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Crystalline Feathers of the Resplendent Phoenix

“We who hatched outside the edges of creation have no need for the ‘Lords of the Earth'"

Welcome to the flock, lost one. We have so much to teach you but our time is short. You are legacy of our race, the legacy of the Resplendent Phoenix. You are a Phoenix, crafted from the very feathers of our grandmater the Resplendent Phoenix who we will speak of later. You know this to be true; I can see in your eyes the call of the Wyld. You crave things you don’t understand, can’t understand until you taste the essence that is your birthright. Come with me and learn who you are.

As mortals hide within their houses and Dragon-blooded legions sharpen their spears for battle, all ask a simple question; what are these beings that leave only insanity and slaughter in their wake? What are these creatures that even the fair folk fear?

The Wyld has always been a dangerous place, with the Fair Folk raiding and storms twisting reality, but nothing that came out of the Wyld ever readied the Exalted or Humanity itself for the Resplendent Phoenix, known simply as the Phoenixes to those few who know the ancient lore.

This is an online supplement designed to add these enigmatic exalted into your campaign, with a optional built-in chronicle entitled ‘Expression of the Jaded Butterfly’. The Phoenixes are the second of the Terrestrial breeds, Exalted masters of manipulating the pure essence of the world (change phrasing, sounds stupid-Zerg). The Phoenixes are quite spiritual and trace their lineage back to the Resplendent Phoenix, in their mythology the God of the Wyld. Their shards were crafted from his fallen feathers of this great crystalline god, each caste is named for the gem the feather was made of and based upon a section of the great gods’ life.

The five aspects of the Resplendent Phoenix are; Sapphire which represents the birth of the Phoenix (aspect of Life), Emerald which represents the emotional turmoil of living, loving and healing (aspect of Health), Diamond which represents the destructive nature of the Phoenix in it’s deaththrows (aspect of Destruction), Opal which represents the peace found within the Phoenix’s hallowed rest (aspect of Death), and Ruby which represents the rebirth of the god from his very ashes to begin the cycle anew (aspect of Rebirth). Each of the aspects expands upon these beliefs, bringing their experiences to those taught from the Resplendent Phoenix to create their great society.

The Five Aspects of the Resplendent Phoenix (quicksheet)

Emerald: Aspect of Health (Emotion), both healing and fear
Sapphire: Aspect of Life, both joy and sorrow
Diamond: Aspect of Destruction, both purity and suffering
Opal: Aspect of Death, both peace and regret
Ruby: Aspect of Rebirth (Memory), both forgiveness and vengeance

Charms and Caste Abilities

Emerald  | Awareness   - Athletics    - Medicine      - Resistance  - Sail     
Sapphire | Brawl       - Bureaucracy  - Investigation - Socialize   - Survival 
Diamond  | Archery     - Dodge        - Larceny       - Melee       - Stealth  
Opal     | Lore        - Craft        - Endurence     - Performance - Thrown   
Ruby     | Linguistics - Martial Arts - Occult        - Presence    - Ride     

The Personalities of the Five Aspects
The Sapphire aspects are the most sorrowful, they know how precious every moment is and to never waste it for someday you will have no moments left to waste.

The Emerald aspects are the most emotional, losing themselves in their feeling. They are masters of healing both with words and charms though they know how ephemeral health is and fear failure.

The Diamond aspects are the most regretful, all things must be destroyed in time and they bring that destruction when it is needed to clear the way for the new.

The Opal aspects are the most accepting, knowing all things will join in death but sorrowful for those that pass before their time.

The Ruby aspects are the most vengeful, paying back both betrayal and aid in equal measures, and forgiving those who truly regret their actions.

Call of the Wyld: When a Phoenix limit breaks he gains a derangement based upon his nature, but he also falls under the effect of Call of the Wyld. The Call of the Wyld is the almost uncontrollable desire to return to the most pure state of essence, which is usually the Wyld though not a few Opal and Diamond Phoenixes have instead been drawn to the Shadowlands. The Phoenix can resist this with a willpower point expenditure which will cease the desire for a number of days equal to your temporary willpower. While resisting the affect of Call of the Wyld you no longer gain a willpower point from resting.

The only way to regain control after a limit break is time spent in the purity of essence. The Wyld is most effective spring of essence for them to draw from though many other places will work with varying degrees of effectiveness. Refer to the Essence Level Table, you lose one limit point per level.

Essence Level Table

1| Shadowlands, Bordermarches
2| Underworld, Middlemarches, Demenses, Manses
3| Deep Wyld
4| Pure Chaos