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Superstructure Vines

  • Edition: Second
  • Rating: ●●●○○
  • Category: Tools
  • Material: Dragon King plant

The towers of the Dragon Kings scrape the skies, and their majestic spires are held upright by little more than the organic crystal they've grown out of. It seems like it would be impossible to keep the structures standing long enough to grow the crystal as they did - and it would have been, without Superstructure Vines. These vines have a very large seed, about the size of a human body. They do nothing on their own, resting without germination indefinitely. However, when a model of a desired structure carved out of wood is placed on them and the seed is charged with 20 motes of essence, 10 if wood-aspected motes from either a dragon-blood or a Raptok warrior, the model is envoloped. Foot thick vines emerge from the seed pod, and they grow over the course of three days to take the shape of the frame of that building, which can then be constructed around. The model requires a succesful craft (wood) check at a difficulty equal to the resources cost of the desired structure, and the resulting frame effectively halves the difficulty of all further rolls needed to construct the final product; if the structure is non-magical it also halves the interval of extended rolls related to that construction. When the structure is complete, the model may be removed from the seed, causing the many vines to all retract into the seed pod. Note of course that while the plant is capable of mimicing any building model placed on it, it is not smart enough to know which ones will produce viable structures or to produce the plan itself. The planning stage of construction must be completed before the model is produced. If a botch is rolled on the model crafting effort, the resulting building will be wildly unviable, likely collapsing when the vines retract.