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<ST_Mod> When we last left our intrepid glorius hero's, Haraka had just returned from his efforts in chasing down his friendly neighbourhood stalker. The leader of the goons was alive, though tied up in the basement and everyone had gathered once more to talk things over and plan their next move, or to inform everyone what the plan was.

<ST_Mod> The Dark Sun inn was slightly smashed up, but Maya and Orchid came to an agreement on how to make up her losses. New things are being brought in as we speak, replacement tables, chairs, mugs, etc. Maya guides all the work with a firm directing hand, her employees getting things back in proper order so that tonight will be just as good as last night. The 6 solars sit around a table, a bowl of complimentery fruit before them, talking.

  • Hopeful_Dream slices an orange in half and offers the other to Grace.
  • Orchid is helping herself to the fruit, deft fingers nimbly peeling and then putting tiny morsels between her full lips, licking the juice of the tip of them every time.
  • Grace takes the orange wedges, eating them carefully. "Well, what now?"

<Hekaton> "I will question the cultist leader, but I don't think he'll tell me much I don't know already."

<Orchid> "We get what little information he has not been programmed to hide out of the rude person downstairs, then he unfortunately escapes?"

  • Orchid begins offering choice bits to Haraka. "Say 'aaaaaah'."

<Hekaton> "Yes. It's better to make him think we're finished with him."

  • Haraka walks in with a bit of a thoughtful look on his face. He finds a seat in the rubble of things and flops down lazily, staring off slightly into space, "I need to get some nicer clothing for a business meeting." He looks to the others, "So what's the status on our unconscious frined anyhow?" He blinks to Orchid and opens his mouth, "aaaaah..."
  • Orchid giggles friendily, and gives him more, then turns and repeats the process on Hekaton.
  • Hekaton eats, but refuses to say "aaah" so he won't betray his coolness completely.
  • Hopeful_Dream shrugs and leans back eating slowly and carefully.

<Hekaton> "What business meeting, Haraka?"

<Orchid> "So, do something about it? Maya and I are going shopping for clothes. I believe we can find something nice for Haraka too."

<Haraka> "It's with a merchant who left me a message last night apparently. His name is Weeping Sands. Possible job opportunities. Can't stay here without work forever."

  • Haraka smiles and gives a tip of the head to Orchid, "Sounds good."
  • Hekaton looks around at you. "If someone feels up to the task of shadowing the cultist, we might let him go tonight already. It's better than waiting for another attack."
  • Grace raises an eyebrow. "Weeping Sands? He certainly has a cheerful name."
  • Hopeful_Dream slowly looks around the room. "No, work will be needed, especially those who have never had money of their own."

<Haraka> "I did a bit of analysis on the letter. I don't get any sorta hint of him being malicious. Nice handwriting too>"

<Haraka> "The tone, writ, all that, nice and professional."

<ST_Mod> Maya finishes getting the place fixed up and stops by Orchid for a moment. "Sorry to interupt, we can go when you are ready allright?" Then she leaves go to her office.

<Orchid> "Certainly."

<Orchid> "So, who deal with the nasty man? Truth to say, be bores me already. Not even handsome in the slightest."

<Hekaton> "I'll do it. They came for me, so it seems appropriate."

<Hopeful_Dream> "I don't care who deals with him, personally."

<Grace> "Just ensure he doesn't realize who you are, I suppose."

<Hekaton> "I'm not very good at sneaking around though, so I would appreciate if someone could follow him."

<Haraka> "I'm not a sneaker, nor a interogater, so I'll bow out of this one. Gotta be ready for our job interview."

  • Orchid slips her arm under haraka's. "I'm with this group."

<Grace> "I'm afraid that my gigantic flying hammer and I aren't good at fading into the background, as it were."

  • Haraka stands up and brushes his clothes off some. He thinks on Orchid's arm a bit, back to the ally, then back on her, "You know, you better be careful on that." He grins some and heads to the office, "See you folks laters. We'll be safe."

<Hopeful_Dream> "I can follow him... though it wouldn't be bad to have someone waiting to back me up."

<Hekaton> "I'll do all the nasty work. After all, this is my mess."

