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“All I asked, was how you can manage to get a weapon this filthy, this fast?” Krieg tossed Tetsubo back his Gunklaive. “Orichalcum is sturdy stuff, but you keep abusing this thing, and it is going to jam. And then where will you be? Eyeball deep in Dragons. And if you keep wandering off on your own, we aren’t going to be there to haul your keister from the fire.”

Tetsubo spun the Gunklaive, snapping the big weapon into guard, and then back across his shoulder. “That’s why it’s got the pointy end. Just in case.”

Krieg snorted, and wiped the grease from his hands. “Trouble is, you like mixing it up.”

“And you don’t?” Tetsubo tapped the holstered Hammers at the big man’s sides with the flat of his blade. “These just keep-sakes then?”

Krieg threw the grease rag at the rangy Dawn. “No, those are reminders that I run with a dangerous crowd. If you were just a hair less dangerous, I could dispense with these noisy things, and keep to more civilized matters, like study, academics, research and development projects. I could be employed at an actual University, receive the accolades that my prodigious intellect and skills should earn. But instead, I am in the Lower Twenties with you and that sociopath Sparks.”

“The clinic not enough?” Tets sheathed the big blade. He propped a hip on Krieg’s workbench. “What’s really eating you?”

Krieg lowered his gaze, peering over his dark spectacles to lock with Tetsubo’s. “This.

“We are living in this nasty little hell hole, and it makes me sick. You know what makes me sick about it? Not the temperature, not the smells, not the lack of sunlight, not the closeness of these walls, the walls upon walls, the pressure of another hundred floors above us, but what makes me truly sick, is knowing that this place is a margin better than most of its kind, because we hang our hats here. We make it better–they’ve got clean water now, power, working plumbing, and the lifts are almost all in service again–and for all that we’ve done, there a couple of hundred slums and Unders just like this one in the Realm, and that bitch in the Palace is bound and determined to make a few more.

“That’s what makes me sick. We have worked ourselves to the bone, and we’ve got this place just livable, just about to where these people can start to think about something other than surviving, and we haven’t scratched the surface. We’ve saved this lot, but what about the others?” The engineer pulled on his gloves, rivets sliding over his gnarled knuckles.

“Sometimes I wonder why we bother? What are we really doing? We make this place better, but what about the rest of the Realm? What about the rest of Unders?” Krieg rolled his fingers into his gloves, adjusting the fit as his hands moved of their own accord to his tools, putting each into its place.

Tetsubo’s hand closed over his friend’s shoulder. “We do what we can. We do what we can, and if we can keep these folks ahead of the game, then we’re doing better than most. We keep it up, until we can do more. More things under the Sun than are dreamt by men.” He pulled his friend up and turned him to stare into his face. “We make a difference. We’re onto to something here, and if these folks can keep it up, we can hope that there are others doing the same.”

Krieg patted Tet’s hand. “Just grinds on me sometimes. Especially when I see how badly you keep that damn thing. Pisses me off to see you treat good equipment so poor.”

“Then I’ll do a better job. We need you as much as we need Jeffers or Sparks. We’re almost done here, and then we can take it to the Dragons.” Tets straightened up, and turned to the door.

Krieg watched Tets head into the hall. Liar. But thanks anyway. The engineer muttered a few words, and let the Essence flow to power his Charm to finish reweaving the brake cables he’d been working on when Tetsubo came in.


New Abilities:


Fighting is an integral part of life in the Age of Sorrows. The arts of combat have been developed, refined, and range from simple dust ups with punches and fists, to the discipline of the Immaculate Dragons. Weapons skill is just an extension of study and talent, and increases the range and scope of a fighter’s ability to engage an opponent, but understanding of how to engage is at the heart of this Ability.

These rules are meant to flesh out the Fight ability, and give more background to the different styles, giving both the Exalted and Heroic Mortals more depth.

When a fighter begins play, he must state what style he is studying, and decide if that style is Hard or Soft. Hard arts emphasize strikes and power, and Soft arts emphasize throws, locks, and rolling with the flow of combat. Hard stylists use Strength for their base damage with bare handed attacks, while Soft stylists use Dexterity for their base damage with bare handed attacks. While styles often mix elements of Hard and Soft Techniques, the fighter chooses which Attribute to base his style on.

The artist may choose a Fight Technique for each die of Fight. Additional Techniques may be bought like Specializations for 3 XP each, as they show the development of the practitioners style. While Techniques lack the punch of Fight Charms, they allow Heroic Mortals to be effective in combat in an epic world. They can also save the Exalted from spending Essence on Charms, instead relying only on his native skill.

Fight Techniques–Soft Styles

Acrobatic Dodge-Leaps, gyrations, and flips allow the a fast fighter to avoid many blows, be it by elegant jumps or by deft side slips. Dex+Dodge as normal, but the artist may dodge as many attackers as she has die in Fight, and may use her full Dodge pool against each attacker. The artist may not take any other action, and this does not allow her to Dodge attacks that cannot normally be dodged. This Technique cannot be used in conjunction with Extra Actions Charms, though Reflexive Charms could be used to supplement it.

Break Fall-The character is versed in throwing techniques, and can use a Dex+Fight roll when he falls, and can apply the successes from this roll to a soak against falls and knock back. This is done instinctively, and does not count as an action.

Cataleptic Grapple-With a proper locking hold, the fighter can apply pressure to vital points. The Artist must take a multiple action penalty, first to either to apply or maintain the lock already held, and then she must immediately roll Intelligence+Fight. Each success allows the martial artist to inflict one point of Bashing damage, that is not soakable normally. Charms that increase the Bashing Soak can be applied to soak this damage.

Counter Lock-A defender can apply a lock after a parry. If the parry is successful, the fighter applies a lock on the offender, doing regular damage. This can be used to defend against another grapple attempt. Note, this roll does not count as a separate action, but as a natural part of the parry. Charms like Flow Like Blood can allow the recipient a chance to avoid this damage, but unless the character can anticipate the attack––i.e. has fought against this particular style or fighter before--Reed in the Wind will not allow a dodge roll.

Counter Throw-The fighter does not need to attempt a grapple roll to attempt a throw. When attacked the martial artist may roll his parry normally, and if successful, the additional die can be applied as a throw for regular damage. This can be applied against attempts to grapple. Charms like Flow like Blood can allow the recipient a chance to avoid this throw, but unless they can anticipate the attack––i.e. has fought against this particular style or artist before––Reed in the Wind and the like will not allow a dodge roll from this attempt.

Deflecting Block-When parrying an attack, the fighter moves to force his opponent away. If a parry is successful, the fighter deflects his opponent away, and they move their own Strength in feet away from the artist. If the opponent was charging or rushing the artist they must check Dex+Athletics or take their own Strength in damage from the fall, though the damage is Bashing and soakable.

Disabling Strike-The fighter uses a single, or even a combination of strikes, to hit nerve clusters to cause pain and disorientation. This attack does no damage, but if successful, the attacker is at +2 difficulties for that round, as well as the next. These difficulties can stack to render an opponent wracked in pain and unable to move. Stamina Charms and armor are effective at countering these strikes.

Disarm-The fighter is skilled at removing weapons from an opponent’s grasp. The fighter makes a Fight roll, and for each point of "damage" scored after the soak, the weapon flies one yard in a direction specified by the fighter.

Ground fighting-The fighter is adept to fighting prone, and need not get up to initiate attacks. Kicks, strikes, locks, sweeps, or the like can be applied from a prone position, if an opponent is close enough, with no penalty.

Joint Lock-Upon a successful grapple, the fighter may immediately inflict damage without rolling further. Successes from the grapple are immediately applied as an attack without a multiple action. The attack is at Dex+2 damage.

Mantis Strike-A precise blow that targets vital organs and chi gates. Dex+2 damage.

Push Hands–Soft stylists often play games where they attempt to push one another off balance, and a skilled practitioner can anticipate an opponents body language by subtle shifts in weight and body language. In combat, the stylist can use this to avoid attacks. The stylist rolls his Dex+Fight, and if he successfully avoids the attack, the attacker is knocked down, taking his own Strength in bashing damage, as the stylist steps aside and gives him a slight push.

Reactive Hands–Parrying, pushing, and riposting, in rapid succession, the fighter seizes a brief opening to come under his opponent’s guard. The fighter must parry as normal, and then roll an attack, using normal multiple action rules. The parry must be successful, but if so, the fighter immediately rolls a counterstrike that cannot be blocked or dodged normally. This Technique cannot be used with any actions granted with an Extra Action Charm.

Spinning Throw–By using momentum, the fighter can swing off several attackers at once. The maneuver pits the motion of each attacker against the others, so they all assist in the task of flinging the others away. It is a reactive throw, and the fighter must be attacked first. Effectively, this maneuver allows the artist to throw multiple opponents without incurring multiple actions. Each attacker rolls their attack as normal, while the fighter rolls his Dex+Fight, at a -1 die penalty for each attacker. If the character scores more successes than his attacker, he is considered then to have thrown the attacker, for regular damage, before their attack can land. If he fails to gain more successes, the attacker engages as normal. If the defender ties, the attack fails, but the attacker is not thrown. Note: the fighter can take no other action during this maneuver, unless it is a Break Fall. Must have Counter Throw.

