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Revision as of 08:06, 5 April 2010
Name: Winter Snow Huntress
Caste: Changing Moon
Concept: Fame seeker
Motivation: Become the most famous Lunar who ever was.
Anima: A snow squid with tentacles lashing about angrily.
Tell: Dark rings on her body.
Spirit Form: Snow Squid
Factions: None really
XP Left/Spent: 5/12 And using Dreams starting lunar rules.
Strength •••, Charisma •••••, Perception ••
Dexterity •••••, Manipulation</i> •, Intelligence ••
Stamina ••••, <i>Appearance</i> •••••, Wits •••
Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Integrity 1, Linguistics 3, Lore 2, Martial Arts 5(Grapples +3), Occult 2, Performance 3, Presence 5(Building Friendships +2), Resistance 3, Ride 1, Stealth 3(Ambushes +2), Survival 3
<b>Artifact 4(Moonsilver and Orichalcum Infinite Resplendance Amulet)
Artifact 1(Hearthstone Amulet)
Heart's Blood 1
Manse 2(Jewel of the Graceful Courtier, +1 success to all socialize rolls)
Solar Bond 3
<b>Compassion •••, Conviction ••••, Temperance •, Valor ••
Virtue Flaw Curse of the Heartless Weasel
Willpower •••••••
Essence •••
Personal 17
Peripheral 42/36
Health Levels</b> 0*1, -1*2, -2*2, -4*1, Incapacitated
Appearance: Perfect Symmetry(4m)
Charisma: Third Charisma Excellency(4m)
Dexterity: Third Dex Excellency(4m), Wasp Sting Blur(2m/tick, F), Octopus and Spider Barrage(6m, 1wp)
Knacks: Deadly Beastman Transformation(5m), Towering Beast Form
Stamina: Relentless Lunar Fury(1m, 1wp), Bruise-Relief Method(1m+, G), Halting the Scarlet Flow(2m+, G)
Strength: Claws of the Silver Moon(4m, 1wp, G)
<b>Deadly Beastman Transformation</b> +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina
<b>Mutations: Tentacles(4 of them), Rubbery Hide(+1 B&L soak), Chameleon(+1 to survival rolls and +2 to stealth rolls)
<b>Join Battle 6, Soak 4B/2L/0A or 9B/7L/5A, Dodge DV 8/2, Fatigue 0, Mobility Penalty 0
Fist: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 3B, Parry DV 12/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 6B, Parry DV 8/2, Rate 2, Tags N
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 13, Damage 3B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags N, P, C
Claws of the Silver Moon - Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 6L, Parry DV 12/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Claws of the Silver Moon - Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 18, Damage 6L, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags N, P, C
Spirit Form Combat</b>
<b>Join Battle 6, Soak 12B/8L/4A or 17B/13L/9A, Dodge DV 8/2, Fatigue 0, Mobility Penalty 0
Tentacles: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 10B, Parry DV 10/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Beak: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Damage 8L, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags N
Tentacle Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 13, Damage 10B, Parry DV -, Rate 3
Claws of the Silver Moon - Tentacles: Speed 6, Accuracy 15, Damage 20L, Parry DV 10/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Claws of the Silver Moon - Beak: Speed 6, Accuracy 13, Damage 18L, Parry DV -, Rate 3, Tags N
Claws of the Silver Moon - Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 18, Damage 20L, Parry DV -, Rate 3, Tags N
DBT Combat</b>
<b>Join Battle 6, Soak 5B/2L/0A or 10B/7L/5A, Dodge 9/2, Fatigue 0, Mobility Penalty 0
Fist: Speed 5, Accuracy 12, Damage 4B, Parry DV 13/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 7B, Parry DV 9/2, Rate 2, Tags N
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 14, Damage 4B, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags N, P, C
Claws of the Silver Moon - Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 18, Damage 8L, Parry DV 13/2, Rate 3, Tags N
Claws of the Silver Moon - Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 20, Damage 8L, Parry DV -, Rate 1, Tags N, P, C
Claws of the Silver Moon - Tentacle Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 20, Damage 11L, Parry DV -, Range 5, Rate 1, Tags N, P, C
Social Combat</b>
<b>Join Debate 6, Mental Dodge DV 11/2
Presence: Speed 4, Accuracy 10, Parry 10/2, Rate 2
Performance: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Parry 8/2, Rate 1
Investigation: Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Parry 5/2, Rate 2
Making Friends, Showing off
http://genzoman.deviantart.com/art/The-Pythia-101321827 Hey check out this artist! Great work! Anyhow, I see her body type and hair like this but she dresses somewhat more appropriate for the weather...though she aims for showy.
There once was a small girl of the north. She had great spirit and drive but little skill. She scraped by though in her tribe for many years. Finally though merely scraping by was not enough. Hard times were upon the people after the cold decimated the elk they followed. She was sent into the cold and the ice for no one would vouch for her to stay. Her unrealized potential though attracted the spark of Lunar exaltation for not even banishment from all she had known would break her spirit. Her traps and tricks she used to survive suddenly had the strength of Exaltation behind them and she flourished. She was taken to Uka the boar in time and taught the ways of her people. Refusing to be cast out ever again she has set her sights on fame. Challanges are what she seeks to prove her worth and so that if it comes down to it she will be the one asked to stay as others are sent out into the cold.
Plot Uses