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DragonBlooded Survival Charms by FatR
Nature's Healing Bounty
Cost: 1m per 2 dice Mins: Survival 3,Medicine 1,Essence 2 Type: Reflexive Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Any Survival Excellency plus any Medicine Charm
Wood-aspected Dragon-Bloods are known for both their innate skill as physicians and for their natural communion with nature. This Charm represents the intersection of these two skill sets, as the Dragon-Blood’s knowledge of plant life and herbal remedies can now be combined with his skill as a healer. The Dragon-Blood can improve his Medicine dice pools by two dice per mote spent, although he cannot spend more dice than his Survival Ability rating (plus any applicable specialty). This Charm can stack with the First Medicine Excellency and is an exception to the normal limits on adding dice. Therefore, if both Charms are activated, the Dragon-Blood’s Medicine dice pool can be increased by a total of ([his Medicine + specialty] + [his Survival + specialty]). In order to use this Charm, the Dragon-Blood must have access to plants and herbs capable of fulfilling his medicinal needs.
Forest's Shielding Embrace
Cost: 4m Mins: Survival 4,Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Nature's Healing Bounty
Wood Aspects' affinity with wood allows them to call upon the might of Creation's ancient forests to make their bodies as sturdy as ancient oaks. When this Charm is activated, the Terrestrial's skin becomes tough and bark-like, and his hair sprout leaves and wines. Most of his body actually transforms into living wood - the Charm user needs not worry about bleeding (or attempts to drain his blood, even if they supplemented by magic), and he becomess immune to all Sickness and Poison effects, unless they inflict aggravated damage. Even better, Forest's Shielding Embrace provides Hardness equal to the Exalt's (Stamina + Essence) against bashing damage - punches and kicks of lesser opponents cause more hurt to the attackers themselves, than to the Dragon-Blood's strengthened body.
Emerald Dragon's Slashing Scales
Cost: 3m,1wp Mins: Survival 5,Essence 3 Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Duration: One Scene Prerequisite Charms: Forest's Shielding Embrace
An experienced Child of Sextes Jylis is not defenseless even when bare-handed and naked, for his body itself can grow sharp thorns and barbed wooden spikes, capable of tearing opponent's flesh to bloody ribbons in unarmed combat. For the duration of this Charm, his unarmed attacks (including clinches) inflict lethal damage and add the Dragon-Blood's Essence to their damage rating. He can parry lethal attacks unarmed and without a stunt. Moreover, an opponent, who cannot do so and attempts to punch, kick or grapple him, automatically impales himself on countless needles and bards, covering the Terrestrial's body, suffering his own (Strength + the Dragon-Blood's Essence) in lethal damage. Note, that animals who attempt to bite or claw the Exalt usually take damage as well.
Emerald Dragon's Slashing Scales has three drawbacks. First, it cannot be invoked unless the Forest's Shielding Embrace is already active. Second, if the Dragon-Blood wears armor, this Charm does not modify the damage of his clinches and does not inflict damage on unarmed attackers. Third, growth of spikes and thorns is violent enough to ruin most mundane clothes
Quarry Revelation Technique
Cost: 2m Mins: Survival 3,Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-OK Duration: One Day Prerequisite Charms: Any Survival Excellency
The Children of Sextes Jylis are master woodsmen and trackers. With this Charm, a Dragon-Blood can track any quarry whose trail is less than a week old, regardless of terrain or weather conditions. Animal tracks and spoor literally glow to the Exalt’s eyes, while broken twigs and other signs of a human’s passage are equally as obvious. Thetracker’s player needs only a single success on a (Perception + Survival) roll for the tracker to successfully track any quarry not protected by supernatural stealth or evasion. Supernatural effects that hide a quarry’s tracks are canceled by this Charm, allowing the Dragon-Blood to find his prey with a follow-up normal Survival roll.
Trail-Concealing Measurement
Cost: 2m per person Mins: Survival 4,Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Day Prerequisite Charms: Quarry Revelation Technique
Any Dragon-Blood who knows this Charm can blend effortlessly into the woods, instinctively hiding all evidence of herpassage. While this Charm is active, persons attempting to track the Dragon-Blood without supernatural aid are completely unable to do so. If the tracker is using supernatural aid such as Quarry Revelation Technique, the two effects cancel each other out, and normal tracking rules apply. The Dragon-Blooded invoking this Charm may extend it to other beings, by paying 2 motes of Essence for each additional subject.