Weapon Deflection/Evasion–The fighter has studied evasion and dodging to the point of being able to turn weapons and missiles. The artist must be aware of the attacks to deflect or evade them. The fighter can choose to catch or avoid the attack entirely. If the fighter choose to evade a blow, he must roll his Dex+Fight instead of his Dodge. A fighter may Evade a number of attackers equal to his Fight score, though he cannot take any other action while performing this Technique unless he has some Extra Action Charm activated.

If the fighter chooses to deflect the attack, he may attempt to immediately redirect the attack. The fighter must roll his Dex+Fight, but extra successes can be applied as an attack roll, with damage applied as normal for the attacker whose attack was deflected. Melee attacks are redirected by deflecting the arm of the attacker, rather than the weapon. Slower projectiles like arrows and knives are plucked from the air and redirected, though attacks with guns and flamethrowers can only be deflected if the artist is employing a buckler or some other defensive device like war fans, and the materials must be strong enough to withstand the attacks. Note: deflected projectiles cannot be sent back against their wielders, though multiple attackers could find themselves at odds with one another’s redirected fire. If the martial artist fails his Dex+Fight roll, he takes damage as normal. The fighter may deflect a number of attacks as he has die in Fight, though each deflection counts as multiple action with the corresponding loss of die for each deflection. Must have Deflecting Block.

Withering Grasp–The fighter makes an attack as normal, but in addition to the regular damage, the artist can disarm an opponent. With 3 successes more than his opponent’s defense, the weapon is knocked from his hand, 5 successes, and the artist may take the weapon for his own use.

Fight Techniques-Hard Styles

Axe Kick-A powerful downwards kick. It is always considered the last action in the round, and can invite a nasty surprise before it can land. Strength+2 damage.

Blow to Pressure Points–The fighter has learned to strike the key meridians and vital points. The fighter can make strikes at +2 damage for either kicks or strikes.

Breaking Blows–Hands and feet are toughened by constant practice. This maneuver requires a full round of concentration, but allows the fighter to double his successes for damage against an inanimate object. Botching results in the artist harming himself in the process.

Choke Hold–The fighter is well versed in chokes and holds. If the character continues his hold, he does an additional point of Bashing damage, that is not normally soakable. Charms and some armors may negate this.

Counter Strike–The character is versed in the art of striking. The fighter rolls his parry as normal, but if successful, he immediately counts the additional dice for success as an attack roll, for a normal hand attack. This attack does not count towards a multiple action penalty.

Damaging Block–The fighter blocks, looking to directly damage the limb that comes in. Roll a regular parry, but if successful, he immediately rolls his Strength+ additional successes in damage. If the defender scores more than 3 successes, the attacker is at +1 difficulty for the next round with that limb. Must have Counter Strike before taking this technique.

Dirty–The character is skilled at taking advantage of under handed and dirty tricks, from throwing sand, eye gouges, fish hooks, or any thing else that will work. He may either take +1 damage for an attack, or elect to subtract one die from his opponent’s pool each round he succeeds an attack––these penalties are cumulative. If the fighter fails an attack, the penalties fade and the opponent operates as normal.

Double Kick–A combination of kicks, usually one high, and one low. The character rolls his attack as normal, but doesn’t take a multiple action penalty. Damage is checked with two separate rolls to simulate the combination’s effectiveness. The attacker cannot defend when using this technique, unless he has Extra Action Charms.

Dragon Tail Sweep–A spinning leg sweep used to knock an opponent to the ground. Treat the attack as a throw, but the attacker need not grapple first.

Elbow/Knee Strike–A quick and vicious attack. +2 speed, and +1 damage.

Fighting Hold–The character can grapple an opponent, and take multiple actions to continue to pummel him. The character must specify the kind of hold, and whether or not he will kick or punch. Note, the character can specify that they are attempting to choke in addition to the punching or kicking, and take additional multiple action penalties.

Flurry of Blows-The fighter fires of a storm of punches, usually uppercuts and short jabs to the abdomen, that pound his opponent with multiple hits. The fighter may test for damage three times with this technique, but cannot defend. This Technique cannot be enhanced by Charms.

Ground fighting-The fighter is adept to fighting prone, and need not get up to initiate attacks. Kicks, strikes, locks, sweeps, or the like can be applied from a prone position, if an opponent is close enough, with no penalty.

Joint Break–A grapple turned ugly. After grappling, the fighter can attempt to bend a limb in a direction it wasn’t designed to go. Damage applied after the grapple is considered Lethal, and if more than three points of damage is scored, the limb is useless.

Killing Blows–A study of anatomy and careful use of force allows the fighter to inflict devastating blows. The artist can choose to do Lethal damage. Soaks still apply.

Knockout–The fighter is skilled at making hard, fast blows to end fights. The character makes an attack at +2 difficulty, but if successful the victim must make an immediate Stamina check to remain conscious, with their difficulty modified by their attacker’s successes -1. Four successes on a knockout roll means +3 difficulty. If successful, the victim is at +2 difficulty for the rest of the round, if the victim fails, he falls unconscious for a number of minutes as the attacker was successful. Botching means they are out for hours.

Ripping Strike–Strikes are dealt that are designed to inflict great pain. The damage dealt is normal, but the opponent is at +1 diff for that round, and the next. The difficulties are stackable, and can be devastating in a long fight.

Spinning Kic–A fast, powerful kick. +2 damage

Thunder Kick-A flying drop kick. +3 damage.

Weapon Techniques

This section is designed to build on weapon styles, and can be ignored, or placed separately in Melee if you don't wish to integrate Melee, with Brawl and Martial Arts. I prefer to use them in conjunction, forcing a character to choose which they are more proficient in--hand to hand, or weaponed combat, but that is for a system designed to incorporate gunplay, and it may not fit your style of play.

Armor Pierce-The fighter has mastered the art of avoiding armor, by attacking the spaces between plates. The fighter can half the armor soak of an opponent, but the attack is made at +2 difficulty.

Dazing Blow-The fighter has trained to do Bashing damage with a Lethal weapon, using the flat of the sword, or targeting less lethal targets.

Feint–The fighter can misdirect his opponent, and draw his guard. A contested Fight+Wits roll is made at the beginning each time it is attempted, each success the character garners, subtracts one die from his opponent’s Fight pool to parry. This action does not cost an action from either fighters, unless one of them fails their roll entirely––from then on, they incur normal multiple action penalties. If both fail the roll, both look equally foolish.

Fence of Steel–A flurry of blows, the fighter puts up a wall of weaponed death. This technique allows the fighter to make either three parries without incurring multiple actions, or three attacks at his base damage, though he cannot add his successes to the damage.

Finesse–The character is an expert with one handed weapons, and has an extra 2 die in his Fight pool for his skill. This applies only with one handed weapons.

Fleche-The fighter can dart forward in a short charge with his weapon, and in doing so, can add +1 damage. He is at -1 for his defense during the round he uses this Technique.

Great Blow-Putting everything into one blow, the fighter can add +3 damage, but cannot defend himself normally with this technique.

Jab-A quick, light strike to test defenses, the fighter can add +2 to his Initiative, and takes -2 damage.

Mobility-The fighter is adept at using terrain and her environment to the best advantage. She may add her Athletics score to her Dodge or Parry pool on all opponents she is engaged with.

Pin-Usable only with a piercing weapon, the fighter impales her opponent. The attack is made at +2 difficulty, but if successful, the target is considered pinned either to the ground or the scenery. In order to be freed, the victim must wrench from the weapon––doing so incurs the weapon’’s normal damage, or the fighter can pull the weapon free. In freeing the victim, the fighter can choose to do damage as a regular attack, or merely pull the weapon free, incurring only 1 level of damage.

Quick draw––The fighter can draw his weapon without using an action.

Riposte-The fighter can use the same action to parry, and make a lightning fast attack. The attack is made at +1 Accuracy, but at -2 damage, and does not incur the normal multiple action penalty.

Shield Training–The fighter has trained to use shields effectively. The character may make one normal parry while using a one handed weapon, and a shield, without incurring a multiple action penalty.

Sweep-The fighter can use his weapon to knock an opponent down. The attack does no damage, but the opponent must check Dex+Fight to see if they are knocked down, at a difficulty equal to the number of successes the attacker scored to make the attack.

Two Weapons–The fighter is trained to use two weapons, either for defense or to attack. The character may take one less die of penalty for extra actions with two weapons.

Whirlwind Form–The fighter is skilled at engaging multiple opponents. He may make engage up to his Fight score in opponents, making one parry per opponent without incurring a multiple action penalty. He may not make additional attacks, or make more than one parry per opponent without taking multiple actions.

Wounding–The fighter can inflict painful wounds, that aren’t lethal, but are still debilitating. Wound penalties inflicted are double their penalties during the scene they are inflicted.

