Difference between revisions of "Thus Spake Zaranephilpal/MountainFolkInspiration"

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(Mountain Folk are not Dwarves.)
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Latest revision as of 21:19, 17 November 2004

From rpg.net:

Quote: Originally Posted by tetsujin28 Wow. Someone from WW snidely entering a conversation that ended six fucking months ago. Imagine that.Oh, so they're a ripoff of Glorantha Mostali, then? Yeah, that's different.

If so, there is a case of parallel evolution going on, as I'd never *heard* of a Mostali until after I finished writing and I still don't know anything about them except that they are kind of like Mountain Folk (or vice versa). I've also heard them likened a bit to Modrons (which I've also never seen). Oh, and there is a lot of Norse Dwarf vibe by my design, with more bitter enslavement of the artisan and less "I'm short and I've got an axe and I drink and I'm cranky." They mix Amber's Courts of Order with Starship Troopers and Aliens, except sometimes the bugs have Balrogs instead of queens. And ultimately, it's the Mountain Folk whose civilization is more ant-like.

I definitely drew on a wide range of inspirations for the Mountain Folk, but standard fantasy dwarf wasn't even on my list except something to avoid. I've never much cared for dwarves. Neither were the Mostali or the Modrons, though it appears I've captured a similar flavor according to those who have read it.

And as for why I popped in now, I just saw the comment then. But had I seen it earlier, I wouldn't have been able to give teasers that long ago.

Long story short, if you decide you don't like it, that's your business. I'm not about to tell people what they should and shouldnt like. But wait and see before you start crying dwarf, because dwarf isn't the word you're looking for. My irritation is with assumption, not dislike. Make sense? __________________ --Neph