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It has been about a day since the ambush on the investigator and his escorts and the subsequent capture of them. The city has been crawling with soldiers ever since then, and as a result Soran has asked that the lot of you lie low. Soran appears to be out taking care of something, but Syla is sitting in the common room of the inn humming a tune to herself as she flips through a few papers.

Five_Pillars comes in from his morning exercises. "Good Morning, Blessed Wind" He bows, slightly.

Syla blinks a couple of times at the formality as she sets the papers down, giggling a bit. "Morning, Five Pillars. Why so formal all of a sudden?"

<Five_Pillars> He shrugs. "Just trying to be polite. You really helped us out there, getting the boy out of there, before he could draw more trouble than he already did."

She nods, smiling slightly. "No problem, Five Pillars. Just doing what I had to do, after all." She gestures for you have a seat as she leans back, stretching. "Besides, you all are too much fun to let the Wyld Hunt grab."

<Five_Pillars> He grin, as he has a seat. "Well. Just don't go getting yourself in trouble." He shakes his head. "Some of those immaculates have little patience, and less restraint." And yes, he's dressed as an immaculate, while saying this.

She just raises an eyebrow, looking the /picture/ of innocence. "Me? Get in trouble? You're confusing your wind spirits again."

He says "Never" He grins. "I'd recognize you anywhere." He pauses a moment. "So how bad is it, Syla?"

Syla rubs her forehead. "How bad is the the current situation after everything's been said and done, you mean?"

He nods. "Yeah."

She remains silent for a few moments before finally speaking, her former cheer gone. "The town's full of soldiers looking for the source of the anima. Word has it the Realm's going to be taking a very close look at what's going on here, since they didn't think people like you five were involved. Soran's making arrangements to get you five, himself, and me out of here quietly while the group goes to ground until this blows over."

Five_Pillars frowns. "You should stay. The spirit courts will gossip, if you leave, or squeal on you to the Immaculates."

Five_Pillars says "If nothing else, you can hide back in the place I showed you, until we get back."

Syla nods slightly. "I'll probably be being back and forth constantly to keep things in line here and saving you guys when you get in over your head." She winks as she manages a faint grin.

Five_Pillars frowns. "Well. I don't know how much you owe Soran. But you're doing an awful lot here, already. You seem to be more commited to this than alot of the actual rebel members."

She just smiles as she nods. "I wouldn't be surprised if that were true."

<Five_Pillars> He says "Well. Like I said. I won't pry into your affairs. I just wish you'd be careful. You put yourself at alot of risk, being material so much. Words on the wind are more help than we deserve, anyhow"

<Five_Pillars> He says "However. Now I need to ask you another favor. A personal one, this time."

Syla nods as she grins. "I'm being plenty careful, sweetheart." She tilts her head slightly, blinking. "Oh?"

<Five_Pillars> He says "Well. I was thinking something a little less showy than last night" He makes a face. "But something to give some of the others an edge. Are you familiar with the Ritual of Elemental Empowerment?"

Syla nods. "I am."

Five_Pillars nods. "Well. If you're free soemtime in the next couple days, I'd like to enchant a pair of items. And of course, If there's anything I do for you, or an item you'd like, feel free to ask."

Syla nods again, considering for a few moments as she taps the table. "Hm... I suppose I can help you with that. I don't have anything to enchant, so I suppose you'll just have to owe me a favor though." She winks.

Five_Pillars nods, solemnly. "Of course." He considers, for a few moment. "Could you also ask Soran if he could send somebody to get a few supplies for me?"

Syla nods as she stands. "Sure. What sort of supplies do you need?"

Five_Pillars explains the armor he's looking for, taking the time only a craftsman could to be specific. And then he frowns, as he considers, and asks for a weapon, as well, also being specific."

Syla listens and nods. "I'll ask Soran the moment he gets back."

Five_Pillars nods. "Excellent. Call it an hour or so, after dark tonight, then to begin the ritual?"

