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The Doctrine of Courtship (Performance, Spring, Birth)

Heart-Stirring Beauty Scent
Cost: 5m; Mins: Performance 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Any Performance Excellency
Only the credulous believe that words are the extent of language. The stewards of Spring use their Essence to stir their bodies’ natural tendency to create pheromones, fine-tuning their signals to achieve desired effects. This particular method, paired with a suitable performance to draw attention and influence emotions, can stir the viewers towards a desired mind set.
This is actually a number of techniques; upon purchasing the Charm the Arcadian may select two of the effects below. He may purchase additional effects for 1xp each, or two effects for 1 bonus point. Each activation produces only one effect.
Each effect is mechanically similar; it replaces the damage of a successful Performance social attack with an unnatural mental influence that artificially increases or decreases a given Virtue for the rest of the scene. Unlike normal unnatural mental influence, this is a very subtle effect – targets with Perception + Awareness pools of fewer than 4 dice cannot detect that they are reacting until it is too late, and thusly cannot negate the influence by expending Willpower. However, targets who realize that they have been influenced can roll Stamina + Resistance to overcome the chemical effect without expending Willpower; the difficulty is 5 for mortals and 1 for the Exalted.

  • Hard Heart Misanthropy Perfume This effect reduces Compassion.
  • Weak Resolve Uncertainty Perfume This effect reduces Conviction.
  • Warm Face Overindulgence Perfume This effect reduces Temperance.
  • Frail Spine Cowardice Perfume This effect reduces Valor.
  • Soft Heart Empathy Perfume This effect increases Compassion.
  • Strong Drive Dedication Perfume This effect increases Conviction.
  • Cold Face Abstinence Perfume This effect increases Temperance.
  • Hot Blood Heroism Perfume This effect increases Valor.

Hand-Ceasing Serenity Perfume
Cost: 7m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Social, Compulsion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Heart-Stirring Beauty Scent
This particular method of creating an Essence-ladened manipulative scent, paired with a suitable performance to draw attention and influence emotions, can prevent the formation of belligerent thoughts and the inciting of violence.
This Charm supplements a Performance social attack; should the attack succeed, do not inflict normal compulsion. Instead, compare the final tally of successes to the target’s MDV. Each additional success equates to two long ticks in which the subject cannot abort social interaction for combat, though they may still leave the scene if they are able. Breaking this compulsion requires the expenditure of 3 Willpower. Characters who are attacked while under the effects of this Charm automatically overcome its effects; rumors whisper of greater charms that will hold a mind enthralled through even the most heinous of tortures, however.
Unlike normal unnatural mental influence, this is a very subtle effect – targets with Perception + Awareness pools of fewer than 4 dice cannot detect that they are being compelled until it is too late, and thusly cannot negate the influence by expending Willpower. However, targets who realize that they have been influenced can roll Stamina + Resistance to resist the chemical effect; the difficulty is 5 for mortals and 1 for the Exalted. Resisting the chemical reduces the Willpower cost to negate the Charm’s compulsion to 1 Willpower.

Heart-Stopping Wonder Fragrance
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Performance 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 6 Long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Social, Poison
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hand-Ceasing Wonder Fragrance
At the strange reaches of this art, the Steward of Spring can infuse their Essence-enhanced performance with subtle toxins that twine around the heart unnoticed, causing damage without drawing attention..
This Charm supplements a Performance social attack; should the attack succeed, do not inflict normal compulsion. Instead, all of those subject to the Performance check – the entire audience, save the Exalt himself – suffer the Arcadian’s Performance (Essence?) in dice of bashing damage. This damage ignores armor soak and is considered a poison effect for relevant Charms, but is remarkably subtle – subjects roll a reflexive contest of their Perception + Awareness against the Arcadian’s Manipulation + Performance to realize that they are being harmed at all! Charms that facilitate the senses or detection of danger see through this Charm, however; subtler Charms may exist. Damage from this Charm never turns into lethal damage or otherwise permanent harm; its worst effect is unconsciousness.


There's a lot in here I don't like, but these are my first 2e Charms so there's that to worry about. Their efficacy is probably a cut above what they should be, given what I'm seeing in the Solar performance charms, which frankly seem a little weak in a type of Exalt known for its socialfu. Any help making these less clunky would be appreciated; the costs were eyeballed but feel appropriate. - BerserkSeraph