' Selina sees it in her head -- all too easily. She has had many images of Vorpal in her head now, for over a month.
''She whimpers her demands. ''
The Dark Angel chuckles, low and throatily. "I am to seduce you. Her as well. Corrupt you. But alas, I am too late. You are no longer inexperienced, easy prey."
The glow of the turquoise eyes becomes stronger as she suddenly steps forward, moving up against Alex. "And I am darkness with sin?" Her voice is liquid sin, though without the magic. "I will be in more trouble if I do not try at least once." She reaches out, grasps his arms, encircles herself with them. Her breath is hot.
''In another destroyed house. '' She thinks ironically.
''Serenity, you bitch. ''
"Sin is bountiful, is it not?"
'''Alexander: '''Blood runs to his face, and he blushes deep red as he tries to get away from her half-heartedly, his face blinking in surprise, panting... "W... wha? Try? But... the Pale Angel... Moon..."
He steps away, his legs stopping at the bed two steps back... "They won't like this!"
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "She may not..." Selina admits, voice growing momentarily less smokey. "But there are things you must learn. And I am the best teacher for those things. As for Moon," She continues, moving closer to him, smile all predatory, alluring smugness. "I imagine Moon will not mind overmuch."
"Look at me, silly Solar. I am Darkness. I am Sin. I am the warmth of the night nestled up against you, which you would hurl yourself into." Selina purrs, going down on her knees before him, knocking him back onto the bed, crawling half-way up him. "''You want me. As you want her. We are a kind together in that, though I am not the heroine like her. ''"
Alexander: "I... do...." He falls to the bed, his palms touching the sheets, curling on them... and his pants strained by his manhood. He looks down on her almost desperately, his eyes shaking in confusion... wanting, not wanting... "But... but we... we should not... I do not... you are darkness. You are sin."
''And I want to '''fuck''' you... ''
"We should not..."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "''We must''." Selina says gravely, despite the sultry tone to her voice. "There are many temptresses out there, who will try to ply you with their bodies. And you, I have noticed little Solar, are vulnerable to feminine charms. So I need armor you against them."
She finds out how to undo his pants even in the low light, easily enough. And casually and quickly, does so. And then watches him soar into the air, where the rest of him lays on the bed. "By the most direct means possible." She touches him lightly, dark gloved hand brushing against the tip of him like a feather-stroke. "You will not lose yourself in this, Alexander. Not while I am doing my best to make you. You will enjoy the pleasure but not let it rule you."
'''Alexander: ''' He tries to get up, tries to leave, but her touch at the tip of him holds him down with the weight of the world.
He shakes, that touch making him gasp, closing his eyes for a moment... "But the Pale Angel..." he resists, but his voice is a mere whisper now, his resistance weak... and as he shakes, it gives in, gives in to the warmth and night... "How... can I not be ruled...?"
''Lilith... ''
''Aine... ''
''Sin... ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Simple." The Windian says as she bends down, slowly licking up from the base of him to the tip, then pulling back, sinful gaze watching him the entire time, seeing his reaction. "You accept it. You ride it. But you do not let it ride you." Then she does it again, starting from the bottom once more, slower this time, watching his reaction with sultry turquoise eyes glowing with a low fire.
'''Alexander: ''' Her touch makes him tremble. At her tongue, he throbs. His face is red, and he clearly does not know what to do, surrendering to her, her fire melting him... and every pant of his' is brought by her tongue, as she plays him. "But.. accepting.. tempted... I am tempted... like you are... if I take the tempters to bed I am lost..."
""You are good at this..." He gasps... "Good as Kanti..."
''But more sinful... more... spice... ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "You should not accept them if you can help it." Selina says smoothly, cupping a hand around him. "But if you do...you should let the give you their best...and think of it not as being temptation you are falling to." Moving her face close to him, she breathes on him softly. "Merely...think of it as a bit of free fun."
"I want you to think of what I am doing as you watch me. Think of it, realize who I am -- know the lips of the Dark Angel encircle you." She traces a finger lazily up and down his length, inches away from it otherwise. "But realize that is all I am doing. It is not condemning you to damnation, that simple thing. Not in and of itself."
Then she dips her head and begins to work on him, with all her skill.
