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The Random Rambling's of a Fez Wearing Dragon!!

Where to Begin........

Martial Arts

The Martial Arts style i made after watching the Sound Ninja's in Naruto, it is based on the Ninja Called Kinato Dosu , where he used Chakra to pinpoint where the waves of sound hit and to a great effect. This my my go at making something that works a bit like it, but giving it a few other things as well.

And Below is it, with a little more detail on it.

Sonic Cacophony Style Charms

The Age Of Despair

Where i`ll go into the setting i made for Exalted and other mad things i`m throwing at my group

Muahahahahahahhaa etc etc

Random Ramblings

Ermm..... Yeah...


Later for now Muhahaahahhaahaha