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Princess of Ebon and Jade

Concept: Honeytongued Socialite
Caste: Day
Nature: Hedonist
Anima Banner: Wispy black and grey, twinged with a sickly flourescent green glow, surrounding her and moving like ink in water.


The Princess' first memory is of her introduction into her new life, that of a concubine to two dragon-bloods, Jade, a deep-green skinned, bark-brown haired female wood-aspect, and Ebon, an obsidian-skinned male earth-aspect with light stony plating on his shoulders and back. She was told that she was a gift from a solar, specially crafted to be a perfect concubine, sterile and with enhanced sex drive and endurance, and of course, her memories were removed so she would not be dissatisfied with her life, for it would be all she knows. She was in their service for a little under three years, and she had become quite a favorite of Ebon, who often ignored all others in favor of her. This did not sit well with Jade, who, one night, took her away for herself and fed her Saturn's Fire, a potent drug developed to push Exalts beyond their usual limits, if they could handle the withdrawal. Unfortunately, to a mortal, it produced the same effect of pushing them hard, but the withdrawal was always fatal. Jade gave her one final night to remember, then left her to give the bad news to Ebon.

But this was not the end for her, the drug never giving her the final effects, for she woke with an intense need to flee. She felt somehow not at home, despite this being her home for all she could remember. She felt drawn out, and she ran though the streets, finding her way to a small shadowland in a cemetery on the outskirts of town, newly formed. She entered the shadowland, greeted by ghosts who escorted her into her new life.

The Princess spent a few years in training, learning the skills she didn't need as a concubine, but would need to build the relations and contacts that she was chosen for. She was tutored by the ghosts of high society in social graces and by the ghosts of merchants in trade skills and bureaucracy. When this was done, she was set free into Creation, building her network of contacts which will serve her well in what she was chosen to do.


The Princess was a concubine and it shows, physically she is stunning, she is of average height and build, but with wonderful curves and smooth, well-cared-for skin. Her hair is smooth and silky, a deep purple shade, which she tends to wear long and loose. Her eyes are a lighter purple, with a constant piercing look and a slight evil, knowing twinge, which extends to her near persistent smile. Her clothes are, of course, always shifting, for she carries an entire wardrobe in her artifacts. She does tend to show off, of course, and she often wears loose, long sleeves to hide her bracers. She has a tattoo of her slave number, one-three-two, on the back of her neck, which she keeps covered with either her succubus collar or her hair, or both, if she can.

Expanded Backgrounds

Artifacts: 4 dots

  • Chain Bracers of the Shadowed Student (level 4)
    • These soulsteel bracers are each made up of a base of a thin leather glove with a single plate along the back of the hand and up the arm nearly to the elbow, with tight chains looping from one side of the plate to the other. These are enhanced and act as Perfected Kata bracers, empowering her martial arts. When activated through a form-type charm, these bracers add her permanent essence to her accuracy, damage and defense for unarmed martial arts attacks, and attacks with in-form weapons. In addition, if the cumulative levels of damage inflicted by the user on a mortal target in one turn exceed the mortal's stamina, the mortal dies at the end of the turn. Exalted and other magical beings are immune to this effect.
  • Concubine's Supreme Succubus Collar (level 3)
    • This collar is built of almost impossibly tiny soulsteel chains sewn to a black leather base, it fits snugly around the neck of any wearer who attunes it for the cost of a single mote of essence. At its basic level, it functions as an enhanced Collar of Cleansing light, with the normal functions but adding three dice to Resistance rolls against disease an poison. The collar also has additional powers, the first of which is the ability to create and extend clothes over the wearer in any configuration imaginable, from the most regal and elegant gowns through simple peasant clothes and on to clothes that aren't. This effect creates true clothes on the wearer, but they dissipate into wisps of essence a few moments after they are removed and all the clothes created are twinged by death and the artifact cannot create clothes that are suffused with excessive life. It can also create thick clothing that affords a minimum of protection, offering the wearer 3B/2L soak, but this requires that the collar be infused with another three motes of essence, which are committed for as long as the soak remains. It also allows the wearer to beautify themselves in other ways, such as changing the length of hair or fingernails or applying makeup and other such aids, the ST is the final arbiter of what is allowed under this, but the effect it produces is purely mundane and it should not be abused for magical effects.
  • Ghost Seeing Mask (level 3)
    • A simple black leather mask that covers a strip of the head around the eyes, but with holes cut to let the eyes see, this mask is much more than it seems. It empowers the users vision and lets them see as All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight. It is also resistant to most forms of damage.