Syla nods as she walks over and pats your shoulder, grinning. "Sure. We'll have to do it underground so we don't attract too much attention though."

Five_Pillars says "Who do you think I am, Diamond?" He snorts.

Five_Pillars says "Oh, by the way. Have you seen Camel around?"

She whaps you across the back of the head lightly. "Hey, he's really torn up about what happened. Cut the kid some slack." She winks. "Besides, I'm sure you did all sorts of crazy stunts like that when you were young." She considers for a moment, hrming. "Haven't seem him yet today. Did you check his room?"

Five_Pillars shakes his head. "I'll go check on him in a bit."

Five_Pillars says "I was hoping to get him help me out with something I've been working on. But I can do it later."

Syla nods, tilting her head. "Oh? What would that be?"

Five_Pillars says "A charm. I figure, as long as I'm getting beat on, I might as well turn it to my advantage."

Syla nods, poking you in the side. "Don't get beat on too much, silly old man."

Five_Pillars grins. "Eh. I can take it."

Five_Pillars heads upstairs to check on the boy from the desert.

Syla smiles as she watches Five go before goign back to her papers.

Number Ten Camel cracks open the door and peers out, towel wrapping his wet hair. His voice cracks and warbles for a moment. "O~oh. Wait a moment!"

Number Ten Camel pushes the door back shut, and getting dressed noises come from inside.

Five_Pillars blinks, but waits.

Number Ten Camel opens the door a little later, coughing in a rumbling mellow tone, dressed in his shapeless cloak. "Yes, friend?"

Five_Pillars says "Actually. I was wondering if you'd help me with something. And then I'd go over your reading with you, like I said."

Number Ten Camel nods. "What can I do to help? I've little else to do right now"

Five_Pillars says "Come on down to the udnerground area, then. I have a new charm I'm working on. But I need some help with it."

<Number Ten Camel> Fair enough. I'm still not sure how we learn new.. charms.. so it might help to see you do it, too.

Five_Pillars nods. "Mostly, you just ... focus on what you want to do, and let the magic help. Come on, and I;ll show you how /I/ do it."

Number Ten Camel belts his sword to his waists and follows.

Five_Pillars heads on down to the undergounrd area, finding someplace big enough to give them some pace, and far enough away not to have ny prying eyes.

Five_Pillars takes off his armor, and most of his robes, leaving only enough for modesty's sake.

Number Ten Camel raises an eyebrow.

Five_Pillars says "First. I meditated for a bit, on what I wanted to have happen. Anytime you hit something, and it stops, the energy has to go somewhere, right?"

Five_Pillars says "I'm trying to figure out how to absorb the essence from a blow, and use it."

<Number Ten Camel> I see. You want me to punch you, or something?

Five_Pillars says "So. I want you to hit me, as hard as you can."

Five_Pillars nods

Number Ten Camel rubs his knuckles, considering...

Number Ten Camel draws back his fist, and with a grunt of effort... dashes forward with a knee to the ribs!

Five_Pillars grunts, as faintly visible traces of energy (to his essence attuned eyes, anyway) flow around Camels fist, and then into him, as he takes a deep breath.

Number Ten Camel spins with a sharp elbow, then continuing the twist a rabbit punch to the gut!

Five_Pillars says "Well. Not quite right. But it's getting better."

Five_Pillars oofs.

<Number Ten Camel> Hmm. Want to be caught by suprise, or to expect it?

Five_Pillars is definately getting better at absorbing this, though.

Five_Pillars says "Well. It's a little late for that, isn't it?" He grins. "Lets start out with a few called blows, and then work our way up to suprises."

<Number Ten Camel> Hmm. I'll try a pair of rib-crackers then. *taps over Five's heart, approximately* I'll try to land them both there.

Five_Pillars nods, and braces himself, as he waits, follwing the essence flows that trace the strike, as Camel lines up.

Number Ten Camel makes a wide swing with each fist, landing a solid blow twice on the same spot.

