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Hellisa, Steward of The Green Brass Skeleton, Fetich

The walls of Malfeas are his ribcage, the demon city held in the vast visceral cavity of the primordial. The solars of the first age cast his guts into the void and filled the space with every terror; and now the vast stretches of intercostal flesh, a hundred miles long each, flex and twitch in pain as he breathes. The muscles of black lead and vitriol are pinned in place by the great green brass ribs stretching to the sky. Over the eons of their work, the ribs have been maintained by their keeper, Hellisa, who was not always them; but they have been etched by vitriol so that each bears his likeness, a weeping bearded man stretched upwards bearing the weight of the greatest of gods bravely, countless telamon in mute pain stretching their eyes upwards to Ligier.

Hellisa was once their overseer, his duty being to repair the cracks that grew in them and trim back the flesh where it started to overgrow them; but over the years he has associated with them more such that they are now the same being. Now, there is a little piece of his soul embedded in each rib, and that is why they shape themselves to him. More than anything, he would like to let the ribs crack, let the meat slough off of them, let the prison walls shatter and break; but ancient oaths hold him and he is bound tight.

Hellisa believes that he is a third circle soul of the great prison Malfeas, the one entrusted with maintaining his oaths and the one whose duty is the most painful sacrifice. Hellisa is wrong. Hellisa is the fetich soul of Cytheria, and she has used him as a symbol. Her entrapment is the most painful and the most deserved, and so she made her fetich the embodiment of that entrapment, the one who maintains it. Of all Cytheria's souls, Hellisa is the only one with an inkling of his nature; he suspects that he is a fetich, feeling the power in his ichor, but he knows of Ligier. Unfortunately, he is by his nature forbidden to know, and so he works on maintaining Malfeas flesh eternally, a sacrifice to Cytheria's conscience.

Supernatural powers:
Maintenance of Eternity:
All of Hellisa's clinch attempts are perfect. However, they may not deal damage.

Mortar in the Seams:
Hellisa may instantly heal any wound with a touch, but does not in any way ameliorate the wound penalties. These remain for ten times as long as the wound would normally take to heal.