Contacts: 5 dots

  • The Princess has traveled creation and has built up a network of contacts she can call on, as well as the following major contacts:
    • Ashen Sky: A shipping manager for a large collection of warehouses in Onyx, Ashen Sky keeps tabs on what is happening not just locally, but across the west, in order to attempt to be able to fill needs when they arrive, and make lots of money at it.
    • Blind Moon: A low-level scribe in the administration of Whitewall, Blind Moon sells information, any information she can get her hands on, and generally at any price.
    • Cerulean Jackal: An information broker in the heart of Nexus, Cerulean Jackel sells information to only reputable clients with deep pockets, and even then will play clients off each other for even more money.
    • Ore Willow: A raw materials supplier, mostly of stone, out of Chiaroscuro, Ore Willow is another information dealer, since she is often contacted when there is large construction about to happen, she knows much of large projects happening throughout creation.
    • Ivory Spider: A retired mercenary, Ivory Spider runs his own martial academy outside of Arjuf that trains soldiers in special operations. His war stories provide a wealth of information, if one is willing to listen.

Manse: 3 dots

  • The Pyre of Lust: This manse used to belong to a renegade fire-aspect, Rala of the Burning Touch, who had disappeared into the deep south. The Princess heard about it, and him, through her many contacts and traveled to it with the sole intention of capturing it and turning it to her own devices. The journey was long, but worthwhile, as Rala of the manse was most pleased to have additional company. It was, of course, not long until the Princess then found her way into his bed, and only a short time after that until Rala found the Princess' dagger in his chest. Rala's guards gave chase as they realized what she had one, and she led them to a nearby cave, where she slew them all and left their bodies, hoping to form a small shadowland so she could have easy access to her new manse. The manses few servants were easily slain as well, their bodies added to those of the guards in the hopes of creating a shadowland.
  • The manse is built mostly underground, only the entrance hall and hearth room are above the surface, with the underground portion having two levels. The above-ground portion of the manse is built completely of sandstone, the hearth room being above the entrance hall, and they have the look of a two simple circles of stone built on top of each other, with the hearthroom open to above in many places under its dome. The levels of the manse are connected via a spiral staircase that circles the main areas. On the lowest level is the sleeping areas, most sheltered from the withering heat of the day. Above those are the living areas.
  • This manse produces a Lust-Kindling Gem which she keeps in her PKBs.
    • Lust-Kindling Gem
      • Manse •••
      • Trigger: Consensual sex.
    • This irregularly-shaped hearthstone looks like a smoldering coal, and is almost uncomfortably warm. When attuned, it causes its bearer to exude a sultry, sexual allure. Mechanically, she adds one die to any seduction attempt.
    • In addition, anyone who has sex with the character will feel a slow-building craving for more. Once per day, beginning the day after their encounter, he must make a Willpower check. The difficulty starts at 1, and increases by one on each subsequent day, until it peaks at the hearthstone user's permanent Essence. After this point, the difficulty begins decreasing by one per day; once the difficulty reaches zero, the craving stops and no further rolls are necessary.
    • Success on a roll means that the victim has managed to suppress most of his lust, and suffers no penalty for the remainder of the day. If he fails, he cannot keep from fantasizing about the character, and suffers a cumulative 2-die penalty on any roll not related to finding her and getting her to sleep with him again. This penalty lasts until he either has sex with the character, or succeeds on one of his Willpower rolls to resist the gem's power; however, it cannot reduce dice pools to below his Temperance score. A botch means that he is completely overcome with lust, and does everything in his power to find the character.
    • Credit to Iksalem for the stone!

Resources: 3 dots

  • The Princess lives well, as she liberates the money of those she has killed and will sell their goods for her own profits.

Spies: 2 dots

  • The Princess has her own security and intelligence force. She keeps them around her manse in Creation. Her spies stretch from Pyre of Lust to all of the nearby settlements and sometimes beyond and they keep track of comings and goings and warn of anyone seeking out the manse, getting word to the guards there.

Command: 3 dots

  • The Princess has many guards for her manse, consisting mainly of death cultists, trained in martial arts and stealth. They also perform raids for sacrifices and new recruits. She also has two sets of personal guards, cultists in creation and a handful of specially selected ex-cultist ghosts for the underworld.

