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It has been a day since the capture of the investigator and his escort from the Realm. Of course, due to Diamond's anima kicking up during the fight with the Dragon Blooded you captured, the Realm has been out in force in the town, desperately trying to track down the Anathema that have been within The Lap. Soran has asked for you all to try to stay inside and keep a low profile. You might be going against the first, but keeping a low profile is what you do for a living, so!

Scarab whistles a bit as she leisurely strolls down one of the many streets in the Lap, heading down to the local marketplace. Browsing some of the common wares, none would suspect this cotton cloth wearing southern peasant woman is actually much more than she seems. It is not some fruits or vegetables she is after, but a glimpse of the Realm's iron vise that even now tightens around this former haven.

One doesn't have to look far at all to see the iron vise. There are soldiers patrolling down the streets, while others harass merchants and other random people for either what they are selling or for just information. Some seem to harass them for just no reason at all. Every now and then you even spot a person or two walking armored in jade, much like the Dragon Blooded you and your Circle fought outside of town.

Scarab jostles some of the female shoppers, winning victory in a fight for a sweet fruit or two. Her eyes are largely flitting to and fro away from the tent towards the soldiers. She frowns a bit at what she sees, but makes no comment. Commoners have no place questioning the Princes of the Earth that walk amongst them.

<Scarab> .o( Hmm, we've definitely got a lot of action out here. More of those Dragon-Bloods crawling all over the place. )

Scarab does her best to mull around the market and get a better look, meandering to an outdoor meat tent.

As you head towards the meat tent, you catch an odd sight. A woman in a black dress is moving through the crowds towards the tent as well. She has long silver hair that descends to the small of her back, and isn't all that bad to look at at all. Nothing like Ciel, of course. Well, except for the fact her skin is as pale as Ciel's is. The more disturbing thing is though that she turns and looks right at you when you spot her blinking once before smiling faintly.

Scarab is definitely taken aback somewhat at another such foreigner around, however with the Realm about it shouldn't be too surprising. She deftly turns it into a demure nervous smile in return.. a staring contest is the last thing she needs.

<Scarab> .o( Something about that woman.. she knew I was looking at her. Hope it's not a Realm sorceress - that's the last thing I need. )

Scarab does not try to avoid the the woman persay, as that would be too obvious. She continues on her way into the establishment to observe, although a lot more cautiously than before.

As you arrive at the establishment, the women slides through the crowd to come to a stop next to you, still smiling faintly. "Afternoon, Miss."

Scarab tilts her head, returning the smile as politely as possible and shifting her shopping bag of fruits to the other hand. She replies in a markedly softer tone than her usual harsh one, "Afternoon, madam..."

Scarab runs down her options. .o( Crowded place, easy getaway.. keep it cool. She may have information. )

She smiles as she leans slightly against the meat stand's wagon. "Tanoi. And you would be?"

<Scarab> Oh, just another shopper who enjoys her sales...

<Scarab> You can call me Spider if you like.

She raises an eyebrow slightly at the name before nodding. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Spider." She continues smiling as she glances out at the soldier and Dragon Blooded infested crowd. "...Quite a bit of security compared to yesterday, isn't it?"

Scarab studies the pale woman a bit, though maintains a good naturedly face. "It's terrible... seems every day there's more of it. Good for me, though.. it scares away the other shoppers." She grins smugly at her good fortune, just like you'd expect some grocery store trawler to do.

<Scarab> I wonder if all the rumors about last night are true, though.

The woman nods, continuing to smile. "I suppose that is indeed a good bit of fortune for you." She glances up at the blue skies. "You mean the rumors about the Anathema that have been running about with the resistance movement here? I suppose the soldiers and Princes of the Earth lend some credence to it being true."

Scarab nods. "You're up on all the juicy gossip! Sometimes I'm too busy deal hunting to pay atention. But after that other night, even I've got to take notice... old woman Roshana was screamin' and screamin' how the Sun came up a few hours early. We all though she was off her rocker at the time...

She smiles slightly. "I don't have much else to do besides follow the gossip. I rarely get out enough to go deal hunting or anything." Her grin grows a bit. "Of course, my family put more of a guard detail due to it as well. The murder a few weeks ago of that poor man and the theft of his gem already had them on edge as it is." She hasn't stopped looking at the sky just yet.