  • Orchid ruffles Hekaton's hair. "Poor boy. You'll do great."
  • Hekaton smiles weakly at Orchid, then gets up and gets all determined-looking.
  • Amber`Flower comes up from the basement room, walking over to the table, taking a seat and an apple.
  • Hopeful_Dream looks to Grace. "So, are you willing to back me up with your hammer?"

<Orchid> "Grace is good at intimidating. Even silver is putty in her hands."

<Grace> "I think I might get in your way, Dream. I'm not good hiding, as I've said." She scratches her neck distractedly. "There's something else I need to take care of, anyway."

  • Hopeful_Dream nods.

<Amber`Flower> "Back you up?"

  • Hekaton goes down to the basement after thanking Amber Flower for watching the leader.
  • Hopeful_Dream shrugs and goes up to prepare her equipement and get ready.

<ST_Mod> Orchid, Maya and Haraka all head off to one of the Nexus markets, following Maya's lead as all three of them depart to shop for clothing and risk a possible wrath from a certain stalker. The leader stares with hate filled eyes at Hekaton when he comes down and spits in his direction.

<ST_Mod> Grace departs to investigate the jewlers in town, to learn of the quality of their wares and who is the top of their game in Nexus. Currently the most skilled jeweler in Nexus is one of the Fair Folk, who runs her own business on the edge of Firewander.

  • Hekaton leaves his weapons outside the room.
  • Hekaton closes the door firmly behind him, and turns to look silently and menacingly at the man until he becomes nervous.

<Hekaton> "I'm not Hekaton. We will find Hekaton before you do though. The question is... What do you want with him?"

  • Amber`Flower joins not-Hekaton in the basement.

<Hekaton> "We want him because he offered a big reward for protecting him while he reveals some kind of cult here in Nexus. Would that be your cult perhaps?"

<ST_Mod> "We want him because no one escapes the cult when they join it, or did you not know he was a demon worshipper to?" He grins toothily. "Even kept a demon with him when he ran, bet you didn't know that about your friend did you?"

<Hekaton> "A demon cultist? That would explain the evidence he claims to have that will reveal your cult to the Council."

  • Amber`Flower is doing her best to hide the rather shocked expression on her face.
  • Hekaton shrugs. "Jade is jade. He seemed repentant enough to me. You have shown he has all the reason he needs to sell you to the Council."
  • Hekaton smiles with a mad glint in his eyes. "Hmm... The council. I wonder what they do to demon worshippers? I mean, I've heard stories of what they do to mere thieves..."

<ST_Mod> The goodn grins. "What makes you think they don't know about us allready?"

<Hekaton> "The Council and people of influence wants the jade flowing through Nexus, that I know. A demon cult doesn't sound like it will do wonders for commerce."

<ST_Mod> "We are all very good citizens of Nexus." Grins like he knows something you don't.

<Hekaton> "Yes, Hekaton told us that. All the more fun when you're revealed to the city, isn't it?"

<ST_Mod> "Maybe you shouldn't try to mess with things you don't understand boy."

  • Hekaton steps closer, staring at him with piercing eyes. "I bet you'd prefer the raging mobs to the council. But you do not have that choice."

<ST_Mod> "You and your friends are allready dead, you just don't know it yet."

<Hekaton> "Not as dead as you are when I show that tattoo of yours to the right people."

<ST_Mod> He just glares and says nothing.

  • Hekaton steps up to him, grabs his throat in a painful choke hold and growls. "It works just as well cut off your body, and you'd still be alive to tell us what we want to know."

<ST_Mod> He coughs but does not talk.

  • Hekaton lets go of him and hits him so hard he falls to the floor.

<ST_Mod> He spits out some blood, struggling to rise.

<ST_Mod> "Sure, beat a tied up man."

  • Hekaton pulls him up by the hair. "I don't need lessons in morals from a demon worshipper, thank you."

<ST_Mod> "Ahhh..what do you want from me anyways or is this just going to be a torture session you..."

<Hekaton> "Who sent you looking for Hekaton?"

<ST_Mod> "Our leader."

<Hekaton> "Your leader? Is it this 'Tan' character I heard about?"

<ST_Mod> "So you know his name. Your fate truely is sealed."

  • Hekaton smiles. "I see fame and glory in my future for ridding Nexus of a demon cult, beginning with you. What do you see?"

<ST_Mod> "Your head on a pike."

