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Five Maidens

rebeccaborgstrom - 11/07/2003 00:16:29

The Maidens are probably functionally insane, simply by virtue of being what they are.

I mean, the Unconquered Sun . . . being unconquerable and shiny and all is kind of warping, but mostly he's just a bigger-than-life person. Luna probably passes through phases where she's a person, too.

Having the nature of the Maidens, though . . . that's got to warp you. In their nature they shine with every beauty in the world; every virtue; every perversity; and every element of just plain rotten bastardosity. They have to. It's their *job*. They smile when an ichneumon hunter lays its eggs. Such horror! They smile when it gets blasted by the Five Metal Shrike. Such justice!

Venus purrs when she sees a happy couple get married, when they play under the sheets, and when the Guild carries them off in chains. Saturn stands officiant over the deaths of tyrants and the murder of saints, and you know what she has to care about most? Whether it happens *on the right day*.

They're not even insane in the sense of 'they've lost it, and now the world is sucky.' They're insane because that's what makes them *good* at their job. :) If the scales ever fell from their eyes, Creation would rapidly get weirder than the Wyld.
