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The Apostle Who Has Passed Through Midnight To Day

The Apostle was once an old man, an old man who knew the infirmities of flesh and the infirmities of mind, all of the sufferings that are brought by age unchecked. He had spent many years baking under the hot sun, and so his skin was wrinkled as the waves; he had spent many years speaking for those too callous to speak for themselves, and so his will was darkened as coulds before the sun.

Then, he spoke against his corrupt masters, and it was arranged that he die; and as the blade slipped between his ribs, a voice came to him that promised great things. It said to him, "You spoke and said that you would rather die than continue to serve the corrupt. So it has happened, and I am glad for you, because now you may be welcomed into my embrace." And so the Apostle gave up his name and entered into the service of the Silver Prince, and he still spoke for freedom, but he spoke on behalf of the freedom that comes with death, and he spoke of the freedom that comes with accepting inevitability. He did this for a great time, until he realized that there is no freedom in death, only greater enslavement, and that truly for one such as himself freedom comes from within, from rejecting the fates of the living and the dead and forging one's fate for oneself.

With the work of his blood and his sweat, he rejected the imprecations on his soul. He burned the taint from his flesh until it could never be again, and he was pure. The Boddhisatva was of course displeased, but his greatest tool had left his service, and so he could not arrange for his demise.

Seeking shelter, the Apostle found himself in Whitewall; but that great and ancient city of the gods held no safety, only greater dangers and greater sorrows. It was only by a bargain with a vestige of his hated past that the Apostle managed to save himself and the city, luring the Winter Folk and the Wyld Hunt together in the Fell that borders the city, and striking them all down with might borrowed from the Lover.

The Apostle now is known as the apogee of Solar righteousness, or the nadir of Anathema depravity; he has suffered greatly, and still bears the marks of such in his cadaverous demeanor. He has inflicted great suffering, and bears the marks of this in the dreams that haunt his nights. But he has prevented great suffering, and bears the mark of this burning golden on his brow.


This character was made with custom rules for FrivYeti's high experience game. AWESOME.

Physical: 2/5/3, Social: 5/4/1, Mental: 4/4/4

Dawn: Archery 0, Martial Arts 5 ( Sifu's Hand Style +3), Melee 0, Thrown 0, War 4
Zenith: Integrity 5, Performance 5 (oration +1), Presence 1, Resistance 4, Survival 0
Twilight: Craft 0, Investigation 3, Lore 1, Medicine 0, Occult 1 (Secrets of the Deathlords +3)
Night: Athletics 0, Awareness 2, Dodge 5, Larceny 0, Stealth 0
Eclipse: Bureaucracy 0, Linguistics 5, Ride 0, Sail 0, Socialize 5

Backgrounds: (For YES.)
Manse 5 (Center of Whitewall, /HeavenlyAdvocateStone) - Granted in reward for protecting the city from the Fae.
Manse 3 (Northeast of Nexus, Stone of Conviction)- A new prize, this manse may potentially serve as a base of operation for the circle.
Allies 2 (The Syndics of Whitewall) - The Syndics are thankful, although perhaps not ecstatic, that the Apostle protected the city; the protection may be more trouble than it was worth.
Allies 3 (Lytek, Daimyo of Exaltation) - Lytek is fascinated that the Apostle has redeemed himself, and avails himself of any opportunity he can find to study him, usually in return for information. He finds that sometimes he even respects the exalt as a being.
Artifact 3 (/GuardianScabbard) - The sheath of his blade, the Guardian Scabbard has been with the Apostle since before he was redeemed, a token of good will and menace that he bore when emissary for the Boddhisatva.
Artifact 3 (/MercyAndWrathSabre) -
Influence 3 - Many have heard of the heroism of the Apostle, the dead who fights the dead, the demon who fights the fae, who spins truth form words. His name can open many doors.
Allies 3 - Lunar ally, /HeavenVoicedAlesa
Allies 1 - Magitech student, /Dannithe
Artifact 4 (Banner, /StandardUnflinching)

Spirit and Mind:
Compassion: 4
Conviction: 5 (8)
Temperance: 1
Valor: 2
Willpower: 9
Essence 5
Essence pools: personal 24, peripheral 56

Martial Arts:
Sifu's Hand Style (Student's Understanding, Moving the Spirit Evasion, One Hundred and Eight Points Strike, Sifu's Hand Form, Spirit Crippling Strike, Talent Swallowing Admonition, Cunning Lithe Counterstrike, Exploding Heart Technique, First Martial Arts Excellency, Infinite Martial Arts Mastery, master's understanding, standing against the horde.
Second Linguistics Excellency, Twisted Words Technique, Sagacious Reading of Intent, flawless brush,language transcending icon
Integrity: Second Integrity Excellency, Temptation Resisting Stance, Phoenix Renewal Tactic, elusive dream defense, integrity protecting prana, inviolable spirit, inviolable body and mind, eternal inviolability
Occult: Second occult excellency
Performance: Second performance Excellency
Dodge: Reflex Sidestep Technique, flow like blood, seven shadow evasion
Resistance: First resistance, iron skin, immunity to everything technique Socialize: unflinching liar pose, second socialize excellency
Revelation of Ineffible Truth - The Apostle speaks and it is unmistakable that he speaks from the deepest pits of wisdom, the most painful of experience. None can hear him and not weep, none can stand before the truths he speaks. His words seem to emanate from him in waves of gold and wisdom. Second Linguistics Excellency, Twisted Words Technique
Hands Withdraw as from Flame - The Apostle has felt the wounds of hands and of claws, of the spear and the axe, of the flame and the searing nothingness of Oblivion. He has felt all these things, and responds with clarity and wisdom. Those that attack him are lessened, and so they learn. First Martial Arts Excellency, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Talent Swallowing Admonition, Moving the Spirit Evasion, Reflex Sidestep Technique

Languages: High Realm, Seatongue, Snowtongue, Riverspeak, Old Realm

Merits and Flaws:
Unusual Appearance (-2) - The Apostle bears the marks of his Abyssal past; his skin is stretched taut along his bones and his lips barely meet, looking as one in the process of mummification, or as one who has had a truly tragic facelift.
Nightmares (-3) - The Apostle remembers the things he has done as he sleeps.
Enemy (-2) - The Silver Prince has not forgiven his escape, although he does not devote his full force to tracking the Apostle.
Known Anathema (-4) - In Whitewall, the Apostle led a Wyld hunt on a chase directly into the path of the Winter Folk, a vicious Fae tribe, bringing them to meet and annihilate each other in the murderous depths of Marama's Fell.
Favour (-2) - Marama's Fell has many dangers, but without the aid of the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears, surely one of the two forces that met there would have escaped intact. The Apostle owes her for her judicious application of force, a debt she will no doubt call in some day.

Bonus point accounting: (39 total)
Virtues: 6 bp
Essence: 7 bp
Backgrounds: 11 bp
Specialties: 4 bp
Combos: 3 bp
Charms: 0 bp
Abilities: 3 bp
Attributes: 0 bp
Merits: 0 bp