<Hekaton> "I've heard better threats from dirty robbers with just enough intelligence to know which end of a sword is dangerous."

<ST_Mod> "Do what you want with me then."

<Hekaton> "I will."

  • Hekaton pushes him to the floor and turns to leave, talking to Amber Flower. "Come on. His tattoo will speak far more than he does."
  • Amber`Flower looks over to the man on the floor, then follows him out, wondering just how much of what he said was true about Hekaton.
  • Hekaton goes back up to their table.

<ST_Mod> You meet with Dream who is also upstairs, waiting around and watching.

<ST_Mod> scratch that, Dream isn't there.

  • Hekaton sits silent for a while and then speaks, quietly without looking up at Amber: "I was young and stupid. I came back to set things right, whatever it takes."
  • Hekaton looks up at her. "Whatever the cost, I'll do it. You should stay out of it."
  • Amber`Flower lets out a slightly disbelieving noise "Why would I do that? I can hardly let you get yourself killed because of a ...folly of youth"
  • Hekaton looks down again. "It was more than that... Only death will bring forgiveness, theirs or mine."
  • Amber`Flower regards him more seriously "What did you do?"
  • Hekaton has been holding his cup of wine so tightly it finally shatters in his hand. He blinks at the shards. "I did terrible things."

<Hekaton> "I know first hand how vile and corrupt these people are. Their only salvation lies in death."

  • Amber`Flower isnt quiet sure waht to say. 'there, there, it will all be ok' just doesnt seem like it will cut it...
  • Amber`Flower takes his wrist, taking hold of a shard of glass, looking at him before she pulls it out "How many of them were there?"

<Hekaton> "How many of what?"

<ST_Mod> Dream suddenly enters the room.

  • Hopeful_Dream looks around and gets a drink before sitting.
  • Amber`Flower pulls another shard of glass out "Cultists...I'm not sure I want to know how many you..."
  • Hekaton smiles weakly at Amber, and tell her quietly before Dream comes too close: "If I live through it, I'll tell you if you want. Now there's no use in worrying about it. I will not squander my gift needlessly."

<ST_Mod> Grace enters next.

  • Amber`Flower nods in greeting to Dream, and finishes plucking splinters of glass from his hand
  • Grace looks somewhat pleased with herself, but notices an odd "vibe" in the room. "Is everything okay here?"
  • Hopeful_Dream relaxes waiting for a few more, while her eyes sureptiously search the room.
  • Hekaton smiles at the newcomers. "Just adding to our bill to Maya."

<Grace> "All right then." She does not look entirely convinced.

  • Hopeful_Dream stretches... "I'm tired, I think I'm going to lay down."

<Hekaton> "I didn't get much out of the goon, just as I thought. I'm thinking of letting him run when it's dark."

<Amber`Flower> "Did your business go well, Grace?"

  • Grace nods to Flower. "Yes, I've got a lot I need to do in the coming week." Me glances at Hekaton's hand. "And everything went well here?"
  • Hopeful_Dream starts to slowly go up the stairs.

<Hekaton> "Yes, I just broke a cup, that's all. I think I'll go practise swordplay on the roof until it's dark."

<Hekaton> "Dream, can I wake you when it's time?"

  • Hopeful_Dream looks to him... "Grace, would you like to keep me company?"

<Hopeful_Dream> "And you of course can wake me Hekaton."

<Hekaton> "Good. I'll be on the roof then."

<Grace> "Well, I was planning to go upstairs and start planning anyway. I suppose I can come along." Grace follows Dream upstairs.

  • Hopeful_Dream opens the door for Grace.
  • Hekaton goes up to the roof (with Maya's permission) and practises, bare-chested.
  • Grace enters and closes the door after Dream. "I take it you didn't want me to come watch you sleep. What's up?"

<Hopeful_Dream> "Well, the cultist escaped... I followed, and believe I've found their lair."

<Grace> "That's great. How many of them are there, do you think?"

<Hopeful_Dream> "Unknown, but I think we can enter the inner sanctum from the sewers there. I could hear singing coming through them."

<Hopeful_Dream> "There are guards of course, but we can take care of them, I think."

<Grace> "We should tell Hekaton."

<Hopeful_Dream> "And going by Hekaton's reactions... I think this was an unplanned escape... otherwise he'd be here with you."

<Hopeful_Dream> "But you're right... he should know."

