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It is a world of darkness, and an age of savage adventure...
The Age of Sorrows has come and gone, and left a changed world in its wake. The Shogunate's devastating war with the nations of doomed Autochthon has left the world without a single unifying force, as nations squabble and bicker for power, their magic and technologies expanding as they search for an edge that might bring them the power they wish for...
Behind the scenes, Heaven is in chaos; the Sidereals plot and scheme against each other, each faction hoping to bring their own forces to power, the unity that they once held a fading memory. Rogue Sidereals slip around the fringes of society, trying to hold a fragment of freedom burning in a world nearly devoured by crippling rules...
Moving like shadows through the world, the Lunars act as they always have; predators, defenders, and teachers, they are always a step ahead of Sidereal hit squads and magitech responses, reminding the world that people must stand on their own, either by helping them find their feet, or with fountains of blood...
The Deathlords plot and weave, sending their newest agents, the Abyssals, into the world, trying to usher the end of the Third Age almost before it begins, and send the world screaming into Oblivion...
The Fair Folk stalk, as they always have, pockets of the Wyld materializing and vanishing across Creation as they seek to evade the Defense Grid and tear apart the fabric of existance...
Into this come the Solar Exalted, a power not seen for almost 3000 years. The world stands on the razor's edge. Will they be the force to redeem the world, or bring it to ruin?
What stories will they report of your deeds?
What the Hell?
Ok, the explanation goes here. World of Steel and Glass is an alternate history for Exalted. Exactly where it diverges, and what happens because of it, is listed in the History section. What you're playing, and what you're doing, is below that. And yes, there is a lot. At 31,000+ words, this is easily my largest project to date.
History of the World
The First Age; From the Fall of the Primordials to the Great Contagion.
The Second Age; From the Wyldwar to the Ashen Crusade.
The Third Age; The rise of nations to the present age.
Technology of the World
Power Sources
Communications and Video
Mass Production
Weapons and Armour
Computer Technology
Miscellaneous Technology
Nations of the World
Deheleshen, The Empire of A Thousand Rivers
Rathess, the Children of the Dragons
Chiaroscuro, The Diamond Throne
The Western League, Pirates and Principalities
New Estasia, Last Bastion of the Machine-God
Pangu, the Centre of Faith
The Balmori Republic, Ashes of Victory
Minor kingdoms; The Fringes
The World of Brass Shadows; Autochthon and the Deathlords
Yu Shan; Fractured Heaven.
- Religions
The Immaculate Order
The Gold Dragons
The Celestines
The Cult of the Machine-God
- Dragon-Blooded
- Sidereals
The Jade Faction
The Steel Faction
- Lunars
The Silver Pact
The Undercities
- Mixed
This game will be using most of my house rules, as well as some rules from my specialized setting. For ease of reference, they are linked here, along with the rules written just for Steel and Glass.
House Rules
Setting-specific Rules
Ability Changes
Merit and Flaw Changes
Background Revisions
Character Creation By Group
Firearms Tables; both mundane and artifact firearms
Vehicle List - mundane vehicles.
Artifact Changes and New Artifacts
Solar Charm Changes
New Solar Charms
Dragon-Blooded Charm Changes
Spirit Charm Changes
(Note: Future Charm modifications and new trees will come in as corebooks are finished.)
Each of the following links, which will appear very gradually, contains ever-expanding information on specific areas of Creation, organizations, and the like.
A Thousand Rivers Under The Dragons - Deheleshen and the Riverlands.