Fight Disciplines

At four die, a Fighter has gained enough understanding of his art, to apply his training into the more esoteric applications. These Disciplines are not taught to every artist, and often require finding a teacher, especially the Essence Arts. To study a Discipline requires vast commitment to their art, and some Mortals spend their entire lives to the perfection of their art.

Exalted may study these Disciplines, but generally Charms are easier and more powerful. These Disciplines are to reflect the highest levels of the art for Mortals. Disciplines cost 12 XP to acquire, and require at least a year of training time. These requirements keep most Exalted from investing in them--their Charms often much more powerful and easier to gain. The Disciplines are designed to show the pinnacle of the Arts that Mortals can achieve.

Art of Stealth––The art of disappearance and smoke. Walk across rice paper and leave no trace, walk across newly fallen snow and leave no tracks. The artist is attuned not only to the art of hiding, but the art of directing attention elsewhere. The artist can add his Fight die to his Stealth pool, but all successes scored with these die are doubled, and 10's will count as three successes. These dice can also be applied to Larceny rolls for lockpicking, finding traps, setting traps, picking pockets, and for slight of hand tricks. Team ninja is go...

Art of Vital Points–The art of vital points, to heal or harm. The artist may add his Fight die to his Medicine rolls, but all successes scored with these die are doubled, and 10's will count as three successes. In combat, the character can make a Dex+Fight roll against his opponent’s regular dodge or parry. If the attack is successful, the artist can then add a +1 difficulty per success scored. If the penalty inflicted is greater than the victim’s Dexterity, the limb is rendered useless. If the penalties are greater than the opponent’’s Dex+Stamina, the foe is considered rendered immobile and helpless unless they spend Willpower. The effect lasts a scene. Additionally, the artist can decide to do Lethal damage with his blows.

Awareness–The artist is constantly aware of his surroundings, even if occupied. His awareness of the flows of Essence allow him to read the intent of those around him, not their words or actions. He literally cannot be surprised. He feels the intent to attack, the flow of Essence towards him, and he reacts to it. Forewarned, he adds his Fight dice to his Initiative rolls. This ability can also be applied to add his Fight die to Alertness or Perception rolls as well. This allows the practitioner to sense threats from both close and far, and the artist may take a free Dodge action. This defense will not protect against attacks that cannot be dodged or parried.

Body Hardening–This allows the artist to build his endurance to super human levels. The artist may add his Fight die to his Endurance, Resistance, and Survival rolls, but all successes scored with these die are doubled, and 10's will count as three successes. The artist spends often years being beaten, enduring hardships, and agonizing conditions. He may also add his Fight die to his Soak roll, as well as adding his Fight die to Athletics rolls involving feats of Strength. His blows can inflict Lethal damage at will, and may Parry weapons barehanded.

Grasping and Seizing–The fighter has studied the arts of seizing, and his grappling and thrown techniques are at their highest level. The fighter’s attacks now bypass armor and can only be soaked by Charms and Stamina. Her attacks flow easily, and she attacks limbs, joints, and soft tissue, and she does Lethal damage if she chooses to. For purposes of restraint, her grappling successes are doubled, 10's counting as 3 successes.

Reed Form–The fighter is lithe and rolls with all blows. She may add her Fight die to all Dodge attempts, but all successes scored with those die are doubled, and 10's count as three successes. Furthermore, the artist may use her full Dodge pool without penalty against all attacks that are directed towards her without a multiple action penalty. Charms that cannot normally be dodged are not affected by the Reed Form, and will strike normally.

Paired Weapons–The artist has studied and mastered paired weapons combat. He can use paired weapons––sai, fans, daggers, willow leaf swords, wind and fire wheels, short swords, or the like––or a dual use weapons––three section staff, chain, staff, sickle and chain, or the like––to their fullest potential. The artist may use each attack roll to defend as well. Multiple attacks still require splitting the dice pool, but each attack roll represents a chance to parry as well. An artist that makes three attacks can also defend against three attacks at the same time, only suffering a dice reduction for the attacks. Each defense roll is equal to the attack rolls. If the artist is engaged with multiple opponents, she may elect to fight defensively, and doing so allows her to parry a number of opponents equal to her Fight score without taking a multiple action penalty, though she may not attack.

Weapons Mastery–The artist is a true master of weaponed combat. The fighter may choose a single weapon class to excel in, or he may choose to be master of found objects.

The first option allows the artist to double his Fight die with her weapon of choice, and successes are doubled, and 10's are considered to be three successes. The weapon can be a style of sword, pole arm, staves, chains. Any weapon can be mastered, but it must be a particular style of weapon, not a class. An artist who chooses the willow leaf sword can’t apply his ability to the broadsword or the two handed sword.. It must be a specific style of weapon, not a class.

The second option allows the artist to become the ultimate generalist. The artist becomes deadly with any weapon. Literally. The artist can double his Fight pool, or add his Fight to his Thrown pool with any weapon, and that includes improvised weapons. The artist can pick up objects from the tiny––straws, cards, pens, seeds, pebbles––and do Strength-1 damage. Small sized objects such as chair legs, paperweights, daggers, and mugs can do Strength damage; medium sized objects like pots, short swords, and hubcaps can do Strength +1. Large objects like broom handles, small stools, iron rods, and ladders can do Strength+2. Picking up weapons is considered a reflexive action, and any item that is within reach and the artist can swing or set into motion can be considered a weapon. Coupled with Reed form the fighter can be easily the equal of any Dragon Blooded.

Drunken/Monkey Style–The artist uses a mixture of odd movements, submissive postures, and strange noises to confuse opponents. The artist rolls his Dex+Fight at the beginning of combat. Opponents must also check their own Fight+Wits against this score. If they score higher than this roll, they may act normally, but if the artist scores higher, their opponent’s difficulties are increased by the amount they failed by for all their actions against him.

Essence Mastery-The artist perceives the flow and ebb of Essence. He understands the connection between Essence and life, and even if not Exalted, he can manipulate that flow, both within himself and others. With a Fight+Perception roll the artist can determine the amount of Essence that a person has, and additional successes will allow him to determine their health levels, as well as have a good idea of their Attributes. An Essence master can quickly identify Exalts, Fae, and supernatural creatures. The character gains the Merit Essence Mastery, and may use their full pool of Essence, even activate the Root of the Perfected Lotus to learn Terrestrial Martial Arts. Each time this Discipline is taken, the master adds one category from the following:

Healing–– The master can use the flow of Essence to speed healing, either for himself or others. He may add his Fight die to Medicine rolls. For each success the artist will heal his Essence score heal of Bashing damage; for every two successes, the artist may healed his Essence score in Lethal damage . The patient will only respond to this treatment once per day––the practitioner is speeding the bodies own healing rather than healing the damage himself. Additionally, the master can assist the body in rejecting poison or disease, allowing the patient to add the practitioners successes in Medicine rolls to their Resistance/Endurance+Stamina rolls to throw off the effects. The Storyteller has the final say if the practitioner can assist a body to throw off a magical disease or poison, but at the least, they should be able to halt the effects for a time.

Influence––The master can see the ebb and flow of perception and interactions between the living. The artist can add his Fight die to Socialize rolls, those successes doubled, and 10's counting as three successes. If the artist scores more successes than the target can resist with a Willpower check, they will be gulled into doing what the artist wants them to believe, if he wishes to be "invisible" he will be to them, if he wishes to appear to be someone else, he will be to them, if he orders them to perform an action they will do so with the best of their ability. Used on conjunction with skillful Manipulation rolls, the artist could easily convince a guard that a monstrous apparition freed prisoners, or that he was so tired that he couldn’t keep his eyes open, or he could be convinced to free the prisoners, escort them to a carriage, and then return to his post and forget about the evening’s actions. If the artist asks the person to perform an action that would be inimical to their nature, such as kill themselves, steal from their master, or injure their friends and family, they can check with their Willpower to resist such actions immediately. Though if they were told to carry a blank box and open it when they got to a door they would––if they didn’t know there was a bomb inside. The practitioner can only affect a number of people equal to his own Willpower at the same time.

Essence Attack––The artist can harness the flow of Essence around her, and can direct this flow to augment his or her prowess in combat. She can blow out candles with her blows, and the focus of her attacks is precise and deadly. The artist can attack a target her Essence x her Willpower in meters. This attack roll is made with a Wits+Fight roll, damage equal to the number of additional success+ the artist’s Willpower. The attack cannot be parried normally, nor can armor assist the soak in any way. The attack can be soaked with Stamina, and Resistance Charms only. A Dodge will only be effective if the victim is aware of the artist’’s power, or has Charms that allow for unknown attacks to be dodged automatically. Surprise Anticipation Method could be invoked to give the Exalted targeted a warning. The attack is Bashing damage, unless the practitioner has Techniques or Disciplines that allow her to do Lethal damage––such as Killing Blows, Body Hardening, or Vital Points. Those who are skilled with the Essence Attack Discipline can use their Fight Techniques and other Disciplines from afar. Which could be particularly nasty if the artist could force a Dragon Blood back up a cliff, and then execute an Dragon Tail Sweep from afar...One advantage of this form is the ability to damage Hungry Ghosts, and other supernatural creatures.