  • Grace blinks. "But.. how can it be an unplanned escape? WE PLANNED FOR HIM TO ESCAPE." She furrows her brows. "I mean.. that's the definition of.." She stops herself, shaking her head. "This whole situation is absurd."
  • Grace stands. "Let's go get Hekaton."

<Hopeful_Dream> "Well, there's a difference before him escaping which we wanted... and escaping when we wanted."

  • Hopeful_Dream gets up to join Grace

<ST_Mod> The others all return to the Inn now, as it is now 5pm, Haraka carrying a load of clothing.

  • Orchid is whistling happily, chatting with Maya.
  • Amber`Flower looks up as they enter, sippng her drink

<ST_Mod> Maya seems in a better, more relaxed mood then when she left and as you enter breaks apart from the too. "I will see to moving your things in together then. Start in an hour then Orchid. See you later."

<Orchid> "Okay, I'll be ready."

  • Haraka sets down the clothes, and grabs his bags, "Well, better get dressed for business meetings. Be back in a second folks." He heads up stiars, not really staying 'bout for much conversation.
  • Hopeful_Dream is on the roof with Grace... "Hekaton... We have something to tell you."
  • Hekaton is practising his sword skill against a cloud of buzzing flies attracted by some meat he has laid out. Every now and then he slices a fly in half.
  • Orchid slips by Flower, giving her a hug, then practically bounces upstairs, smiling widely.
  • Amber`Flower looks after Orchid, shaking her head
  • Hekaton takes a pause and sits on the roof's edge, adjusting his headband that hides his glittering Caste mark.

<Hekaton> "What is it?"

<Hopeful_Dream> "Well, you do know your cultist left, don't you?"

  • Hekaton blinks. "No. How?"
  • Grace sighs heavily.
  • Hopeful_Dream laughs... "Through the window."
  • Hekaton looks down and his shoulders sag for a moment, then he stands up. "Never mind. I can find them anyway."
  • Hopeful_Dream snickers. "No need."

<ST_Mod> Orchid and Haraka meanwhile are in there new room, getting changed and Amber Flower is downstairs. A well dressed gentleman walks over to her and hands her a letter. "Here you are, for your friend Mr. Haraka."

  • Amber`Flower looks alittle suprised but nods "I will pass it on to him"
  • Hekaton looks at Grace and Dream as if they're playing a trick on him. "Explain."

<ST_Mod> "Thank you." He gives you a jade bit for your trouble.

  • Grace gestures to Dream as if to say she knows more.
  • Haraka returns downstairs, head freshly shaved, and new clothing on to see what activity will be going on downstairs, and to see what the status on the others is at the moment.
  • Amber`Flower waves Hakara over.

<Hopeful_Dream> "He crawled out of the window... but ever watchful and knowing he was waiting for you to leave, I watched him... I know the code to enter, and how to get to the inner sanctum... I believe I was unseen."

  • Haraka walks over to Amber, "Hey, what's the status on our visitor?"
  • Hekaton blinks. "Oh. That's... impressive."

<Amber`Flower> "He was still downstairs when we left him...you have a letter" handing the envelope

<Hopeful_Dream> "They're singing at the moment... the sewers there will be our entrance."

<Hopeful_Dream> "I wonder if the others have checked to notice that he's gone yet?"

  • Hekaton nods.

<Hekaton> "I tied him up well, locked the door and thought the basement window was too small, so I don't think so."

<Hekaton> "It doesn't matter now anyway."

<Hopeful_Dream> "But, until we know more about them, we should wait to make sure our timing is right... in this as in all things, timing is everything.

  • Haraka ohs, and accepts the letter, "Thank you." He opens it up and gives it a bit of a read-over.
  • Haraka shrugs, and hmphs, "Looks like the meeting got postponed."
  • Orchid comes down in a new set of deceptively modest clothes, until one notices how the fabric clings to every movement, making onlookers pray to see her dance.
  • Orchid goes over to the others. "Anything new?"
  • Haraka lifts the letter to show to Orchid, "Looks like we got a meeting in two days. Not much else. The others are dealing with our friend."

<Hekaton> "Yes... With some luck, they'll think Hekaton... I mean that *I* will have some damning evidence on them, waiting to turn it over to the Council. They'll have other things to think about than just us."

