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Fifth Game Session

The PCs


The Guest NPCs

/GoWenSumi, Chosen of Endings
/Giwaku, Lunar Chimera
/Lixa, Western Goddess of Beauty and Whores
/Sazu, daughter of Lixa
/Qienzhiahi, Fair Folk
/ShannaUsal, daughter of Traveler and Mara
/SwanDragon, lesser elemental dragon of fire and Divine Censor
/GrimXadong, lesser elemental dragon of air and Divine Censor
/CarelessMing, wood elemental
/Yuchurumin, Fair Folk
/Ryzala, Lady of Bureaucracy and Paperwork, Shogun of the Department of Celestial Concerns

Summary and Random OOC Info

One day, Traveler receives a package at the YOU ZHAO offices - a tiny baby girl, of no known name, left at the gates to the heavenly city by her less-than-divine mother. In shock, and swearing to be more responsible about birth control practices, the Chosen of Journeys tries to adjust to being a single father... but has time to do little more than name the girl Shanna Usal before being sent to the Souteast for a mission, leaving the baby in Ms. Obol's care. Someone - or something - has taken over the manse of Mebla Dul - a name familiar to the YOU ZHAO agents. The team is sent to find out what's going on, and make sure the powers of the manse don't fall into the wrong hands. As usual for the agents, things are not entirely as they appear. After fighting their way through a small army of brigands, mutants, and demons, as well as a Dragon-Blooded and a pair of God-Blooded lieutenants, they discover the true powers at work - a twisted, misshapen Lunar sorcerer, and a mysterious cloaked woman who identifies them as agents of the Bureau.
When the woman calls upon the power of the Sutra of Consumption, the situation is further confused. Havoc and Wu-Go furiously assault the Lunar while Traveler and Hino distract the woman... each in their own special way. The Lunar, unprepared for the magnitude of the attack, collapses beneath Wu-Go's unerring Azure Abacus, and the Sidereal dematerializes to make good her escape - defeated only by crippling bad luck. Havoc carries the now-unconscious woman and speeds back to Rathess and the nearest gate to Yu-Shan, while the other three take an easier pace and follow.
What Havoc is NOT expecting is to be apprehended by the Celestial Lions at the gate and placed under arrest by a divine censor before he's two steps through the gate. Both Havoc and his prisoner are scooped up by the dragon and imprisoned in a fortified prison building under Bureau of Heaven jursidiction pending trial. Meanwhile, another censor visits the other three agents and persuades them to come along quietly to their cells in Yu-Shan. The YOU ZHAO agents learn that the woman they fought is Go-Wen Sumi, a Chosen of Endings, and both she and Havoc file reports - each claiming that they were apprehending the other in the act of rebelling against the heavenly order. Nuran and Ms. Obol (still caring for little Shanna) visit the agents, and Ms. Obol questions the wisdom and responsibility of the Sidereals.
That night, the Essence-powered force walls and lights of the prison suddenly go out, and Ms. Obol appears to spirit the Sidereals away to freedom. Before they can follow her, however, she is surprised and cut down - by none other than Nuran! He insists that the creature was not Koku Obol, and whisks all four agents to a northern tundra. He instructs them to await a contact, and returns to the prison in their place. Before long, the contact Nuran mentioned appears - none other than Qienzhiahi, the Thunder Bell Lady, a Fair Folk they have run into before - this time sporting skin white as snow and slick, shiny blue-white arms with sharp talons, clear as crystal.
Tensions run high until she convinces them - somewhat - that she is on the level, and she leads them to a cozy cabin to stay the night. Wu-Go teaches her how to shoot a gun, Traveler spends a pleasant - if chilly - evening sharing a bed with her, and Havoc is not satisfied by her avoidance of his questions about the cabin's previous owners. The next morning, the fivesome circles around mountains to the north, fight off a small band of Wyld creatures led by a being similar to Qienzhiahi: Yuchurumin, who is wounded by the Sidereals and executed by the Thunder Bell Lady. The continue along the northern edge of the range and find a vibrant pine forest, hidden beneath snow-laden branches, and within it a wood elemental. The Fair Folk departs, her purposes fulfilled.
After convincing the elemental to testify to his ill-treatment at the hands of Sumi and her accomplices, the Sidereals are surprised by a very irritated fire dragon, who encourages them to return to Yu-Shan immediately with him. They do so, accompanied by the elemental. They wait a further several days without incident for their trial to begin, and make their case before Ryzala, Lady of Bureaucracy and Paperwork. Their witness is brought forward and gives his testimony, constrained by magics, astrology, and the weight of his name to speak the truth. In the end, YOU ZHAO is acquitted of all charges, and their exoneration is used as an excuse for Lixa to throw a party.
At the party, Traveler seduces Lixa - or so he likes to think - while Wu-Go makes contacts among the Bureaus of Yu-Shan, Hino hits it off with Lixa's daughter, Sazu, and there is a surprise performance by none other than (a drunk) Automaton - the LOOOOOOVE Machine!

After the trial, the years and crises fly by. The upheaval in the Underworld is declared nonthreatening to the affairs of the living at present. Go-Wen Sumi dies mysteriously in captivity five years later. little Shanna grows up into a clever and beautiful - if tortured - young woman. The agency's desperate pleas for Ms. Obol to get an assistant are answered years later in the form of Gyaku, an imposing Dragon King and wily technician. Twenty years after the founding of YOU ZHAO, the agency moves into a new phase of its history, and the Sidereals find that their adventures have just begun.


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