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Large Unit Cooperation and Mob Rules

  • /SmallUnits - What this is based on
  • /War - Back to War

Squads, described in the /SmallUnits rules above, cover group fights and small skirmishes. These rules cover medium to large skirmishes and small battles. They don't take logistics or strategy into account beyond the skills of the original units. These rules do, however, still allow for a single Exalt or similarly legendary being to take down a larger force - as the forces still act as a single character. /SmallUnits brings out the peak of coordination, however - if a single Squad has no chance against an opponent, Companies are unlikely to fare much better.

Companies, like Squads, are constructions built from lesser units. A Company Captain may command a number of additional Squads (besides his own) equal to his War Ability (Tactics /Skill ). They are not as overly coordinated as Squads, though they retain a great deal of mobility and other factors attributed to smaller forces - not yet being actual armies.

These rules may be extrapolated for large performances, construction teams, small crowds in social combat and so on. The rules for this are little different than the ones in /SmallUnits. Squads past the first make rolls only towards Scope, with a difficulty equal to the quality of the work they are trying to perform.

Companies still act on the standard timescale, though a set of faster rules are detailed at the bottom.

Company Construction

  • Squads need not be identicle. It makes the math easier, however, to say nothing of gauging Charm use.
  • Companies use the average health levels, attack, damage and defense values of their corrosponding Squads. Always round down.
    • The defense values are the difficulties needed to attack them - they don't roll defensive dice.
    • Damage is special. See the Company Combat rules, below.
  • Companies move at the rate of their slowest member.
  • Companies use the Initiative Value of their slowest Squad.
  • Companies use the average Valor, Conviction, Temperance, Compassion, and Willpower of their members (not squads) rounded down.

Companies have an additional Trait, called Drill. It's typically rated from 0 (uncoordinated) to 1 (some training) to 2 (competant training). Drill values of 3 and higher are only applicable to Heroic Companies. Drill adds to a Company's Valor, Conviction, and Temperance pools, up to a limit of the pools of the lowest Squad in the Company. Drill also adds to the roll a Captain makes to get a Disorganised Company Organised again.

Company Combat

Each Turn, the Company can make an attack for each Squad in it. Attack value is only rolled once - the damage is applied to all specified targets. When facing a single individual, it is rare for more than one Squad to be able to attack it at close range.

When a Company loses all of its Health Levels from being attacked, it loses a Squad.

Companies that lose one or more Squads in rapid succession need to make Valor checks to remain organized. If a check fails, they become disorganized (see below). If it fails disastrously (botch or get fewer than half the needed successes) they rout. Reorganizing a Company is a Presence + War (Command) roll at a difficulty of the Valor roll they just failed to make made by the Captain. Pulling a routing Company into organized state is the same roll, but this only pulls together a number of Squads besides the Captain's own in extra successes.

  • The basic Valor check has a difficulty of the number of Squads the company has lost. This is only applied when disaster strikes.
  • Make such a Valor check if a Company loses an entire Squad in a single Turn, or faces someone with the Dawn or Dusk Anima banner active.
  • Add +2 to the difficulty for each additional Squad destroyed in one Turn.
  • Squads destroyed this Turn count towards the difficulty. The Valor roll is made only once at the end of the Turn.

Destroyed Squads are not always all dead - but they are all wounded and many will likely perish through either infection, bleeding, or getting stepped on eventually.

Oversized Companies (Rank and File)

Not everyone has to expect Exalted or other godly beings in each fight. In this case, a Commander runs a small army of drilled troops, controlling up to fifty troops per point of War or Tactics as appropriate. Larger forces are generally only applicable for Mobs (see below).

  • The individual units should be identicle, though the Commander need not be.
  • They are unable to sprint, though they can run at the speed of their slowest member
  • They have a total number of health levels equal to the number of troops * half their average health levels. Every 5 people killed 'slays a squad'.
  • Their attack, defense, initiative and other values are those of the average member.
  • They do gain the benefit of Drill. In this case, it adds to -all- rolls the Unit makes, including initiative, defense, attack, valor rolls, and so on. Units like this almost always have Drill 1.
  • The destruction of the Unit does not normally mean the death of the Commander.
  • Every group of 10 makes an attack, as if it were a Squad. Like above, only one attack roll is made, defenses all being considered at the same time.

Disorganised Companies (Mobs)

When a Company has no direction - merely a common goal, it follows mob rules. This could represent hordes of barely-directed zombies, rampaging mobs, or Companies that have lost cohesion and are in dire straits.

Mobs use Oversized Company rules, like above, except for the following points:

  • Obviously, they have 0 drill, so drill doesn't apply.
  • Mobs make only one attack for every group of 25.

On the plus side, there's not much of a limit to their size.

Fast Rules

Fast Rules extend combat into long Turns (one-minute Turns). There are some special rules.

  • Movement rates are multiplied by 20.
  • Health levels are divided by 20 (round down for most, up for Celestial Exalted).
  • Only Charms of some form of Extended duration may be used.
  • Units only able to attack every other Turn (most unExalted Archers) do half damage.
  • Initiative is not rolled. Attacks are simultanious.

Fast Rules are really meant for oversized skirmishes and small battles of a few hundred combatants to a side. These rules become overly combersome with more than a dozen Companies on a side. For battles and all-out War, use the Exalted: Nations rules (coming someday :-).