Scarab keeps chatting away for now, trying to get a better feel for this woman. Something disturbs her, but she can't put her finger on it just yet.

<Scarab> Think it was those resistance fellas? If they keep this up there won't be any merchants left around these parts. It's bad for business.. no stores, no sales...

Scarab follows her gaze a little, playing off her interest. "See some rain? Maybe it'll wash away all the troubles."

<Scarab> So madam.. Tanoi. What brings you out here to the market? You don't strike me as the shopper type.

Scarab gives a practiced one eyed stare, rubbing her chin.

She shrugs slightly. "I don't know. It was before they really started doing anything, and rumor had it just one person pulled that off. His wife and son are still in mourning." She shakes her head before managing a faint smile. "None yet. Some should come soon enough though. The farmers need it." She glances over at you, tilting her head slightly before she laughs. "I was getting tired of being cooped up in the family home. Everything seems so... /alive/ out here, even with all the soldiers."

<Scarab> Ah, I knew it! You remind me of a friend of mine... real bookworm. She's so pale, you'd think the Sun never touched the poor girl's cheeks.

<Scarab> Thats no way to live though. You got to experience the world, even if it's just a crowded market with lots of grumpy old ladies. ;)

She tilts her head slightly. "Really? That's odd... It isn't that bad, is it?" She reaches up to her cheek with a hand, frowning slightly before blinking and smiling again. "I suppose you're right, Miss Spider."

Scarab ponders to herself behind a know-it-all smile.

<Scarab> Still, you should be careful. Those Realm ruffians have roughed up some of those old folks. *sigh* What's this world coming to?

She opens her mouth to reply, before suddenly a sudden shout from bit into the market can be heard! It is soon followed by another shout, then the sound of metal clashing against metal!

Scarab blinks, turning to look over her shoulder.

The woman turns to look as well, and you can see that a young boy, looking no more than fifteen, has drawn a short blade from somewhere and is hacking at one of the jade clad Dragon Blooded, this one being a woman with long blue hair and fair skin. She easily deflects each attack with a short jade daiklaive, before knocking the boy's sword away and ramming her shoulder into his face, sending him to the ground. Two Realm soldiers come out of the crowd and grab his arms, hoisting him up again as the woman sheathes the blade. She smiles as she shakes her head. "Commendable effort, but sadly misdirected, child." The woman speaks from beside you. "What could have possessed him to do such a thing..."

Scarab grumbles to herself about the child's vain but valiant effort, but seems more intent on sizing up the woman he was challenging.

<Scarab> Well, not everyone loves the Realm 'round here. How do you think a Resistance can even form? Some people just get so fed up, it gets violent.

She steps forward towards the child, tilting her head slightly before crouching in front of him, reaching out with a gloved hand to take his chin into her own hand. "How would you like to serve me, child? It is a lot better than the fate that awaits you, my dear boy." From what you can tell, she seems /far/ more skillful than the Dragon Blooded you and the others fought last night. The child meanwhile just glares back at her.

Tanoi steps up beside you, tilting her head. "I suppose so... but that child is either going to become a slave or die due to his foolishness..."

Scarab narrows her eyes, almost involuntarily.

<Scarab> He's got guts, I'll give him that... a lot of guts...

<Scarab> .o( This kid has it alright.. it'd be a shame to just let him go. Urgh, but there's no way I can swipe him from under that hellion's nose. She much stronger than Mr. inferno. )

Scarab looks torn on what to do, her inner hero struggling to assert itself. She begins examining the environment instinctively for any quick getaways and the amount of guards surrounding the kid.

Tanoi nods slightly. "True... I suppose that'll afford him a decent afterlife." You just barely catch her licking her lips for just a moment, but are quickly distracted when the kid spits in the Dragon Blooded's face before shouting. "Go straight to hell you dammed BITCH!" /That/ shuts up all the muttering in the crowd quickly, as more soldiers push through.

Scarab raises an eyebrow, giving a shocked countenance for all to see. She hasn't forgotten about the certain look of pelasure on her companion's face at the news either...

<Scarab> By the flames.. I suddenly think I've lost my apetite for this.

