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Cretaceous Park =

Cretaceous Park was once the capital of the mighty Half-Dragons, who ruled the world before the coming of humanity, far back in the age in which the Not Fun at All ruled the world. The half-dragons were a race of dragon-like humanoids originally, before the coming of mankind. A bureaucratic error shortly after the creation of mankind transformed some of them into half-human, half-dragon creatures(who looked mostly human with some draconic features, such as wings or claws or dragon ears), while the rest remained draconic humanoids.

This mistake marked the beginning of the decline of the Half-Dragons. The more human-like ones were far cuter and recieved the blessings of the Goddesses, while the draconic ones grumbled at their increasing neglect. During the uprising of the Goddesses, many resentful Half-Dragons served the Not Fun at All and were wiped out when they lost. The survivors were put under the rule of the more human caste of Half-Dragons. During the Harem Age, Half-Dragon culture revived and the Silver Age of Half-Dragonkind took place. Some Half-Dragons exalted as Magical Girls or Bishonen, though none ever became Catgirls. (Though such exaltations were rare.)

However, over time, the half-dragons became increasingly torn between the Humanic and Draconic faction--one sought to breed with humans so as to convert the whole race over to the ruling caste; the other sought to gain power through breeding with dragons. This ultimately ended in civil war at the time of the Usurpation, and the Humanic faction lost; it fled across the world and bred with humans and the already more human caste of the Half-Dragons, until all the scattered survivors became fairly human in appearance like the ruling caste. Meanwhile, the Draconics turned again to You'll See worship and conducted dark experiments with breeding with dragons and taking their power.

The result was their decline into a feral state, gaining power but losing rational thought; the Draconics now look like humanoid dragons, with vestigial wings that can't provide enough lift, except among the most powerful, living in crude tribes, able to make only the crudest tools and living in the ruins of their old capital, Cretaceous Park, in the jungles of the Southeast. Most people have forgotten they have any connection to the migrant bands of Half-Dragons who live at the fringes of many major human communities.

Humanic Half-Dragons typically have one major draconic feature (functional wings, fire breath, night vision, super-charming voices) and several cosmetic vestigial features (stunted wings, draconic ears, scales on some part of their body). They are otherwise human and may exalt as Magical Girls or Bishonen, though it is rarer than with normal humans.

Cretaceous Park

This huge ruins once was home to 10 million Half-Dragons. Now it is home to untold monsters and about 100,000 Draconics, most of them pitiable semi-sentient barbarians. The city is shaped like a wheel with a grand palace in the center and twin temples at the western and eastern ends, one to the Broodingly Handsome Sun (patron of the humanics), and one to the You'll See. The city is littered with artifacts, assuming the locals don't kill you or you don't walk into some still functional trap.

Rumor has it that a full circle of Bishonen were here during the Usurpation and were sacrificed by the Draconics, then carefully buried behind a forge. Their tombs are likely full of DEATH and treasure.