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Revision as of 06:28, 5 December 2005

From RPG.net @12/5/05

Quote: Originally Posted by domino What the hell is this meme from? I've seen and heard it, and I have no idea.

It's from Marx.

The idea is that the bane of capitalism is perverse incentives. Marx recognized, however, that communism could not in the modern era purify away its own tendency towards perverse incentives. Accordingly, he recommended a strategy of preemptive perversion---getting *ahead* of the perversity and claiming it as one's own.

For example, entrenched capitalist interests that oppress the workers have created a worldview in which the people of Creation must collect their runaway orgasms. This isn't necessarily objective truth; like all myths created by an oppressive system, it serves the people who are on top of that oppressive system---here, the Sidereals. To undermine this inherently destructive ideology, one can advance the Soviet alternative---runaway orgasms that fetch *you*.

In this fashion can Creation free itself from the grips of tyranny and look forward to a future Age to make the First Age seem petty, small, and dim.

Rebecca EDIT: Or maybe it's from some comedian. Not sure.