Essence Defense––The artist harnesses the flow of Essence around her, and directs this flow to her defense. The artist can shield herself from blows, adding successes from a Wits+Fight roll, and her Willpower to her Soak. This shield will prevent blows that could not normally be Soaked, and the shield is used to Soak damage first, much like the Anima effect of the Twilight Caste. Note, this defense allows the artist to deflect physical as well as immaterial attacks, as it is deflecting the very energy of the Creation that makes up the attack. This defense will allow the master to counter Charms, cloaked with his own Willpower, and the energy of Creation. Note, the practitioner spends no Essence to invoke these effects, merely manipulates the flow to his or her favor. This defense doesn’t rely on the user being aware of the attacks, but is automatically applied. The Master feels the Essence of the attack, and allows the attack to be deflected. The defense must be maintained, and the artist will have to take multiple actions to attack. The very strongest mortals can barely hope to attain this level of mastery, though there are monks and ascetics who remain in the world who are willing to teach others this Discipline, to face the Yozi and Malfeans that are rising like a pestilential sea.

Lunars Techniques

Lunars have little need for studied marital art techniques, with their abilities and Charm sets, but they have developed their own fighting style which incorporates their natural shapechanging abilities. Many of these Techniques require the ability to change shape to use properly. Lunars may use regular Fight Techniques, but the following are available only to those who can change shape. Their own native Charms are more effective than most regular Fight Charms and while a Lunar may learn a form, their own fighting style can incorporate any of the following techniques normally. They still must buy the Techniques as normal, but these Techniques are exclusive to those who can shift shape. Soft and Hard delineations are used to show if the Lunar is quick and studied, or savage and relies on power.

Exclusive Techniques-Soft

Changing Breeze-Presenting a large target, the Lunar then shifts to a smaller form dodging the incoming attack. Each success to the roll to shapeshift adds +1 difficulty to her opponent’s attack.

Fading Breeze–The Lunar steps back, changing to a larger form–with a longer reach–while punching or kicking. The difficulty of one foe’s attacks increases by +1.

Growing Tempest–The Lunar grabs her opponent while shifting to a larger, stronger form, crushing and twisting his limbs. The opponent is grappled and must win a contested Strength vs. Strength roll to free himself, and takes Strength damage for each round grappled.

Melting Wind-The Lunar shifts to a smaller form to slip from a hold. Any successes on a Dex+Fight roll are applied to her Strength+Athletics pool for escaping the hold.

Moving Breeze–The Lunar shifts to a smaller form while dodging. Each success on the shapechanging roll adds one die to her Dodge pool for the next attack.

Rising Storm–The Lunar shifts to a larger form while attacking, gaining ground and closing without moving in. All attacks are made at a +2 die for that round.

Striking the Wind–The Lunar invites an attack, and then shifts to a larger form. The Lunar adds +2 die for the soak to damage, and adds +2 die for her next attack roll.

Subtle Draft–The Lunar charges an opponent in a smaller animal form to trip her opponent, and then shifts to a larger form to attack. The trip is considered a movement action. The opponent must make a Dex+Athletics check against the trip against the Lunars Dex+Athletics roll, and will be forced to split die for his next action. The Lunars next attack is made at a +2 die.

Sudden Flurry–The Lunar uses this technique of shift balance in a grapple. She shifts to a smaller form. Considered a counter throw, the opponent must make a Dex+Athletics check against the Dex+Fight of the Lunar. If the Lunar scores higher, the grappler is thrown 1' per success+the Lunar’s Strength in feet. While the grappler does not take damage from this throw–merely stumbling and reeling for balance, the Lunar’s next attack roll is made at +2 die.

Hurricane Storm–The Lunar assumes a larger shape when throwing an opponent, gaining added momentum with the change in leverage and Strength. Upon a successful throw, the opponent is thrown 2 yards per point of the new Strength, instead of 1 yard.


Hamstring-Lunar bites or slashes the hamstrings on their opponent. +2 difficulty to perform, but if a successful attack does more than 3 points of damage, the opponent’s leg is useless. Opponent may only move at one quarter speed–unless quadrupedal, then they move at half. Unless the opponent has access to healing magic or regenerates, he will probably be crippled for life.

Jawlock–The Lunar can apply a lock with a Bite attack, keeping his other limbs free. The lock does Strength damage each round applied. Damage is Lethal.

Worry–The Lunar can attack an already wounded opponent, and attempt to open the wound further. If the attack is successful, at a +2 difficulty, claw or bite, the damage is made at +2 damage. This can be applied to a Jaw Lock to further open the wound, but the opponent has a greater chance to break the hold.

Leaping Rake–The Lunar leaps, and rakes his claws as he passes by. Must be able to move past an opponent–at least 1 yard of room. Str+3 damage.

</b>Neck Bite</b>–The Lunar catches his opponent by the throat and crushes the windpipe. The attack must succeed at a +2 difficulty, and if successful, the Lunar may apply Strength damage each round. Escaping this hold is difficult, and requires a +2 difficulty. Simply tying will escape, but the victim will suffer one additional round of damage due to tearing.

Pounce–The Lunar leaps at his opponent. He gains a +2 on his Initiative, and the Pounce allows the Lunar to take a free Dodge against projectiles. The attack if successful, it scores a knockback result automatically.

Ripping Bite–The Lunar bites to wound his opponent to weaken him. Upon a successful attack, the Lunar not only scores damage, but the victim also suffers a +1 difficulty to all Strength and Dexterity rolls. This may be repeated, and if any limb suffers more than a +3 penalty, the limb is considered useless, and in order to take any action, the victim must spend 1 Willpower point.

Bellybite–The Lunar makes a bite along the belly or abdomen. The attack is at +2 damage for the bite, and the victim suffers a +1 difficulty for all movement from blood loss, shock, and pain. This effect can be focused past with a Conviction roll or Willpower.

Melt-The Lunar shifts to a smaller form, to escape a Grab or Hold. The Lunar may add his Fight die to a check against breaking a hold. Striking the Bone–The Lunar shifts to a larger form, inviting an attack. The attack is not dodged, but the Lunar does gain +2 die to soak, and then he may take an additional +2 on his next attack roll for closing the distance.

Swarm–The Lunar shifts from a smaller form to trip his opponent and then shifts to a larger form to attack. The trip is considered a movement action. The opponent must make a Dex+Athletics check against the trip against the Lunars Dex+Athletics roll, and will be forced to split die for his next action. The Lunars next attack is made at a +2 die.

Thrusting Claw–The Lunar makes a grapple check, using a claw attack to pierce a limb or body cavity, and then shifts to a larger form, the claws automatically ripping a larger wound. The grapple is made normally, but the next action–the change–inflicts an automatic Strength damage attack, that cannot be soaked with Armor, only Stamina, and it cannot be dodged or parried.

Fight Forms

The following are examples of the many fighting arts from across the Creation. Taking a Form of combat requires declaring the style at the beginning of play, and additional styles may be learned, but in order to do so, the fighter must find a teacher, and study with that teacher for no less than six months, if the character can advance in Fight during the time that study, they may reduce the time, but that reduction is up to the Storyteller.

A style cannot be achieved, and its Techniques learned, until that requirement has been met. The Storyteller is final arbiter if the character has studied, and declaring that one is studying Slave Boxing while adventuring, and travelling can increase the study time to up to a year. Some forms--such at the Immaculate Dragon Paths often take years before becoming sufficiently proficient. Techniques cannot be bought from a style unless the Storyteller is satisfied that the character has put sufficient time into studying the style. Charms additionally cannot be bought from a new form until the character has shown sufficient time perfecting their form as well. Simply studying Tiger style does not make a character eligible to learn Charms from that style the moment they begin study. Months may be shaved off the time by intensive study, and months may be added if the character does not apply themselves, and ultimately, the Storyteller is the judge of when a character is eligible to buy Charms and Techniques. Learning a new fighting style is a progression in the characters growth, and should not be simply a mechanic of numbers, but an outgrowth of play.

The Techniques and Charms listed are suggestions to give each style a repertoire of weapons and techniques, and need not be the be all, end all list, if the character wants to apply themselves, but the lists of Disciplines should be hard and fast--some styles simply don't teach some things. A character who wants to learn Wrestling will not learn the same things a character who learns Tiger Style will.

Crimson Monkey Form-Hard and Soft (Celestial)

Emulating the chaotic and savage attacks and motions of monkeys, this style hides many of its strongest attacks in the capering and acrobatic dodges that the style is best known for. Often the stylist will feign being injured to lull an opponent in closer. Surprise and confusion are the hallmarks the Crimson Monkey Form.