Hostile Environment Preparation Method
Cost: 1m per subject Mins: Survival 3,Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Day Prerequisite Charms: Any Survival Excellency
With this Charm, the Dragon-Blood’s intuitive knowledge of how to survive in difficult climes allows him to protect his fellows in all but the harshest conditions. In a hot environment, the Dragon-Blood can make certain that he and his allies can avoid heat prostration and other hazards. In a cold environment, he can enable his friends to better preserve body heat and avoid frostbite. For one day, the Dragon-Blood and his companions get three automatic successes on Survival rolls to resist adverse environmental conditions. In other words, any environmental penalty of three or less is reduced to zero. The cost is one mote per person protected.
Tireless Caravan Prana
Cost: 4m Mins: Survival 4,Essence 2 Type: Simple Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative Duration: One journey Prerequisite Charms: Hostile Environment Preparation Method
As master survivalists, Wood Aspect Dragon-Blooded are often called upon to lead their fellows through rough terrain, whether while on a trade caravan or while treasure hunting at theedge of Creation. The Exalt using this Charm can improve the travel speed, endurance and morale of a group of personnel who travel with her.
As long as the Exalt maintains the Charm, she and all who travel with her gain a number of automatic successes on fatigue checks equal to (her Essence – 2 [minimum 1]). Also, all travel times decrease by ten percent per point of the Exalt’s permanent Essence. The Charm can be used to affect anyone who travels with the Dragon-Blood, but a single Dragon-Blood can affect only a number of beings (including people and mounts) equal to her (Essence x 50). If multiple Dragon-Blooded activate this Charm together, each participant can affect a number of travelers equal to her (Essence x 50), and the total number of automatic successes gained on fatigue checks is equal to the combined Essence of all participants minus two. Travel times decrease according to the highest Essence of any participant (ten percent per point) and are further reduced by an additional five percent per extra participant. The maximum number of participants who can join in a single cooperative use of this Charm is equal to the highest permanent Essence of any participant. As usual, the Essence spent is committed for the duration of the Charm, which lasts until the destination is reached or until the Dragon-Blood withdraws the commitment.
Elemental Harmony Method
Cost: - Mins: Survival 4,Essence 3 Type: Permanent Keywords: None Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Hostile Environment Preparation Method
This Charm tunes the character to the five elements of Creation. As a result, he will not be harmed in the slightest by their manifestations, no matter how violent and dangerous. The Exalt with Elemental Harmony Method can survive any environmental hazards, be it a bonfire, ocean's crushing depths, a volcano's caldera, or a pool of boiling acid effortlessly. Even the living things, including plants, insects and animals will refuse to hurt him, unless deliberately provoked, and diseases will not infest him. He still can immobilized by natural hazards, and this Charm doesn't provide him with sustenance or even breathable air, but he will never take damage and never suffer from poisoning or sickness, unless they are directly inflicted upon him by another character's action.
Elemental Harmony Method is inferior to Solar Charm Element-Resisting Prana in one important way: it does not function within the Underwolrd, the Wyld regions beyond Bordermarhes, Malfeas or other place, where the normal elements are twisted beyond recognition, or don't exist at all.
The Blessing of Sextes Jylis
Cost: 10m,2wp Mins: Survival 5,Essence 4 Type: Simple Keywords: None Duration: One Year Prerequisite Charms: Hostile Environment Preparation Method,Nature's Healing Bounty
This Charm, supposedly the first and most basic of fertility-improving Charms invented by Sextes Jylis, the Immaculate Dragon of Wood, is subtle and doesn't produce immediately apparent effect, yet its potency and usefulness should not be underestimated. By using it, the Dynast bestows powerful blessing on both his peasants and the land they cultivate. The workers gain greater vigor, the crops grow faster and turns out healthy than normal, and various vermin mostly avoid the fields. This greatly increases the food production for one year. A community supported by this Charm could provide enough food for itself to survive in any environment that theoretically can support agriculture, even without adequate tools. In more fertile lands, application of The Blessing of Sextes Jylis roughly doubles the harvest.
This Charm cannot be used on a community, numbering more than 100 active field workers per point of the Dragon-Blood's permanent Essence. Additionally, while The Blessing of Sextes Jylis doesn't deplete the land's resources, it is spiritually exhausting for the Chosen himself. If he uses this Charm more than once per year, he must pay an experience point for each use after the first.
As it is already obvious, I rewrote the DB's Survival tree for my game. Most of the original Survival seems nothing more than an uninspired waste of experience for me. I mean buying cluster-Charms to do things which can (and should) be accomplished by rolling not-particularly-hard-to-obtain number of successes on a mundane Survival check? What the?..