<ST_Mod> Then Orchid comes down, and the place has allready start to fill up heavily. The evenings activities begin and the group is forced to relocate to a small corner of the inn to talk while Orchid keeps them in decent funds and with a roof over their head. The class of patron seems to have gone up tonight, the fame of her dances allready having spread upwards through Nexus society as it was.

<Orchid> "Goody."

<Hopeful_Dream> "Well, we do have evidence... of a sort, what demon-cultists planning on taking over the city were summoning their masters?"

<Orchid> "Wouldn't that just make them want to kill you more, Blade?"

<Orchid> "Kill you as in, say, before you have a chance to go to the council? Or just make them contact their allies there to bury you before you even manage to say a single syllable?"

<Hekaton> "In my experience, the leaders of this city do whatever is necessary to keep the jade flowing."

<Orchid> "You don't really have any time to waste in killing that bunch."

<Haraka> "Time or backup. How big are these guys?"

<Hekaton> "With some luck they're confused about who I am."

<Hopeful_Dream> "Well, I doubt that demons will bring much jade in."

  • Haraka hmms, "I dunno. Works in the Relam."

<Hekaton> "Not here. Not ensnaring powerful, rich people and distracting them from business."

<Hekaton> "I'll just leave the cleanup to the Council."

<Haraka> "Atleast you are taking it reasonably."

  • Hekaton looks down. "Well... For now."

<Hopeful_Dream> "Anyway, maybe we should see if they are... play along, let's go downstairs."

  • Hekaton goes and sits in a corner, watching the crowd in the inn intently.
  • Orchid walks the tables talking to patrons, but always slipping away just as they think she truly wants to be with them. As her laughter or mood takes her she baffles the audience with song and dance, reminding them of loves lost, loves to be won, her bare shoulders speaking of cool dawns and a exposed ankle or hinted leg of warm evenings, tosses of her hair and eyes of breezes in the face, longed for and unseizable.
  • Hopeful_Dream goes with Hekaton... then looks downstairs.

<ST_Mod> Haraka and Hekaton, you are approached by large guildsman. "You two, you know that dancer do you not?"

  • Haraka nods to the man, drinking some water at the moment and lifitng his glass in response, "Indeed we do."
  • Hopeful_Dream searches downstairs, looking for anything that the cultist might have left.

<ST_Mod> "How much for her?"

  • Amber`Flower watches the large guildsman from her place by the door
  • Haraka blinks, "Ummm, she's not for sale, sorry sir."
  • Orchid empties another bucket of jade and silver bits into her tips box behind the counter. :)

<ST_Mod> Another gentleman joins him. "Ignore this oaf, I am here on behalf of certain interested parties within the Realm itself. We can do her the honour she needs. Now...whats the price?"

<ST_Mod> The two men glare at each other, not hearing your claim that 'she isn't for sale'

<ST_Mod> Such things do not exist in their worlds.

  • Haraka rubs his head a bit, "You see here, she's not up for sale, I don't have the authority to make such transactions. And you are ablocking my view."

<ST_Mod> "You are saying she isn't an, ahem, indentured servant?"

  • Orchid comes over. "Realm.. oo.. Now there's an interesting place, mi'lord. I'd loooove to see Imperial City in all it's splendors. What are you both offering?"
  • Haraka nods, "That's exactly what I'm saying. She's my childhood friend...and..." He blinks at Orchid, "Trust me, Orchid, the Imperial City is prolly not for you."
  • Amber`Flower starts to move towards the table, though she hangs back for the moment.

<Orchid> "Hmm... You're right.. I should build my reputation first..."

<ST_Mod> The Guildman turns. "Why my dear, your beauty has touched my heart and I am madly in love. Please, come with me and I can assure you wealth beyond your wildest dreams."

  • Haraka leans foward on the table, and chuckles a bit, "Sorry sir, but I think you gotta give her a lot more credit then that."

<ST_Mod> The Realm rep rolls his eyes. "Please, the only thing she has touched is your base desires. Again, ignore this sycophant. Within the Realm you will be lifted up and into the highest of Societies, and meet with the most powerful people in all the world. You will know joys and treasures beyond what this man could hope to show you."

<Orchid> "Hmm.. I have very wild dreams. I am made of them, in fact."

