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Vessel Rules

  • /Prowess
  • /LargeUnits
  • /SmallUnits

Rules for 'vessels' - things that are piloted, are related in concept and scope to the Small and Large Unit rules, linked to above. A vessel includes horses, ships, and warstriders. These rules encompass one primary difference from the Unit structure, that being the concept of facing and attack spread. There are a number of other minor issues that need to be addressed, however.

Vessels, of course, can make up or become part of Units. For the most part, these work normally, though they may suffer some limitations, defined below.


There are four characters to consider when determining the attributes of a ship. A single character may play multiple roles, and in the case of the Weaponer, their can be a Squad supporting each weapon. Likewise, a Pilot of a ship is supported by her riggers and other deckhands. A captain may have advisors, and so on. Most of this is represented by the Crew trait.

  • The first, naturally, is the Vessel itself. In most cases, it merely determines its Brawn, manueverability, speed, and so on - purely physical traits, limits that the others must work in. Some Autocthonian and Shogunate level craft posess a bit more intelligence, and many First Age ships are capable of serving as drones.
  • The second is the captain. Unless the Vessel posesses its own intelligence, the Captain uses his score for most Presence, Manipulation, Intelligence, Wits, Lore, Expression, Socialize... etc. rolls when they are called for. The captain may have advisors - a navigator and so on, to boost specific rolls.
  • The third is the pilot. Obviously, in most mounted and warstrider situations, the captain is the pilot. The pilot makes the Maneuverability rolls for the vessel
  • The last is the Weaponer. A weaponer maintains and uses one or more weapons. A squad might support a single weapon, or one person might handle two (a dual-diaklave wielding Warstrider).

Crew Rating: Squads do not directly add any bonuses - rather, the Vessel has a Crew rating, determining the quality of the people manning it. This ranges from zero (extras) to ten (Powerful Dragon-Blooded, Alchemicals and Elementals). This number is usually close to the average Crew member's permanent Essence score.

When determining the Traits of the ship, the Crew rating factors in to a majority of them.


  • Maneuverability: A Vessel's Maneuverability is a 'defensive dexterity'. Any non-attack check that would require dexterity for a normal individual rolls the Vessel's Maneuverability. There are a couple of subtraits which are used to determine it. Larger Vessels are given a higher maneuverability than their mere turning times may indicate - the range at which they fight and the speed they can travel is a factor as well.
    • Maximum Maneuverability: Simply, a vessel can only perform so well without supernatural aid.
    • Maneuverability Equation: With the above limit, this can be based off of a number of factors. Typically, the Pilot's Dexterity, Wits, Prowess, and the Crew rating factor here. Some Examples:
      • Horse: The horse's Dex.
      • Haslanti Airship: Lower of Pilot's Wits/4, Dex/4, Prowess/4, or Crew Rating/2. Maximum 1.
      • Mundane Ship: Lower of Pilot's Wits/3, Dex/3, Prowess/3, or Crew Rating. Maximum 1.

Vessels don't typically have a Prowess score.

  • Speed: Measured in Yards per Turn and Miles per Hour. MPH is 2/3rds the Yards per Turn value.