This little comment hasn't exactly been ignored by the Dragon Blooded woman either. She draws the short daiklaive again, raising an eyebrow. "I see." She takes a few steps back. "Release him, and give him his weapon." The guards nod, releasing the kid and handing him the short blade. He gets to his feet shakily, then charges at the Dragon Blooded with a shout. His strike is easily deflected with a flick of the blade, however. Another flick, and he collapses, dropping his blade as he reaches for his slashed throat as the Dragon Blooded shakes her head, wiping off the blade and turning to walk away.

Scarab drops the piece of goat she was eying and grabs her bag closer around her. She politely bows to Tanoi and turns away. "Damn shame it is.. damn fine shame..."

The guards laugh a bit before turning to follow their leader, as you hear someone scream as the crowd moves to try to get the kid to a doctor. It is too late for him, however. Tanoi merely nods to you as you head away, closing her eyes.

Scarab is still listening intently to the chatter going on among the guards as she retreats, trying to catch anything that sounds like it would be this Dragon-Blooded's name.

You manage to catch one of the guards address the Dragon Blooded by the name "Dendra" while complimenting her on her easy killing of the upstart kid. She merely shakes her head and continue walking, a slight smile on her face. Though she does toss a look of disgust at what appears to be a child covered in black robes on the street, a cup sitting in front of him or her.

<Scarab> .o( Bloody Realm types.... no wonder Soran hates 'em. Everyone struggles for a meal, and they just live high on the hog. Urgh... I almost lost my cool back there. )

Scarab struggles with herself another moment, then walks about in a random way through the side streets adjoining the bazaar, and ends up not far from the black robed kid.

The kid doesn't seem to notice your presence, though after a few moments Tanoi appears in your sight again, tossing a few pieces of jade into the kid's cup before she continues walking.

Scarab watches Tanoi a moment before showing herself. A complicated woman this is... it'd be worth keeping an eye on her.

Scarab meanwhile sets the large bag of fresh produce down by the child, with a small grin.

The child glances up, his face hidden within the robes as he speaks in a hoarse voice. "T-Thank you, miss." Tanoi meanwhile is distracted by a man who tries to get her attention for a few moments before he is sent away with a dejected look.

Scarab crouches a bit by the beggar. "Try to keep your chin up. There will be sunnier days, soon."

He nods slightly. "As you say, miss. Thank you again."

Scarab does her good turn for the day, trying to push the imagery of before out of her mind. Seeing Tanoi distracted, she makes a motion to slip back out of sight.

You manage to follow her for a good while, until you find yourself on one of the emptier streets as she tilts her head. "Whoever is following me, stop or show yourself."

Scarab grits her teeth. This woman is sharp!

Scarab appears lazily from the side of a nearby building. "You've got mighty keen senses, madam Tanoi."

She turns to face you, smiling slightly as she clasps her hands behind her. "I try, Miss Spider. Why were you following me, though?"

Scarab steps out fully into the late day sunlight.

<Scarab> Well, our delightful conversation was ruined for one. I hate making such a rude goodbye.

<GMZack> >> She nods, smiling slightly as she walks over towards you. "Indeed. You're to be commended on your politeness, miss."

<Scarab> Just one question, then, if I may?

<GMZack> >> She tilts her head. "Oh?"

Scarab looks a bit tense, but continues with her best attempt to play things off. "You're obviously not a Realm fan... just what are you here looking for then? Perhaps I could help."

She considers for a few moments, glancing around as she frowns. "I shouldn't speak in public about this. Would you accompany me to my home? We can be assured of no listeners there, Prince of Earth or otherwise."

Scarab considers this option. She shouldn't be too obvious, having a different set of clothes than her robbery visit. The suspicious Tanoi could trap her, but she could easily escape most traps. The urge to ivnestigate wins out...

Scarab just simply nods.

She nods, smiling as she reaches out to take your hand in hers. "This way, then!" She turns and begis to lead you down the street, seeming to be a cheerful lady out for the occasional stroll.

Scarab is pulled along on the jaunt, cotton scarf blowing in the breeze.

