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<b>Name:</b> Yiki Never-Fair, Crone among Maidens<br>
<b>Type:</b> Sidereal<br>
<b>Caste:</b> Endings<br>
<b>Nature:</b> Survivor<br>
<b>Anima:</b> ???<br>
<b>Concept:</b> prematurely-aged kung fu witch<br>
<b>Quote:</b> "When the student surpasses the master, it is time for the master to step aside, lest he be ended by his student."<br>
Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3<br>
Charisma 1, Manipulation 5, Appearance 1<br>
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
<b>Athletics</b> 2, <b>Awareness</b> 3, <b>Bureaucracy</b> 3, <b>Craft</b> (Fate) 3, Dodge 3, Linguistics 2, <b>Lore</b> 4, <b>Martial Arts</b> 4, <b>Medicine</b> 3, <b>Occult</b> 4, Socialize 1, Stealth 3, <b>Survival</b> 2, Thrown 2
<b>Backgrounds:</b> Acquaintances 1, Artifact 3, Celestial Manse 1, Connections (Bureau of Destiny - Endings) 1, Connections (Bureauf of Destiny - Secrets) 1, Familiar 3, Salary 3, Sifu 3
Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3<br>
<b>Willpower:</b> 6<br>
<b>Health:</b> -0,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4,Incap<br>
<b>Essence:</b> 3<br>
<b>Essence pool:</b> 12/33
The Rising Smoke 3<br>
The Sword 1<br>
The Mask 2<br>
The Sorceror 1<br>
<b>Craft:</b> Elegant Pattern of Fate<br>
<b>Dodge:</b> Absence<br>
<b>Martial Arts:</b> Secrets of Future Strife, Joy in Adversity Stance, Flight of Mercury, Blade of the Battle Maide, Violet Bier of Sorrows Form<br>
<b>Occult:</b> Terrestrial Circle Sorcery<br>
<b>Spells:</b>Corrupted Words, Emerald Countermagic, Flight of Separation, Paralyzing Contradiction, Summon Elemental<br>
<b>Base initiative</b>: 9 (18 for first turn, from Secrets of Future Strife)<br>
<b>Soak</b>: 3B/1L/0A (unarmored)<br>
<b>Dodge</b>: ?<br>
Starmetal Daiklaive: Spd ?, Acc ?, Dmg ?, Def ?<br>
Throwing Knife: Spd ?, Acc ?, Dmg ?, Def ?<br>
=== History ===
Yiki was born old.<br>
Her family's village was close to Shadowland. Too stubborn to flee the twisted emanations of the fields of the dead, her parents condemned their only child to a life without youth. Yiki was agile and of quick mind like the other children, but her skin and hair were wrinkled and dry like an old woman's.<br>
Fearing that their child was cursed, the parents gave her to the witch that lived in the forest on the nearby hills. The hag saw that the girl had been born under strange stars, and that she was touched by fate's cruel hand. Thus, she raised her to be a witch, to be feared and hated by those who were once her kin.<br>
On her twenty-third birthday, the old witch told her that the time had come for Yiki to dedicate herself to the forces of witchery that had given the hag her powers so many decades before. She took the girl to a foul pond at the center of a forest clearing and began the chants and drawings to summon the unholy forces.<br>
Neither Yiki nor the hag noticed the man who looked silently upon them from the dark of the woods.<br>
After many hours of witchcraft, bubbles began to rise from the foul waters of the pond, and soon they were followed by a tentacle of a sickening color that slowly reached for Yiki.<br>
Suddenly, Yiki saw before her mind's eye the future she was about to embrace: a wretched life of servitude to creatures far beyond the concerns of mortals.<br>
Moments before the monstrous creature touched Yiki, she turned to the woman who had taught her so much. "What makes you think I want to be like you?" she asked, and pushed the witch into the dark water, which immediately boiled and hissed and turned red from her blood. Yiki drew her ceremonial dagger and stuck it with all her strength into the wildly thrashing tentacle. An inhuman shriek escaped from the wound before the tentacle retreated into the water.<br>
Yiki stood and watched as the water grew cold and still once again. When she turned to leave, the man who had watched her was standing on the clearing.<br>
"If you want to be the master of your own fate, then come with me", he said<br>
She did.<br>
Thus she learned to weave fate, to fight, and to craft spells.<br>
=== Personality ===
Yiki wants to be on control of her future. She takes advice from her fellow Sidereals, and learns all they have to teach her, but she will never allow herself to be bound to servitude to any person, force or creature. She is not above betraying her teachers when she feels they are trying to shackle her. Fortunately, that point has not been reached yet.<br>
Her life as an outcast has made her bitter and lonely. She never learned to relate to anyone other than the old witch.<br>
=== Physical Descritpion ===
Despite being only in her twenties, Yiki has the looks of an old woman. Her skin is weathered and her hair is white and dry. She dresses in a simple hooded black robe.<br>
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Latest revision as of 20:18, 23 January 2005