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(New character for Nexus Mafia game)
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Latest revision as of 17:40, 10 July 2005

Character for StalkerofShadows Nexus Mafia

Name: Upti
Nature: Architect
Concept: Frustrated Thug
House: Unknown.
Strength*****, Dexterity **, Stamina*****
Perception****, Intelligence**, Wits ***
Appearance**, Charisma ***, Manipulation ***

Aspect Abilities

Other Abilities
Linguistics**(Riverspeak, Low Realm)

Contacts***(Orthas Coal-Quarry Owner, Durthas Mal- Barge Operator, some minor officials)
Backing**(Construction Union outside Firewander)
Resources***( Construction+Protection)
Henchman****( Site guards and enforcers)
Command*( Union Heavies)

Compassion **
Conviction ***
Temperance **
Valor **

Willpower *****
Essence ***
Personal: 8
Peripheral: 25
Shaping Hand Style
Stone Carving Fingers Form
Flaw Finding Examination
Ox Body Techniquex1
Strength of Stone Technique
Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation
Mountain Toppling Method

Anima Display: Enormous heavy cut stones covered in old realm script thudding from the sky into a wall behind him.

Soak: 5B/2L/2A with chain shirt( almost always worn) 6B/5L/5A
Base Initiative:5

Chain Shirt
Exceptional Fighting Gauntlets. Spd +1,Acc+1,Dam+2L,Parry+0
Masonry Tools and Work Apron.
Apartment above the union office with a back stairwell that leads into the sewers via a bolted door.
Large number of silk robes and cushions.
Numerous books and scrolls on Architecture and design, drafting table, pens and ink.
Office contains work ledgers, staff paperwork, metal chest full of tools kept in oilcloth and a number of large healthy young men with a 'positive' work ethic.

Appearance: Upti is huge, he is possibly one of the biggest non-wyld humans in the Scavenger Lands. At building sites he dresses in a battered leather apron and skirt his arms and legs reveal numerous small scars from stone chips. When relaxing at home he is fond of dressing in great swathes of expensive patterned silk and has a number of tunics of the same material that he wears out( on business and pleasure) with river dragon leather leggings and steel toed boots. He is not often without his chain shirt and it saved him from a particularly nasty attempt on his life in his earlier days. He does not mind the sweat and dust of manual work with stone but will always make sure to be washed and groomed for all other business.

Background: Upti was born a slave his mother originally came from deep in the jungles of the SE and he still wakes at night with the image of her onyx face whispering softly to him. He was treated well by his mothers mistress ( a minor DB noble in the city of Thorns ) but once he reached five years of age he was sold into the keeping of one Gulthus Pax a renowned stone mason who made his living shoring up the ruined and damaged structures of Nexus. Over the years Upti grew in size and stature and hungrily learnt all he could from his master even convincing one of the older free apprentices to teach him to read so he could understand even more of what his master did. As Upti carted ton upon ton of stone through the streets he often marvelled at the remaining First Age structures and pined for some far off day when people would see his own buildings rising tall among them. The decades passed and before he knew it he was thirty years of age and had fetched carried and learnt for more than three quarters of his life. He knew he had no hope of ever being his own man, his master was kind but realised the value of a servant of Upti's stature in his industry and was not disposed to let him go. Until the day the tower fell. The 5th floor of the office tower slipped sideways due to a sudden subsidence deep in the earth. His master and the buildings owner were discussing plans for the balcony as several hundred tons of stone fell toward them. Upti threw himself across the site throwing them clear but several stray 200lb blocks smashed him to the ground. His owner was distraught at the loss of his best worker but amazed as Upti rose from the wreckage anima grinding about him. He agreed to stay on to assist for a share of the business and extra training and his former master agreed readily. For what mortal could dream of enslaving a Prince of the Earth? Over the next five years his master sickened and died and Upti learn't more than he wanted to know about the darker side of doing business in Nexus. He still dreams of building mighty jade and silver towers or manses of brilliant serpentine and polished marble but for now he will look after his men and do the work that he takes. He hopes only that the blood and grime that cling to his hands does not sully the delicate plans that he sketches when he is alone..

He is a regular client at Weeping Willows Teahouse and is particularly fond of south eastern fruit teas as they remind him of the smell of his mothers hair. If he were approached about working on a hush hush subterranean restoration project he would be very interested. And yes he's quite happy to build stuff whilst others blow their hands off mucking around with First age boomsticks.