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(Continued development of Yugash)
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== Other Localities ==
== Other Localities ==
* <b>The Hulk</b>, formerly Eternally Autoficient Hulk, is the farthest city on Yugash's eastern frontier. Fallen at the hands of First And Forsaken Lion and never recovered, it has become a shattered fortress of steel and white jade, home to the numberless warhost of his dead. Its fallen spires are forever shrouded in steam and smog, the product of engines recovered from his assaults on Autocthonia. These beub-like constructions of steel bob and heave on the swamp's surface, dredging the wash of toxic muck, hauling up the bodies of the dead for the Lion's purposes.
* <b>The Engine</b> is a vast construct rigged over the remains of Gem; the metal, clay and starmetal flesh of Lissome Avid Engineer, linked to Yugash by countless miles of armoured cabling and supply pipes. The monumental stores of Essence and geomantic flows that triggered its creation are still in existence - confluence synthesisers have been shipped in from across the Arc, and the Engine is now the second-largest generator of electricity in Reality (after the Crucible). This is not the limit of its purpose, however, as the mind of the city is being primed for drastic reconfiguration; something its massive Essence capacitors and continuous influx of energy is ideally suited to, something which may turn the tide of the war against the Wastes.
* <b>Upsilon</b> Quarantine & Control is a mile-wide platform at the edge of the Western sea. Vaulted high from the ocean's surface, it serves as a conduit through which cogways and foot passengers can pass through into the Perimeter from Yugash, and vice versa. The vast complex is home to a multitude of screening facilities, military defences, detention and quarantine blocks, service depots, and lodgings for associated personnel. Security is necessarily watertight, as insurgent or Waste forces have tried to infiltrate through in a myriad of different ways.
* <b>The Hulk</b>, formerly Irrevocably Eternal Hulk, is the farthest city on Yugash's eastern frontier. Fallen at the hands of First And Forsaken Lion and never recovered, it has become a shattered fortress of steel and white jade, home to the numberless warhost of his dead. Its fallen spires are forever shrouded in steam and smog, the product of engines recovered from his assaults on Autocthonia. These beub-like constructions of steel bob and heave on the swamp's surface, dredging the wash of toxic muck, hauling up the bodies of the dead for the Lion's purposes.
* <b>Upsilon</b> Quarantine & Control is a mile-wide platform at the edge of the Western sea. Vaulted high from the ocean's surface, it serves as a conduit through which cogways and foot passengers can pass through into the Perimeter from Yugash, and vice versa. The vast complex is home to a multitude of screening facilities, military defences, detention and quarantine blocks, service depots, and lodgings for associated personnel. Security is necessarily watertight, as insurgent or Waste forces have tried to infiltrate through in a myriad of different ways and shapes.
* <b>The Sink</b>, formerly Singular Motion of Manuficience, is one of several Yugash cities fallen in the Baalorian crusade. Unlike most others, however, it was not repopulated by forces on either side; instead, it was still contested when the Vale extended its caustic reach and drew it in. Now, corroded spires watch over the surrounding muck, whilst an unexplored ruin of scoured metal and sealed chambers dwells, creaking under the pressure, in the toxic depths. Unreachable from the surface, the Sink still awaits ambitious scavengers through its links with the Reaches below.
* <b>Forward Observation Post 306</b> is a small facility installed in the Wastes, safely accessible only through a winding passageway through the Reaches below. On all documentation it is identical to its peers, but it differs in that it is routinely overlooked on audit checks, its access routes are laden with traps and concealed entrances, and its perimeter drones are cleared to destroy all personnel sighted.
* <b>Forward Observation Post 306</b> is a small facility installed in the Wastes, safely accessible only through a winding passageway through the Reaches below. On all documentation it is identical to its peers, but it differs in that it is routinely overlooked on audit checks, its access routes are laden with traps and concealed entrances, and its perimeter drones are cleared to destroy all personnel sighted.
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===

Latest revision as of 11:23, 24 November 2006

Nation Map

Coming soon!

Nation Architecture

When first established, Yugash's outpost in Creation sought to seal the festering reaches of the Vale in tar and asphalt, a policy that supported it for some time. When the Third Age dawned, its cities were quick to make contact with another and establish secure supply lines from one to the next; through the Crusade, they fared comparatively well. Nutrient distillers pumped up the black decomposing muck that remained beneath the concrete, processing it into consumable goods and piping the toxic byproducts back beneath with little concern.

Over time, however, this methodology proved unsustainable. Blacktog levels increased, and the muck turned first uncultivatable, then actively caustic. The tacky pavement laid over the Vale began to crack and crumble, pools of hissing and spattering goo leaking through from beneath. Pipelines would be breached, and vital goods would become laced with toxic matter. Many died, and it was not long before Yugash's ruling castes were called on an emergency council.

