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Last Words of the Greatest Soul

Artifact 5, commitment 14
Speed: 5, Accuracy: +5, Damage: +14L/5, Defense: +3,Rate: 3, Tags: 2,O,P,R

Once, there was a terrible blade forged by the usurpers of the heavens and their chosen, that cursed weapon that slew one of the great primordials; and yet there was a positive aspect to this, as it created one of the Neverborn, the great ones who will swallow the world. That blade was struck down for its impudence, as was its wielder, and it birthed a broken weapon, touched by the essence of the Neverborn but not directed properly, such that it was a terrifying danger to the wielder. Now, it has been reforged - not as the damned thing that killed the one that was once Lykkennan, but rather as a new artifact, resplendent and glorious in the power that it wields, reconsecrated in the service of oblivion.

The blade is made of adamant obsidian, purest black and yet pulsing with a light from the core of the blade, where the blood of the Neverborn rests. That light is the very touch of entropic essence, and it flows with incredible power through every aspect of the blade. The edges are orichalcum, but they have been tempered in the blood of one hundred and eight hekatonakhire, one for each of the great sins of the living that the blade shall overcome, and so now the orichalcum does not shine golden but is a coppery red.

In addition to its powerful statistics, the blade is designed to slay the living with the fullest sanction of the beings that embody death - all dice of damage that it deals are converted to successes after soak is applied, and if it slays a being, their souls are unable to reach Lethe, but instead are bound to serve the bearer of the blade for one hundred years and one day. Any mortal it strikes simply dies.

When the blade is attuned, the bearer may choose to sacrifice a number of lives, up to a maximum of his willpower. He must heat the blade until it glows, and then temper it in their bodies. For each person slain in this manner during the attunement process, lower the attunement cost by 1 mote for the duration of that attunement. If the blade becomes deattuned for any reason, the process will have to be repeated if reattuned.

The weapon does not include the magical material bonuses, which it recieves for orichalcum - because of the special nature of the weapon, despite being orichalcum it attunes to abyssals as if soulsteel and not to solars. Additionally, the blade is purposed specifically to serve the Neverborn - if anyone other than an Abyssal attunes to it, they suffer from resonance exactly as an abyssal would.