Five_Pillars does better the second time, than the first. "Alright. I think I'm getting the hang of this. Try it one more time."

Number Ten Camel hmms, and tries a jab from the hip, again targetting the chest.

Five_Pillars flares his anima to catch the blow. "Hrm. Getting a little better."

Five_Pillars says "Hit me with your best shot."

Number Ten Camel draws back, gathering a deep breath...

Number Ten Camel leaps forward and to the size, throwing off his cloak as he spins to the side, twisting on one foot as his other arcs round in a wicked kick to the small of Five Pillars's back! "Sandstorm Stinger!"

Five_Pillars wraps his anima around him, channelling the force of the blow into stopping itself.

Number Ten Camel thrusts out a hand to grab the cloak and twirl it around him, resetting the clasp in a practised motion.

Number Ten Camel hops on one foot. "Dammit old man! Are you made of clay?"

Five_Pillars says "Something like." He grins, as he fingers the amulet agaisnt his chest, the black jade glinting. "But I think I have the gist of it, now."

Five_Pillars says "Hopefully. I can use that to protect myself, without being visible for miles around."

<Number Ten Camel> Nice. Maybe when my skin as leathery as a elephants, I can learn it too.

Number Ten Camel chuckles with a slight smile.

Five_Pillars considers a moment. "Say." He frowns, as he thinks over something, in his mind.

Number Ten Camel grunts noncommitally.

Five_Pillars says "You think you could squeeze into my armor?" He says "I'll be sure to wash it first." He grins. "I think you might put it to better use than I would."

Number Ten Camel sniffs. "Looks bit a hefty to me. Anyway, animal skins aren't my style. Barbaric."

Five_Pillars says "Well. It's nothing to wear" He shrugs. "I took it from a God I killed."

Five_Pillars says "If you don't want it, I'll keep it. But like you said, my old skin in tough enough." He grins.

Number Ten Camel shakes his head. "I'd rather wear metal for now. I'm not comfortable with wearing a spirit killed by someone else. They might want revenge, or something"

Five_Pillars says "The Spirit is no doubt sulin in Yu-Shan, now." He grins. "Nothing left but the skin." But he picks up the armor. "Or I could get you a set of metal, if you prefer. So light you won't even know you;re wearing it."

<Number Ten Camel> If you like. I was thinking of asking Soran for some advice on a heavier suit, looks like I might need the protection. Maybe a firedust weapon too.

Number Ten Camel spreads his hands. "You owe me nothing, as of yet. I can place no demands"

Five_Pillars says "It's not a demand." He shrugs. "It's no problem for me, and you;ve certainly proven your worth." He says "Not to disparage Miss Ciel. But I wouldn;t want to be alone with a Dragon Blooded Warrior without anybody but her, if a fight broke out."

<Number Ten Camel> True enough. She seems not a warrior.

Five_Pillars says "Well. She did her part well enough I suppose" He claps Camel on the back. "But all the same, I like to know I have competant people watching my back."

Five_Pillars says "So. Now that you've helped me out, how about that reading?"

Number Ten Camel nods slowly, a little embarrassed to need the help. "I would be grateful. I need.. answers."

Five_Pillars says "Well. I can show you how to find out answers from books. Just remember, books are just what people say, written down. They're every bit as good, or bad, as the people who write them"

Five_Pillars says "what kind of answers are looking for?" He gets dressed, and heads upstairs.

Number Ten Camel follows slowly. "I'm not even sure. I feel... that I have forgotten something. Something important."

Five_Pillars nods. "Fair enough" He looks at Camel for a moment, searchingly. "How long has it been?"

Number Ten Camel closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, counting under his breath.. "Four weeks, maybe? Six at the most."

Five_Pillars says "Well. Shit."

Five_Pillars says "I've had /years/, and I still don't have all the answers."

Five_Pillars says "So. Lets get upstairs and get you to reading, and we'll see about fiinding you some answers."