Techniques-Soft-Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Throw, Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Mantis Strike, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Reactive Strike, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard––Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Dirty, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick Disciplines––Reed Form, Grasping and Seizing, Monkey Form


Monkey’s Scamper
Cost: 1 mote</br> Duration: One Turn
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Fight: 1
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
The artist uses his Essence to charge himself, and for the rest of the Turn, the artist may add his Fight score to his Dex+Athletics score. He may take one extra movement action without splitting his dice pool, allowing him to execute spectacular feats.

Monkey Dodge
Cost: 1 mote per 2 dice
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Fight: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charm: Monkey’s Scamper
The character can add two die to her dodge pool, for each mote spent. The character cannot gain more die than her Dexterity+Martial Arts pool. The character must declare how many motes she will spend before the attack rolls are made. The character can split these die on as many Dodge attempts as she wishes, though with the usual multiple action penalties.

Howler’s Scream
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charm: Monkey’s Scamper
The artist gives a howling scream, that often distracts and surprises an opponent. The scream is loud enough to deafen an opponent and cause pain. The attacker rolls his Essence score, and each success results in a single un-soakable point of Bashing damage for everyone within 10 feet. In addition, they must check Conviction, or lose their attack action due to surprise. They may still act normally to defend themselves.

Rolling Evasion Stance
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charm: Monkey Dodge
The artist rolls and scampers like an ape. For the rest of the scene he adds his Martial Arts die to his Dodge pool, and in addition, he may roll one free dodge per round without splitting his dice pool. This Charm can be augmented in Combos.

Monkey Form
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charm: Rolling Evasion Stance
The Exalted adopts the stance of an angry ape. For the rest of the scene, the artist can add his Martial Arts score to his Dodge pool, and he may apply this full pool to all attacks that he is aware of. The character in addition adds his Essence to his damage rolls for the scene.

Crippling Fists of Rage
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charm: Howler’s Scream
The martial artist charges his fists with Essence. The artist doubles the damage done from the attack before the soak is rolled. This damage is normally Bashing. In addition, the screaming that the artist gives as the attack is delivered reduces his attackers’ attack difficulty by +1 for a number or rounds equal to the artist’s Essence score.

Whirling Fists of Rage
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action
Minimum Fight: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charm: Crippling Fists of Rage
The artist becomes a whirling dervish, screaming and swinging. He may attack up to his Essence score with his full Martial Arts pool. In addition, the screaming the artist gives as the attack is delivered reduces his attackers’ attack difficulty by +2 for a number of rounds equal to the artist’s Essence score. He may not split his dice pool for these attacks.

Armor Crushing Fists
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Fight: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charm: Crippling Fists of Rage
The artist gives a tremendous howl before an attack, filling his fists with Essence. His attack crashes into his opponent. The attack adds his Essence score to the damage score, but also reduces the opponents armor soak by the fighter's Essence score, crumpling and destroying it. Armor made from the Five Magical Metals can ignore this effect, but normal armors can be reduced quickly to ribbons. This Charm can be used in Combos to increase its effectiveness.

Crushing Wave of the West–Hard–(Mortal)

The islands of the Archipelago are filled with hidden tribes, and their arts comprise a system of fluid and deadly arts that the natives use to a high degree of skill. Used to fend off pirates, beasts, and one another, the Crushing Wave form is a practical war art. It is as subtle as the crashing surf, relying on raw power and a constant barrage of blows and throws. It is a style that has developed without the tutelage of any Exalts–though a few newly Exalted have adopted this form. The Charms associated with this form are difficult to find, and the oldest, wisest practitioners are loathe to share their secrets beyond their tribes and clans.

Techniques-Soft–Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Join Lock

Techniques-Hard–Blow to Pressure Point, Breaking Blows, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Ripping Strike

Disciplines–Atemi, Body Hardening, Grasping and Seizing


Ebon Shadow Style-Hard and Soft (Celestial)

Agile, swift, secretive, the arts of the Night Caste and their servants, preserved over the years. Similar to the Ninjutsu, but less formalized and certainly less organized. The Solars who taught this art were swept away in the First Age, and the few mortals who kept this art are secretive. Each style is maintained by a single family, and these families are often far apart. The style has been renewed with the appearance of their Solar masters, and the families are on the move to reunite with their masters, to show them what they have learned, and to assist their them again.

Techniques-Soft-Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Mantis Strike, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Reactive Strike, Spinning Throw, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard-Axe Kick, Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Killing Blows, Spinning Kick

Disciplines-Art of Stealth, Art of Vital Points, Grasping and Seizing, Reed Form, Paired Weapons, Weapons Mastery, Awareness, Essence Mastery

Weapons-Chain and Sai

Charms-Image of Death Technique, Wall Climbing Technique, Distracting Finger Gesture, Ebon Shadow Form, Seven Points of Weakness Strike, Limb Immobilizing Method, Paralyzing Touch Attack, Elusive Flicker Evasion, Blow Concealing Gesture Technique, Shadow Body Style, Shadow Stepping Motion

Five Dragon Form-Hard (Terrestrial)

The Immaculates realized that not everyone could walk the Path of the Glorious Dragons, and created a style that common Terrestrial Dragon Bloods could learn. Direct, powerful, and easy to learn and maintain, this is the most common style practiced by the Dragon Blooded of the Realm, and their House forces. Most Dragon Blooded have ignored the fact that their mortal troops have refined the arts, relying on their Charms to augment their prowess. Still, this form is powerful and makes the House Troops of the Dragon Blooded, and their Agents forces to be reckoned with.

Techniques-Soft-Breakfall, Groundfighting, Reactive Strike, Deflecting Block

Techniques-Hard-Axe Kick, Breaking Blows, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Groundfighting, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Body Hardening, Awareness

Weapons–Tiger Claws, Punch Daggers, Wind and Fire Wheels, Chain, Chain Spear, Three Section Staff

Charms-Five Dragon Fortitude, Five Dragon Blocking Technique, Five Dragon Form, Five Dragon Fist, Five Dragon Wrath, Five Dragon Force Blow, Five Dragon Invulnerability

Five Glorious Dragon Paths-Hard and Soft(Celestial)

The ultimate expression of the Immaculate’s philosophy, and expressed in the fighting arts of the noblest of the Dragon Blooded, and their Agents. More than just spiritual devotion, the Paths separate out the Dragon Blooded according to their strengths and dedication. For thousands of years, the Five Glorious Dragon Paths have trained the finest the Immaculate Order has had to offer. Each of the styles is designed for an Aspect, though the truly devout will tread more than one path, and the exceptional will walk all Five Paths to the ultimate mastery of their art. As this Path is generally open only to the Dragon Blooded, it has no Disciplines. The Immaculates rely instead on their Charms and Combos, and the Lesser Paths taught to their mortal servants are restricted. All of the Dragon Paths gain Spirit Sight and Spirit Walking, their signature weapons, and first Charm of their Path for free.

Air Dragon Style-Hard and Soft

Whirling, acrobatic, hard to see, hard to hold, the Air Dragon Style emphasizes speed and Athletics. They strive to be the wind. Practitioners often eschew weapons entirely, though they are most well known for use of Chakram. An Air Dragon may throw up to his Martial Arts die in chakram in a single attack. The chakram must be thrown at a single target, and makes a single attack roll to apply it to all the chakram. . The target applies his defense as normal.

Techniques-Soft–Acrobatic Dodge, Break Fall, Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Mantis Strike, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Push Hands, Reactive Strike, Spinning Throw, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard-Blow to Pressure Points, Counter Strike, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Weapons-Nunchaku, Three-Section Staff, chakram, chain. Charms-Air Dragon’s Sight, Wind Dragon’s Speed, Breath Seizing Technique, Shrouding the Body and Mind, Air Dragon Form, Tornado Offense Technique, Avenging Winds Strike, Wrathful Winds Maneuver, Cloud Treading Method, Thunderclap Kata, Lightning Strikes Style, Hurricane Combat Method

Earth Dragon Style-Hard

Nakedly brutal, the Earth Dragon Style strengthens the body, inuring it to physical punishment from the elements, from pain, and couples this training of endurance and resistance, with the philosophy of stillness and action. The artist will explode into action from absolute stillness, falling like an avalanche on their opponents. The Earth Dragons prefer to use the Tetsubo, a massive studded war club, and may ignore the Strength penalty, and accuracy penalty for this weapon, and may halve the Speed penalty.

Techniques-Hard-Axe Kick, Breaking Blows, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Groundfighting, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Weapons-Tetsubo, club, Mace, maul, mattock

Charms–Force of the Mountain, Unmoving Mountain Stance, Stone Dragon’s Skin, Earth Dragon Form, Shattering Fists Strike, Weapon Breaking Defense Technique, Stillness of Stone, Avalanche Method, Earthshaker Attack, Hungry Earth Strike, Ghost Grounding Blow, Perfection of Earth Body

Fire Dragon Style–Hard and Soft

Unpredictable, whirling, cruel and beautiful, the Fire Dragon style lacks the pure power of the Earth Dragons, but is fast, quick, requires mental and physical training for resistance that no other style can match. The stylist emulates the flames of their Aspect, violent, but controlled and channeled. The Fire Dragons prefer to use paired short swords, and may normally attack and parry with both blades with their full pool. They suffer the normal penalties for attacking two separate targets, but otherwise suffer no penalties for using a weapon in both hands.

