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Latest revision as of 09:02, 29 December 2003

Nephilpal - 12/28/2003 10:49:31

Guru of Oblivion... I should get a business card.


Ok. I re-read the Charm. The chains are an extension of Brawl rather than Melee, so they can make grappling attacks as readily as strikes with the bladed claw. They can make attacks out to their length, so I'd say the ability to make "ranged" grapples would be one of their chief advantages. Grappling multiple targets simultaneously would be possible and you could even move around (within the limited range of the chain) and perform other actions while crushing people.

As for performing multiple clinches on the same target, I don't like that idea. That gets way too powerful too fast. Still, a grappler ought to have some sort of benefit for wrapping an opponent in multiple lengths of chain. I'd say you can add one automatic success per additional chain in the clinch to the clinch roll performed each turn. I think that's fair, though I'm open to suggestions. I just didn't really think of that situation when I wrote the Charm.

On the matter of lifting opponents, I'd say yes. It's too appropriate thematically to spear someone in the gut and lift them to your bite to disallow that. I think you would resolve that like a hold, albeit a hold resolved and performed midair. You would also need a Strength + Athletics sufficient to lift them around that way.

And you can absolutely use other Brawl Charms in conjunction with the chains. That I DID think about.

  1. Loop a chain around someone's throat and activate Dead Man's Grasp. It's like having your very own pet anaconda. Or just go with Inescapable Iron Grip and enjoy the fun.
  2. Flail about with Ravaging Strike. It gets ugly, let me assure you.
  3. Swat someone in your path with Lashing Tempest Attack. Your enemies don't know you used a second Charm. All they know is that your chains just brushed an enemy across the battlefield like a toy. Not a bad way to go for the intimidation value alone.
  4. Bone-Shattering Blow is great for spearing an enemy through the joints.
  5. Finally, whip out Blood-Drinking Palm to run your chains into giant proboscis syringes. That's probably my favorite.

Of course, don't forget the delicious combinations you can pull using other Charms oustide of Brawl. For sheer fun, dodge an attack with Flowing Evasion Assault and then do your impression of "The Alien Queen Stabs Bishop." Tasty, eh? Or for that matter ... Flickering Image Strike: how many tentacles do you HAVE in that strobe effect? Pretty damn scary, if you ask me.