Number Ten Camel laughs, if without humour. "Ah well. That is life, I suppose."

Five_Pillars says "Well. I'll tell you this. You're sure alot more together than I was, when I Exalted."

Five_Pillars says "I lived in a cave for three months, and tried to figure out what the hell was going on."

Five_Pillars grins.

<Number Ten Camel> You monks. Crazy, I tell you.

Number Ten Camel smirks.

Five_Pillars says "Well. I've mellowed a bit, in my old age. Look out for some of those other immaculates"

<Five_Pillars> He heads up the stairs.

<Five_Pillars> *Five Pilalrs reads from a book, in Old Ream.

<Five_Pillars> *Five Pillars helps Camel with an odd, long word


<Number Ten Camel> Can you read that really old stuff? They didn't like teaching that to peasant kids, but it looks handy. What with Gods and all.

Five_Pillars says "Sure. I can teach you how, if you want." He says "Spirits like it when you adress them that way. Even if they speak flametongue. Shows respect."

Number Ten Camel nods. "Might take me a while to get it right though. I wasn't so quick with my letters as a child."

Five_Pillars says "Well. We've got a bit of time here. Nothing much else to do for the next couple days, unless you want to work on a charm, or something."

Five_Pillars says "And quick doesn't mean right. Remember that. "

<Number Ten Camel> Hmm. We will see. I need to practise my defensive moves, too. Have you heard if we are doing anything soon?

Five_Pillars says "I think we're heading out, in a couple days. At least, that's the plan. Get those of us who are Exalted out of here, and draw the searchers off."

Five_Pillars says "You've got some skill with a blade. But more defense is never a bad idea."

Number Ten Camel nods. "I see. It'll be good to ride again. Though I'll have to hit the market first."

Five_Pillars says "Well. We're supposed to stay out of sight. I think Syla, the Blessed Wind, or Soran are gonna send some people out for me, in a bit."

Five_Pillars says "If there's anything you want, I'm sure they'll try to get it for you."

<Number Ten Camel> I'll see if I can speak to Soran. No offense to Syla, but I am uncomfortable with a God running errands. And uncertain of her loyalties. I trust people, more than spirits.

Five_Pillars says "Well. I can't say I disagree. Spirits are ... different now, then they once were, when the World was right."

Five_Pillars says "So. Back to the lesson." He grins. "If a dozen children can;t distract me from learning to read, you certainly can't."

<Number Ten Camel> Hmm? Howso?

Five_Pillars says "Alright. But a brief stop."

Five_Pillars says "Once, from what my dreams tell me."

Five_Pillars says "The World was at peace, after a great War. All of the exalted worked together, to make things safe, for people."

Five_Pillars says "Spirits knew their places, and did their jobs happily."

Five_Pillars says "Never exorting mortals, or threatening them. The fair folk were locked out of the world."

Five_Pillars says "... but that was a long time ago."

Number Ten Camel scowls at the mention of the Folk.

Five_Pillars says "Yes. I noticed your iron."

Five_Pillars says "Maybe. Eventually. We can get that back."

<Number Ten Camel> My parents, hunted gems in their lands. They had made.. a deal. Soran told me that after I.. Exalted? They were captured and enslaved by them. Once I am greater, I will free them. Or avenge them.

Five_Pillars frowns, and reaches out had hand to clasp the Camel's wrist. "I will go with you, my friend. And even if you were not, such things should not be."

Number Ten Camel closes his eyes. "Thank you... if you don't mind.. I'd like to postpone this lesson for a while."

Five_Pillars nods. "I'm sorry, If I have brought you pain." he sighs. "And I will be around, when you wish to continue."

Five_Pillars stands, and goes to check on the jade items.

Number Ten Camel stands slowly. "I need.. to train for a while." He draws his sword, running a calloused thumb along the iron of the blade. "I must grow stronger."

Five_Pillars nods.

Number Ten Camel stalks off to a training area, flickering aura of pale gold starting to surround him.