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Example 1: Hurricane vs. Abalone

A rather large Hurricane strikes the city of Abalone.

The Storyteller rules that Turns will be in half-hour increments. The general population of Abalone, though not made of much, are fairly accomplished at Sea, and the Storyteller thus rules that they have 6d7 in Water to defend against the Hurricane's damage, 6d6 in Air and 5d5 in Earth. They also have an effective Essence of 5, which represents their prayers and other spiritual fortitude allowing them to hold for an hour or so.

This is positing a rather small Abalone - here, it represents a typical sea port of three to five thousand people.

The Hurricane, though sizeable, doesn't have a sentient driving force behind it, and its Traits are pre-divided in any given Turn. It's doing 5d12 Water, 5d12 Air, and 4d12 Earth each Turn.

A Dragon-Blooded Sorceress is attempting to assist the town, by draining the strength from the Storm by attacking its Air. She only has 5d6 in Air, however, does have 6d4 Essence, which allows her to channel significant energy in attempting to weaken the storm. In addition, the hurricane isn't attacking her - so she is able to give the storm her full concentration without need for defense.

The hurricane strikes, rolling 30, 24, and 34 for Water, Air and Earth respectively. Abalone defends Air, rolling a 16. It 'spends' a point of Essence to keep its Air intact, while its Water and Earth traits take a wound.

The sorceress channels her Essence into her Air, rolling 11d6. She gets a 42, reducing the storm's intensity.

  • The Storm has one Air wound
  • The sorceress has spent one Essence
  • Abalone has spent one Essence, and taken a Wound to both Water and Earth

The Hurricane strikes again, this time rolling a 35 for Air, and its Water and Earth strikes automatically cause a Wound. Abalone continues defending Air, rolling a 19.

The Sorceress channels Essence again, rolling a 34. She is unable to weaken the storm this Turn.

  • The Storm has one Air wound
  • The sorceress has spent two Essence
  • Abalone has spent two Essence, and taken two Wounds to both Water and Earth

The storm next rolls a 26 for its Air. Abalone rolls a 19, and the Sorceress a 41. The storm is weakened further, but Abalone's Earth is now only 2d5 - parts of the city risk landsliding into the sea.

  • The Storm has two Air Wounds
  • The sorceress has spent three Essence
  • Abalone has spent three Essence, and taken three Wounds to both Water and Earth

The Storm rolls 17 for Air, while Abalone rolls 27 and the Sorceress 44. Abalone spends a point of Essence to secure its Earth, and the storm takes 2 more wounds to Air - leaving it with 1d12 for Air. The Sorceress is out of Essence, but the storm is nearly spent.

  • The Storm has one Air wound
  • The sorceress has spent four Essence, depleted
  • Abalone has spent four Essence (only one remaining), and taken four Wounds to Water and three to Earth

The Storm rolls a 1 for Air, which the Sorceress crushes, the hurricane finally dissipating. Abalone takes an additional Wound to Water - spending a point to protect its Earth.

Abalone is a wreck, but will mostly recover over the next year, thanks mostly to the Sorceress, healing either one Wound or Essence per month, as the Storyteller rules it will take 30 times as long for the city to recover from, because Turns were 30 minutes instead of 1. The Sorceress, being an individual, recovers at her normal rate, however.

Had the Sorceress not worked to dissipate the storm for whatever reason, Abalone would be battered for three more Turns - not only wrecking the city, but grinding individual 'parts' into a paste as it rolled over the island.