After about twenty or thirty minutes of walking you and Tanoi arrive at an estate not unlike the one you stole the jewel with the lead from Soran. These guards seem far more well equipped and alert however, and quickly open the gate for you and Tanoi with a bow which she acknoledges with a smile. She leads you into the courtyard, which is full of trees and plants with the mansion itself deeper within the walled area.

Scarab follows quietly, doing her best to take in the environs and smile a bit haphazardly to the guards.

<Scarab> N-nice place..!

<Scarab> .o( Whew, I thought this was THAT mansion for a second. )

She nods, smiling. "My family is farily well off. I suppose this is a blessing of sorts, though the Realm has taken to interfering with Father's business as of late." She leads you through the grand double doors into a well appointed antechamber, with a set of stairs leading up to a balcony with a door which probably leads farther into the second floor, and a door below the stairs. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling, lit candles providing light.

Scarab sighs once at the opulent taste. The smell of money... it's hard to resist it, for one such as her.

She glances back at you as she leads you up the stairs, frowning slightly. "What's wrong?"

<Scarab> Aw.. just thinking how you're one lucky woman to have such a well-to-do dad.

Scarab shakes her head, holding her hands out and gesturing to emphasize. "Something like this is just a dream for most."

She blinks a bit before nodding. "Perhaps. He's been away for a while now due to all the trouble the Realm's caused for his business." She leads you through the doors to a hallway, multiple jade chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the room and many doors. "True. Perhaps there'll be a day when this is the norm instead of the exception."

Scarab shrugs. "Well, not my place to go complainin'. I am your guest, after all."

She laughs, nodding. "Indeed!" She opens one of the doors, leading you through into what appears to be her bedroom. There is a window door leading out to a balcony with a grand view of The Lap and the surrounding area, with a well sized bed next to it. To the left is what appears to be a closet, while to the right there is a table with a few chairs, and a trunk in the corner. She leads you over to the table, pulling out a seat for you before taking one out for herself.

Scarab nods her thanks and promtply takes a load off, crossing her legs.

Scarab looks vaguely apologetic for her directness. "Sorry, been on my feet all day."

She shakes her head as she smiles. "No problem at all, Miss Spider." She shifts a bit as she meets your gaze with her own obsidian eyes, full of cheer. "So then... you asked me what I was looking for, correct?"

<Scarab> That's right. I like to think I'm a good judge of character... and I get the feeling you're lookin' for something.

She grins even more as she nods. "You are indeed a good judge of your character, miss. You sp-" She is interrupted as the door is opened and an old man pokes his head in. "So you just came in, Miss Tanoi. Would you like anything to drink or eat?" She blinks for a few moments before shrugging. "A glass of wine will do fine." She glances over at you. "Would you like anything, Miss Spider?"

Scarab has an amused grin at this, and obviously takes up on the offer. "Wine sounds grand, if you don't mind?"

She nods, glancing at the man. "Two glasses of wine then. Bring the bottle as well, if it isn't too much trouble." The man bows before exiting, shutting the door behind himself.

Scarab remarks offhand, "...gotta get me one of those..." before turning back to Tanoi, more businesslike and serious.

She laughs. "He's alright, but he keeps a pretty close eye on me most of the time, both on and off the estate." She rests her elbows on the table and interlaces her fingers, looking at you with intensity. "As I was saying, you are indeed correct in your judging of me, Miss Spider. You didn't seem like a fan of the Realm either, from what I saw earlier today."

Scarab rolls her eyes. "Tell me about it. I'm no fan of the resistance, but all the soldiers are seriously putting a crimp on my game in town."

Tanoi rests her head on her interlocked hands, raising an eyebrow. "Your deal hunting?"

Scarab gives a knowing smirk. "Well, I hunt a lot more than just a nice price at the stalls. I can find all sorts of things..."

She mms a bit. "Is that so... What sort of things, if you don't mind my asking." There is a knock at the door before the man steps in, a platter in his hand with two glasses of red wine and what appears to be a newly opened bottle. He swiftly moves into the room and sets it down on the table, bowing to Tanoi before exiting, shutting the door behind him. Tanoi takes one of the glasses and sips the wine, closing her eyes for a few moments.

Scarab watches her hostess drink the wine first, not wanting to be rude. She doesn't suspect poison or anything, no sir...

