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Latest revision as of 20:37, 16 November 2005

Lunar Alterations

Cosmetic changes

The lunar’ Tell is now only truly visible in the true forms. In all other forms the Tell is still there however it is reduced to an interesting pattern similar to the Tell.

E.G A lunar with a foxtail Tell transforms into a falcon his manifests as the tail feathers taking on an orange tint and any pattern associated with the Tell.

Mechanical Changes

“Humble mouse” and “Towering beast” have been removed from their respective trees and are now innate. However to transform outside the normal parameters defined in the original lunar book cotes 5 motes.

Lunars now also start with “Hide of the cunning hunter”

In light of the Alchemicals book lunar natural soak is no longer limited to 12

Lunars now Receive 9 background points

Lunars have the following modified backgrounds

Hearts Blood X – All common forms (within reason from the lunar’s home area)

  • 1 uncommon form
    • 5 uncommon & 1 rare/human
      • 12 uncommon & 3 rare/human
        • 24 uncommon & 5 rare/human
          • 36 uncommon & 8 rare/human


  • 1 level of artefact
    • 2 levels of artefact
      • 4 levels of artefact
        • 6 levels of artefact (requires renown at least 3)
          • 8 levels of artefact (requires renown of at least 4)


  • 10 extra renown
    • 15 extra renown
      • 20 extra renown
        • 30 extra renown
          • 45 extra renown

Charm Alterations Shape Changing 1

2 new charms

Beast unleashing method Cost: +1 mote to DBT Type: permanent Duration: permanent Min Charisma: 3 Min Essence: 2 Perquisites: DBT

This charms enhances the lunar’s Deadly beastman form but at a cost, the lunar may select either another gift or receive an additional 3 attribute points however the cost to enter DBT is raised by 1 mote for each time this charm is taken. This charm can be taken no more times than the character has DBT.

Luna’s Wondrous Blessing Cost: 6 motes & 1 willpower Type: Reflexive Duration: 1 scene Min Charisma: 3 Min Essence: 3 Perquisites: Luna’s Favour

This Charm allows the Lunar to manifest a DBT gift that she normally would not posses provided she has all the desired gifts perquisites. This charm can be used to gain the gift in any form.

Shape Changing 2

As stated above “Humble mouse” and “Towering beast” have been removed from their respective trees and are now innate. However to transform outside the normal parameters defined in the original lunar book cotes 5 motes.

“Shaping the ideal form” is now reflexive on the basis that if you can change gender reflexively then changing your hair or skin colour etc should be as well.

Shape Changing 3

No changes

Body Enhancement 1

Both “Crouching tiger” & “Moonsilver monkey” exercises now only take 1 turn to complete, roll only base attribute and now cost 8 motes & 1 willpower, 10 motes 1 willpower respectfully. “Regaining Breath Exercise” the maximum essence regained in now permanent * 4.

Breath Drinking Executioner attack now gives the lunar his permanent essence + D10 (Still max stamina) in motes.

Body Enhancement 2

No changes

Unarmed combat 1

“Body weapon” is now permanent and allows the Lunar to choose to do either lethal or bashing damage with unarmed attacks.

“Hydra Head attack” no longer has the initiative restriction, as it is pointless and stupid.

“Coiled Cobra Stance” is now of instant duration

Unarmed Combat 2

“Claws of the silver moon” (duration is now 1 scene) & “Scimitar Claw technique” are now reflexive as they are essentially minor changes for the lunar so should not restrict the lunar so.

Unarmed Combat 3

No changes

Unarmed Combat 4

No changes

Unarmed Combat 5

No changes

Unarmed Combat 6

“Hunter’s eye” is now 2 levels of soak per mote spent.

“Armour rending claw fist” can harm 5 magical materials armour but at cost for 8 motes and 1 willpower and the damage last only 1 scene.

Melee 1

“Dance of the living blade” has no initiative restrictions, as it is stupid and pointless to have one.

“Lightning sword” now only costs 3 motes.

“Monkey paw advantage” can be included with extra action combos

Melee 2

“Insidious moonsilver shard” now inflicts 1 lethal a turn on the basis that for and essence 4 charm it was crap. 6 motes and a willpower & -1 damage from your weapon for a rather pointless charm if you’ve manage to get to this charm in the first place your opponent is either going to kill you or you’ll kill him in the current combat.

Ranged Combat 1

“Silver waterfall” has no initiative restrictions as once again its stupid and pointless

Ranged Combat 2

No changes

Defensive 1

“Steel paw” is now permanent

“Feline guard” no activation limit and may be included in extra action combos

“Crouching tiger stance” if the lunar using this holds his initiative to use this charm he receives no penalty for doing so (power combat only).

Defensive 2

“Flowing body evasion” has no activation limit or restriction, is reflexive and does not cost willpower on the basis that Lunar charms are supposed to be above terrestrial power.

“Pack saving method” – no activation restriction as it is stupid and pointless for it to have one.

Defensive 3

“Armour forming” & “Hide toughening” has no soak limit but the max spent is still = to stamina.

“Scales of the Dragon” no soak limit and no penalty (it’s moonsilver!!!)

“Invulnerable Moonsilver Carapace” Inflicts no penalty (again it’s moonsilver!!!) Gives a soak = to users permanent essence * 5 Gives a hardness = to half the soak gained.

Survival & healing 1

No change.

Survival & healing 2

No change

Survival & healing 3

No change

Survival & healing 4

Mother’s touch is minimum stamina 4 not perception.

Perception 1-4

No changes

Interaction & Knowledge 1 & 2

The following charms may also roll socialize instead of presence; “Emotion shaping technique” “Glib tongue”

Interaction & Knowledge 3 & 4

No changes


No changes


Celestial circle requires mastery of the spirit cascade not moonsilver shaping

Other Bonus points costs Essence 9

Experience costs Essence *9 Charms 12/10 Martial arts charm terrestrial 11 Martial arts charm celestial 12


My knowledge of Lunar Charms is severely limited so I don't feel that I'm qualified to comment on the specifics of changes relating to Charms. The change to the Tell I like since I'm not overly fond of ducks with elephant ears, and I like that other than the cosmetic difference in removing the lameness you've kept it mechanically the same since as the markings would be at the very least reminiscent of the Tell and so could be picked up on by perceptive observers. I'm unsure as to how much difference the changes to the experience costs will make to Lunars viability in long-term games, however, given their tendency to lag behind badly, I can't see it doing much harm, even taking DBT into account. I'll comment further when I can get my hands on the Lunar book and have a gaze at the Charms and how the modifications affect them. - Injektilo