'''Alexander: ''' ''Sin''<br>
''....fun! ''
A coarse voice, much like his own, says it to him... much like her... her eyes burn, and she is in control... but as she spoke, he felt a little more in, his eyes responding with a glittering white flame.... ""... ''fun''..." He held her hair, and enjoyed it. By the time he closed his eyes, shivered, and let himself go, he was at his most vulnerable... and yet, all fears were gone.
"Liked the taste...?" He asks as he recovers, face flushed, blushing..
Doubt was gone...<br>
There was only fun.<br>
And desire.<br>
"Now... where is the Queen of Sin you were for us...? I want to see her... if you are to be a queen like ''her''..."
''Lilith... it is just fun. ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' She looks up to him, turquoise light bathing his form now. It was always strange, doing that to a Solar, after she was no longer one. Opposites and all that, she guessed. "Do you ask her that?" Selina asks him dryly, moving up, straddling him, undoing her weapons as she had her coat before as she looms above him, not yet choosing to sink down on him, tossing the sheathed weapons to the floor.
"All the same, you must not belittle it. That is another way of twisting. Do that, and they have won before they touched you."
'''Alexander: ''' He cats his eyes down, in shame... there was no grin as he had said that. No belitting. He honestly... but, he could understand it. How one could ask it with a grin... as he had of Kanti, once. "I... I did no... I did not mean to hurt you..."
"It was heavenly..."
He is panting, his voice breathy, coarse... and yet, he is not tired, at all, from her ministrations. His stamina was nothing short of inhuman...
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I mean in general. Sex should not become your due which you receive from slaves and concubines and the like. A sure way of twisting, that path." Looking at Alex with sultry half-closed eyes leaking that turquoise light, Selina reaches down and moves her garment aside for him. Then snickers, her voice purest sin as she imagines him waiting down there for her, even after what she did. "Lower this queen down on her throne, then."
'''Alexander: ''' He looks up, glad he did not belittle her... and taking her words to heart.
''And I did it with Kanti... ''
"I will not be twisted. I will have respect... especially for a queen." He smiles, then, his smile finally almost wicked, as he sees her half-closed eyes, and the desire in them... pushing her to him as a movement of a dance, still standing... and holding her behind, pushing her down, letting her feel his strength. "I will make you enjoy it as much as the Pale Queen."
'''Selina de Windia: ''' The boy has potential, she concedes. At least, that is what she can see so far. That near-wicked smile thrills her, knowing she has a Zenith in her, so closely aligned against her kind. "Good. I will enjoy." She replies with the most naughty and sinful tone she can muster, lidded eyes brimming with desirous light.
Then she bends down over him, laying on top of him, kissing him lightly then moving away. "And you will have me till you are satisfied, Prince. Over and over. And you will remember what I told you while we dance this night, yes?"
'''Alexander: ''' He holds her, her waist, her behind, those parts of her that shook in dancing in such a sultry way, and his caste mark flared, just a little bit of light so she could feel his light ''searing'' her as he pushed him in and responded to her kissing... "Yes. Every word, teacher... every lesson..."
"Every step of this dance, shadow queen." He says, his voice coarse, but more collected, with less panting... he is more sure. "And it takes alot to satisfy me..." He says as she is pulled to him, shadow sat on the throne of light.
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "Golden Empress." She whispers, moving down on him, then up. Then being pulled down again. Her wings perk with excitement behind her, not spread out to either side. "Golden...Darkness..." She whimpers, then kisses him back.
When she breaks the kiss, in the middle of the rhythm, her voice is more breathy, full of pants, but still sultry as before. "Good, good...and remember to please her with what you learn tonight. Our heroine is worthy of sighs."
'''Alexander: ''' ''Lilith in my hands like this''... she had been, but this was... different. A different thing to try with her... he as gentle, but firm, treating her like one should treat one of such great authority... "I will... give her all, Golden Empress..."
"All you teach. All I learn."<br>
"Show me..."
''Golden. ''<br>
''Darkness. ''<br>
''Heroine. ''<br>
''Empress. ''<br>
''Yes! ''
'''Selina de Windia: ''' "I will." Comes the earnest and lusty reply, wafting through the air of the room to him as they move together.
And so she does.
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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010

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