She takes a few moments to enjoy the wine before setting the glass down in front of her, licking her lips for a moment before she opens her eyes.

Scarab soon follows up, having a careful sip of what she expects to be a fine vintage.

It is indeed. Quite possibly the finest you've tasted yet. She smiles slightly as she props her head up on interlaced fingers again. "So, what sort of things, Miss Spider?"

<Scarab> Mmm.. you've got REAL good taste, madam Tanoi.

She smiles. "Thank you, Miss Spider."

Scarab leans a bit closer in a low voice. "So what's your taste in what I can offer? Information, people, hot goods...? I've got the contacts around town to make it happen, or put you in touch with someone who can."

She leans in as well, your faces not far from each other at all as she speaks softly. "I deeply desire the first two, though I wouldn't mind the third if you found anything particularly interesting..."

<Scarab> Eh-heh. So you're looking for a certain someone, then.

She nods, smiling slightly. "My sister. She has been missing for a good while, Miss Spider. You seem to be one able to find things that have been gone for a while, if I may say so." She leans back just a bit as she sips her wine again.

Scarab rolls the liquid in her wine glass around a bit in thought, raising an eyebrow a bit. "Well, I am good at what I do. But compliments are always appreciated."

She smiles as she lowers the glass. "Everyone loves to be praised at what they do best. It is a fact of life itself."

<Scarab> So, tell me about this sister of yours. Must be an interesting character, if she's anything like yourself.

She smiles slightly, nodding. "She is indeed. She looks a lot like me, except she's probably far more beautiful." She closes her eyes, as if dredging up old memories. "Her eyes are violet, however, and she was quite charming before she disappeared years ago as a child. She always had an interest in sorcery..." She takes another sip of her wine, falling silent.

Scarab listens, trying to pick up on the story, which seems a painful memory.

Scarab also barely can suppress her surprise as her mind's eye immediately thinks of Soran's companion Ciel. Who else around here fits a description like that?!

<Scarab> I see. Seems like some bad memories...

Scarab smiles once. "Don't let it get you down. I've reunited families before, I could certainly do it for you, no problem."

She lowers the glass, eyes still closed. "We originally lived in the East, but we moved here a year or so after my sister disappeared..." She shakes her head. "Father was distraught when it happened. She had been her favorite. He had even given her a name that means "Beloved" in an ancient language. Ciel." She opens her eyes, smiling. "Really?"

Scarab tries to look encouraging as the woman only confirms her suspicion in spades. .o( Just why is this woman after Ciel? Somehow I don't trust her motives... )

<Scarab> Yeah, hearing your story, I just recalled a conversation my half-brother's friend was having with me the other day. He said he saw this amazing woman with a face like a goddess and the eyes you described. He's a hopeless womanizer, but when someone with such a foreign face flies in, I'm tempted to believe him...

She blinks a couple of times, standing in a flash as she leans in /quite/ close. "Really?! Where did he see her? When?!"

Scarab rubs her chin, blinking in return at the suddenness. "Easy, easy.. it could be nothing at all. She was driving by in a carriage, and it was a real quick glance."

She blinks a couple of times, her hope and surprise fading into sadness as she sits, taking another sip of her wine. "I see..."

<Scarab> It was just a couple days aga, too. I can check it out in depth for you of course. Someone like that must attract a lot of attention wherever she goes.

She nods. "Would you please? I'll give you anything you want that I can, if you can find my sister for me."

Scarab eyes glimmer, even if she is not entirely trusting of this woman's offerings deep down. "Anything you say? Well now..."

She nods ethusiastically.

I'll admit, I've got a soft spot for shiny things. Someone of your stature must have lots of interesting jewelery... how about it?

She smiles slightly, standing with wine glass in hand. "Let me show you what I have then." She turns and heads towards the closet, sipping the wine as she does so.

Scarab adobts a trademark mischeivous grin, looking pleased.

Scarab has one last sip of the wine, before she follows the mistress of the household.

She opens the closet, revealling it to be full of fine dresses and the like, some appointed with bits of jade. Once she opens it all the way, a small chest of drawers can be seen within. She crouches slightly, opening one of the drawers to reveal quite a good amount of jade jewelery.

Scarab edges down to get a closer look at the workman ship and styling.

