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Virtue Flaws by CrownedSun

Compassion Flaws

Consuming Jealousy
The character’s own love and tender feelings are drowned out by an all-consuming obsession with a single other person. When the character’s Limit Breaks, he will be utterly consumed with dry and complete hate toward whomever it is that stands in the way of him and the person whom he wishes to possess for himself. These feelings might lead him to murder, or to more subtle means of separating his beloved from the one that stands in her way. In some cases the character might become obsessed with a person who does not exist, convinced that the only reason he would be rejected is if there was someone else keeping his prize from him. No matter the situation, it is important to remember that the actual beloved is only secondary; this obsession and this Limit Break focuses on the object of jealousy, not the object of desire. This unhealthy obsession lasts for a number of days equal to the characters Compassion virtue, but the fallout can last much longer.
Limit Break Condition: The character’s advances are rebuffed, her desires are thwarted, or someone he cares about ignores him in favor of someone else.

Conviction Flaws

Paranoid Witch-Hunt
The character grows suspicious and grim, viewing every shadow as a potential threat and every opponent as a irredeemable villain. When the character’s Limit Breaks, he begins to see enemies everywhere and gradually becomes more and more divorced from the reality of the situation as he begins to feel as if he is surrounded by personal specters attacking both his own person and all the people and institutions he cares for. Nor is the character a harmless paranoid, but instead adopts the demeanor of an Inquisitor. Enemies are to be rooted out and dealt with, so that they can no longer plague the few good people that remain. No amount of evidence or argument can convince him of the innocence of anyone he decides is the enemy, and too many attempts to spare the ‘guilty’ will only draw the characters ire toward the objector. This Curse always fades after a number of days equal to the characters Conviction virtue, but he will not automatically recognize the innocence of anyone who suffered at his hand unless he is presented with evidence.
Limit Break Condition: The character meets unexpected or unanticipated difficulties in an important endeavor.

Temperance Flaws

Self-Indulgent Immorality
The characters dearest ideals and measure of right and wrong vanish into an Endless Void of Self Indulgence. Unlike Overindulgence, when this character Limit Breaks he maintains the veneer of respectability but just like the sufferer of that Curse he is prone to excess and lets nothing hold him back. Vows, oaths, and honor mean nothing and his Word is worth even less than the effort he takes to give it. No crime or betrayal is too petty if it will service his own desires, and there is no limit to how far he will go to acquire what he wishes – including the use of Charms, and any resources he has to offer. The Character under the thrall of this Curse prefers cunning to outright action, and will protect his reputation as much as he can – but he truly cannot resist the opportunity to acquire what he wishes, especially if it involves abusing others. This episode of Immorality lasts a number of days equal to the characters Temperance, but unlike many other Limit Breaks those under the Thrall of Self-Indulgent Immorality often come to understand the unique nature of their condition and plan for the next Limit Break in their plotting.
Limit Break Condition: Some code of honor or matter of responsibility prevents the character from getting something that he truly desires.

Unceasing Wanderer
The character grows discontent and bored with her current surroundings, wishing to explore and discover new horizons. When the Character’s Limit Breaks she will immediately abandon her current home and any responsibilities tied to that location, setting off on an epic journey to some exotic location “never to return again”. Goodbyes are typically quite short, or absent all-together, as the character simply leaves one night without forewarning. Few possessions are taken with her, and much is simply left behind. This Limit Break only occasionally results in a permanent resettling (unless the character is the type to wander on his own, or really takes to the wandering lifestyle – in which case this Curse will result in it being impossible for him to settle down in one location), as it only lasts a number of days equal to his Temperance roll before wearing off. The Character will often complete whatever journey she has set out upon, explore her destination to some degree, and then return back home as is sensible. Anyone following her to convince her to come back will have no luck for the duration of the Curse, but could convince her to turn around once the time limit has passed if the need was pressing enough or the character turns out not to really wish to travel to whatever her destination is after all.
Limit Break Condition: The character hears stories or meets people of far-off and exotic location, or begins to get too bored in her current location.

Valor Flaws

The character’s will and courage flee her utterly, leaving behind a quivering mass driven only by the desire to survive. When the characters Limit Breaks, she immediately drops out of any combat or threatening situation and is very likely to flee or abandon any post if she feels in danger. If offered a chance to surrender, the character will take it unless absolutely convinced that she can get away and that she is better off doing so. She will usually not betray her companions or friends, but can be browbeaten into doing almost anything if she is caught and is especially susceptible to torture or even threats of torture. The character suffering from this Limit Break is unable to spend Willpower for any purpose except to oppose her Curse.
Limit Break Condition: The character is near death or defeat, or fails utterly at something of importance.

Hard-Headed Stubbornness
The character ceases to listen to the advice or opinions of others, willfully keeping only her own counsel. When the character’s Limit Breaks, she utterly ignores anyone not agreeing with her and will casually go about her own action even once others have already decided on an alternate course of action. If the character does get into an argument, she will not budge or alter her position. Even if proven wrong, the extent of her reaction will be an angry storming off. In the absence of any real decisions of import, the character will take it upon herself to be brutally unswerving about even the most minor issues – seemingly taking delight in starting arguments and annoyances for others. This episode will last a number of days equal to the characters Valor.
Limit Break Condition: Information comes to light that makes it obvious that the character is incorrect about something, or that his current actions are in the wrong.