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Celestial Talents

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Celerity Talents

Celerity Talents vary slightly from Celestial to Celestial. Lunars and Chimerae have a wilder Level 2 Talent and a weaker Level 3 Celerity Talent. These must be taken for the relevant Ability.

Level 1: Make a roll at your full pool without using your dice action, up to a number of extra actions equal to your Essence in a turn. You may not split your die pool with this Talent.

This costs 2 motes per action for Passive actions, and is Reflexive: Instant
This costs 3 motes per action for Active actions, and is Extra Action: Instant.

Level 2: (Solars, Abyssals, and Sidereals) For 5 motes, you may, for the remainder of the Turn, make any sort of one-action Passive roll with this Ability whenever it is appropriately called for, without actually taking an action. Reflexive, Instant.
Level 2: (Lunars and Chimerae) Subtract up to your Essence from the penalty for splitting your dice action during the turn. This can in no way leave you with a bonus.

This costs 1 mote per penalty subtracted. Reflexive, Instant.

Level 3: (Solars, Abyssals, and Sidereals) For 5 motes and one Willpower, you may, for the remainder of the Scene, make any sort of one-action Passive roll with this Ability whenever it is appropriately called for, without actually taking an action. Simple, One Scene.
Level 3: (Lunars and Chimerae) For 5 motes and one Willpower, you may, once per Turn for the remainder of the Scene, make any sort of one-action Passive roll with this Ability whenever it is appropriately called for, without actually taking an action. Simple, One Scene.

Level 4: For 7 motes and one Willpower, you may, once per Turn for the remainder of the Scene, make one die-action Active roll with this Ability whenever you are able, without using your die action. Simple, One Scene.

  • Combat Passive rolls are parries, Active rolls are attacks.
  • Prowess Active actions are running and leaping, Passive is dodging.

Other Celestial Talents

Only Celestial Exalted may take the following Talents.





Abyssals call this Talent Essence Engorgement Technique. Solars call it the Sun's Eternal Gift, Lunars the Moon's Fickle Blessing, Chimerae Strength from the Wyld, and Sidereals the Stars Ever Shine.

  • Cost: None
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Type: Special
  • Minimum Lore: 1
  • Minimum Essence: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
  • Each time this Talent is taken, it adds motes of Peripheral Essence equal to twice the character's permanent Essence, in a seperate pool. For each type of Exalted there is a different manner of restoring it. This Talent may be taken a number of times equal to the Exalt's Lore Ability.
Abyssals can only recover this pool by drinking blood. Chimerae by eating dreams (as a Raksha). Solars only recover this pool under the light of the Sun, and Lunars only under the light of the Moon (though it works even during a New Moon). Sidereals only recover this pool by using their Essence Replenishment Charms while in Yu Shan.



Abyssals call it Blood Feasting Technique, Solars call it Sun's Bounty, Lunar's Moon Feast, Chimerae call it Feast of Dreams, and Sidereals call it Drink from the Stars. The effect is always similar, however.

  • Cost: None
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Type: Special
  • Minimum Natural: 3
  • Minimum Essence: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
The character no longer needs food to live. Depending on the type of Exalt, she may subsist on nothing more than the means supplied by her patron. Abyssals must drink a number of Health Levels of Blood per day equal to their Permanent Essence, Chimerae must drain a like amount of Willpower per day. Solars must spend a number of hours under the light of the Sun (which may be reflected) per day equal to their Permanent Essence, and Lunar's likewise under the Moon's light (regardless of cloud cover or phase of the moon). Sidereals receive similar sustenance while in Yu Shan.


Cat-Grace Method

  • Cost: None
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Type: Special
  • Minimum Athletics: 1
  • Minimum Essence: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
Celestial Exalted taking this Talent double their effective Dexterity, Prowess, and permanent Essence for movement, leaping and falling purposes (for calculating raw numbers). In addition, their verticle leap is now equal to half their horizontal leap, instead of a tenth.



Preternatural Sense

  • Cost: None
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Type: Special
  • Minimum Subterfuge: 1
  • Minimum Essence: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
You may take this Talent a number of times equal to your permanent Essence, up to four times. Each time this Talent is taken, it grants a special set of permanent abilities for a sense. It also typically adds your permanent Essence in automatic successes to rolls involving the given sense.
  • Sight:
    • Resolve color in darkness
    • Negate any darkness penalties less than completely dark
    • See clearly through fog and mist
    • Retain visual acuity enough to spot a fieldmouse a mile away
    • See heat, recognise dangerous, powerful light (Infrared and UV)
  • Hearing:
    • Distinguish multiple conversations or events at once
    • Hear the full range of calls from all animals
    • Hear well enough to easily hear a whispered conversation a hundred yards away
    • Ignore noisy conditions, wind, and other distractions
    • Feel your surroundings via echolocation out to five yards
  • Touch:
    • Read a book by passing your fingers over the letters, feeling the change in texture
    • Gauge the exact temperatures of your surroundings
    • Know the material and quality of any item you can touch (at least adequately)
    • Keep your sense of touch freely - fealing through gloves, without adding any needless sense of pain
    • Know your surroundings by the disturbances they create in the air, out to five yards
  • Smell
    • Identify most poisons outright, from where and for how long they have been sitting by smell
    • Identify individual people and animals by their smell
    • Track individuals by their smell
    • Identify moods and other pheremonal cues by scent
    • Ignore distractions and other attempts to mask scent