  • Orchid smiles pleasantly at them both and bats her eyeleashes.

<Orchid> "But the Realm... I really don't know.. It's all so sudden...."

<ST_Mod> "This land is not worthy of you, you need a place of peers, not lessers." He says in his most charming of tones, leaving the guildsman stuttering in rage as the other gentleman slides between him and you and lightly kisses the back of your hand.

  • Haraka chuckles a bit as he hear's the two merchants bicker. When he gets the nerve to kiss Orchid's hand, he stands up quickly, and takes her by the shoulder, "Can I have a quick word with ya for a moment?"
  • Orchid pulls the hand back, gently as water running in a brook. "I'll need time to think of matters like these, mi'lords. I'm sorry... really. But I beg you come again tomorrow and see me again. I'll be waiting most eagerly."
  • Orchid turns to Haraka. "Yes?"

<ST_Mod> "Do not worry lady, I shall be there with something to show what there is to offer."

  • Haraka leans over to whisper to Orchid, "The Realm? Are you nuts?"

<ST_Mod> The two depart to other parts of the room to hope for more shows.

<Orchid> "Not too much, no."

  • Orchid laughs a bright laugh, then sits on the bar and starts a melancholic song about lost days and times.

<Haraka> "Right now, I don't think you should be listening to those two. They seem rather....underhanded. Dunno why. Either way, looks like your audience is getting a bit overly rabid. Put on a good show for 'em." he grins, and gives her a pat on the head, "I'll talk more on it laters."

  • Orchid nodded lightly to Haraka as she left to contunue the entertaining.

<ST_Mod> The evening goes much like that, including Amber having to throw out a few overly feely types in the crowd. The bar goes late into the night, and at around 2am that morning Maya and the other large men she has hired to empty the bar with Amber work to quiet the place down for the night, the patrons swearing that they will return! Everyone returns to their rooms...though those who were sharing rooms with Haraka and Orchid find their things are gone.

  • Orchid stops by Hekaton, neatly pinning him in a corner, taking his hands and kisses his bruised knuckles and other wounds.

<Orchid> "I think I'll be sleeping elsewhere tonight. Will you be alright?"

  • Hekaton is staring empitly out in the crowd, but the kisses brings him back to reality. He smiles weakly. "Yes, I'll be fine. I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight."
  • Orchid blinks and looks up at him seriously.

<Orchid> "Our agreement still stands, and I'll keep my part."

  • Hekaton looks her in the eyes. "If I walk out of Nexus, I'll have plenty of nightmares. But not now."

<Orchid> "Okay."

  • Orchid chuckles.
  • Haraka returns upstairs , and quietly opens the door with his knife drawn to glance about when he first goes inside for the night.
  • Hekaton smiles, kisses her hand and disappears into the crowd.

<Orchid> "You know, a smarter, wicked man would have learned to lie by now and fake a bit of misery."

  • Orchid waves to him. "I really think I like you."
  • Amber`Flower will retire to her room after the bar is all closed up.
  • Haraka sighs with relief, and puts his knife back into his belt, "Sorry, bit paranoid tonight."
  • Orchid too retires after saying goodnight to everyone, including Maya in private for counting money as well.

<Orchid> "It's okay. Want to sleep?"

  • Haraka nods as he leans on the wall some, "Sounds like a good idea. It's been a busy day."

<Orchid> "Has indeed."

<ST_Mod> Suddenly...the lights in your room from the one oil lamp go out dropping you and Haraka into darkness and the soft sound of fast movement is heard as the moonlight just catches off the glint of a knife going after Orchid.

  • Haraka blinks for a moment when the lights go out and lets out a sigh, "Well shit..."
  • Orchid just happens to roll to the side, taking the tray with cooled wine and offering Haraka a glass, making the first blow strike where the tray now is. Then she leans over him to take one of the rare northern goosefeather pillows to put behind his back, leaving empthy air where the knife lunges for her throat.

<ST_Mod> The tray is knocked across the room, clattering against the wall from the knife strike, the whiz of the knife cutting the air the only sound from the figure as the next attack misses.

  • Haraka flicks his knives from his belt and twirls about his fingers, waiting to defend himself at the moment, "Wait! Let's talk about this!"