They are some of the most well made examples of jade jewelry that you have ever seen in your career. She smiles slightly as she glances over at you before opening another drawer, revealling even more.

Scarab obviously is gaping. This is partially an act, but also quite sincere. This gal is loaded.

<Scarab> I better get some of that before the realm melts it down into some more armor, eh? *grins*

She grins even more as she opens the third, the fourth, and finally the fifth, each loaded to the brim. "Indeed, Miss Spider. Some of these would look good on you too, I wager..." She picks up one of the necklaces, holding it up before turning so she is looking at you while holding it up, hrming a bit.

Scarab laughs a bit, though she's still intently scrutenizing the jewelry for anything that strikes her as extremely unique or special about the one hold up before her.

Scarab has a hard time focusing, her mind immediately thinking how much that is worth, not what's so special about it. Sigh.

There doesn't appear to be anything too special about it, besides the fact it must cost a small fortune. She reaches over, clasping it behind your neck and hming a bit as she lets it rest before smiling. "Not bad. Not bad at all. It would look even better with a dress and other matching jewelry..."

Scarab blushes faintly. "Well, we can play dress up plenty more when your sister is located..."

She nods, smiling. "Consider that a down payment, at least." She reaches up, brushing back some of your hair as she hms. "Perhaps a hairpin as well..." She shakes her head before standing. "Sorry about that." She grasps her wine glass and finishes it off. "Please don't let me down, alright?"

Scarab touches the necklace once, hmming to herself. "Hey, I may be a Spider in the shadows, but I'm a woman of my word. I have a reputation to maintain."

<Scarab> Why, in a couple of days I bet you'll be sharin' a wine glass and catchin' up on old times.

She nods, placing a hand on your shoulder as she smiles. "Thank you, Miss. Thank you ever so much."

Scarab flashes a confident smile. "No problem... no problem at all." Unspoken is the feeling deep down that this is a very risky move, indeed.

She nods, letting her hand fall to her side as she smiles. "Do you want me to show you out then, Miss Spider?"

<Scarab> If you could? As much as I'd love to take in the high-brow scenery, the day's almost done.

She nods, taking your hand again as she sets the empty glass down on the dresser. "Of course, miss." She begins to lead you out, opening the door and entering the hallway.

Scarab follows, a bit of a hurriedness in her step that was not there before.

Soon enough you're in the courtyard, heading for the gates. Night seems to have fallen while you were talking to Tanoi. "Feel free to stop by whenever you need anything, Miss Spider. Or even when you don't need anything." She glances back at you, smiling. "I enjoyed your company, either way."

Scarab bows her head once, raising a hand to wave. "You might be seeing more of me, alright... as for the company, well that's free of charge."

She smiles as the guards opens the gate, slowly releasing your hand. "Even if it wasn't, I'd still pay. Good luck, Miss Spider."

<Scarab> I'll be back with results, Tanoi... see you 'round.

She nods again, smiling.

Scarab takes her leave of the place, happy in one respect but also a bit unsettled by the whole chain of events.

The gates are closed behind you as Tanoi watches you leave, still smiling before she turns to head back into the mansion. Things seem a bit quieter outside, though Realm soldiers and Dragon Blooded are still on patrol.

Scarab walks the streets alone, taking pains to conceal the hugely valuable adornment she is wearing underneath her rough scarf.

You manage to keep it unnoticed, due to the dark night, the scarf, and the Charm still in effect around you.

<Scarab> .o( Does Soran know about this woman? False leads will work, unless he wants to meet Tanoi. I just can't shake the feeling she is more than a lonely sister she's letting on. Ugh. And the Realm woman.. )

Scarab tries not to be obvious, heading towards the Half Past Inn as would any traveler looking for a place to rest for the night. .o( This is going to be nothing but trouble. )

You don't seem to attract any unwanted attention from the patrol, though you do spot Dendra with her routine of soldiers harassing someone before continuing on their way.

Scarab resists the urge to glare, but just meekly continues back to home base for now. There is much to impart to the Circle, and moves to be made.

And so you make it back. Neither Soran or Syla are present, busy with preparations to leave and to hide the rest of the movement. So you rest. Perhaps a bit fitfully due to today's events, but you rest.