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Breaking and Lifting Things

Characters may lift and walk around with up to their Brawn times 100 pounds, though only at half speed and only for their Brawn in Turns. They can walk normally or run at half speed while carrying their Brawn * 50 pounds, and can run normally while carrying their Brawn * 25 pounds. See /Prowess for running speeds.

If the intention is merely to lift - not actually move something more than a yard or so, they may add their Might (lifting) to their Brawn for this purpose. By spending a Willpower, they may roll, with extra successes adding to Brawn for weight lifted purposes. UnExalted may well injure themselves doing this.

If the intent is to break something, then Brawn + Might (Breakin' Stuff) is counted instead.

  1. Rice paper is no match for you.
  2. Break a glass pane.
  3. Punch through a thin pine board.
  4. Break a pine board with a kick.
  5. Break a thin granite slab with a kick.
  6. Punch through a pine door.
  7. Break a thin granite slab with a punch.
  8. Break a sword over your knee.
  9. Break an oaken board with a kick.
  10. Kick a pine door to splinters.
  11. Snap a well-made sword with your hands.
  12. Punch through an oak door.

Again, a Willpower point may be spend to allow a Brawn + Might (Breakin' Stuff) roll to add successes, but this may well result in injury.

Environmental Tolerance

Unlike the rules described on page 244, Characters merely apply their natural (unarmored) soak to these hazards over the given interval. Some equipment might apply in certain situations.


Intimidation through Might is the art of imposing sheer overwhelming terror onto a victim.

It isn't subtle - Presence + Might (Intimidation), versus the target's score, depending on the circumstances.

  • The Horrific Appearance Merit turns Presence into automatic successes.

The dice the victim gets depends on how confident they have a right to be.

  • If wounded, allies utterly decimated, and such, they get only Valor.
  • If they are clearly on the losing end of the spectrum, they get Valor + Willpower.
  • If they merely see that the Intimidator is a lot more powerful than they are, they get Valor + Willpower + Wits (or another Attribute if there is a reason to resist differently).

If the intimidation is impinging on the victim's beliefs, they get soak as described in /Socialize.

Each roll takes a minute, and successes last the scene. Once extra successes are accumulated past the victim's Willpower * Essence, the victim crumbles in some way. Typically by fleeing from the scene, or if compelled to act, suffer +1 to all difficulties for actions not directly related to them escaping.

Intimidation rarely gleans information, but if a person believes their life is in danger, it could certainly get them to act a specific way.

Withstanding Illness and Resisting Disease

Brawn + Might (Resist Disease), otherwise, this functions as described on page 241 and 243-244 of the core book, save that Exalted instead tend to only suffer a +1 Difficulty penalty.

In addition, many diseases have been readjusted, see the /Diseases section.

Withstanding Poison

Withstanding poison (including alcohol) is a Brawn + Might (Resist Poison) roll. The difficulty is based on the amount of poison the character has been exposed to - see /Poisons for specific rules.

  • In some cases (mostly with drugs and minor environmental toxins) the roll is not made the instant the character is poisoned, but rather over the course of the scene depending on how much they work exposed to.
