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Exalted contains types of magic other than charms and anima, such as astrology, shapeshifting and sorcery. In a truly effect-based game, these types of magic would be just another way to generate effects; however, such magic systems are largely based around self-contained rules "sub-systems" that are fairly radically different from standard Exalted resolution. It would probably be possible to translate these systems into Effects in some way, but the point of Uncouth is really just reduce the complexity of charms. Instead, since these "sub-systems" are fairly self-contained, very little will be changed in how they work. The main difference will be that how these subsystems are bought and tracked will be unified into a single system, and will collectively referred to as paths.

Though the outcome of each of the paths vary significantly and require much different story elements to learn, all paths are tracked and purchased using the same mechanics. Like other traits, paths are measured in dots. The cost to learn a dot in a path is equal to the new score in the path trait, times some multiplier based on the path. What one dot in a path actually represents is specific to the path.


Eligibility: Sidereal exalted
XP Multiplier: 3
Special: Sidereal exalted start with four dots spread through the astrological paths of their Maiden, plus three more spent in any path.

The twenty-five paths of astrology are also known as "colleges". Other then the changes to cost mentioned here, colleges work as per the rules in Sidereals.


Eligibility: All exalted
XP Multiplier: 2
Special: All exalted learn the first dot of this path automatically for free.

• Extends lifespan, allows rounding up instead of down for most instances of division (such as calculating DV). Heal twice as fast as mortals.
•• Gain a number of Incapacitated health levels equal to your unmodified Conviction. Should damage begin to claim these additional boxes, the character falls into a fugue-like state that may be easily mistaken for death. Detecting that the character is not actually dead requires a successful Perception + Medicine test at a difficulty equal to the number of Incapacitated boxes inflicted.
••• Gain a number of health levels equal to your unmodified Essence. The first level adds to the -2 track, the next adds to the -1 track, the next adds to the -0 track, and then the cycle repeats.
•••• Gain a number of health levels equal to your unmodified Stamina. The first level adds to the -2 track, the next adds to the -1 track, the next adds to the -0 track, and then the cycle repeats.
••••• Add your Essence to any tests used to inflict a metal effect on a spirit.


This will probably wait until Graceful Wicked Masques comes out.


Several paths are available for shapeshifting. These paths are a bit of a throwback to "cause-based" rules, but fit better into the world of Exalted. Access to shapeshifting is slightly more widely accessible in Uncouth, as a number of concepts from Exalted can be represented using these paths.

In all cases, transmuting form takes an Act action, but does not require a test, so some other test may be made in the same Act action. Most shapeshifting also requires the expenditure of motes. Any such motes spent are not committed, but considered spent immediately. The shapeshifting last indefinitely, or until another form is taken. Changing back into an original form (e.g. for lunars, base human form) takes the usual action, but only costs one mote.


Eligibility: Lunar exalted, fair folk, spirits. Storytellers may allow others limited access to this path (solars, for example, might be able to buy a single dot to change into other human forms).
XP Multiplier: 6
Special: Lunar exalted start the game with one dot in this path, which must be used to buy access to animal forms.

Each dot on this path provides the ability to take the shape of a certain class of creatures. Storytellers may rules that more story-based requirements must be met in addition to purchasing the path. For example, lunars who can take animals forms should be required to taste a creature's heart's blood before it can take its shape. Similarly, spirits might only be allowed a subset of available forms (gods of the south, for example, might only be able to take the shape of animals from that region.)

Shifting into one of the forms allowed by this path costs 3 motes. Each dot on the path allows the character to add a class of creature to her shapeshifting repertoire, making a choice on the following list:

  • natural animals
  • humans
  • plants
  • demons
  • elementals
  • wyld creatures
  • alternate gender
  • inanimate objects (fair folk and spirits only)
  • an insubstantial "taint" on a landscape (fair folk and spirits only)


Eligibility: Lunar exalted, fair folk, spirits
XP Multiplier: 6
Special: Lunar exalted start the game with one dot in this path.

By default, shapeshifters may only take on forms with roughly the same size and mass. This path allows them to alter size and mass as well as shape:

• - Forms can be taken from about the size of a common housecat to about the size of an adult moose.
•• - The character can change size down to the size of a mouse.
••• - The character can change size up to the size of a yeddim or a tyrant lizard.
•••• - The character can change size down to the size of a housefly.
••••• - The character can alter the size of an existing form, making up to twice as large as normal, or half its normal size.


Eligibility: Lunar exalted, fair folk, spirits
XP Multiplier: 10
Special: Fair folk start the game with one dot in this path.

Shapeshifters who walk this path gain more nuanced control over their bodies, allowing them to perform incredible feats by bending their bodies to their will. For each dot gained in this path, the character may use one additional primary effect per cycle. When activated, however, the effect must be rationalized as being created by a manipulation in shape. This change must appear as an obviously magical effect to any who see it happen. For example, a Stretched effect might be described as an elongation of the arms, tentacles, frog-tongue, etc.


Eligibility: Lunar exalted, fair folk
XP Multiplier: 8

This path allows a shapeshifter to take on a transcendent form, mixing elements of two or more forms into a powerful hybrid form. Lunar exalted typically refer to this as a "beastman" or "war" form, based on a hybrid of their totem animal and human shapes. Fair folk often call this a "god-monster" form, pulling nightmare elements from species that only exist in dreams.

When starting a path, choose three god-body traits, indicative of the nature of the form to be taken. More war-like lunar "beastmen" tend to choose the three physical Attributes (Strength, Stamina, Dexterity), but any combination of traits is possible, including Abilities and Virtues. Neither Essence, Willpower nor any paths may be selected as god-body traits. It is possible to walk the God-body path more than once, choosing different three traits each time; however only one of these forms can be activated at a time.

While the form is active, each dot along the path grants the following:

  • Adds one to each the form's god-body traits
  • Allows use of an additional primary effect, provided that effect is based on one the form's god-body traits.
  • Increases Tell

Primordial Magic

Depending on your point of view, the Primordials either gifted Creation with knowledge of some of their magic, or inflicted it upon the world. Either way, the harnessing of will into reality remains the most potent force available to the exalted. Uncouth assumes these magics work as in canon, using spells and several Act actions to channel it. Alternate systems (e.g. Wordman/WyldMagic) could easily replace this.

The various circles of these kinds of magics have the same Essence and Occult requirements as their corresponding Exalted charms. Restrictions on what type of characters can use the various circles also remains the same.


Eligibility: as per Exalted
XP Multiplier: 8

• - may cast terrestrial circle sorcery
•• - may cast celestial circle sorcery
••• - may cast solar circle sorcery


Eligibility: as per Exalted
XP Multiplier: 8

• - may cast shadowlands circle sorcery
•• - may cast labyrinth circle sorcery
••• - may cast void circle sorcery


Eligibility: as per Exalted
XP Multiplier: 8

• - may initiate man-machine protocols
•• - may initiate god-machine protocols


Eligibility: as per Exalted
XP Multiplier: 2 (costs doubled for mortals)

Each if the thaumaturgical arts is its own path. Each step on the path has the same requirements as in Exalted, and function the same way.

• - character becomes an Initiate in the art
•• - character becomes an Adept in the art
••• - character becomes a Master of the art

Other paths

Other paths may be possible. For example, the alternate rules on sciences could be easily converted into paths.