Crunchy Stuff


  • Strength: 2
  • Dexterity: 5
  • Stamina: 3
  • Charisma: 3
  • Manipulation: 4
  • Appearance: 4
  • Perception: 3
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Wits: 2


  • Archery: 0
  • Brawl: 0
  • Martial Arts: 5 (f)
  • Melee: 0
  • Thrown: 0
  • Endurance: 2
  • Performance: 5 (f)
  • Presence: 4 (f)
  • Resistance: 2
  • Survival: 1
  • Crafts: 0
  • Investigation: 0
  • Lore: 1
  • Medicine: 1
  • Occult: 0
  • Athletics: 2 (c)
  • Awareness: 2 (c)
  • Dodge: 3 (c)
  • Larceny: 2 (c)
  • Stealth: 5 (c)
  • Bureaucracy: 3 (f)
  • Linguistics: 3
  • Ride: 0
  • Sail: 0
  • Socialize: 5 (f)


  • Martial Arts: Unarmed 1


  • Willpower: 8
  • Compassion: 2
  • Conviction: 4
  • Temperance: 3
  • Valor: 1
  • Essence: 4
  • Personal: 20
  • Peripheral: 46
  • Committed: 9

Combat Stuff

  • Health Levels
    • -0: x1
    • -1: x4
    • -2: x6
    • -4: x1
    • I: x1
  • Dodge Pool: 12
  • Soak:
    • B: 3
    • L: 1
    • A: 0

  • Unarmed Combat (Fist/Kick):
    • Speed: 7 / 4
    • Accuracy: 12 / 12
    • Damage: 1B / 3B
    • Defense: 13 / 8
    • Rate: 5 / 3
  • Unarmed Combat w/ Form and PKBs Active (Fist/Kick):
    • Speed: 11 / 8
    • Accuracy: 16 / 16
    • Damage: 5B/L / 8B/L
    • Defense: 17 / 12
    • Rate: 5 / 3
    • Special: If the cumulative levels of damage inflicted by the user on a mortal target in one turn exceed the mortal's stamina, the mortal dies at the end of the turn. Exalted and other magical beings are immune to this.


  • Budding Flower Fist
  • Blossom-Laden Palm
  • Honeyed Tides
  • Fruit Bends Branch
  • His Own Accord
  • Flying Autumn Defense
  • Petal-Carrying Current Form
  • Fivefold Sensory Exercise
  • Ox-Body Technique (1x (1x -1, 2x -2))
  • Ox-Body Technique (1x (1x -1, 2x -2))
  • Language Absorbing Method
  • Flesh Mending Discipline
  • Haunting Inflection Trick
  • Withering Dirge
  • Song to Blessed Silence (c)
  • Curse of the Disquieting Voice (c)
  • Exquisite Etiquette Style
  • Imprecation Of Ill Manners
  • Loyalty Withering Technique
  • Passion-Unveiling Glance
  • Intimations of Mortality
  • Visions of Greying Doom (c)
  • Concealing Distraction Discipline
  • Noiseless Phantom Style
  • Stifled Cry Exercise
  • Unseen Wisp Technique
  • Elegant Tyrant's Majesty
  • Spirit-Hardened Frame
  • Pain-Eating Focus
  • Eyes of the Second World


  • Void Shadow Evasion
    • A largely defensive combo, developed to keep the Princess safe when others are fighting, it is extremely effective. Defensively, it allows her to not only parry an incoming attack, she can simultaneously jump out of the way, and even if she is hit, she can attempt to regain some of the motes used to fuel the charm. It has a slight offensive side, allowing her to guarantee a minimum of damage, beyond what she could otherwise do.
    • Charms Included:
      • Budding Flower Fist (supplemental, 2 motes, perm. ess. in damage turns into autosux)
      • Honeyed Tides Technique (reflexive, 3 motes, turns lethal attack into bashing)
      • Fruit Bends Branch (reflexive, 3 motes, full pool parry plus attackers weapon increases strength requirement by one)
      • Flying Autumn Defense (reflexive, 2 motes, full pool hopping dodge)
      • Pain-Eating Focus (reflexive, 1 mote, recover motes!)


  • Chain Bracers of the Shadowed Student (Soulsteel Perfected Kata Bracers
  • Concubine's Supreme Succubus Collar
  • Ghost Seeing Mask


  • Flametongue
  • Old Realm
  • Riverspeak
  • Forest-Tongue


  • Sterile:
    • The Princess was forcibly sterilized in preparation for her life as a concubine, so as not to pollute the purity of the terrestrial bloodlines.
  • Amnesia: (1 point)
    • The Princess' childhood was stolen from her by whatever solar or solar servant prepared her as a gift.
  • Wanted: (1 point)
    • What exactly happened after her "death" at the palace where she lived is not something she knows, but they are looking for her, though not on a very active role and certainly not too far from home.
  • Secrets: (1 point)
    • The Princess is an escaped slave, and even though the circumstances surrounding it are unusual, it would still be enough to damage her relations with some of her contacts and make some of her work harder, should it ever get out to the masses.


  • Total: 25
  • Spent: 23
  • Remaining: 2
    • Presence 4 (5)
    • Performance 5 (7)
    • Speciality in Martial Arts: Unarmed (3)
    • Strength 2 (4)
    • Larceny 2 (4)