Techniques-Soft-Acrobatic Dodge, Break Fall, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Mantis Strike, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard-Blow to Pressure Point, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Weapons-Twin short swords, twin pistols

Charms–Flash Fire Technique, Flame Flicker Stance, Searing Fist Attack, Perfect Blazing Blow, Fire Dragon Form, Fiery Hand Attack, Breath of the Fire Dragon, Essence Igniting Nerve Strike, Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance, Smoldering Wound Attack, Consuming Might of the Fire Dragon

Water Dragon Style–Hard and Soft

Placid calm, grinding, crashing like a wave, the Water Dragons yield to opposing forces and turn them back upon their opponents. Swimming and watercraft are part of the training, as well as the arts of social interaction, and while these may not help the stylist in combat, they do often help avoid combat entirely. In combat Water Dragons melt away from blows, rearing back to strike, wearing away their opponents with a constant barrage of blows and kicks. The Water Dragons prefer to use “Dragon’s Claws” and ignore the Speed and Accuracy penalties for normal Tiger Claws.

Techniques-Soft–Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Mantis Strike, Weapons Deflection/Evasion, Push Hands, Reactive Strike, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard-Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Double Kick, Elbow/Knee Strike, Dragon Tail Sweep, Fighting Hold, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Weapons-Tiger Claws

Charms-Flowing Water Defense, Rippling Water Strike, Drowning in Blood Technique, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape, Water Dragon Form, Theft of Essence Method, Ghost Restraining Whirlpool Stance, Flow Reversal Strike, Crashing Wave Style, Bottomless Depths Defense, Essence Dousing Wave Attack, Tsunami Force Shout,

Wood Dragon Style-Hard and Soft

Mysterious and contemplative, the Wood Dragons journey is the most contemplative of the Five Dragons. They learn the a life of rigorous asceticism, examining the relationships between the forces of life and death, and their place in the Creation. While it is the least destructive of the Five Paths, their path is fraught with danger, most connected to the mystic roots of the Creation. The Wood Dragons specialize with the bow , and at the end of their training, each Wood Dragon constructs his own. Bows in the hands of Wood Dragons add +2 damage to every arrow. The training has expanded and this bonus also applies to rifles, but only a weapon that the Wood Dragon has constructed themselves.

Techniques-Soft-Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Deflecting Block, Groundfighting, Mantis Strike, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard–Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Dragon Tail Sweep, Ripping Strike

Weapons-Bow, rifle

Charms-Eyes of the Wood Dragon, Mind over Body Meditation, Wood Dragon Vitality, Soul Marking Strike, Wood Dragon Form, Unbreakable Fascination Kata, Enthralling Blow Attack, Spirit Wracking Method, Spirit Rending Technique, Death Pattern Sensing Attitude, Wood Dragon Succor, Soul Mastery

The Ghost Fist-Hard(Celestial)

Created by the Solars to combat the forces Beyond, the Ghost Fist is shrouded in mystery, and taught only to those who have studied the secrets of the Occult. Advancement cannot occur, unless the practitioner has advanced in his Occult studies equal to the level he hopes to earn. Taught primarily to Solars, there are a few mortals who have walked the Ghost Fist, but those that have are to be feared by the Powers Outside, as they are some of their greatest foes, despite being denied the innermost secrets of the path.

The Ghost Fist is an odd mixture of hard techniques, combined with mystical teachings. It’s vicious blows and grapples are designed to cause more pain, than damage, the true strength of the style comes to the Exalted practitioners, and the truly Inspired mortals who walk with the Fist. Those mortals who have mastered the style’s Disciplines are some of the most formidable mortals today, and they stalk and hunt Hungry Ghosts and other supernatural creatures.

One of the elements to the Ghost Fist are the gloves and boots that the practitioners wear. The gloves are woven with the Five Magical Metals, as are their boots. Treated and blessed daily, these devices are considered Level One Artifacts, and allow the Ghost Fist to strike Spirits, Ghosts and Demons, even if they haven’t manifested. The distinctive cloaks of those who walk the Ghost Fist are also Level One Artifacts, and they allow practitioner to see un-manifested Spirits as well. Without the gloves or boots, the practitioner will need Disciplines, or Charms to affect spirits. The practioner must either find, create, or buy these Level One Artifacts at the beginning of play.

Techniques-Soft Breakfall, Counter Throw

Techniques-Hard- Axe Kick, Blow to Pressure Points, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Ground Fighting, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Grasping and Seizing, Reed Form, Awareness, Essence Mastery

Weapons-Three-Ring Staff, Broadsword, Chain, Chain-Spear, Chakram, Gauntlet

Ghost Fist

Cost: 3 motes
Duration: 1 scene
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Fight: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
The character charges her hands and fists with the Essence, and allows her grasp and touch unmanifested Spirits. This effect will carry onto any object the character grasps, though it will not carry onto objects that are thrown.

Spirit Shield
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Fight: 3
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: Ghost Fist
The character draws Essence to from a shield against mystical attacks. The character rolls a Wits+Martial Arts, and uses those successes to counter a mystical attack. The shield has no power to deflect physical attacks, unless they are laden with Essence, but attacks that are laden with Essence that are not normally parried, can be with the use of this Charm.

Illusion Shredding Gaze
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Ghost Fist
The character’s eyes flare with Essence, and everything within his gaze is stripped of any illusion, glamor, or disguise, and is revealed for in its true form. This Charm will not force a Lunar to assume a new shape, though it will strip away Hide of the Cunning Hunter or Masking the Brilliant Form. It will certainly reveal Spirits who are manifested in a different form, or Fae Glamour, and any other magical disguise will be stripped away, including Stealth Charms. The disguise and Glamour can be put back into place the next round if so desired. Little Gods are rarely happy if they are revealed in this fashion...

Possession Defeating Attack
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Illusion Shredding Gaze
The character infuses his weapon with Essence, and can make a single attack on a Spirit that is inhabiting an object or a person. The fist or weapon passes through the possessed, immaterial to gross matter, but strikes the offending spirit. This attack causes Aggravated damage to Spirits, and can be used to threaten a Spirit to leave before striking, so feared is this Charm. This Charm can be made into a Combo with either melee or other Martial Arts Charms. Those who are watching this Charm, may not realize that the attack has not harmed the inhabited person or object...

Ghost Repelling Bell
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Possession Defeating Attack
The character forms a bell from his Essence, between his hands as he draws energy. As the bell hangs in the air, he draws back and strikes the bell with a sharp jab from his open hand. The note that this bell peals forces Spirits and ghosts, and Demons to flee the area–as far as the note will sound–up to the Storyteller depending on the terrain and other conditions. Only Spirits, Ghosts or Demons with a lower Essence score than the character will flee. Those who have a higher rating, are still uncomfortable, and will suffer the character’s Essence in additional difficulties, for a duration of rounds equal to the character’s Essence score. It will affect manifested Spirits as well as those who have yet to manifest. Spirits and Ghosts will flee for a scene, though nothing will prevent them from returning later, and nothing will prevent other Spirits or Ghosts from moving into the area in the next few turns. This Charm is as effective against the Fae as it is against Demons.

Spirit Chaining Method
Cost: 8 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Ghost Repelling Bell
The character forms ancient mudra with his hands, and forms a brilliant chain of raw Essence. This chain can be swung as a regular weapon, against Spirits, manifested or not, and on a successful attack, the chain will wrap itself around the Spirit, trapping it. The chain can only hold Spirits with a lower Essence score than the character, and the chain can only hold one spirit at a time. The chain can be used to yank Spirits that have possessed an object or person out of that vessel. The chain has no material component, and can pass through a body or object with ease. The chain can entangle a Spirit with a higher Essence score than the character–the chain will reduce the Spirit’s actions by the chain’s Essence score--but the Spirit will be able disentangle itself by making a successful Strength+Athletics roll. If it makes the roll by a margin higher than the Willpower of the character who created the chain, the chain breaks and fades away. Otherwise the chain will remain for the rest of the scene. This Charm is effective against the Fae.

Spirit Trapping Spike
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: Special
Type: Simple
Minimum Fight: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Spirit Chaining Method
The character can invest a spike, a dagger, a stake, or other small sharp object with his Essence. While the character can grasp this spike, it is immaterial and can pass through living and dead matter equally, until the object is released. If the character makes a successful attack against a Spirit with the invested object, and Spirit has a lower Essence score than the character, the Spirit is drawn into the object and trapped within. If the Spirit’s Essence is equal or greater, it will suffer from the attack–damage base equal to the character’s Essence in Aggravated damage. The character most often drives the Spirit Trapping Spike through a possessed person or object, leaving the spike to rematerialize in the floor or a wall.

The spike will trap a Spirit until the object is broken or is destroyed. So long as the object is grasped by the character, it can be used as an effective weapon against Spirits, but as soon as it is released, the Charm ends. Spirits despise this Charm, and those that use it on a regular basis are soon infamous in the Spirit Courts. Fae trapped in an iron spike, will soon be destroyed, forever.