<ST_Mod> Their is a shifting in the darkness before you, the darker blob of the attacker against the darkness of room around it. Only the knife which gliters lightly in the moonlight from time to time is seen as it zigs again towards Orchids neck and vitals.

  • Orchid sees Haraka drinks no wine and shrugging takes it all herself in one draught, tipping back her head and body, bringing them out of the path of the first stab. Then she looks into Haraka's eyes as she puts the glass on the nightstand, "But I don't want to talk." she says and lunges at him, embracing him and kissing his lips and neck as they roll across the bed, just as the knife stabs down where she sat before.

<ST_Mod> There is a hiss of anger at what you are doing, the figure knowing well enough when it is being mocked and you hitting the exact buttons needed to piss said figure off. The knife drops to the ground and the figure leaps to try to get her hands around the pretty neck of Orchid and choke the life from her body.

  • Orchid mounts Haraka's arcoss his thighs. "I've been without any play much too long during that journey. Forgive my hunger." She says as she opens Haraka's belt and pulls it off in one fluid motion, its tip just 'happening' to whip around the assailant's wrists and pulling him or her entirely off course.

<ST_Mod> The figure leaps, is pulled off course and tumbles off the bed, a vase knocked down and smashing onto the floor.

  • Haraka blinks as he looks down in confusion at all this happening all at once,a nd smiles up to Orchid for a moment, "Ummm, no problem..." He then watches her fling the assailent and opens his eyes wide in surprise, "No problem at all...." He then reaches at the knives that have fallen from his waist as the belt holding them there has left, and gets ready for more conflict by twirling the blades about his fingers again to activate.
  • Haraka then sits up, wrapping an arm around Orchid's own middle to both keep her close and to help him regain balance as he flings the knives into the attacker.

<ST_Mod> The first knife though has that meaty thunk as it strikes right into flesh, embedding deeply onto one flank of the poor attacker. A grunt of pain comes from the lips of the, now identifiable from the sound, woman.

  • Haraka raises his hand to catch the two remaining daggers as they return to his hand. He slides form underneath Orchid to hop onto the ground, pointing them at the girl in wait for her to attempt an attack, "Look, I'm very, very, very sorry here. But if you attack us, I will through another knife. Are you alright...."
  • Orchid blinks at the sight of Haraka's attack, sending a glare at his back. Then she rolls off the bed and jumps down next to the girl, trying to figure out what is what on the shadow she props up what she thinks is the head and holds her. "Are you hurt badly? Where? Calm down and speak to me, dammit."

<ST_Mod> The dagger that was in her flesh slides free from her side and returns to your hand, dripping with her blood as she shadows hide her form still. A gasp of pain whistles out from between clenched teeth as the knife returns to your hand. Her voice seems to bleed with a more emotional pain then physical. She shoves Orchid away and looks at Haraka, dark eyes catching some of the moonlight. "You...but..?"

  • Haraka gulps a bit, and lowers the knives, "I'm sorry....I overreacted. I didn't think of what I was doing. I was on edge all night, you looked so angry, and you attacked Orchid. I just wanted to immobilize you....."
  • Orchid is tearing one of her (cheaper) dresses and ignoring protests, holds it against the wound, putting the girl's hand on top of it.

<ST_Mod> She shoves Orchid away violently and stumbles back from both of you to the open window you suspect she got in from and jumps out from it, her naked form momentarily silhoueted against the moonlight before she is gone.

<ST_Mod> Just a trail of her blood leading to the window.

  • Haraka runs over to the window and yells out, "Hey, wait! Are you okay! Come back!"
  • Orchid puts her hand on Haraka's shoulder. "So, sex with me? Maybe a bath first? Or a talk with the mysterious woman first?"
  • Haraka fols his arms a bit as he finds she's nowhere to be seen, and lans a bit on the window sill with his arms folded, "The third option sounds most approrpriate at the moment."

<Orchid> "Okay. I'll be right back. Keep our bed warm for me."

  • Orchid leaps out the window, eyes following the trail of blood as she leaps from roof to roof after the girl.
  • Haraka goes over to his bloodied knife and goes over to the sink, promptly scrubbing at th eblade to get the blood off, a bit of anger at himself brewing for wha the just did.
  • Haraka then sets the blade on the side of the sink and walks over to the bed, flumping down onto his back, and sprawling out while he waits for Orchid to come back and htinks on what he just did.