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Level 6-N/A

Dream Orb

A jet-black sphere of Soulsteel the size of a man's eye, this Artifact is ancient beyond even the First Age. It is said to have been formed with the Underworld and originate in the very heart of the Labryinth. No faces mar this stone and no sound emerges from its bottomless depths. Any Exalt who commits 5 motes of Essence to it can hear the voices of the Malfeans at all times and can even converse with them in a limited, vague fashion. Once per night, a single question can be asked of any Malfean. The results of this question are purely up to the Storyteller and may be positive or negative, depending on the Malfean involved and its current mood. The Orb also confers upon its holder the benefits of 10 dots in the Whispers background and places them outside of Fate. Should the bearer of the Orb ever be killed, for she can not die of natural causes, her soul is prisoned forever in the dreams of the last Malfean she spoke with, its eternal plaything.


Created by the Sacrifice of at least 1,000 mortals and all their mortal possessions over 100 years, a World Stone is one of the rarest and most potent of Artifacts. With the making of a Worldstone comes the creation of an entire world from Elsewhere. The world created by a Worldstone is roughly the size of the Blessed Isle and has the resources, plants and animals necissary and natural to a world able to support a civilization of the general level of the Eastern Threshold. Worldstones are created in stages, each stage involving the sacrifice of 100 mortals. The Stone slowly grows from the blood and bones of the sacrifices. During this process, the Stone may be shaped into geomantic patterns. The patterns crafted into the Worldstone during its shaping have a lasting effect on the Worldstone's reality. The shape and dominant elements of the new world are determined by the geomantic patterns of the Stone. Once set, the patterns of the stone are imutable and the stone itself is indestructable.
A more complicated and costly version of the ritual used to create Worldstones can create several Worldstones all working together to create a single world much larger and more complex then one created with a single Worldstone. Creating a copy of Creation, complete with a new version of Yu-Shan and the Underworld, would require around 1,000 Worldstones due to the incredible complexity involved.
The new world is inhabited by the souls of the mortals sacrificed in the creation of the Worldstone. Those sacrificed and the first generation of their children become the natural population of the new world, their souls reincarnated to provide new people as the old die off. Terrestrial Exalted may also become inhabitants of the new world via sacrifice or birth. Their Exaltation carries along bloodlines normally. Celestial Shards can never become 'citizens' of a Worldstone's new reality.
In order to access a Worldstone's reality, a specially designed level 4 Artifact Gateway. These Gateways provide two-way travel between the Worldstone and Creation. They can never travel directly to other realities.
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Are the Malfeans ever not in a mood that doesn't boil down to "crushdestroyhatekillVoidmaimhurtdeath"? - DigitalSentience