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Integrity is similar in its workings to, but not quite the same as, /Health. Integrity is the state of the mind.

  • Extras are not typically debate-worthy, but if the ST wishes, they can be limited to a single health level. This risks a case of "Extra Pong", however.
  • Most mortals have a number of Integrity levels equal to triple their (Willpower + Permanent Essence).
    • Terrestrial Exalted have Quadruple
    • Celestial Exalted have Quintuple
    • Other things may change these numbers

Damage is recorded in integrety level boxes normally - a slash ( \ ) for Persuaded, a plus ( + ) for Confused, and an asterisk ( * ) for Deranged.

The effect of integrity levels being filled varies:

  • If a character is fully Persuaded by a single individual (or a group with a seamlessly common goal), she must spend a Willpower point in order to avoid acting against that Persuasion for a scene, and she does not recover during that scene.
  • If a character is fully Confused, she is effectively paralyzed with indecision. Only basic instincts and survival knowledge remains - she will flee from danger, avoid hostile weather, and so on, but even speaking a single phrase requires spending a Willpower point. Acting in any useful manner requires spending a Willpower -and- channelling an appropriate virtue (which means that this is restricted to major characters).
  • A fully deranged character has lost it. She gains an appropriate Derangement - until she recovers completely, and while she is 'fully deranged', her derangement is far more severe. She may spend a willpower to act calmer for a scene (as if she only had the standard derangement), but otherwise her insanity will likely lead to her death or another's.
  • Characters add one (1) to all difficulties if more than half of all integrity wound boxes are filled.

Unlike Health levels, wounds to integrity of the same type do not scale up normally. For example, a fully persuaded individual does not start taking confusion damage from experiencing more persuasion from the same debator. However, if someone begins arguing a related point to her (but not her original position), she does begin taking confusion damage.

  • This does not scale into deranged damage. Deranged damage requires torture, trauma, magic, or some similarly powerful effect. Someone who is fully confused does not normally risk derangement.

Higher damage types overwrite lower ones. It is effective in making a character easier to persuade, for longer.

  • UnExalted Characters recover their Essence score in Deranged wounds per year, Intelligence + Lore + Essence Confused wounds per Week, and Intelligence + Lore + Essence Persuasion wounds per Day.
    • UnExalted healing requires contemplation, if the character does not have time to contemplate, she cannot recover Deranged wounds at all, Confused wounds are per month, and Persuaded is per week.
  • Exalted Characters heal Intelligence + Lore + Essence Deranged wounds per month, Intelligence + Lore + Essence Confused wounds per day, and Intelligence + Lore + Essence Persuasion wounds per hour.
    • Exalted do not need to contemplate to recover
    • Exalted can recover from more insidious mental trauma, such as otherwise permanent Willpower or Virtue damage, typically at a rate of one per month. If she chooses to buy back a lost point early, she gets the xp back when she would normally have recovered it.