The answer was epic in scope, but through the long labour of the newfound Lumpen and the meticulous designs of their architects it found success. Yugash's cities were elevated, support pillars anchored in its midst, old buildings stripped and abandoned as fresh complexes were built in its upper echelons. The crumbling road network, now shrouded in a haze of corrosive fumes, was replaced with a series of bridges and rail systems leading directly into the Perimeter.


Capital of Yugash's spread of cities is Bounteous Cornucopia Of Accomplishment, better known as Cornucopia. Several features of note are found here:

  • The Botanical Gardens are a singular wonder in Reality. Filled with samples of fauna and flora of all kinds before the end of the Second Age, this research area has since blossomed outward to become a marvel for all who might have the chance to explore Cornucopia's Pinnacle. Their definition of fauna and flora is rather broad, and with the assistance of Weaving Protocols entire communities of intelligent life prosper oblivious of their many watchers.
  • Hub One is the centre of the vast rail network that supports Yugash's infrastructure. Gigantic engines move the cog-toothed rails that wind their way out of its location in the Overcity, around Cornucopia, out to the rest of Yugash and beyond, across the Perimeter.
  • The Red Eye District was the hub of an Undercity rebellion a few years ago. Now, the constant patrols of Autocthonian troops and reconnaisance drones have given it its contemporary name. Whilst the majority of seditious elements have fled to Little Yu-Shan, the number of enemy personnel make it a frequent site for attacks.
  • Little Yu-Shan, also known as the Small Gods' District, constitutes all of the Undercity not marked otherwise. Autocthonian activity here is low, and despite the medley of gangs, godblooded and the odd Terrestrial Exalt, none have been able to organise governance over the whole area. The multitude of minor despots that result are the root of its sardonic title.
  • Root District has very little by way of structure; this region of the Undercity remains a jumble of hanging cables, support pillars and flooded ducts. It has very little by way of population, too, save a jumble of exiles and malcontents that have arranged primitive access routes running throughout. Its innocuous nature makes it a favoured haven for those seeking to escape notice.
  • The Tomb, spanning a stretch between the muck below and the lower dregs of the Foundation, fell to Waste aggressors shortly after the Crusade. Reports came in of tentacled monstrosities that could swim through supply channels and rip apart men at a glance. The Autarch, predictably ordered a full lockdown. Now, encased entirely in concrete and resin, it seems to lie dormant.
  • The Slag Pit is as close to a social hub as the Undercity can claim. Constructed around a jury-rigged nutrient instiller, tweaked to ferment the broth that results, the Slag Pit produces a vile but heady brew in various strengths, sold to patrons in exchange to tabs. Other Lumpen and Creation-Born independant from Sovan employ make this their place of business, selling muscle and flesh.

Other Localities

  • The Engine is a vast construct rigged over the remains of Gem; the metal, clay and starmetal flesh of Lissome Avid Engineer, linked to Yugash by countless miles of armoured cabling and supply pipes. The monumental stores of Essence and geomantic flows that triggered its creation are still in existence - confluence synthesisers have been shipped in from across the Arc, and the Engine is now the second-largest generator of electricity in Reality (after the Crucible). This is not the limit of its purpose, however, as the mind of the city is being primed for drastic reconfiguration; something its massive Essence capacitors and continuous influx of energy is ideally suited to, something which may turn the tide of the war against the Wastes.
  • The Hulk, formerly Irrevocably Eternal Hulk, is the farthest city on Yugash's eastern frontier. Fallen at the hands of First And Forsaken Lion and never recovered, it has become a shattered fortress of steel and white jade, home to the numberless warhost of his dead. Its fallen spires are forever shrouded in steam and smog, the product of engines recovered from his assaults on Autocthonia. These beub-like constructions of steel bob and heave on the swamp's surface, dredging the wash of toxic muck, hauling up the bodies of the dead for the Lion's purposes.
  • Upsilon Quarantine & Control is a mile-wide platform at the edge of the Western sea. Vaulted high from the ocean's surface, it serves as a conduit through which cogways and foot passengers can pass through into the Perimeter from Yugash, and vice versa. The vast complex is home to a multitude of screening facilities, military defences, detention and quarantine blocks, service depots, and lodgings for associated personnel. Security is necessarily watertight, as insurgent or Waste forces have tried to infiltrate through in a myriad of different ways and shapes.
  • The Sink, formerly Singular Motion of Manuficience, is one of several Yugash cities fallen in the Baalorian crusade. Unlike most others, however, it was not repopulated by forces on either side; instead, it was still contested when the Vale extended its caustic reach and drew it in. Now, corroded spires watch over the surrounding muck, whilst an unexplored ruin of scoured metal and sealed chambers dwells, creaking under the pressure, in the toxic depths. Unreachable from the surface, the Sink still awaits ambitious scavengers through its links with the Reaches below.
  • Forward Observation Post 306 is a small facility installed in the Wastes, safely accessible only through a winding passageway through the Reaches below. On all documentation it is identical to its peers, but it differs in that it is routinely overlooked on audit checks, its access routes are laden with traps and concealed entrances, and its perimeter drones are cleared to destroy all personnel sighted.