Ghost Fists can often use the threat of this Charm to force Spirits to leave.

Spirit Quelling Kata
Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Fight: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charm: Spirit Shield
The character begins a complicated kata, closing the circle. Ripples of Essence crackle around his hands or weapon. With the proscribed kata incised with Essence, Spirits are unable manifest the character’s Essence x10 yards. Spirits will be unable to manifest, and they may not exercise any Charms in the area. Spirits that were manifested in the Charm’s effects are swept away, their physical forms swept away like smoke. The Kata doesn’t damage the Spirits, but it does prevent them from forming or affecting anyone in the radius. This will effectively strip anyone who has been possessed in the radius of their tormentor, and it will render most Constructs inoperable. Spirits with an Essence score less than the character’s will flee immediately. Spirits with an Essence score of equal or greater value must succeed a Conviction roll to stay in the area, as it is uncomfortable. Note: Abyssals will be unaffected by this Charm, as they are not Possessed, but Exalted beings.

Glorious Sun Tiger–Hard (Celestial)

A favored style of Solars, the Sun Tiger follows a regime of fast strikes, crippling kicks, and sweeps. Designed to allow an artist to enter into battle against many opponents, the Glorious Sun Tiger favors blows and kicks over locks, though the stylist do enjoy an impressive array of throws and sweeps. Stylist prefer long blades, even lances and spears, though the basis for techniques come from the use of tiger claws. The most skillful practitioners study with their blades in hand, learning to emulate the movements of the tiger. The leaping and whirling style is punctuated with slashes with the blades, and the stillness of the patient hunting cats. Dawn Castes and their servants were taught this style in the First Age, and it has survived to this day, a relic of those grand days.

Disciplines are rare, though the oldest Solars and their servants have studied and perfected their arts, but they rarely teach them.

Techniques-Soft-Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Throw, Groundfighting, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Spinning Throw

Techniques-Hard-Axe Kick, Blow to Pressure Points, Breaking Blows, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Killing Blows, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick Disciplines-Body Hardening, Paired Weapons, Weapons Mastery, Awareness

Weapons-Tiger claws, long sword, lance, spear, Broadsword, Chain, Chain Spear

Charms-Crimson Cat Technique, Striking Fury Claws Attack, Tiger Form, Raging Tiger Pounce, Spine Shattering Bite, Stalking Cat Movement Meditation, Leap from Cloaking Shadows Attack, Celestial Tiger Hide, Angry Predator Frenzy Style

Fist of the North–Hard(Mortal)

Born in the cold wastes of the North, far from the heart of the Realm, this style was the hallmark of the Northern Barbarians. They trained long nights and days to perfect their arts to come against the Realm’s Own. Their war arts concentrate on breaking down the defense with a powerful offence. Punches fly, pounding and brutal. The Fist has little subtle variations, though canny practitioners can change tempo and rhythm to break an opponent’s stride. The Fist is still popular among the Tribes in the last remains of the Threshold, in the wastes between the Wall and the Elemental pole. The tribes that were trapped by the expansion of the Realm still remember their roots, and many Realm troops that come from the North still practice this ancient art over the Five Dragons Form.

Techniques-Soft–Breakfall, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Mantis Strike, Reactive Strike, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard–Blow to Pressure Point, Breaking Blows, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Joint Break, Killing Blows Ripping Strike Disciplines-Art of Vital Points, Body Hardening, Grasping and Seizing, Awareness Weapons–Hand axe, War hammer, short sword

Foot of the South–Hard(Mortal)

In the South, among the tribes of the deserts, the Foot was born. Quick, fluid, graceful, the foot relies on fast kicks and powerful sweeps to knock an opponent to the ground, where the artist can then quickly dispatch them with a fast blade or nasty chop. Developed as a war art, it has little subtlety, designed to counter the rigid training of the Realm’s troops, the Foot is a good close in art to deal damage. The tribes that were trapped by the Realm’s expansion have held onto their traditions, and hundreds of variations on the Foot exist today, and outside the Wall, the purest forms can be found.

Techniques-Soft–Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Ground Fighting, Mantis Strike, Spinning Throw

Techniques-Hard–Axe Kick, Blow to Pressure Point, Breaking Blows–use kicks instead of hands, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Killing Blows, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines–Art of Vital Points, Reed Form, Weapons Mastery, Awareness Weapons–Dagger, knife, slashing sword, short sword, chain

Mantis Style-Soft and Hard (Celestial)

A whirling, leaping, and esoteric art. Good on defense, and a powerful offensive style, the Mantis style concentrates on precise attacks, breaking defenses, and has a good grasp of grappling techniques. Considered exotic in the Realm, the style often confuses opponents with its odd motions and close combat techniques.

Techniques-Soft–Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Cataleptic Dodge, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Mantis Strike

Techniques-Hard–Blow to Pressure Point, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Joint Break, Ripping Strike

Disciplines-Art of Vital Points, Grasping and Seizing

Charms–Leaping Mantis, Iron Arm Block, Mantis Form, Grasping Claw, Grasping Mantis Defense, Joint Locking Technique, Joint Breaking, Flying Mantis, Crushing Claw, Unfolding Retribution

Striking Cobra Form-Hard and Soft (Celestial)

Precise, entrancing, combining stillness and swift action, the Cobra Form is a classic style from the First Age. Popular with the peasantry, and with many newly awakened Solars. The masters who have preserved the art are often some of the most powerful martial artists in the world.

Techniques-Soft–Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Mantis Strike, Push Hands, Reactive Strike

Techniques-Hard-Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Dragon Tail Sweep, Fighting Hold

Disciplines-Art of Vital Points, Grasping and Seizing, Reed Form, Awareness, Essence Mastery

Charms-Striking Cobra Technique, Serpentine Evasion, Snake Form, Essence Fangs and Scale Technique, Armor Penetrating Fang Strike, Snake Strikes the Heel, Crippling Pressure Point Strike, Uncoiling Serpent Prana, Striking Serpent Speed, Essence Venom Strike

Sweep of the Eastern Wind--Soft (Mortal)

The East had secretive tribes, living in the undergrowth, crouched in the wild regions. The tribes fold into the night, into the forests, and while many of these tribes have been assimilated into the Realm, their fighting arts survive.

The Eastern Wind is lithe, quick, low to the ground, and explodes to upright stances unexpectedly. The Eastern Wind takes advantage of terrain and obstacles. The most skillful practitioners are hidden in the vast Eastern forests, far from civilization.

Techniques-Soft–Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Mantis Strike, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard–Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Joint Break

Disciplines–Art of Stealth, Ar of Vital Points, Grasping and Seizing, Reed Form, Awareness, Essence Mastery

Weapons–knife, chakram, short sword, machete, hatchet, wind and fire wheels, Punch Dagger

Slave Boxing- Hard (Mortal)

Developed by slaves, and practiced in secret. Designed to be used by men and women whose hands are often chained, the style relies on powerful kicks, and often practice is disguised in dances, and this has led to the sweeping dance and acrobatics that identify this style.

Techniques-Soft-Acrobatic Dodge, Break Fall, Deflecting Block, Weapon Evasion, Push Hands, Reactive Strike

Techniques-Hard-Axe Kick, Counter Strike, Dirty, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Groundfighting, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Reed Form, Body Hardening, Weapons Mastery-knife or razor–Drunken Style Weapons-Knife, machete, razor.

Slaver Wrestling–Hard(Mortal)

A blend of styles, that are used by professional slavers and trackers. The main concept is to drop a fleeing slave or potential slave as quickly as possible, with the least amount of damage. Based on Strength, but with an impressive array of soft Techniques. Rarely seen outside Slaving circles. Often elements are taught to the Realm’s Overseers and the rank and file of the police forces. Very few masters will be able to teach Disciplines, and even fewer will wish to teach them. Considered lowborn and base, it can give those who couldn’t afford the great Immaculate Dragons’ Dojos an even chance in the streets.

Techniques-Soft-Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Mantis Strike, Reactive Strike, Spinning Throw, Withering Grasp

Technique-Hard-Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Joint Break, Ripping Strike

Disciplines-Art of Vital Points, Body Hardening, Reed Form, Weapons Master, Monkey Style

Examples of Modern Arts for Comparison

The following forms have been broken down for comparison if the Storyteller or player would like to base a fighting style on a modern system. These styles do not normally occur in the Creation, but are included here if a player or the ST would like to base something close to these styles, either as a House form for Dragon Blooded security forces, or minor nobility or forces in the Realm and the Threshold.

Aikijutsu/Juijutsu-Soft or Hard

House forms of Japanese Bujutsu. Designed for samurai who were unhorsed, and needed to find a weapon quickly. Techniques were originally secretive, and many were deadly. The style mixes Hard and Soft elements, to create an effective style. Can be used to simulate the House forms of martial arts taught to Dragon Bloods, or the Western islands nobility and military.

Techniques-Soft-Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Push Hands, Reactive Strike, Spinning Throw, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Damaging Block, Dirty, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Joint Break, Killing Blows

Disciplines- Art of Vital Points, Reed Form, Awareness, Grasping, Essence Mastery Weapons- Short stick, knife, staff, sai, jite.

Arnis/Kali/Escrima-Hard or Soft-- Three related styles from the East, that could be used to simulate styles from the Western Seas. Taught with weapons, both short sticks and knives.. Can also be used to simulate the jojutsu short stick fighting style from Japan.

Techniques-Soft-Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Weapon Deflection, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard-Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Elbow/Knee Strike, Groundfighting

Disciplines-Reed Form, Awareness, Paired Weapons, Weapons Mastery Weapons-short stick, knife, short sword.

Hashishiayana-Hard or Soft Art of the Assassins. The Old Man of the Mountain taught his students many arts to allow them to complete their missions. Quick and brutal strikes, fast breaking techniques, and strangling arts. Similar in feel to the modern Krav Magra. This modern form is included to demonstrate what a Southerner might have learned in the deep deserts.

Techniques-Soft Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Mantis Strike, Push Hands, Reactive Strike, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard Blow to Pressure Points, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Fighting Hold, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick

Disciplines-Art of Stealth, Art of Vital Points, Body Hardening, Reed Form, Paired Weapons, Weapons Mastery, Awareness, Essence Mastery Weapons- Knife, sword, saber, scimitar, chain, garrotte, tiger claws, short stick, rope dart

Hwarang-Do-Hard or Soft The Korean national martial art. Could be similar to some of the South West’s styles. The style centers on counters to an opponents strategy, straight or circular, the stylist is always moving. Spinning and jumping kicks for entering combat, finished with hand strikes and chokes. A wealth of strict training, and Mystic training.

Techniques Soft-Acrobatic Dodge, Break Fall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Mantis Strike, Reactive Strike, Spinning Throw, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard Axe Kick, Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Elbow/Knee Strike, Joint Break, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Art of Vital Points, Reed Form, Essence Master

Weapons-Three Section Staff, Saber, Willow Leaf Sword, Straight Sword, Staff, Steel Whip, Chain, Spear, Rope-Dart

Kalaripayit- Hard or Soft The arts of the great houses of India, and could easily simulate the arts of the Varang City States. Warriors train in four areas–verumkai–unarmed fighting–kolthari– stick fighting–angathari–weapons training–and marmaadi–the 108 vital points to heal and hurt. The training is intense and popular with not only the nobility, but the lower castes as well. Medicine is considered essential in the study of this art, and before an artist can advance to the next level, he must have a rating in Medicine equal to that new level.

Techniques-Soft Breakfall, Counter Throw, Deflecting Block, Mantis Strike, Reactive Strike, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard Blow to Pressure Point, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Groundfighting, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Art of Vital Points, Body Hardening, Reed Form, Weapons Mastery, Essence Mastery

Weapons-knife, short sword, longsword, scimitar, short stick, staff, hatchet, tiger claws, chain, whip, shield, spear

Karate- Hard “Empty Hands” of the Okinawans. A hard, fast style that has several weapons based on peasants’ tools. Could be used to simulate the many styles that sprang up around the Realm, especially on the Western Shores. The study was secretive for years, and is now taught to regular folk for discipline and exercise, and less for its war arts. Many people may be have training, but few will have access to the more deadly techniques and Disciplines will be quite rare.

Techniques-Soft Deflecting Block, Disabling Strike, Joint Lock

Techniques-Hard Axe Kick, Blow to Pressure Points, Breaking Blows, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Body Hardening, Reed Form, Paired Weapons, Weapons Mastery Weapons-Tonfa, Kama, Sai, Staff, Nunchaku, Manriki, Tekko, Bo staff, jo staff, knife.

Muay Thai–Hard Thailand’s national art could be another of the West’s many styles. Hard, fast, vicious, and effective. Fighters rely on punishing kicks, and fast strikes to do as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. These arts should be considered rare, as the Five Dragons and the Arts of the Immaculates are the rule. Considered an exotic, barbaric art.

Techniques-Soft- Reactive Strike

Techniques-Hard-Axe kick, Blow to Pressure Points, Breaking Blows, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Art of Vital Points, Body Hardening, Reed Form, Awareness Weapons-Cestus, knife, machete

Ninjutsu-Taijustsu–Hard and Soft- The arts of the Ninja could be applied to the small house arts of the Dragon Blooded’s “Ghost Whispers” spy networks. Training is done in schools that are hidden away from sight, and the modern ninja would work as often in the high rises of the Realm’s cities, as often for Guild offices as for Dragon Blooded nobility. Trained as much with weapons as with unarmed combat, it impossible to train in the Ghost Arts without Melee, Stealth, Survival, Larceny, Performance, and Medicine, and to advance further, a student cannot buy an additional level in Martial Arts unless all of these Abilities are equal to that new level.

Ninjutsu used the following forms of ranking, and similar ranks could be applied to Ghost Whispers, though with different titles. Genin-initiates, Chunin-Middle Ranks, Jonin–the leaders of the clan.

Ghost Whispers should have a public identity, separate from his Ghost family. In addition, all the Ghosts should be adept at playing the Six Classic Roles–Again, renaming the Classic Roles of historical Ninjutsu is up to the ST, and these examples are not meant direct quotations, but as suggestions for the creation of a secret order. Sarugaku–Traveling Actor which today is the Skyship trading high fashion model or minor celebrity.

Komusu–The itinerant priest, today an Immaculate mendicant or low level priest.

Sukke–Buddhist priest classically, but in these days, an Immaculate travelling monk.

Hokashi-Traveling Entertainer, but today the tourist, with bags, out of place shirts, and cameras.

Tsunegata– Farmer, today seen as any blue collar worker.

Akindo–Merchant or businessman. Dressed in power suit, with a brief case.

Kunochi–The women additionally can call upon the high or low prostitute role. Kunochi are the female of the Ghosts who collect secrets and perform assassinations that men could only get to with difficulty.

Techniques-Soft Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Dirty, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard Blow to Pressure Point, Chock Hold, Counter Strike, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Ripping Strike, Spinning Kick

Disciplines-Art of Stealth, Art of Vital Points, Body Hardening, Reed Form, Awareness, Grasping, Paired Weapons, Weapons Mastery, Essence Mastery

Weapons-short sword, long sword, sai, jiti, kama, kusari-gama, manriki gusari, nekode, tiger claws, knife, chain, rope dart, war fan, staff, short stick, spear, short bow, shuriken, dart blowgun

Pentjak-Silat–Hard Another Indonesian fighting style that could be used to simulate the Eastern barbarians arts, or the odd styles of the West. Based on the fighting arts of the jungle fighters of Indonesia, based around the knife, stick, and kris, and keeping footing on slick, slippery ground. The stance is generally low, though some styles are upright, and flashy.

Techniques-Soft–Acrobatic Dodge, Breakfall, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Weapon Deflection/Evasion, Push Hands, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard-Blow to Pressure Point, Choke Hold, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Joint Break, Killing Blows, Spinning Kick

Disciplines- Art of Stealth, Art of Vital Points, Reed Form, Awareness, Paired Weapons, Weapons Mastery, Essence Mastery Weapons-kris, knife, short stick, wind and fire wheels.

Savate–Hard French kickboxing could be applied to the Realm’s sailors. Incorporating boxing and savage kicks, the style would be popular in the Realm and even among the Merchant Houses.There would be very few Master to teach the final Disciplines, and finding them would extraordinarily hard.

Techniques-Soft Groundfighting, Reactive Strike

Techniques-Hard-Axe Kick, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Killing Blows, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines–Body Hardening, Reed Form.

Tae Kwon Do–Hard The Korean “Way of Punching and Kicking” could be used to simulate one of the many Western styles of combat made for the battlefield soldier. Fast, powerful, but with little subtlety, the art is perfect for training soldiers.

Techniques-Soft Breakfall, Disabling Strike, Groundfighting, Withering Grasp

Techniques-Hard–Axe Kick, Counter Strike, Damaging Block, Double Kick, Dragon Tail Sweep, Elbow/Knee Strike, Killing Blows, Spinning Kick, Thunder Kick

Disciplines-Body Hardening, Reed Form

Wrestling-Soft The earliest form of martial arts. Whether styled after Sumo, Turkish Yaghliguresh, Russian Sambo, Korean Cireum, Filipeno Dumong, Iranian Koshti, Burmese Naban or the like, the main aim is to bear an opponent down and pin them. Most styles are for sport, but can be turned deadly with the proper attitude and training. Wrestling Disciplines would be very rare, but skilled practitioners could be found in the right circles.

Techniques-Soft-Breakfall, Cataleptic Grapple, Counter Lock, Counter Throw, Groundfighting, Joint Lock, Push Hands

Techniques-Hard-Choke Hold, Damaging Block, Fighting Hold, Joint Break

Disciplines-Body Hardening, Grasping, Reed Form